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The existing literature mainly focuses on the economic consequences of the internal capital market at firm level, while rarely literatures explore the effect on individual perspective. Based on manually collected data of the internal capital market from 2007 to 2018 in Chinese business groups, we examined whether and how internal capital market affects the employee wage. We find that internal capital market can add the employees wage. Further, the mechanism analysis shows that internal capital market can improve the employees wage by reducing operating risks, improving capital intensity and alleviating financing constraints. Heterogeneity analysis shows that this effect is more significant for private enterprises. This paper provides useful guideline for the improvement of employee's welfare and then benefit for enhance firm productivity.  相似文献   

Exploring the motivation of corporate ESG (Environment, Social Responsibility, and Corporate Governance) engagement is vital for shareholders protection and corporate sustainable growth. Using a sample of Chinese public listed firms from 2010 to 2020, we study this issue from the manager's misconduct behavior perspective. We find that the quality of ESG engagement significantly inhibits manager misconduct. This relationship is mediated through analyst coverage, and is more pronounced in firms with lower information transparency, firms with lower institutional shareholdings, and firms that voluntarily disclosed ESG information. Our results still hold after a series of robustness checks and addressing potential endogeneity issues, including using the intensity of Confucian culture as an instrumental variable.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate how institutional investors help mitigate business‐related risks in a corporate environment. Using a large sample of employment disputes, litigations, and court cases, we find that institutional investors play a significant role in reducing employment litigation. We observe that firms with larger shares of institutional ownership have a lower incidence of employment lawsuits and that long‐term institutional investors are more effective at decreasing employee mistreatment. Our results suggest that institutional investors can improve the employee work environment and help mitigate future employee litigation. The improvement in employee work conditions has been shown to increase a firm's value through increased employee output, reduced litigation, and direct and indirect costs. Our results shed light on the effectiveness of institutional monitoring on a firm's litigation risk.  相似文献   

The reduction of income inequality is important for poverty alleviation. We manually collect the data of the local minimum wage standard of the 254 prefectural cities of 31 provinces in China. The results show that higher minimum wage attributes to the rise of firm productivity. Minimum wage hikes force the enterprises to optimize internal production, reduce redundant employees, and develop innovations. Moreover, the enterprises with higher sensitivity in labor cost, less governmental support, and stronger financial pressures are more intensive to higher minimum wage. It is robust when choosing alternative measurements, an IV strategy, and a DID analysis. It is implicated that an appropriate minimum wage system plays a positive role in achieving balance between poverty alleviation and economic growth, and the improvement in compensation can stimulate high-quality development in practice.  相似文献   

This study highlights the determinants for the adoption of employee stock option plans (ESOPs) in Singapore and measures the impact of ESOP announcements on the shareholder wealth of adopting companies. We find that ESOP value is positively associated with a firm's growth opportunities but negatively related to interest coverage. Although larger firms are more likely to adopt ESOPs relative to smaller ones, among those that use ESOPs, the larger firms tend to use less ESOPs than the smaller ones. A further investigation of the market response to the adoption of ESOPs shows that the stock price reacts positively to such announcements, suggesting that investors view ESOPs favorably. The evidence demonstrates that ESOPs tend to align managerial with shareholder interests and contribute to the improvement of company performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the effect of firms' employee relations, measured by the number of employee lawsuits divided by the total number of employees, on stock price crash risk. Firms with higher employee lawsuit ratios tend to have higher stock price crash risk. Our results are robust after addressing possible endogeneity and using alternative measures of employee relations and stock price crash risk. We also find that the association between the employee lawsuit ratio and stock price crash risk is less prominent for state-owned enterprises, for firms with stringent external monitoring, and for firms with positive earnings news. Finally, earnings aggressiveness appears to be the channel through which the employee lawsuit ratio affects stock price crash risk. Collectively, our study is in line with the stakeholder theory, and highlights the importance of employee lawsuit for preventing crash of stock price.  相似文献   

Attracting the right mix of employees and getting them committed to the goals and objectives of the organization is a major issue facing service organizations. Scholars have recommended that internal marketing is positively associated with employee commitment but little empirical research exists that has examined the relationship between internal marketing and employee commitment especially in the financial services sector. The current study investigated four internal marketing practices – empowerment, rewards, training and development, and communication and their impact on employee commitment in the retail banking industry. Using data from 410 employees of banks in Ghana, the empirical results indicated that, with the exception of communication, the factors are positively associated with employee commitment. The study concludes that in order to influence employee behaviour in the banking industry in Ghana, bank management must implement measures that provide direct benefits to employees. The strategic implications of the findings are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

