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Immigrant street vendors in Chicago have fought for decades without success to change the restrictive and punitive city ordinance governing their work. The failure of the immigrant street vendors stands in marked contrast to the successful efforts of gourmet food truck entrepreneurs, who within only two years convinced the Chicago City Council to pass an ordinance permitting their work. The differential regulation of street vending reveals how local politicians use the rhetoric of the ‘creative’ city to justify building a city that appeals to young urban professionals, while simultaneously marginalizing the possibilities of working‐class immigrants to shape the city to their desires. This article aims to add to the literature on the politics of the creative class by demonstrating how discourses of creativity and entrepreneurialism get mobilized by competing interests, and how racial‐ethnic attitudes become integral to these discourses. The contrasting experiences of the vendors force us to ask: Why is the creativity of food truck entrepreneurs valued over the creativity of street vendors when, according to Richard Florida, creative class cities are supposed to be tolerant and immigrant‐friendly? Whose ‘creativity’ gets to be part of the ‘creative’ city? I draw on interviews with street vendors and a discourse analysis of media coverage of vending debates.  相似文献   

The Spatial Pattern of Residential Mobility in Guangzhou,China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In urban China, residential mobility behaviors have changed fundamentally in recent decades. While research has been undertaken on the trends and causes of residential relocation for different population groups, less attention has been paid to micro‐level processes of residential change, yet the latter underscore urban dynamics. This study addresses this through a survey conducted in Guangzhou in late 2012, which analyzes the spatial flows of residential shifts within and between three distance zonesinner core, inner suburbs and outer suburbs—to reveal complex mobility trends. In particular, hukou or household registration status, socio‐economic status, the nature and rank of employment, and tenure were found to have varied effects on the probability of inward and outward shifts. More specifically, while outward shifts in recent years mainly involved local hukou holders, families with higher education levels, a higher socio‐economic status or those working for government departments and public institutions were found to be more likely to settle in high‐rise commodity housing in the inner core. The majority of non‐hukou migrants, by contrast, moved within the same street or between adjacent streets within the same suburban area, while age, socio‐economic status and homeownership were found to increase an individual's chance of an inward shift.  相似文献   

非正规经济的正规化:广州城市摊贩空间治理模式与效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
流动摊贩的治理一直是我国城市管理的难题。通过对流动摊贩、疏导区摊贩和城市管理者的调查,研究了广州摊贩空间疏导的模式与效应。疏导区是一种通过发挥基层政府和社会的作用,把闲置空间资源转化为摊贩经营场所的治理模式。调查显示,83%的流动摊贩对疏导区持否定和怀疑态度。究其原因,疏导区存在正负效应,前者表现在为摊贩提供了稳定的经营场所、良好的经营环境和扩大经营规模的机会,后者表现在租金商业化、空间固定化、区位限制和进入权不平等等剥夺了摊贩低成本、流动性等优势和降低了摊贩对政策的信任。寻求适度正规化,使摊贩进入疏导区后的收益大于损失,应是改善摊贩疏导政策的核心。  相似文献   

街巷摊贩作为弱势群体的生存"落脚点",在新时代背景下治理思路多采取"疏堵结合"的方法.山地城市社区街巷较之平原城市更加用地紧张,难以划定充裕的街巷摊贩经营区,需要提出与之相适应的时空使用优化建议.选取典型案例进行实地观察,从"整体-聚集区-个体"三个层面对山地城市社区街巷摊贩展开研究,发现山地城市社区街巷摊贩时空分布具...  相似文献   

Through a critical comparison of the spatial management of street vending in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay and New York City, USA, we show how uncertainty enables the management of vending and urban space. By uncertainty, we mean a condition characterized by legal complexity and negotiable enforcement of laws and regulations. Putting New York and Ciudad del Este in dialogue, we demonstrate that these negotiated legalities are not limited to Southern urbanisms, nor are they remnants of unmodern social forms. We find similarities in how vendors experience and negotiate uncertainty, even as divergent mechanisms link uncertainty and inequality. By claiming streets as sites of work, vendors challenge dominant notions of global urbanism which conceive of sidewalks as sites of circulation, rather than livelihood. Especially in Ciudad del Este, vendors know the biases of law, and ground their claims to livelihood in ethics rather than legal compliance. Yet vendors’ claims can also reinscribe hierarchical relationships with frontline enforcers and reinforce exclusionary notions of rights based in productive citizenship. Understanding how uncertainty works as a logic of governing helps expose these unavoidable tensions and therefore to imagine and construct pathways toward more just urban economies.  相似文献   

