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This article begins with the observation of three recent and interrelated trends in management: corporate advertising, internal marketing, and strategic management of human resources. The basic argument is that these trends indicate a shift in managerial focus, from the management of human resources to the management of symbolic resources. Symbolic resources are here seen as symbols, metaphors, images, etc., which in a condensed form represent complex organizational phenomena, and which can be developed and utilized to guide strategic corporate action. There are four types of “symbolic resources” that seem to be particularly powerful: historical resources (i.e., elements of the corporate saga or epic), basic values and ideologies (as expressed in the corporate policies), particular activities and events (as anniversaries and celebrations), and finally, the company lifestyle (or ethos).  相似文献   

Many large corporations now have formal programs for managing ethical behavior and legal compliance. But the often minor role of human resources (HR) in companies' ethics management efforts is problematic. This is because ethics management efforts are likely to raise questions of fairness, and trigger a fairness heuristic among employees that can generate important outcomes for the ethics program specifically and the organization generally. Relying on research on fairness in organizations and corporate ethics practices, we explain why the extensive involvement of HR in corporate ethics programs is important to the perceived fairness, and thus the likely outcomes (e.g., employee commitment), of those programs.  相似文献   

企业的人力资源外包管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人力资源外包管理的内涵 人力资源外包是在当今组织日趋变得虚拟化的情况下,传统的人力资源部门重组过程中一种人力资源新模式产品.  相似文献   

The efficient operation of a multinational enterprise is contingent upon the availability and effective utilization of numerous strategic resources—technology, capital, know-how, and people. It is my contention that human power is a key ingredient to the successful operation of a multinational, without which all the other aforementioned resources could not be effectively and efficiently utilized or transferred from corporate headquarters to the various subsidiaries in the world; hence the need for multinationals to devote greater attention to the strategic management of human resources as part of the overall planning and control process in a firm. This article identifies the most common pitfalls to human resource planning in U.S. multinationals and offers guidelines for the development of a paradigm for the strategic management of human resources in the multinational enterprise.  相似文献   

论柔性管理在高校人力资源管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校作为人才培养和知识创新的重要基地,其人力资源管理水平在很大程度上影响着高校的教育质量、科研水平和办学效益。文中分析了柔性管理的内涵与特征及高校人力资源管理中实施柔性管理的必要性,提出解决高校人力资源管理的对策。  相似文献   

人员测评是一门融现代心理学、测量学、社会学、统计学、行为科学及计算机技术于一体的综合性科学。文章介绍了人员测评的主要技术,为企业人才测评提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

浅谈企业人力资源管理创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业组织类似于生命有机体,需要通过"吐故纳新"和"去芜存菁"与外部进行持续的物质与能量的交换,以保持自身的活力,并提高素质.  相似文献   

企业组织类似于生命有机体,需要通过“吐故纳新”和“去芜存菁”与外部进行持续的物质与能量的交换,以保持自身的活力,并提高素质。  相似文献   

虽然我国的人力资源管理研究起步较晚,但学者们对人力资源管理研究的积极性较强,从不同层面研究分析了人力资源管理的实践,包括宏观和微观层面、组织和个人层面等.但当前我国的人力资源管理研究还缺乏一定的科学性,尤其是在微观和宏观的统一上缺乏整合思维,因此,要真正推动我国的人力资源管理研究发展,需审视这些研究的特点与不足,从而沿着科学的方向发展.  相似文献   

人才是知识经济运行中最核心的构成。如何更好更高效地进行人力资源管理,以期得到最好的管理绩效、并使管理成本得以有效控制就显得尤为重要。文章将在知识经济背景下,就人力资源管理成本控制相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

浅议工程项目人力资源危机管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程项目往往具有建设周期长,投资大,回报期长,涉及多利益主体,存在多种风险因素的特点,在各类风险因素中,人力资源危机是其中一个很重要的危机源,文章分析了工程项目人力资源危机的原因、特点,并有针对性地提出了应对策略。  相似文献   

Research on employee engagement has demonstrated that human resource management (HRM) practices and systems are positively related to employee engagement. However, it is not clear what HRM practices or system of practices is most important for employee engagement or the theoretical mechanisms that intervene and explain the link between HRM and employee engagement. In this paper, I provide answers to these two important questions by developing a model of caring HRM and employee engagement based on the engagement, organizational climate, and strategic HRM literatures. The model indicates that a system of caring HRM practices (job design, training and development, flexible work arrangements, work-life balance, participation in decision making, health and safety, career development, and health and wellness programs) will result in an organizational climate of care and concern for employees that employees will respond to by caring for the organization which they will enact with higher levels of engagement. This model provides many avenues for future research and practice on HRM and employee engagement and introduces the notion of a caring HRM system and an organizational climate of care and concern for employees to the literature on employee engagement.  相似文献   

类比网络中的OSI参考模型,本文提出了HRM OSI参考模型,对人力资源的七个模块进行分析,提出各个模块中存在的问题并给出解决方法,作为对企业人力资源管理框架创新的尝试。  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of project success, the importance of human capital in projects cannot be overemphasized. Despite this, previous studies have only explored some segments of human capital in projects (e.g., commitment or trust). The aim of this study is to gather studies on the concept of human capital in project management and create an aggregating concept of recent studies. We report and discuss the findings from a systematic review of the research literature. This article focuses particularly on shared human capital (common meanings on the interfaces of the individual and team), and we conclude that the constructive elements of shared human capital are values, tacit knowledge, and social support.  相似文献   

舞台缤纷,角色轮回.历史,总是有着许多惊人的相似.当我们偶然打量,总有依稀相识的感觉.不是这世界太过沉重或是陈旧,而是我们永远无法逃脱历史的、人性的原质轨道.这世界,因为变化所以纷繁,因为出类所以拔萃.这世上,很多惊人的事物都是由一些本不相关的事物衍生而来,大到宇宙天体的运行,小到细菌的变异.万物,本就是相互依存、相互发展.领域总是没有绝对,人群总是难以界定.从物种到人类,生命,进化了亿万年;从原始到信息,社会,演变了几万年.  相似文献   

高校后勤企业人力资源管理探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校后勤企业实行社会化改革后,传统的人力资源管理模式阻碍了企业的进一步发展。文章从人力资源管理理念,运行机制等方面出发,分析了高校后勤企业存在的问题,并针对性地提出了改进对策。  相似文献   

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