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Organisations are increasingly establishing HRM Shared Service Models (SSMs) for the delivery of HRM. These SSMs are claimed to maximise usage of the advantages of centralised and decentralised delivery approaches while minimising the drawbacks of both. This article draws on concepts from the Resource-Based View, the Dynamic Capabilities Approach and from contingency models in order to advance the argument on HRM SSMs and their value for organisations. We propose a model that enables one to conceptualise the value created by an HRM SSM and that is contingent on the types of capabilities employed within it, the types of HRM services offered and the organisational model chosen.  相似文献   

文章从商业和商业劳动概念出发,辩证分析了"商业劳动创造价值"的观点,对建设资源节约型社会具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

The paper reviews existing literature on corporate responsibility (CR) in the port sector and proposes a conceptual framework that brings together the CR drivers in port environmental strategies. The conceptual framework is derived from the existing literature and is based on institutional theory. The literature review is supported by a discussion on CR strategies in 10 major ports around the world. The paper argues that ports tend to replicate environmental strategies across regions and learn from each other, and that a competitive focus on logistics tends to strengthen the importance of CR and in particular of environmental performance in ports. For some ports CR has become an integral part of their value creation proposition mostly as a result of competitive pressure. Furthermore, the paper advances also a correspondence between the degree of port agility and the CR profile of the port. Managerial and policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

公司经营价值评估方法主要有经济增加值法和自由现金流量折现法。经济增加值法能够从逻辑上说明公司经营价值的源泉,自由现金流量折现法能够较好地说明公司经营价值的本质。而基于价值创造基础的公司经营价值的评估方法综合上述两种方法的优点,不仅有利于理解价值的本质,更有利于理解价值的源泉,因此能够更好地帮助投资者实现价值管理和价值投资的目标。  相似文献   

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - Sport entrepreneurship has rapidly gained popularity in the entrepreneurship, management and sports fields due to the way it balances...  相似文献   

This study discusses the value-creation potential of supply management in firms, highlighting the significance of buyer–supplier collaboration, as well as resources and capabilities in the process. It is a conceptual study that builds on the theoretical basis of the resource-based view and the value net approach. Given the critical role of supply management in generating value the strategic emphasis in future should be on triple value creation. It is concluded that this cannot be achieved by focusing only on dyadic relationships or relationships in chains, and that supply relations should be viewed in a wider network context.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to define what is meant by clusters, their characteristics or determinants and the advantages they generate, focusing on the role they play in boosting entrepreneurship and new venture creation. In clusters, a balance is reached between cooperation and competition which becomes evident in the higher productivity of the companies because of their increased access to inputs, information, technology and institutions; or in greater innovation and venture creation. The cluster incentivizes the entry of new companies or start-ups. The hope is, then, that the new companies will revitalize specific regions where competitiveness has fallen and that entrepreneurship will contribute to economic development and improved country-wide competitiveness.
ángeles Montoro-Sánchez (Corresponding author)Email:

热水器行业现状 热水器行业发展史可以追溯到20世纪70年代末,当时诞生了我国第一台燃气热水器,并以其方便、快捷的特性,立即得到广大消费者的青睐,从而揭开了燃气热水器在中国发展的新纪元.经过20多年的发展,整个热水器行业已经从最初的小而少发展到现在的大而多,产品类型也随着技术的不断成熟由最初的燃气热水器独领风骚发展到今天的燃气式、电热式、太阳能等多种类型.近年来,热水器行业被认为是利润丰厚的最有前途的行业之一,这也是投资者均看好该行业的原因.  相似文献   

Understanding of the relationship between the costs of the firm and the value the firm provides to its customers is the key to the ability of the firm to reach its profit potential. From this perspective the firm needs to have a thorough understanding of its activities, their costs and their relation to market prices. Advanced cost management studies and practices suggest a variety of different tools that help us understand the relationship between value and cost. However, most of these studies provide us with qualitative tools only. An exception is studies related to product cost planning, as in the case of target costing or value analysis/value engineering. This paper, while being a part of emerging literature on strategic cost management, extends the existing knowledge of the relationship between costs and value by introducing the value creation model (VCM). In particular, the VCM model defines the firms' cost structure in terms of value added, non-value added but required activities, as well as of waste. A firm's cost structure is aligned with value attributes embedded in products and services. The VCM model seeks to understand the trade-off between what the customer is willing to pay for a product/service bundle (value) and the cost the firm bears to provide what the customer desires. Based on these trade-offs, VCM defines value multipliers, which help the firm determine which activities the firm should focus on in order to develop a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model to visualize service delivery processes is proposed — mostly by pulling together concepts and relationships explored in varions functional areas. It is based on the notion of value chain and emphasizes the connectedness — both internal and external — of activity nodes. Productivity, service quality, job enlargement and enrichment and quality of worklife all hinge on how activities are grouped and on the nature and extent of interaction between nodes. Through its dual emphasis on internal and external client interfaces and on focused activity nodes, the model may be a useful tool for service and service delivery process (SDP) designers trying to explore new and innovative ways to compete. It may be of particular assistance in the defensive or proactive assessment of the most complex impacts of information technology.  相似文献   

