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The cyclical variation in office construction, vacancies, rents, and values over the last decade has been enormous throughout the world. Reasons advanced for this enormity include prolifigate lenders, egotistical developers, and even rational behavior in the face of uncertainly and long construction periods. Our analysis of the Sydney office market suggests a fourth contributing factor: the failure of investors to understand the workings of property markets. Given the incentives of developers to build when value rises substantially above replacement cost and not to build when value is low relative to replacement cost, the property market has to be mean reverting. We provide direct evidence that Sydney investors did not incorporate mean reversion into their vacancy rate forecasts at the cyclical trough and as a result under valued properties. We provide indirect evidence that mean reversion of cash flows was not incorporated at the cyclical peak and that this triggered excessive construction and vacancies. That is, the Sydney office market in the late 1980s is another example of excess price volatility or an asset price bubble.  相似文献   

We use the Dynamic Conditional Correlation model with Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (DCC-GARCH) developed by Engle (Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 20(3):339–350, 2002) to examine dynamics in the correlation of returns between publicly traded REITs and non-REIT stocks. The results suggest that REIT-stock correlations form three distinct periods. During the first period, ending in August 1991 with the start of the modern REIT era, correlations were high and without trend, never dipping below 59%. During the second period, ending in September 2001 with the inclusion of REITs in broad stock market indexes, correlations declined precipitously to 30%, enabling substantially higher portfolio allocations to both high-return asset classes and therefore higher portfolio returns without increasing portfolio volatility. During the third period, since September 2001, correlations increased steadily but only reached 59% in late 2008. A simple portfolio optimization suggests that asset managers would be willing to pay 20 basis points per year, plus the difference in transaction costs, for the ability to use DCC-GARCH modeling of dynamic correlations in place of rolling 24-month asset correlations.  相似文献   

Analyst Activity and Firm Value: Evidence from the REIT Sector   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper is the first to examine (1) properties of analyst forecasts and (2) effects of analyst following on firm value for all REITs on CRSP, Compustat and I/B/E/S. Our results suggest that REITs operate in an information environment that has changed over time. We find that for periods when the REIT industry was either in the developmental stage (pre-1992), or after other structural changes in the industry (post-2000), more analysts cover REITs and forecasts are more accurate and less biased. Further, we find that mortgage REITs are more transparent than other REIT structures and exhibit properties of analyst behavior that are different from other types of REITs. Our investigation into the effect of analyst coverage on REIT value suggests that analyst coverage increases REIT value (as measured by Tobin’s q) and that the causality does not run the opposite way.
Andrew C. SpielerEmail:

This paper relies on an increasing number of industry equilibrium studies linking a firm to its industry peers to help explain the observed REIT capital structure variation within property segments beyond what is possible with the traditional partial equilibrium trade-off and pecking order theories, which assume that each firm operates in isolation from other market participants and are not particularly suitable to REITs because of the regulated setting within which these firms operate. We build several proxies for a REIT’s position within its property segment. Consistent with the competitive equilibrium model of Maksimovic and Zechner (1991), we find that a REIT’s volatility of operating performance relative to the median volatility of operating performance of its segment peers is an important determinant of its leverage ratio. We also find that a REIT’s leverage ratio depends on the median leverage ratio in its segment. Leverage is also related to a REIT’s status as an incumbent and its role as a leader in the property segment.  相似文献   

Using asset market data, as well as theoretical relations between investors' preferences,option-implied, risk-neutral, probability distribution functions (PDFs,) and index-implied,actual, PDFs, this paper extracts a time-series of investors' relative risk aversion (RRA)functions. Based on results recently derived by Benninga and Mayshar (2000), thesefunctions are used to recover the evolution of risk preferences heterogeneity. Applyingnon-parametric estimation on European call options written on the S & P500 index, wefind that: (i) the RRA functions are decreasing; and (ii) the constructed risk preferencesheterogeneity series is positively correlated in a static, as well as a dynamic, setup witha prevalent proxy for investors heterogeneity, namely, the spread between auction- andmarket-yields of Treasury bills.  相似文献   

