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Bogin Alexander N. Doerner William M. Larson William D. 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2019,58(2):201-222
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - Mortgage credit risk measurement hinges on the choice of a house price stress path, which is used to project loan losses and determine financial... 相似文献
It is widely recognized that options and futures markets for housing can reduce and manage the risks inherent in consumers’
large investments in housing equity. The integrity of such markets depends, however, upon the use of transparent and replicable
benchmarks for house prices and settlement values. In the USA, a series of state and metropolitan indexes have been produced
by a government agency (the US Office of Housing Enterprise Oversight, OFHEO), and they have been widely disseminated for
over a decade. By construction, the entire historical path of each of these indexes is, in principle, subject to revision
quarterly, that is, every time the index is recalculated and data are published. This paper provides the first analysis of
the magnitude and bias of these revisions, and it analyzes their systematic effects on the settlement prices in housing options
markets. The paper considers the implications of these magnitudes for the development of risk-reducing futures markets.
John M. QuigleyEmail: |
本文利用结构VAR模型分析了我国货币供应量对居民消费价格指数和房屋销售价格指数的影响,并通过1978年至2009年的经验检验,发现我国货币供应量对居民消费价格指数和房屋销售价格指数的影响较为显著,居民消费价格指数与房屋销售价格指数会此消彼长,并且,货币供应量对居民消费价格指数的影响存在半年到一年的滞后期。基于此,我们认为,在当前货币供应量持续处于高位、房地产价格被严格控制的背景下,要加倍警惕2010年下半年至2011年上半年居民消费价格指数上涨,从而产生通货膨胀局面的形成。 相似文献
Spatial Dependence,Housing Submarkets,and House Price Prediction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Steven C. Bourassa Eva Cantoni Martin Hoesli 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2007,35(2):143-160
This paper compares alternative methods of controlling for the spatial dependence of house prices in a mass appraisal context.
Explicit modeling of the error structure is characterized as a relatively fluid approach to defining housing submarkets. This
approach allows the relevant submarket to vary from house to house and for transactions involving other dwellings in each
submarket to have varying impacts depending on distance. We conclude that—for our Auckland, New Zealand, data—the gains in
accuracy from including submarket variables in an ordinary least squares specification are greater than any benefits from
using geostatistical or lattice methods. This conclusion is of practical importance, as a hedonic model with submarket dummy
variables is substantially easier to implement than spatial statistical methods.
Martin HoesliEmail: |
本文通过构建一个异质性代理人模型,刻画了收入差距通过信贷渠道影响房价的作用机制。研究表明,收入差距的缩小提升了低收入者的收入占比,使该类人群获得了更多的外部融资进行购房,由此产生了两方面效应:(1)信贷约束放松降低了住房流动性溢价,从而对房价产生负向影响;(2)收入上涨增加了住房边际效用较高的低收入者对房价正向影响的权重,从而使住房需求上升的效应抵消了此前的负向影响,最终促进房价上涨。通过对1970-2017年44个国家的进一步分析发现,相比于高收入者收入的下降,低收入者收入占比的上升在放松信贷约束和提升房价方面具有更显著的作用。据此本文认为:一方面要通过增加住房供给来化解城市化率提升与高房价之间的内在矛盾;另一方面,在经济增速放缓的时期,缩小收入差距,推动以“人”为核心的高质量城市化,并引导信贷资源向低收入群体倾斜是当前促进国内大循环、稳定社会融资规模和房地产市场的重要手段。 相似文献
再售期权、货币幻觉与商品住宅价格泡沫 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
再售期权和货币幻觉两个因素分别从投资者对未来现金流分布的信念差异和对贴现率估计偏差的角度解释房地产价格泡沫的形成和膨胀。本文以上海商品住宅市场为例,运用动态剩余价值模型从租金房价比角度测度上海房价泡沫水平,并检验再售期权和货币幻觉对上海房价泡沫的解释作用。经验分析发现,上海商品住宅市场存在再售期权和货币幻觉效应,其中货币幻觉效应对房价泡沫影响具有不对称性但解释作用更强,建议应重点关注高通胀和实际负利率对房价泡沫的影响。 相似文献
PAUL E. CARRILLO WILLIAM M. DOERNER WILLIAM D. LARSON 《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》2023,55(4):747-782
The transaction price of identical housing units can vary widely due to heterogeneity in buyer and seller preferences, matching, and search costs, generating what we term “markups” above or below the average market price. We measure markups for 3.4 million purchase-money mortgages and show that they can predict mortgage defaults and credit losses conditional on default even after accounting for collateral coverage (loan-to-value ratio) and a comprehensive set of other covariates. The findings suggest that standard collateral coverage estimation may be inaccurate, with implications for both individual and portfolio-level credit risk assessment. 相似文献
本文通过构建包含家庭住房抵押借款摩擦和银行贷款摩擦的动态随机一般均衡模型,重点考察了异质性冲击下房价波动对金融稳定的影响。研究发现,房价上涨会导致银行风险溢价及杠杆率显著上升,进而加剧金融体系的内在不稳定。为降低房价波动及维护金融稳定,选取两类宏观审慎政策工具进行逆周期调控实验,结果表明,在住房需求冲击下,金融管理部门应选取贷款价值比政策,且应对房贷积极调控,而对房价进行中性调控。在最终产品部门生产率冲击、房地产部门生产率冲击及跨期偏好冲击下,应选取资本充足率政策,但对房贷和房价调控力度的把握则存在差异。本研究为厘清房价波动对金融稳定的动态传导机制,以及金融管理部门如何选取宏观审慎政策工具以稳定房价并降低系统性金融风险提供了启示。 相似文献
Numerous collapses and corporate scandals of large corporations have underscored the impact of corporate conduct on capital markets and society as a whole. These failures have highlighted the need for regulators to rethink regulatory frameworks and enforcement, and for corporations to rework their organizational structures and focus on business ethics. Establishing a clear understanding of the drivers of corporate failure is therefore key. In this paper, we review recent research that extends the debate on the causes and consequence of corporate failures. 相似文献
