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The purpose of this study is two folds: firstly, to analyze the direction of causality between corruption and political instability directly and secondly, to determine the causality between corruption and political instability indirectly through judicial inefficiency in Pakistan. The causality between corruption, political instability and judicial inefficiency is tested by applying Toda–Yamamoto Granger causality test. The results show that there is a lack of direct causal relationship between corruption and political instability. However, political instability and corruption cause each other indirectly through judicial inefficiency. The study highlights the critical role of judicial inefficiency leading to an important policy implication.  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirically whether consumer sentiments indices, based on surveys complied by GfK, forecast household consumption types for the UK. Firstly, we use a quantitative equation approach to assess whether the indices are able to forecast household consumption growth in addition to traditional variables, which are included as control variables. Subsequently, using qualitative directional analysis, we investigate whether the indices are accurate and useful predictors as well. We find that, broadly speaking, both the headline, or aggregate, and the major purchasing indices have some predictive powers in addition to the control variables and are also directionally accurate and useful.  相似文献   

企业家的素质高低直接决定了企业的成败.显然,不同企业对企业家的素质要求不同,不同国家对企业家的素质要求也有差异.  相似文献   

Quality of work life: perspectives and directions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The values that quality of work life (QWL) has brought to the workplace are in danger of being lost, say authors Nadler and Lawler; to avert this danger, they debunk several "definitions" of the concept that miss the point, give it a precise definition, and spell out ways to use it successfully. They delineate six factors that they believe separate more successful from less successful QWL efforts. The first success factor is a perception of need--that is, in successful efforts organization members actually perceive a problem. Second, the problem is salient to the organization. Third, a structure for participation is created. Fourth, rewards are provided both for the processes and for the outcomes of QWL activities. Fifth, multiple levels of management are involved. And, finally, QWL involves all organization members in a way that avoids "we-they" rivalries. With these factors in mind, the authors conclude that three major components of QWL efforts must be managed well if they are to succeed: (1) development of projects at different levels; (2) changes in management systems and structure; and (3) changes in senior management behavior--that is, if the QWL effort is to be credible to organization members, there must be some specific, tangible QWL activity in which senior managers participate.  相似文献   

Considering family labor and hired labor as heterogeneous inputs, we present a theoretical framework in which the optimal decisions of a farm household on on-farm family and hired labor, off-farm labor supply, and leisure are determined uniquely and endogenously. Focusing on two alternative settings with and without off-farm employment constraints, we show that imperfect substitutability between family labor and hired labor is not critical to the separation of household production and consumption. The validity of the separation proposition is shown to depend crucially on whether or not the availability of off-farm job opportunities is limited. We further examine how changes in external economic conditions and government policies affect the time allocation decisions of the household, as well as the composition of household income (i.e., on-farm income and off-farm labor earnings).  相似文献   

The authors of this paper adopt a Solow–Swan model extended to include demographic variables to analyze the overall effect of demographic transition on economic growth. The results, based on data from seventy countries over the period 1961–2003, reveal that GDP per capita growth is positively related to the growth differential between the working-age population and the total population, and negatively related to child and old-age dependency ratios. Based on these results, they find that population dynamics explain 46 percent of economic growth in per capita GDP in China over the period 1961–2003, 39 percent in India, and 25 percent in Pakistan. Furthermore, population dynamics are expected to have a positive effect on economic growth in India and Pakistan over the period 2005–2050, and a negative effect in China.  相似文献   

Ida  Rachmah  Saud  Muhammad  Mashud  Musta’in 《Quality and Quantity》2020,54(4):1285-1297
Quality & Quantity - Youth participation in political matters has gained attention among people around the globe where youth involvement in certain political activities has been witnessed (of...  相似文献   

1体质与物质生活质量物质是健康的基础。无论什么人,为了保持身体健康,都必须使自己的物质生活达到一定的水平。可是,在具备了一定的物质生活条件之后,却并不一定就能保证身体健康。从1997年到2000年,国家体育总局和教育部的相关机构,用三年时间进行了国民体质监测,监测结果表明:我国公民的体质总体上呈逐年下降趋势,主要表现有三:一是身高降低;二是体重增大;三是机能减退。值得注意的是,这三年正是我国人民物质生活质量大幅度提高的三年。为什么物质生活质量提高了,国民体质反而下降了呢?专家们经过分析后认为,最…  相似文献   

文章从电力企业设备检修工期、质量和效益总体关系、相对层次关系、对立统一关系、矛盾运动关系等角度,系统地阐述了检修工期、质量和效益之间的辩证关系,提出在协调并处理好这些关系过程中存在的问题、难点以及解决的途径。  相似文献   

文章从电力企业设备检修工期、质量和效益总体关系、相对层次关系、对立统一关系、矛盾运动关系等角度,系统地阐述了检修工期、质量和效益之间的辩证关系,提出在协调并处理好这些关系过程中存在的问题、难点以及解决的途径。  相似文献   