任哲  邵荣平  汪航 《投资研究》2012,(4):101-110
货币政策与资产价格之间的关系一直以来都是学术界研究的重点,但从房地产信贷视角分析房地产价格的文献却相对较少。本文基于多元MGARCH—BEKK模型和GRACH均值方程模型分析了房地产信贷、货币供应量与房地产价格的波动相关性以及它们的各种波动对房地产价格的影响。研究发现,房地产信贷增长的波动能影响房地产价格的增长,而货币供应量的波动,对房地产价格增长影响不显著。同时实证分析显示在对房价的调控中,房地产信贷的调控是抑制房价波动的一个工具选项。以银行信贷为主的货币供应量已经不能全面反映社会的流动性状况。与货币供应量相比,社会融资总量指标与实体经济指标的联系更加紧密。  相似文献   

The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics - Using a sample of REITs from twelve countries around the world, we examine the determinants of REIT capital structure. We investigate...  相似文献   

张龙耀  杨骏  程恩江 《金融研究》2016,432(6):142-158
中国自2005年试点以民间资本为主要投资者、“只贷不存”的小额贷款公司,并首次采用“中央—地方”分层监管体制。中央政府规定小额贷款公司融资杠杆率上限,部分省级政府突破这一上限,而部分省份却因受到间接监管导致融资杠杆率接近为0。本文基于2011年全国457家小额贷款公司样本数据,实证检验融资杠杆监管对小额贷款公司覆盖率、可持续性和风险行为的影响,将金融分层监管改革视作“准自然实验”以控制融资杠杆率潜在的内生性。研究发现,在当前融资杠杆监管政策下,不存在“覆盖率—可持续性”目标权衡。融资杠杆率越低和未突破融资杠杆率上限的小额贷款公司,平均贷款规模显著较大,农村贷款比例显著较低,经营可持续性和利润亦显著较低,表明融资杠杆监管政策既降低覆盖率,也损害可持续性目标。由于融资杠杆受限,小额贷款公司倾向于通过提高贷款集中度等方式追求盈利,可能会引致较大的潜在风险。  相似文献   

Financial contracting theories agree that more-liquid assets decrease the expected cost of external financing, thus making leasing more attractive and reducing lessors’ equilibrium return. However, the literature has ambiguous predictions about the effect of liquidity on the maturity of leases. These predictions are further complicated by the existence of two types of lease contracts—operating and capital—that differ in whether asset ownership transfers to the lessee at the end of the contract. Using data from commercial aircraft, I find that more-liquid assets (1) make leasing, operating leasing in particular, more likely; (2) have shorter operating leases; (3) have longer capital leases; and (4) command lower markups of operating lease rates.  相似文献   

Managerial incentives are skewed in non-listed funds under finite horizons. Compensation structures are only indirectly related to shareholder wealth maximization when share prices are unobservable. Liquidity options for investors are limited in the absence of an exchange listing. Using a hand-collected database for public non-listed REITs, an empirical sequence considers the impact of management compensation contracts on equity fundraising and success in capital deployment. Evidence is provided that high asset management fees and high acquisition fees diminish managerial success at generating revenue from invested capital. Successful revenue flows are deterministic factor in the level of distributions paid and the likelihood of achieving a fund exit. Closing the gate on share redemption plans is synchronized with the slowdown in new equity flows. Retail investors are insensitive to maligned compensation structures that heighten illiquidity risk, even when observable in the prospectus.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between tax burdens and mutual fund performance from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective. The theoretical model introduces heterogeneous tax clienteles in an environment with decreasing returns to scale and shows that the equilibrium performance of mutual funds depends on the size of the tax clienteles. Our empirical results show that the performance of U.S. equity mutual funds is related to their tax burdens. We find that tax-efficient funds exhibit not only superior after-tax performance, but also superior before-tax performance due to lower trading costs, favorable style exposures, and better selectivity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze whether a monetary policy based on three main variables (inflation, money supply, and output gap) has a nonlinear impact on real estate investment trust (REIT) markets. In addition, we extend our analysis to examine whether these monetary policy components impact the possibility of boom and bust regimes occurring in the market. Empirically, we propose different Markov-switching model variants to determine the nonlinear time-varying impact of monetary policy on the REIT market. Our results show the monetary policy environment is supposed to affect, on one hand, the REIT returns and, on the other hand, the possibility of boom and bust markets. We prove that expansionary monetary policy has an impact only in the case of boom market. However, an increase in the inflation rate decreases the probability of remaining in the bust regime. As a consequence, we have already outlined several monetary transmission mechanisms that show house prices to have important effects on aggregate demand. Our results confirm that REIT markets are not efficient.  相似文献   