Trading Frictions and House Price Dynamics 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We model liquidity in housing markets. The model provides a simple characterization for the joint process of prices, sales, and inventory. We compare the implications of the model to certain properties of housing markets. The model can generate the large price changes and the positive correlation between prices and sales that we see in the data. Unlike the data, prices are negatively autocorrelated and high inventory predicts price appreciation. We investigate several amendments to the model. Informational frictions show promise. 相似文献
当前,行业上下都在积极响应政府主管部门以及中国注册会计师协会作出的促进会计师事务所做大做强的决定。事务所究竟该选择一条什么样的发展道路来做大做强?政府和行业协会如何采取实际的措施推动事务所做大做强?这里以我所在的事务所的发展探索为样本,探讨一下事务所做大做强的道路选择问题。一、规范化是事务所做大做强的基础2004年11月的中注协第四次全国会员代表大会上,金人庆部长代表财政部提出了注册会计师行业未来五年的奋斗目标——“基本形成一套质量和风险控制严格、竞争有力有序的会计师事务所内部管理科学机制”。对金部长的话,… 相似文献
Andres Jauregui Alan Tidwell Diane Hite 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2017,54(1):117-137
We extend the literature on house price cash differentials in important ways. First, our paper is the first to employ methods to correct for sample selection bias, using both switching regression and propensity score matching of cash vs. non-cash transactions. We use selection models to produce price counterfactuals for cash and noncash buyers. We also include both average treatment effect and a propensity score weighted selection models. From the selection models, we find that previous studies likely overstate the cash discount. Results from counterfactual tests examining cash discounts suggest amplified cash discounts in areas with close proximity to an environmental hazard; and also a pricing differential based on CBG level income, with purchasers in high income areas more likely to pay a cash premium compared to market participants in areas with comparably lower income, where a cash discount is detected. These results provide useful insights for market participants including real estate appraisers, brokers, and buyers and sellers of real estate. 相似文献
ANDREA FERRERO 《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》2015,47(Z1):261-293
Domestic factors, such as credit and preference shocks, can explain the negative correlation between house prices and the current account in the U.S. and several other countries before the recent crisis. These shocks, however, cannot account for the fall of world real interest rates observed in the data. Expansionary monetary policy shocks in the U.S., coupled with exchange rate pegs to the dollar in emerging economies, are crucial to understanding the evolution of the real interest rate. Yet, monetary policy factors play virtually no role for house prices and the current account. 相似文献
Accurate estimation of prevailing metropolitan housing prices is important for both business and research investigations of housing and mortgage markets. This is typically done by constructing quality-adjusted house price indices from hedonic price regressions for given metropolitan areas. A major limitation of currently available indices is their insensitivity to the geographic location of dwellings within the metropolitan area. Indices are constructed based on models that do not incorporate the underlying spatial structure in housing data sets. In this article, we argue that spatial structure, especially spatial dependence latent in housing data sets, will affect the precision and accuracy of resulting price estimates. We illustrate the importance of spatial dependence in both the specification and estimation of hedonic price models. Assessments are made on the importance of spatial dependence both on parameter estimates and on the accuracy of resulting indices. 相似文献
Case Bradford Pollakowski Henry O. Wachter Susan M. 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》1997,14(1-2):173-187
This article examines the characteristics and price behavior of repeatedly transacted properties. Using data from four U.S. counties, we estimate hedonic price models of properties grouped by transaction frequency, and compare estimated standard deviations and estimated appreciation rates by group.For each of four counties studied, we find that estimated house price appreciation is systematically higher among properties that transact more frequently. One possible explanation for this result is that purchasers make property improvements that are not adequately reflected in the available data.We also find that estimated standard deviations of the disturbance term show a marked decrease as the frequency of transaction increases. Since frequently transacting properties are not found to be systematically more homogeneous than seldomly transacting properties, we do not attribute this to any increase in homogeneity for frequently transacting properties, but rather to the length of time elapsed between transactions of properties.The findings of this article suggest that repeat-sales price models may need to be adjusted to account for cross-sectional variation in transaction probabilities---that is, the selectivity of the subsample of properties that transacted (or transacted repeatedly) during any finite study period. 相似文献