We survey the use of financial performance measures in determining executive pay among significant Australian financial institutions. We document evidence of the pervasiveness with which externally disclosed non‐GAAP (non‐Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) financial measures are also used internally to determine variable remuneration, with the apparent popularity of cash profit after tax in short‐term incentives plans. Our evidence also highlights the increasing use of peer group‐adjusted measures (e.g., relative cash earnings per share and return on equity ranking against a peer group) in determining longer‐run incentives, despite the fact that members of the peer group do not measure financial performance in a directly comparable manner. Detailed analysis of the four major trading banks (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank and Westpac) reveals differences in the way non‐GAAP earnings measures are calculated across the major banks, as well as some variation over time in the way individual banks measure performance. We also document evidence of non‐GAAP earnings restatements, with around 25% of non‐GAAP results subsequently being restated. These restatements are more likely to result in a downward revision of the initially reported non‐GAAP result than an upward revision. We therefore conclude that existing measures of financial performance used to determine senior executive compensation are not as ‘objective’, as might be assumed.  相似文献   

Does corporate financial structure matter for a firm’s ability to compete in international markets through output quality? This study answers this question by using firm-level export and balance sheet data covering a large sample of French manufacturing exporters over the period 1997–2007. The main result is that there is a negative causal relation between a firm’s leverage and export quality, where quality is inferred from the estimation of a discrete choice model of foreign consumers’ demand. This result is robust across different specifications and estimation techniques. In addition, by estimating investment models we find that the negative impact of leverage on quality is consistent with theories predicting that the agency cost of debt determines suboptimal investment.  相似文献   

Financial regulation and securitization: Evidence from subprime loans   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
We examine the consequences of existing regulations on the quality of mortgage loans originations in the originate-to-distribute (OTD) market. The information asymmetries in the OTD market can lead to moral hazard problems on the part of lenders. We find, using a plausibly exogenous source of variation in the ease of securitization, that the quality of loan origination varies inversely with the amount of regulation: more regulated lenders originate loans of worse quality. We interpret this result as a possible evidence that the fragility of lightly regulated originators’ capital structure can mitigate moral hazard. In addition, we find that incentives which require mortgage brokers to have ‘skin in the game’ and stronger risk management departments inside the bank partially alleviate the moral hazard problem in this setting. Finally, having more lenders inside a mortgage pool is associated with higher quality loans, suggesting that sharper relative performance evaluation made possible by more competition among contributing lenders can also mitigate the moral hazard problem to some extent. Overall, our evidence suggests that market forces rather than regulation may have been more effective in mitigating moral hazard in the OTD market. The findings caution against policies that impose stricter lender regulations which fail to align lenders’ incentives with the investors of mortgage-backed securities.  相似文献   

Using a new measure of financial constraints based on firms’ qualitative disclosures, we find that financially constrained firms—firms that use more negative words in their annual reports—pursue more aggressive tax planning strategies as evidenced by: (1) higher current and future unrecognized tax benefits, (2) lower short‐ and long‐run current and future effective tax rates, (3) increase in tax haven usage for their material operations, and (4) higher proposed audit adjustments from the Internal Revenue Service. We exploit the unexpected closures of local banks as exogenous liquidity shocks to show that firms’ external financial constraints affect their tax avoidance strategies. Overall, the linguistic cues in firms’ qualitative disclosures provide incremental information beyond traditional accounting variables or commonly used effective tax rates to reveal and predict tax aggressiveness, both contemporaneously and in the future.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between financial structure and income inequality in China and explores a channel for changes of financial structure to influence income inequality. Our results suggest that, relative to total bank credit, an increase in the raised capital from the stock market reduces income inequality, whereas a rise of turnover in the stock market augments income inequality. Financial structure affects income inequality by influencing the development of medium-sized enterprises. Our evidence supports the financial structure relevancy view. To reduce income inequality, the Chinese government should help to promote equity financing and decrease excessive speculation on the stock market.  相似文献   

在运用主要成分分析法构建金融发展指数的基础上.本文在三变量的向量自回归(VAR)框架下考察了中国1978-2007年期间金融发展与经济增长之间的因果关系。利用时间序列数据.采用协整和向量误差修正模型(VECM)计量方法进行了Granger因果关系检验.结果显示存在着从经济增长到金融发展的单一方向因果关系,支持了Robinson长期来看经济增长导致了金融发展的观点。  相似文献   

