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广州旅游业与经济发展互动关系检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同地区的经济发展和旅游资源禀赋的差异导致了地区旅游业与经济发展之间的关系不尽相同。通过利用广州旅游业和经济发展的数据,实证检验了两者之间的关系。协整检验结果揭示出两者之间具有长期稳定的均衡关系,格兰杰因果检验表明广州的经济发展对旅游业具有明显的带动效应。在检验结果的基础上诠释了实证结论并剖析了其中的政策蕴涵。  相似文献   

"油荒"考问中国 从2004年夏天席卷长三角的"电荒"到2005年酷暑侵淫珠三角的"油荒",无情的事实彻底改写了中国"地大物博,矿产丰富"的历史标签,也使得中国的能源底牌大白于世.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - This paper aims to provide an economic valuation of the Pisa Charterhouse, a renowned monastic complex built in the fourteenth century, located in the Tuscany region of...  相似文献   

The use of causal diagrams and interpretations to elaborate the interplay between theory and research has stimulated much interest in the application of theory construction procedures to research practice. However, when applied to efforts to combine structural models and measurement models within a single framework, the application of causal theoretical interpretations can be shown to be flawed in a way that undermines rather than enhances our understanding of the interplay between theory and empirical research. At the heart of the problem is the practice of equating the relationships in the structural model with those in the measurement model through the invocation of “causality” relationships. Abandoning this allows us to avoid the reification of theoretical concepts and provides a basis for understanding multivariate research as a process of theoretical model-building.  相似文献   

The information sector, delineated as encompassing activities associated with the production and dissemination of information goods and services, is recognised as a dynamic growth sector in developed as well as newly-industrialising countries. Using an input-output methodology, this paper attempts to measure the magnitude and assess the economic impact of the information sector in Singapore. The results are found to be favourable although a number of caveats may be raised regarding its apparent import dependency and foreign exchange earning capability, which has turned from positive to negative over the ten-year period 1973–83. Other issues are also raised concerning the institutional framework, both domestic and international, necessary to support the sector both efficiently and flexibly. Policy implications are drawn from the results of the input-output analysis to consolidate and reinforce current policies to promote information technology in Singapore.  相似文献   

区域旅游合作理念早在20世纪80年代末就已产生,并在20多年里经历了多个发展阶段,同时许多地方政府间也签订了一系列促进区域旅游合作的框架协议。但是,就目前的区域旅游合作发展程度来看,现有的合作成效不是很明显。通过构建三个主要指标11条标准,对中国现存的区域旅游合作制度框架协议进行了评析。结果显示:区域旅游合作框架协议存在的问题包括不具有指导性和约束性,具体如何落实不明晰;对区域旅游合作中的纠纷,解决的方式主要以行政协调手段为主。  相似文献   

我国旅游业的信息化建设与发展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
胡云 《城市问题》2004,(2):50-52
分析了我国旅游业信息化建设中旅游电子商务、旅游网站、旅游信息系统发展的现状,提出了适应国际旅游市场出现的网络化、高技术化新态势的旅游业信息化发展的应对措施.  相似文献   

We estimate the global costs and other implications of the need to treat wastewater before it can be re-used. We extend the World Trade Model by creating water treatment sectors and provide alternative sources of water for satisfying users’ quantity and quality requirements. The database distinguishes qualities and quantities of water endowments, sectoral water requirements, and wastewater discharges. We estimate that global water treatment costs could be reduced by several trillion dollars if water endowments were maintained at higher quality than currently is the case. Under scenarios where water quality degrades further, the treatment costs more than double even without taking account of likely increases in quality requirements. This modeling framework provides a starting point not only for more detailed empirical investigations of water management strategies, but also for examining prospects and associated costs for recovering other resources, such as metals, which can be reused multiple times.  相似文献   

Decisions in Economics and Finance - Equilibrium is a central concept in numerous disciplines including economics, management science, operations research, and engineering. We are concerned with an...  相似文献   

In this paper an attempt is made to distinguish three types of ethical orientation. The first one, individually oriented ethics, consists of a set of norms regulating the social behavior of people in which the predominating norms are those which regulate behavior towards other members of small, more or less informal, groups. The second one, socially oriented ethics, does not so much evaluate the personal qualities of the individual nor the various elements of his conduct as a person, but rather the effects caused by the fact that he occupies a definite position in the social structure. Empirical data—based on Polish and American studies—support these distinctions. The third type of ethics, which emerged recently and is based on the concern about population growth, human resources, environment, etc., says that the earth is the only and common home for different social systems. It embraces also the relation of mankind to all other living creatures. This is global ethics.  相似文献   

丁军 《城市问题》2007,(12):85-88
从业主经济自治组织制度建设存在的问题出发,剖析了业主自治组织处境艰难,不能有效行使管理主体的权利,同时也难以承担管理主体责任的原因,进而对北京社区物业管理中业主经济自治组织的制度创新提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

Forecasting approaches that exploit analogies require the grouping of analogous time series as the first modeling step; however, there has been limited research regarding the suitability of different segmentation approaches. We argue that an appropriate analytical segmentation stage should integrate and trade off different available information sources. In particular, it should consider the actual time series patterns, in addition to the variables that characterize the drivers behind the patterns observed. The simultaneous consideration of both information sources, without prior assumptions regarding the relative importance of each, leads to a multicriteria formulation of the segmentation stage. Here, we demonstrate the impact of such an adjustment to segmentation on the final forecasting accuracy of the cross-sectional multi-state Kalman filter. In particular, we study the relative merits of single and multicriteria segmentation stages for a simulated data set with a range of noise levels. We find that a multicriteria approach consistently achieves a more reliable recovery of the original clusters, and this feeds forward to an improved forecasting accuracy across short forecasting horizons. We then use a US data set on income tax liabilities to verify that this result generalizes to a real-world setting.  相似文献   

We present a new approach for the economic analysis of countries, which we apply to the case of the Netherlands. Our study is based on a novel way to quantify exported products’ complexity and countries’ fitness which has been recently introduced in the literature. Adopting a framework in which products are clustered in sectors, we compare the different branches of the export of the Netherlands, taking into account the time evolution of their volumes, complexities and competitivenesses in the years 1995–2010. The High Tech and Life Sciences sectors share high quality products but low competitiveness; the opposite is true for Horticulture and Energy. We analyze in detail the Chemicals sector, finding a declining global complexity which is mostly driven by a shift towards products of lower quality. A growth forecast is also provided. In light of our results we suggest a differentiation in policy between the country’s self-defined industrial sectors.  相似文献   

当前,我国经济下行压力持续加大,经济发展进入“新常态”,发展动力从要素驱动转向创新驱动, “大众创业、万众创新”成为经济发展的重要引擎.同时,北京城市战略定位也发生重大调整,非首都功能加快疏解、京津冀协同发展加速推进.外部宏观环境变化对北京来说既是机遇也是挑战.北京要紧抓机遇在全国率先实现创新驱动发展,加快构建“高精尖”经济结构,有力推动首都经济创新发展和转型升级,打造引领全国、辐射周边的创新发展战略高地.  相似文献   

This article investigates the differences across and the need to consider both the client and vendor perspective in evaluating international sourcing (offshoring) success and highlights the need for incorporating relational factors into the success assessment rather than focusing solely on financial or operational outcomes (e.g., projects delivered on time, within budgeted costs). We take an expanded view of project success (using relational/process dimensions) and provide insight into how client and vendor firms evaluate success differently across relational dimensions and how relational factors play a key role in achieving success. Based on the findings, propositions are presented to guide future offshoring success research.  相似文献   

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