This paper confirms that a regime-switching model out-performs a linear VAR model in terms of understanding the system dynamics of asset returns. Impulse responses of REIT returns to either the federal funds rate or the interest rate spread are much larger initially but less persistent. Furthermore, the term structure acts as an amplifier of the impulse response for REIT return, a stabilizer for the housing counterpart under some regime, and, perhaps surprisingly, almost no role for the stock return. In contrast, GDP growth has very marginal effect in the impulse response for all assets.  相似文献   

We use university endowment funds to study the relationship between asset allocation decisions and performance in multiple asset class portfolios. Although endowments differ substantially in asset class composition, policy portfolio returns and volatilities are remarkably similar across the sample. The risk-adjusted performance of the average endowment is negligible, but actively managed funds generate significantly larger alphas than passive ones. This is consistent with endowment managers exploiting their security selection abilities by over-weighting asset classes in which they have superior skills. Contrary to both theory and prevailing beliefs, asset allocation is not related to portfolio returns in the cross-section but does indirectly influence performance.  相似文献   

Tong Yao  Tong Yu  Ting Zhang  Shaw Chen 《Pacific》2011,19(1):115-139
This study examines the effect of corporate asset growth on stock returns using data on nine equity markets in Asia. For the period from 1981 to 2007, we find a pervasive negative relation between asset growth and subsequent stock returns. Such relation is weaker in markets where firms' asset growth rates are more homogeneous and persistent and in markets where firms rely more on bank financing for growth. On the other hand, corporate governance, investor protection, and legal origin do not influence the magnitude of the asset growth effect in Asian markets.  相似文献   

Risk Sharing and Asset Prices: Evidence from a Natural Experiment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When countries liberalize their stock markets, firms that become eligible for foreign purchase (investible), experience an average stock price revaluation of 15.1%. Since the historical covariance of the average investible firm's stock return with the local market is roughly 200 times larger than its historical covariance with the world market, liberalization reduces the systematic risk associated with holding investible securities. Consistent with this fact: (1) the average effect of the reduction in systematic risk is 6.8 percentage points, or roughly two fifths of the total revaluation; and (2) the firm-specific revaluations are directly proportional to the firm-specific changes in systematic risk.  相似文献   

We provide causal evidence on the value of asset pledgeability by exploiting a unique feature of Chinese corporate bond markets: bonds with identical fundamentals are traded on two segmented markets with different rules for repo transactions. Using a policy shock that rendered AA+ and AA bonds ineligible for repo on one market only, we compare how bond prices changed across markets and rating classes around this event. When the haircut increases from 0% to 100%, bond yields increase by 39 bps to 85 bps. These estimates help us infer the magnitude of the shadow cost of capital in China.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between asset liquidity and stock liquidity across 47 countries. In support of the valuation uncertainty hypothesis, we find that firms with greater asset liquidity on average have higher stock liquidity. More importantly, our study shows that asset liquidity plays a more significant role in resolving valuation uncertainty in countries with poor information environment. For example, we find that the asset–stock liquidity relationship is stronger in countries with poor accounting standards. We further find evidence that after the adoption of IFRS, the improved accounting information environment results in a weaker asset–stock liquidity relation, but only in countries with a strong legal regime. Finally, our study shows that the positive asset–stock liquidity relationship may be attributed to transparency and/or liquidity reasons.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of information asymmetry on equity prices in the local A‐ and foreign B‐share market in China. We construct measures of information asymmetry based on market microstructure models, and find that they explain a significant portion of cross‐sectional variation in B‐share discounts, even after controlling for other factors. On a univariate basis, the price impact measure and the adverse selection component of the bid‐ask spread in the A‐ and B‐share markets explains 44% and 46% of the variation in B‐share discounts. On a multivariate basis, both measures are far more statistically significant than any of the control variables.  相似文献   

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