We analyse UK monetary policy using monthly data for 1992–2010. We have two main findings. First, the Taylor rule breaks down after 2007 as the estimated response to inflation falls markedly and becomes insignificant. Second, policy is best described as a weighted average of a “financial crisis” regime in which policy rates respond strongly to financial stress and a “no-crisis” Taylor rule regime. Our analysis provides a clear explanation for the deep cuts in policy rates beginning in late 2008 and highlights the dilemma faced by policymakers in 2010–11.  相似文献   

This study empirically analyzes the effects of financial access on economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. By estimating panel data on thirty-seven countries from Sub-Saharan Africa between 2004 and 2012, we examine whether improved access to financial services has contributed to economic growth in this region. The empirical results clearly indicate that financial access has a statistically significant and robust effect on increasing economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

With the development of China’s financial reform, Chinese financial markets have become closely linked. The cross-market spillover effect of financial risks is at the core of systemic risks. This paper’s marginal contributions include (1) a new method is proposed based on structure learning for Bayesian networks to measure the multilateral spillover effect of a multiasset financial system. Additionally, this paper discusses (2) the macroeconomic mechanism behind the linkage of financial markets. The empirical results show that (1) the linkages between financial markets significantly exist, (2) uncertainty and negative macroeconomic shocks enhance the spillover effect in financial markets, and (3) the impact of negative macroeconomic shocks on the spillover effect of the financial market is weakened at the high economic growth stage.  相似文献   

We use a large pictorial sample of Chinese financial analysts to test the association between facial width‐to‐height ratio (fWHR) and performance in men. Financial analysts offer an ideal setting for our investigation because we can objectively track individual analysts’ behaviors and performance. We find that high‐fWHR analysts are more likely to conduct corporate site visits and they exhibit better performance. The positive fWHR–performance association survives a battery of robustness checks and the association is more pronounced for analysts with lower status, for firms with higher uncertainty, and for analysts facing more intense competition. Our results suggest that the dominant trait predicted by fWHR is achievement drive.  相似文献   

This study draws attention to the proliferation of extreme risks in financial markets prior to and during the course of the recent global financial crisis. It examines the level of such “tail” risks in selected equity, interbank lending and foreign exchange markets in selected EU Member States in relation to the United States. The extent of tail risks is assessed by applying general error distribution (GED) parameterization in GARCH volatility tests of the examined variables. The empirical tests prove that extreme market risks were pronounced across all of the examined European financial markets throughout the crisis. They were also significant prior to the crisis outbreak. The analyzed interbank lending markets exhibited more extreme volatility outbursts than the equity and foreign exchange markets did.  相似文献   

The Financial Accelerator: Evidence from International Housing Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper shows novel evidence on the mechanism through which financial constraints amplify fluctuations in asset prices and credit demand. It does so using contractual features of housing finance. Among agents whose housing demand is constrained by the availability of collateral, those who can borrow against a larger fraction of their housing value (achieve a higher loan-tovalue, or LTV, ratio) have more procyclical debt capacity. This procyclicality underlies the financial accelerator mechanism. Our study uses international variation in LTV ratios over three decades to test whether (a) housing prices and (b) demand for new mortgage borrowings are more sensitive to income shocks in countries where households can achieve higher LTV ratios. The results we obtain are consistent with the dynamics of a collateral-based financial accelerator in international housing markets.We wish to thank an anonymous referee, Adam Ashcraft, Long Chen, Luigi Guiso (CEPR discussant), Steve Malpezzi, Walter Novaes, Marco Pagano (the editor), Raghuram Rajan, Luigi Zingales, and participants at the CEPR conference on Financial Structure and Monetary Policy Channels (Barcelona, July 2003) for helpful comments and suggestions. We also thank Olimpia Bover, Maria Chiuri, Nathalie Girouard, Tullio Jappelli, Steve Malpezzi, Felipe Morande, Marco Pagano, and Shiawee Yang for kindly providing us with data. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

张璇  周鹏  李春涛 《金融研究》2016,434(8):175-190
本文利用2006-2014年中国A股上市公司数据,运用双重差分和安慰剂检验,考察卖空对财务重述的影响。研究发现,加入融券标的后,相较于不能被卖空的公司,融券标的公司发生财务重述的可能性显著降低,这种治理作用在金融市场欠发达和治理水平较差的公司更加明显。进一步研究发现,卖空机制可以通过增加激励合约的有效性和吸引分析师跟踪来减少财务重述。最后,使用可操控应计项目和是否报告微利作为盈余质量的代理变量进行稳健性检验,发现上述结论依然成立。因此,放开卖空限制,有助于改善上市公司信息披露质量和完善公司治理结构。  相似文献   

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