Sae Woon Park Doo Woan Bahng Yun W. Park 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2010,40(3):332-367
This paper studies the causal relationship between house prices and the access to bank lending in Kangnam, the hottest submarket
in Seoul and four ‘cold’ markets which have shown relatively modest price increases. In response to the rapid escalation of
house prices in Seoul, primarily in Kangnam in recent years, the Korean government implemented a number of policies to stabilize
house prices. In particular, it introduced more strict limits on loan-to-value ratio and debt-to-income ratio as part of the
mortgage loan qualification process in order to restrict the availability of bank lending for the housing market. The short-run
influence of the bank lending on the apartment prices is clearly present in ‘cold’ markets, while it is not in Kangnam, the
‘hot’ market, even though the long-run influence is stronger in Kangnam than in the other markets. This result holds for the
entire sample period (1999–2006) as well as for the subperiods before and after the introduction of lending restrictions in
August, 2005. It also holds for Kangnam and Kangbuk for an extended period of 1988 to 2006. Our results suggest that in the
short run the lending restriction may cause a disruption in untargeted housing markets while it has little influence on the
apartment prices in the targeted market. We also find that banks have adjusted the bank lending in response to changes in
the house prices in Kangnam as well as in the other markets. 相似文献
Daichun Yi Xiaoying Deng Gang-Zhi Fan Seow Eng Ong 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2018,57(3):502-533
Numerous Chinese families choose to reside together with their elderly parents due to the considerable impacts of conventional values such as filial duty in Chinese society. However, as house prices rocketed up in major Chinese cities over the past decade, this arrangement is facing a sizeable challenge, therefore also raising new research question about it. This paper attempts to investigate the phenomenon of co-residence of adult children with their elderly parents in China. Using the 2013 data of China Household Finance Survey (CHFS), we document that house price is indeed a significant determinant for the pattern of intergenerational co-residence. Our empirical results can provide interesting insights into the important implication of rising house price for household residential arrangements in this country. 相似文献
Jauregui Andres Tidwell Alan Sah Vivek 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2019,58(3):366-407
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - This study examines house transaction price differentials observed among funding type combinations; accounting for potential sample selection and... 相似文献
Spatial and Temporal Dependence in House Price Prediction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Xiaolong Liu 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2013,47(2):341-369
This paper incorporates spatial and temporal dependence among housing transactions in predicting future house prices. We employ the spatiotemporal autoregressive model and structure the spatial and temporal weighting matrices as in Pace et al. (1998). We control for the time variation of both the attribute prices and the spatial and temporal dependence parameters through performing the analysis on an annual basis. Spatial heterogeneity is accounted for using experience-based definition of submarkets by real estate professionals. Using a comprehensive housing transaction data set from the Dutch Randstad region, we show that integrating the spatial and temporal dependence within the hedonic modeling improves the prediction power as compared to traditional hedonic model that neglects these effects. 相似文献
Felix Schindler 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2014,48(1):132-163
This paper extends the analysis of predictability and persistence of inflation-adjusted house price movements in the UK housing market both on a regional level across 13 regions and on a nationwide level. Applying a univariate time series approach, the results from the quarterly transaction-based Nationwide Building Society indices from 1974 to 2009 provide empirical evidence for a high persistence of house price movements. In addition to conducting parametric and non-parametric tests, we provide technical trading strategies as a robustness check to compare predictability across markets and to test whether or not the detected persistence can also be used for detecting turning points in the market. The empirical findings from the technical trading strategies support the results from the statistical tests. Moving average-based trading strategies perform extremely well in the southern regions, while trading strategies are less profitable for the northern regions and Wales. Thus, from an investors’ perspective, there are excess real returns from moving average-based strategies compared to a buy-and-hold strategy for most regional markets. From a household perspective, the findings support the importance of derivative markets where households could hedge their risk exposure from being homeowner. 相似文献