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We examine whether organizational form matters for a firm's cost of capital. Contrary to the conventional view, we argue that coinsurance among a firm's business units can reduce systematic risk through the avoidance of countercyclical deadweight costs. We find that diversified firms have, on average, a lower cost of capital than comparable portfolios of stand‐alone firms. In addition, diversified firms with less correlated segment cash flows have a lower cost of capital, consistent with a coinsurance effect. Holding cash flows constant, our estimates imply an average value gain of approximately 5% when moving from the highest to the lowest cash flow correlation quintile.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of firms’ board ties on bond yield spreads. Prior literature associates board connectedness with improved access to resources due to visibility and reputation arising from greater board capital. Consistent with the board capital hypothesis, we find that better connected firms are associated with greater media coverage and more ties to financial firms. Additionally, greater connectedness is linked with statistically and economically significant lower bond yield spreads, especially for firms with high information asymmetry. Our main result appears robust and includes significant negative (positive) changes in yield spreads to announcements of additions (departures) of highly connected directors.  相似文献   

This study investigates the differential impact that various dimensions of corporate social performance have on the pricing of corporate debt as well as the assessment of the credit quality of specific bond issues. The empirical analysis, based on an extensive longitudinal data set, suggests that overall, good performance is rewarded and corporate social transgressions are penalized through lower and higher corporate bond yield spreads, respectively. Similar conclusions can be drawn when focusing on either the bond rating assigned to a specific debt issue or the probability of it being considered to be an asset of speculative grade.  相似文献   

This article examines the association between underwriting syndicates and the cost of debt based on a sample of Chinese corporate bonds during 2007–2013. We find strong evidence that there is a negative relationship between forming underwriting syndicates and the cost of debt. The cost of bonds is more likely to decrease when the syndicate has more members—specifically, more joint managers. Additionally, by measuring the information asymmetry using several methods, we observe that this negative relationship is more pronounced when the information asymmetry between issuers and bond investors is more serious. The above results are robust after controlling for the potential endogeneity by constructing instrumental variables based on the unique setting of China’s corporate bond market.  相似文献   

吴赢  张翼  李广子 《金融论坛》2021,26(11):27-36
本文以2009-2016年A股上市公司为样本,采用双重差分模型研究高铁开通对公司债务融资成本的影响.研究表明,高铁开通提高开通地的银行竞争水平,从而降低公司债务融资成本.进一步研究表明,对于面临较强融资约束的公司,高铁开通对公司债务融资成本的降低作用更加显著.对处于金融市场化水平较低地区的公司,高铁开通对公司债务融资成本的降低作用更加显著.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which the span of corporate pyramids (as measured by the number of ownership layers) is associated with higher agency costs of debt, and whether conservatism can moderate the agency cost. Consistent with corporate pyramids generating higher agency costs and information asymmetries between corporate insiders and outside creditors, we find a positive association between the number of investment layers and cost of debt. However, we also find that multi-layered firms mitigate organizational opaqueness through increased financial reporting conservatism, which results in lower cost of debt capital. These findings provide new insights into the relationship between organizational structure and financial reporting quality.  相似文献   

The separate associations between financial leverage and valuation and between diversification and valuation have been widely researched. The joint function of leverage, diversification, and valuation, however, has received much less attention. Previous research shows that compared to specialized firms, diversified firms tend to have higher free cash flows and fewer high net present value investment opportunities. Consequently, the agency costs associated with potential overinvestment are greater for diversified firms. The literature also proposes that financial leverage should reduce agency costs. Consequently, we expect that the values of diversified firms increase with leverage. Our tests provide strong support for the hypothesis that the values of diversified firms increase with leverage. This tendency is not observed for specialized firms.JEL Classification:  相似文献   

Reversing Corporate Diversification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper studies the relation between corporate liquidity and diversification. The key finding is that multidivision firms hold significantly less cash than stand‐alone firms because they are diversified in their investment opportunities. Lower cross‐divisional correlations in investment opportunity and higher correlations between investment opportunity and cash flow correspond to lower cash holdings, even after controlling for cash flow volatility. The effects are strongest in financially constrained firms and in well‐governed firms, and correspond to efficient fund transfers from low‐ to high‐productivity divisions. Taken together, these results bring forth an efficient link between diversification and corporate liquidity.  相似文献   

