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The interrelation of privatisation and accounting constitutes a wide-ranging focus for research that is attractive from a critical theoretical and interdisciplinary perspective. A number of studies may be considered part of this focus in holding themselves out as types of evaluation of – or as an accounting, or accountability, for – privatisation. For us, the evaluation of privatisation programmes is properly a concern of critical accounting research and of those interested in the development of more holistic forms of accounting and auditing for appraisal, such as is envisaged in forms of social accounting and social auditing. Indeed the assessment of privatisation has been deemed within the ambit of the social audit movement. Privatisation in Africa is controversial. In today's context it is often integral to the particular form of the globalisation process and carries related ambiguities. Apparently something of a panacea for its advocates, it is problem-ridden for its critics. How should we account for privatisation in Africa? We promote the delineation of a holistic accounting evaluation model by reflecting on a critical review of research constituting accounts of privatisation in Africa. Of course such research, to the extent that it is holistic or comprehensive, would include attention to the mobilisation in context of various accountings as well as related practices of governance at micro- and macro-levels—in turn reflecting the sense in which accounting, along with related systems of governance, is pervasive in privatisation processes. While we find strengths in the research analysed and acknowledge its contribution, we point to deficiencies and gaps from a critical theoretical and interdisciplinary perspective. These gaps and deficiencies delimit policy discourse and praxis vis-à-vis privatisation in Africa and beyond. They also point to a more holistic accounting model of appraisal. We acknowledge the particularities of Africa, and indeed of the differing nations, cultures and regions of Africa, but also suggest the model's relevance not only for African contexts but beyond.  相似文献   

This study replicated Evans, Heiman-Hoffman and Rau’s (hereafter, EHR) [Evans, J. H., III, Heiman-Hoffman, V. B., & Rau, S. (1994). The accountability demand for information. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 6, 24–42] US study, using Chinese MBA students as participants. The Chinese students acted as owners and selected one of two control systems. One control system requires truthful reporting and the other control system permits the manager to falsify the report. The two systems have the same expected payoff to the owner if the owner believes that the manager will always lie when given the opportunity. If the owner believes that there is any probability that the manager will tell the truth, then the more Lenient System has the higher expected payoff. We compared the US versus Chinese control system choices, and examined whether the Chinese owner-participants would be willing to sacrifice wealth to get accountability. The results indicate that a significant proportion of Chinese participants do have an accountability demand for information, and that this proportion is at least as high as that of the US participants in EHR.  相似文献   

The UK government intends to introduce resource accounting to central government departments under the banner of ‘Better Accounting for the Taxpayer's Money’. Under the proposed system of resource accounting, as outlined in a White Paper, an annual depreciation charge is to be incorporated in the cost statement and fixed assets included in a balance sheet at their depreciated replacement cost. This paper locates the proposed changes in accounting method for government departments in the general spread of accruals accounting through the public sector, and explores the relevance of accruals as a basis for measuring the results of activity undertaken by government departments. It goes on to examine the impact of the specific accounting change envisaged in the White Paper from both theoretical and practical aspects. The benefits envisaged in the White Paper are considered along with the extent to which they are likely to be realised, together with any consequences not explicitly foreseen. The conclusion is that, while the revised accounting techniques may be different, the proposition implicit in the White Paper's title that they re better is not proven by the evidence presented.  相似文献   

All social practices reproduce certain taken-for-granteds about what exists. Constructions of existence (ontology) go together with notions of what can be known of these things (epistemology), and how such knowledge might be produced (methodology)—along with questions of value or ethics. Increasingly, reflective practitioners—whatever their practice—are exploring the assumptions they ‘put to work’ and the conventions they reproduce. Questions are being asked about how to ‘cope’ with change in a postmodern world, and ethical issues are gaining more widespread attention. If we look at these constructions then we often find social practices: (a) give central significance to the presumption of a single real world; (b) centre a knowing subject who should strive to be separate from knowable objects, i.e. people and things that make up the world; (c) a knowing subject who can produce knowledge (about the real world) that is probably true and a matter of fact rather than value (including ethics). Social practices of this sort often produce a right–wrong debate in which one individual or group imposes their ‘facts’ (and values) on others. Further they often do so using claims to greater or better knowledge (e.g. science, facts …) as their justifications.We use the term “relational constructionism” as a summary reference to certain assumptions and arguments that define our “thought style”. They are as follows: fact and value are joined (rather than separate); the knower and the known—self and other—are co-constructed; knowledge is always a social affair—a local–historical–cultural (social) co-construction made in conversation, in other kinds of action, and in the artefacts of human activities (‘frozen’ actions so to speak), and so; multiple inter-actions simultaneously (re)produce multiple local cultures and relations, this said; relations may impose one local reality (be mono-logical) or give space to multiplicity (be multi-logical). In this view, the received view of science is but one (socially constructed) way of world making, as is social constructionism, and different ways have different—and very real—consequences.In this paper, we take our relational constructionist style of thinking to examine differing constructions of foot and mouth disease (FMD)1 in the UK. We do so in order to highlight the dominant relationship construction. We argue that this could be metaphorised as ‘accounting in Babel’—as multiple competing monologues—many of which remained very local and subordinated by a dominant logic. However, from a relational constructionist point of view, it is also possible to argue that social accounting can be done in a more multi-logical way that gives space to dialogue and multiplicity. In the present (relational constructionist) view, accounting is no longer ‘just’ a question of knowledge and methodology but also a question of value and power. To render accounting practices more ethical they must be more multi-voiced and enable ‘power to’ rather than ‘power over’.  相似文献   