董健 《企业活力》2012,(8):28-32
在实践中,中国服务业发展迅速,但营销水平有待提高,很多管理人员对营销以及服务管理的理解有限。在理论中,对感知服务质量各个维度、顾客满意和顾客忠诚之间的关系讨论很多,尚无定论。实证研究发现,是顾客满意正向影响感知服务质量各个因子,而不是相反,说明基于交易的顾客满意会影响对服务进行长期综合评价的感知服务质量。只有忠诚度一个因子影响顾客忠诚,因此企业在培养忠诚顾客上应该有所侧重。顾客满意和顾客忠诚的关系被验证并非线性关系,在线性方程模型中未能验证成功。  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, China's cities have undergone massive spatial restructuring in the wake of market reforms and economic growth. One consequence has been a rapid migration of urban residents to the periphery. Some movers have been forced out either by rising urban rents or government reclamation of their residences. Others have relocated willingly to modernized housing or for other lifestyle reasons. This article examines the effects of relocation to the urban edge on household well-being. It explores the factors underlying changes in housing and transportation costs as households move to the periphery. The research also examines whether those who moved involuntarily are affected differently from those who moved by choice. Results show that, relative to those who moved by choice, involuntary movers are disproportionately and adversely affected in terms of job accessibility, commute time, housing consumption and disposable income. The findings also show that, compared with higher-income households, lower-income groups are disproportionately affected in relation to housing costs, accessibility losses, disposable income and household worker composition. These results indicate that relocation compensation for involuntarily relocated households should be expanded to include more than just housing value: it should encompass urban location changes, household needs and relocation costs.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamic linkages between income inequality, international remittances and economic growth using time series data over the period of 1976–2006 in case of Pakistan. The cointegration analysis based on the bounds test confirms the existence of a long-run relationship between income inequality, international remittances and economic growth. Our results reveal that income inequality and international remittances enhance economic growth. The causality analysis based on innovative accounting approach shows bidirectional causal relationship between income inequality and economic growth and same is true for international remittances and income inequality. International remittances are cause of economic growth but not vice versa. Although we find support for Kuznets hypothesis but Pakistan is yet to benefit, in terms of reducing the gaps of income inequality, from the international flow of remittances and economic growth. The paper argues that, from a policy perspective, there is an urgent need for policy makers in Pakistan to reduce the widening gap of income inequality by focusing on income redistribution policies and to go beyond the traditional factors in balancing income inequality.  相似文献   

南京市城市地价分布特征与区位影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据南京市2002年至2007年土地市场交易数据资料,首先通过初步统计,直观地观察南京市土地交易状况,然后利用Eviews软件对城市地价进行统计分析,建立特征价格模型,研究南京市地价的空间分布规律和影响因素.研究表明,南京市地价空间结构处于由工业化阶段向郊区化阶段转变的过渡阶段.  相似文献   

This paper uses quarterly price data and examines the transmission of shocks across different spatially separated locations besides identifying causality among these locations. Johansen and Juselius’s (Econ. Stat., 52, 160–210, 1990) multivariate cointegration procedure identified two cointegrating vectors among these locations. Following Toda and Yamamoto (J. Econom., 66, 225–250, 1995), causality tests showed only one bi-directional causality and it was between Peshawar and Hyderabad locations. Faisalabad and Sargodha appeared independent (i.e. exogenous) market locations in price discovery process. Peshawar market showed maximum (i.e. 5) number of significant links. The generalized impulse response functions, though, suggested similar (cyclical) pattern of responses across the markets, but their time profile, which provides insight into the system’s speed of convergence to long run equilibrium path, varied with different level of extent and persistency. Responses to shock originating in consumption markets (i.e. Karachi, Peshawar and Lahore) remained short lived; whereas the shocks stemming from surplus wheat producing locations (i.e Multan, Sargodha and Faisalabad) produced long and more persistent responses.   相似文献   

文章首先针对“中小企业产学研合作中,潜在的合作策略如何在不合作占优势的环境中取得立足之地”这一命题,从分析中小企业与学研机构自身的性质特征出发,寻找两大组织合作的必然性,同时也发现两者合作的艰巨性.这一艰巨性为中小企业产学研合作的“囚徒困境”的产生埋下隐患.然后基于参与人都是理性的假设,揭示了中小企业产学研合作的“囚徒困境”的形成过程,并由此得出结论:改变博弈结构是破解中小企业产学研结合中“囚徒困境”的根本之道.  相似文献   

王恩泽 《质量春秋》2006,(11):23-27
前言 国家认可委将“规范工作,提高认证的有效性”作为“十一五”的开局的战略目标。并提出认证的有效性是安身立命之本。这告戒我们今年体系认证的重要任务之一,就是提高体系认证的有效性。  相似文献   

在商品日益趋近同质化的今天,企业通过产品质量和技术优势等来赢得竞争已变得越来越困难,因此从顾客方面来入手越来越受到企业的重视。从顾客方面入手,即是让顾客满意,顾客满意主要是通过顾客感知的服务质量来衡量的。而服务的提供者是企业的员工,从而企业要使员工满意。  相似文献   

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