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Thies Lindenthal 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2018,57(1):152-166
Cyberspace is no different from traditional cities, at least in economic terms. Urban economics governs the creation of new space on the Internet and explains location choices and price gradients in virtual space. This study explores registration dynamics in the largest primary market for virtual space: Internet domain names. After developing a framework for domain registrations, it empirically tests whether domain registrations are constrained by the depletion of unregistered high quality domain names. Estimations based on registrations of COM domain names suggest that the number of domains expands substantially slower than the growth in overall demand for domain space. Supplying alternative domain extensions can relax the shortage in domains in the short term. 相似文献
精神养老是城市社区养老中不可或缺的组成部分,直接影响着老年群体的生活质量,但因为城市孝道文化衰落、社区资源整合不到位,缺乏专业精神养老队伍于和政府精神养老投入不足等原因,导致我国城市社区精神养老面临个体精神自养能力薄弱、家庭支持力度削弱、歧视性社会文化和政府投入偏低等诸多困境。因此,应通过增强老人精神自养能力、培育宣传新型孝道文化、健全精神养老法律法规和构建多方主体参与的社区精神养老保障体系的方式,提高我国城市社区精神养老水平。 相似文献
Sam Gutterman 《North American actuarial journal : NAAJ》2016,20(4):355-403
The percentage of the population who are obese has grown dramatically on a worldwide basis over the last several decades, although the growth in the prevalence of obesity has slowed recently at a high level in the United States. Although there have been numerous studies of the effect of this trend on mortality, the findings have been inconsistent and controversial, in part because of methodological differences and the complexity of the relationships between obesity and mortality. The objective of this article is to discuss the issues surrounding these relationships and to shed light on the likely effects of the obesity epidemic on mortality. Of particular interest is the so-called obesity-mortality paradox, where mortality experience is lower for overweight and in some cases obese individuals than for those of normal weight. Although more recent studies of the relationship between mortality and obesity seem to indicate those who are obese have experienced a reduced percentage of additional mortality, this may in part be due to the shorter average time those currently obese have been exposed to their condition, the heterogeneity of the normal and obese populations, measurement issues including treatment of smokers and those who are ill, and study design limitations. An increased number of premature deaths may arise as more individuals who are obese are exposed for a longer period to excess adiposity. Although public policy issues surrounding obesity are being addressed with a great deal of activity and publicity, they have and will continue to prove quite challenging for both individuals and society to manage and overcome. The prevalence of obesity has had and will continue to have a significant effect on the mortality experience in most areas of actuarial practice. As a result, it is important for actuaries to enhance their understanding of these effects. 相似文献
我国城商行发展模式转型的有效路径——基于“十二五”时期的分析视角 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
城市商业银行(简称城商行)是20世纪90年代中期由城市信用社改组改造而成的地方性中小银行,被称为中国银行业继四大国有商业银行和全国性股份制银行之后的"第三梯队"。过去 相似文献
Thomas P. Boehm Alan M. Schlottmann 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2017,55(4):476-510
The existing literature on mortgage default and foreclosure largely examines the development of mortgage problems (the first stage) and the possibility of recovery from such problems (the second stage) separately. Such studies may provide an incomplete picture of the development and possible resolution of mortgage problems. This paper uses the proprietary geo-coded version of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics from 2009 through 2013 to implement a different type of probability model. Three transitional probability equations are estimated: the likelihood of homeowners developing mortgage payment problems, the likelihood that those who develop such problems move to