Swedish legislation requires that any owner or user of a building maintain a reasonable level of fire protection measures to ensure the safety of all people located in the building. If a building, in the wake of a fire, in court is determined not to have had a reasonable fire protection, the blame will likewise be assigned to the building owner or user. Using the perspective of risk governance, this study aims at analysing how regulation and stakeholders interact to maintain a specific level of fire protection in hotels. The focus is on identifying problems and frictions that have emerged from the complex relationships, and differences of interests, between the different stakeholders. Based on a stakeholder analysis, 11 respondents were selected for an interview study. The main problems identified in the analysis are that there are ambiguities for the individual hotel owner to know whether her or his fire protection measures are reasonable according to the law, that the system has emerged without clear political goals, problems related to the process of local supervision, that the ambiguous situation gives rise to opportunities of other stakeholders to claim the definition of what counts as a reasonable extent, and the ethical problems associated with convicting a single individual for failure in a complex multi-actor system.  相似文献   

Superannuation fund reporting is a topical issue: it is in a state of flux and currently on the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) work program for 2012, with the release of ED 223 Superannuation Entities in December 2011. Issues under debate include uncertainty regarding the users of superannuation financial reports, and the application of the principle of ‘transaction neutrality’ to accounting for corporate groups by superannuation entities. Accountability reporting by superannuation funds has remained largely unchanged since the introduction of compulsory superannuation 20 years ago. This paper describes the changing nature of superannuation from a managerial gratuity to a type of deferred pay, and how accounting for superannuation is likely to increase in significance as it responds to the shifting economic nature of superannuation, especially since the global financial crisis. This paper uses basic content analysis to analyse member submissions to the Australian Government's Review into Governance, Efficiency, Structure and Operation of Australia's Superannuation System 2009, and submissions to the AASB's consultation paper on consolidation accounting for superannuation entities in 2007. Limited characterisations of members as being not interested in financial reporting are out of step with the underlying nature of superannuation, and will likely change as the economic significance of superannuation increases in the future.  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests a simultaneous equations model (SEM) for extending accounting based valuation models used in empirical studies. Rather than using analysts’ forecasts, we derive forecasts of operating income from the SEM to calculate the ‘other information’ variable in the Ohlson (Contemp Account Res 11:661–687, 1995) model. The SEM forecasts are based on observable data contained in the firms’ reporting, like order backlog, and other publicly available information. The SEM produces more accurate out-of-sample forecasts of operating income compared to simple benchmark models particularly in years around economic changes and instability, like the years 2001 and 2009. Integrating the SEM forecast as ‘other information’ in market value regressions significantly increases the explanatory power compared to simpler versions without or with single information proxies for ‘other information’. Finally, we find that the SEM forecast is able to explain a major portion of the information advantage of analysts relevant for explaining market values.  相似文献   

In response to repeated calls for changes in accounting education, the Accounting Education Change Commission was formed and several universities have embarked on a variety of programs to improve accounting education in the U.S. Overseas accounting education models exist that may assist in the reform process. This paper reports on accounting education in New Zealand, and specifically at the University of Otago, which embraces many of the attributes sought in the United States. We assess the influence of the accounting profession on education in New Zealand and describe important features of the accounting degree program. Finally, experience in New Zealand suggests U.S. reformers should examine overseas models of accounting education and that important changes may be required by the accounting profession and employers for significant reforms to occur in accounting education in the U.S.  相似文献   

There are many possible explanations for variation in the inside bid–ask spread during the trading day, including informed trading, price inelastic market demand, price discovery, statistical artefact and market concentration. Each of these explanations is examined for consistency with respect to both the inside and average bid–ask spread, observed both inside and outside the mandatory quote period in the London Stock Exchange.  相似文献   


This exploratory study is designed to elicit and understand the views of Mainland Chinese students concerning their learning experience in an Australian accounting education programme. The article contributes to the literature by investigating the issues and implications associated with international students’ perceptions of teaching, as little research has been undertaken in this context. Data were obtained from focus group interviews at two Australian universities, comprising students who had no prior experience of Western education. Based on an adaptation of Ramsden's 2003 model [Learning to teach in higher education (2nd ed.). London: Routledge], the data show that the students’ educational experience in China has a direct and negative influence on their perceptions of the teaching and learning experience in Australia. The negativity is particularly strong for entry-level students but dissipates to some extent with time. Issues concerning teachers’ enthusiasm, commitment, delivery skills and students’ expectations also emerged as important factors affecting student perceptions.  相似文献   

Controls on capital inflows have been experiencing a renaissance since 2008, with several prominent emerging markets implementing them in recent years. We focus on Brazil, which instituted five changes in its capital account regime in 2008–2011. Using the synthetic control method, we construct counterfactuals (i.e., Brazil with no policy change) for each of these changes. We find no evidence that any tightening of controls was effective in reducing the magnitudes of capital inflows, but we observe some modest and short-lived success in preventing further declines in inflows when the capital controls were relaxed. We hypothesize that price-based capital controls’ only perceptible effect is to be found in the content of the signal they broadcast regarding the government’s larger intentions and sensibilities. In the case of Brazil, its left-of-center government’s willingness to remove controls was perceived as a noteworthy indication that the government was not as hostile to the international financial markets as many expected it to be.  相似文献   


We analyse the extent to which International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have influenced the development of the national generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the transposition of Directive 2013/34/EU in Malta including whether they are used as a reference point in the interpretation of the national GAAP. Malta mandated the use of IFRS by all companies for a significant number of years. This has resulted in IFRS influencing the development of the national GAAP; and enforcers and other key stakeholders viewing IFRS positively.  相似文献   

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