2003年我国721家A股上市公司的多元化和相关财务数据表明,近一半的企业选择或维持多元化经营.经研究发现:股权结构对公司多元化经营决策和多元化绩效有显著影响:非国有控股公司较多实行多元化经营并且多元化绩效较好;控股股东持股比例越高,越不可能实行多元化经营,多元化绩效也越好.董事会特征、管理层持股对多元化经营决策和多元化绩效基本没有影响.公司负债率越高,实行多元化经营的可能性越大,多元化绩效越好.研究结果支持代理理论,多元化经营是控股股东谋取私利的方式.  相似文献   

Sustained high rate of inflation has led to the creation of debt instruments with variable interest rate. The availability of these debt instruments presents management with the problem of the choice of the optimal debt portfolio. This paper deals with this problem assuming a given, and optimal, debt to equity ratio. Given expected monetary value maximization, an efficient frontier is derived in terms of the expected net income and probability of bankruptcy, where net income is defined as operating income minus debt repayment. This efficient frontier is shown to be also mean-variance efficient. It is also shown that in most cases the optimal debt portfolio includes more than one debt instrument. In other words, the firm will avoid the policy of minimizing the expected cost of its debt repayments or the policy of minimizing the costs of bankruptcy. The optimal solution itself is affected by market variables like the relative expected cost of different debt instruments and by firm specific variables like the variability of its operating income stream, and the covariance between the operating income and the debt repayments.  相似文献   

We examine how effort and risk incentives embedded in CEO equity incentives are related to the cost of debt and the role credit worthiness plays in this relationship. Our empirical approach addresses a number of unanswered questions in the literature by examining the sources and effects of co‐movements in CEO incentives, whether the proportionality of these movements is rationally priced, and whether the effects are concentrated among bonds with greater likelihood of default. Our findings confirm that effort and risk incentives are rationally priced by bond market participants. We also show that significant cross‐sectional effects are more pronounced for speculative bonds, implying that previously documented links between equity incentives and the cost of debt may not be generalizable to all debt issues.  相似文献   

在欧美发达经济体中,环境污染责任保险在实现经济与环境可持续发展中发挥着重要作用.环境污染责任保险在中国尚处于推广阶段,企业投保意愿不强,参保率较低,急需提高企业对环境污染责任保险的价值认同.环境污染责任保险是否具有资金融通效应,是企业主动接纳该类保险的重要驱动因素.为检验环境污染责任保险能否为企业带来资金融通的价值,文...  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the disciplining role of banksand bank debt in the market for corporate control. We find thatrelationship bank lending intensity and bank client networkhave positive effects on the probability of a borrowing firmbecoming a target. This effect is enhanced in cases where thetarget and acquirer have a relationship with the same bank.Moreover, we utilize an experiment to show that the effectsof relationship bank lending intensity on takeover probabilityare not driven by endogeneity. Finally, we also investigatereasons motivating a bank's informational role in the marketfor corporate control.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new explanation for the large cross-sectionalvariation in the excess values of diversified firms. The modelapplies the idea of shareholders' limited liability affectingfirms' output market strategies to the analysis of financialand operating choices of conglomerates. The inability of conglomeratesto commit to unconstrained optimal operating strategies, followingfrom the lack of flexibility in choosing their divisions' capitalstructures, reduces their value. Thus, the model highlightsa new type of inefficiency of the conglomerate organizationalstructure, which is suboptimal financing. The predictions ofthe model are generally supported by the data.  相似文献   

We present a DSGE model where firms optimally choose among alternative instruments of external finance. The model is used to explain the evolving composition of corporate debt during the financial crisis of 2008–09, namely, the observed shift from bank finance to bond finance, at a time when the cost of market debt rose above the cost of bank loans. We show that the flexibility offered by banks on the terms of their loans and firms' ability to substitute among alternative instruments of debt finance are important to shield the economy from adverse real effects of a financial crisis.  相似文献   

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