According to traditional concepts of hospital governance, each institution is considered responsible for the care of a defined community. Evaluation of hospital performance and effective service planning both require that hospitals' service communities be identified. However, in metropolitan regions it is difficult to associate a geographic population with any one hospital because of the wide choice of facilities available to area residents. The service community concept becomes more meaningful in these regions if several hospitals with overlapping geographic communities are defined as a cluster.This paper describes a two-step method for identifying hospital clusters and their associated service communities. The first step involves analysis of patient origin data to identify logical clusters of hospitals. Three algorithms for performing this analysis are presented. In the second step, analytical findings are reviewed by a panel of area planners and hospital experts who, considering additional qualitative factors, determine how the hospitals may be most appropriately grouped. Experience in using this method for hospitals in the seven-county region around Detroit, Michigan suggests that reasonable clusters can be identified, although clusters of central city hospitals are less well-defined than those in the suburban areas.  相似文献   

The main objective of this research is to study gender differences in the process of firm creation, especially in the gestation stage of that process when nascent entrepreneurs carry out the promoter behaviours. A second objective is to analyse if the cognitive and structural endowments of social capital exert an influence on the promoter behaviours and on the kind of firms created by entrepreneurs of both genders. To reach the objectives, firstly, a theoretical framework will be developed and secondly, an empirical analysis starting from a sample of nascent entrepreneurs in the Seville province (southern Spain) will be carried out. Due to women entrepreneurs being considered nowadays essential for growth and development everywhere, results obtained could help to improve the efficiency of policies that lead to the promotion and consolidation of the female participation rate in entrepreneurial activity.   相似文献   

企业并购:通过知识互补创造价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对已有的企业并购动因理论做了回顾,并探讨了持久竞争优势的来源,认为企业并购就是通过知识互补创造价值的过程.  相似文献   

We study corporate spinoffs with changes in CEO compensation to examine how spinoffs affect managerial incentive compensation and whether the changes in managerial compensation can explain the value enhancement and operating performance improvements that occur following spinoffs. Analyzing a sample of 124 non-taxable spinoffs during 1990–1997, we find that changes in incentive compensation are a significant motive for spinoffs. Changes in managerial incentives alone are consistent with the post-spinoff changes in operating performance, while changes in business focus are not. Spinoffs that are not accompanied by enhanced pay-performance relationship do not improve operating performance even with increased business focus. (JELG34, J33)  相似文献   

Public procurement has struggled to fulfill its mission to create public value due to a narrow interpretation of value emphasizing the costs of procured goods and services. A holistic view of multidimensional value creation in the context of public procurement has received limited research attention despite a significant body of research on the potential benefits associated with public procurement. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by analyzing the value components and means of value creation developed through public procurement activities. We conduct a systematic literature review and content analysis of 171 research articles to determine the constituents of the value of public procurement and the practices needed to achieve them. Using the theoretical lens of the practice-based view, we propose a conceptual framework that holistically integrates different components of the value of public procurement for the public buyer, supplier, and user, along with the practices needed to achieve them. The study contributes to the literature by offering a multidimensional conceptual framework, a structured review of value components and associated practices, and the application of the practice-based view as the theoretical lens, all of which have implications for practice and theory.  相似文献   

本文揭示了理财的本质及其演变与发展的内在动因,试图从探索理财的内在逻辑角度出发,找寻构建财务理论及理财学科的基石.  相似文献   

Innovation has been identified as the single most relevant element in fuelling corporations’ competitive advantage and ultimate value creation. Corporations no longer rely on a single, linear structure of innovation; the new paradigm of open innovation opens up new possibilities of organizing innovation within the ecosystem, thus giving rise to new drivers for value creation. These value drivers have an impact on the strategic position of the firm and have the ability to create superior financial performance. In this paper we explore the close relationship between open innovation and value creation and propose a framework to analyze this process as well as the most critical elements involved.  相似文献   

Safety issues are generally ignored in the innovation of services for internal and external customers. The purpose of this study is to provide a safety mechanism framework for process innovation in medical service industry. This study applies action research to develop a safety framework for process innovation. The practicality of the proposed method is demonstrated using a case study of Cesarean sections in Taiwan. The proposed step for safety process innovation and safety process innovation framework (SPIF) were verified by eight experts and tested with Delphi. The most important concept concerning SPIF is that it provides a clear framework for evaluating the risk of potential failure in each subsystem of process in innovation.  相似文献   

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