resolve their problems, and the conditional probability that those who develop such problems and don’t move will recover from them by other means. The coefficients from all three are combined to calculate the joint (state) probability of households having mortgage problems from which they will not recover. The analysis contains a number of unique results: changes in the mortgage front-end ratio are shown to have a substantial influence on both developing a mortgage problem and its resolution for those who do not move, 2) prior foreclosures are determined to affect the development of current mortgage problems, and 3) out-of-pocket medical expenses are found to influence both mortgage problem development and recovery. Also, the impact of policy actions are considered across several at-risk demographic groups. This experiment demonstrates that by improving the financial and mortgage characteristics, and the education level of households that actually develop mortgage problems, their predicted probability of developing mortgage problems that cannot be resolved could be reduced substantially. 相似文献
本文在"三网融合"的背景下,以老年人服务体系信息化为出发点,按照"管理主体+运作主体+网络工具"的方法提炼概括网络在我国现行老年人服务体系中的应用模式,梳理阐释各应用模式的组织形式、服务对象、服务内容、运作形式等4个维度的特征并评述。 相似文献
随着现代信息技术和智能设施的发展日新月异,智慧养老成为解决我国日渐严重的老龄化问题的新途径。当前国内智慧养老还处于起步阶段,存在技术手段落后、发展不平衡以及行业标准不统一等诸多问题,但未来的市场前景和发展需求却是十分可观的。本文就我国智慧养老的模式、存在问题及成因、发展对策等进行探讨,力求探索适合我国养老发展的智慧之路。 相似文献
已有研究认为,联保贷款可以减轻信息不对称带来的逆向选择和道德风险问题,从而提高借款企业的努力水平,并有助于降低贷款利率。本文基于博弈模型的分析表明,在银行目标不变的条件下,虽然联保贷款可以降低贷款利率,但由于联保贷款中的连带责任导致的"搭便车"问题,借款企业的努力水平反而下降了。尤其当放贷银行的目标从追求零利润转变为追求利润最大化之后,联保借款企业的努力水平会进一步下降,联保贷款利率也会上升。这也是引发联保贷款风险的重要原因之一。在政策应对上,本文研究表明,在联保贷款中引入再融资"差别机制",有助于降低联保贷款的利率和提高企业的努力水平,从而解决联保贷款中的"搭便车"问题。 相似文献
Clark K 《Journal of insurance medicine (New York, N.Y.)》2003,35(1):59-60
An article is reviewed which demonstrates that obesity is associated with an increase in the relative risk of heart failure ranging from 1.8 to 5.6 depending on the degree of obesity and gender, even when other known risk factors for heart failure are excluded. The most reasonable conclusion is that there are one or more mechanisms where obesity results in heart failure that have not yet been recognized. 相似文献
基于ELES的中国城乡居民消费结构比较分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文运用ELES模型,对2007年中国城乡居民的消费结构及弹性进行了比较分析,在实证研究的基础上归纳了有关重要结论,并提出了对策建议. 相似文献
本文采用残差分布情况、生物合理性、预测稳健性、参数估计稳健性、模型简洁性和预测准确性六种指标,从六种经典死亡率模型中选择适合中国0~89岁男女的最佳随机动态死亡率模型,构建人口发展模型和城镇企业职工基本养老保险精算模型.基于死亡率不确定性利用VaR和CVaR估算基本养老保险制度财务缺口上限和超过上限的尾部风险,评估各省... 相似文献
随着世界科技、生产、金融、信息等全球化的迅猛发展,城市在全球经济活动和社会活动中的地位和作用更加突出,城市的发展也倍受人们关注。城市的发展有赖于城市经济,在经济全球化的背景下,城市经济的状况又有赖于城市竞争力。因此,努力提升城市竞争力是促进城市发展的核心问题。 相似文献
金融危机暴露美国金融监管出了问题,既有自由市场主义监管理念的根本问题,也有原监管体系在对付混业经营过程中的诸多缺陷和漏洞,美国政府试图通过立法对金融监管体系进行重大变革,以防范未来的系统性风险和金融危机,实现金融市场效率与风险的平衡。 相似文献
Desmond W.P. Li 《Risk Management & Insurance Review》2006,9(1):75-88
This article describes the particular investment and legal constraints on the life insurance investment portfolio in China (the "Portfolio") and investigates the specialist problem. The "specialist problem" is here defined as an agency problem as in information economics. In September 2004, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission ("CIRC") announced that three of the four largest life insurance companies in China could not meet the mandatory capital adequacy requirement. The author found that although it is harder to manage the Portfolio because of the peculiar constraints, the main characteristic of the poor performance of the Portfolio—failing to meet the capital requirement—is due to the specialist problem, which is mainly due to the controlled economic system. In conclusion, the author suggests specialists and risk management strategies that can be implemented in China with immediate effect, taking into consideration data deficiency and the difficulty of contract enforcement in China. 相似文献
在创新驱动发展模式下,都市创意农业发展有助于我国都市农业现代化的发展,有助于新型城市化背景下的城乡统筹发展,有助于我国生态文明建设,也有助于避免乡村的衰败。为此,在“创意+”农业产业链再造的情况下,以北京市为例,探讨其创意农业发展的实践,分析认为北京创意农业属于政府和市场双向驱动型创新模式,并在特定的时空范围内形成创意园、示范区、农场、展会等实践形态,需要通过调控-引导机制、平台搭建和评价机制、创新和协同发展机制、利益分享机制和品牌与产权保护机制予以落实。 相似文献