Competition among cities for mobile capital in the twenty‐first century has intensified. The urban hierarchy of regions is undergoing transformation, causing economic fortunes to vary markedly among different localities. In China, these global forces and regional restructuring have caused a relative economic decline in some historically powerful cities, and have also brought about the emergence of new economic centers. In response to these forces, many Chinese cities have been driven into adopting a series of new competitive strategies, which seek to win back and build up their leading positions and competitiveness. To translate these strategies into concrete actions, local governments have promoted high‐profile and face‐lifting projects and investments. The extensive new urban development in Guangzhou is a particularly interesting case. As the provincial capital of the Guangdong Province, and a historically central city in the Pearl River Delta region, Guangzhou’s importance has recently declined. This article attempts to reveal the general strategies and specific projects initiated in Guangzhou as important promotion devices in its revitalization program, and to examine the rationales behind them. The ambitious new strategies are most likely to occur under the ‘soft budget constraint’ syndrome in China, and these strategies could be risky. Although the extent to which these strategies actually do stimulate business and lure investment is yet to be seen, the citizens are immediately and directly benefiting from them and consequently they have gained much popularity and support. However, the competitiveness building in Chinese cities has called into question the legitimacy of local state governance, and the validity of large projects that lack financial discipline, social objectives and accountability for unsuccessful investments. Au vingt‐et‐unième siècle, la compétition pour attirer le capital mobile s’est intensifiée entre les villes. La hiérarchie urbaine des régions évolue, créant de nettes différences de réussites économiques entre localités. En Chine, ces forces planétaires et la restructuration régionale ont provoqué un relatif déclin économique dans certaines grandes villes traditionnellement puissantes, entraînant par ailleurs l’émergence de nouveaux centres économiques. Face à ces forces, de nombreuses villes chinoises ont été poussées à adopter une série de stratégies concurrentielles visant à reconquérir ou bâtir leur compétitivité et leur position dominante. Pour traduire ces stratégies en actions concrètes, les gouvernements locaux ont encouragé des investissements et des projets de rajeunissement d’image très en vue. La nouvelle urbanisation d’envergure que connaît Guangzhou est un cas particulièrement intéressant. Capitale de la province du Guangdong et centre historique établi dans le delta de la ‘rivière des Perles’, Guangzhou a pourtant connu un récent déclin. L’article tente d’identifier les stratégies d’ensemble et projets spécifiques lancés à Guangzhou comme instruments promoteurs de sa revitalisation et d’en examiner les raisons sous‐jacentes. L’instauration de stratégies ambitieuses et novatrices est relativement possible compte tenu du syndrome chinois de ‘faible contrainte budgétaire’, mais elle ne va pas sans risques. Même s’il reste à constater l’ampleur dans laquelle ces stratégies stimulent réellement l’activité et attirent les investissements, les habitants en bénéficient immédiatement et directement, acquérant ainsi popularité et soutien. Toutefois, la compétitivité qui se dessine dans les villes chinoises remet en cause la légitimité de la gouvernance étatique locale et la validité de grands projets dont sont absents discipline financière, objectifs sociaux et responsables en cas d’échec des investissements.  相似文献   

1949-1987年间实施的(重)工业优先发展战略奠定了社会主义中国城市社会空间的基本格局,并决定了社会主义转型时期(1987-)城市社会空间演进的底色."城市单位化"和"单位城市化"导致城市社会空间层序完全由(重)工业优先发展战略所决定,人因所属单位的不同而分异,城市因单位而发生社会空间的分化,该研究有助于解析当前社会经济转型期中国城市社会空间演进的方向.  相似文献   

An extension of gentrification, jiaoyufication–urban change driven by a desire for high‐quality education–is not only displacing previous lower‐class residents, but also replacing earlier jiaoyufiers with newcomers, turning formerly blue‐collar neighbourhoods into white‐collar ones. New middle‐class communities are emerging as spatially limited school catchment zones attract social groups who occupy these spaces in an attempt to facilitate social mobility or consolidate social status, causing tension between them. Consequently, jiaoyufication has narrowed down opportunities for intergenerational social mobility and exacerbated social polarization, gradually replacing traditional social hierarchies with intergenerational neoliberal stratification.  相似文献   

恩宁路骑楼街区是广州粤剧南拳等民间文化艺术的发祥地.为抢救活态的非物质文化遗产,传承城市文脉,打造粤剧名伶故居展览一条街、民间文化艺术乐园一条街、民间艺术旅游商品一条街、西关民居民俗风情一条街,实现民间文化艺术产业化,则是恩宁路骑楼历史街区极有创意的保护规划方略.  相似文献   

This research details the mundane practices of policy mobility and entrepreneurial endeavour in Jiyuan in relation to the city's changing administrative position, and is one of the first attempts at understanding how entrepreneurial policies are mobilized, mutated and diffused in a small inland Chinese city. We interpret Jiyuan's evolving development strategies and trajectory through two interrelated conceptual lenses—policy mobility and urban entrepreneurialism—bridged by an analysis of the politics of scale. Over the past three decades, governance strategies in Jiyuan have evolved from policy imitation, during the germination of urban entrepreneurialism, to policy mutation and diffusion, under the amplification of entrepreneurialism, as the city has moved up the administrative levels and urban hierarchy. Policy mobility and urban entrepreneurialism in Jiyuan, involving a multi‐scalar process, are being shaped by the interactions between the city, the region, the central state and global capital under the confluence of globalization and marketization. The ‘successful’ story of a small entrepreneurial city tells a new tale that can inform wider contexts by painting a fuller portrait of the evolution of an entrepreneurial city across different scales and time and bringing cities hitherto ‘off the map’ back into the picture of urban entrepreneurialism against the backdrop of globalization.  相似文献   

运用环境库兹涅茨曲线,对广州、佛山、肇庆三个处于不同工业化阶段城市的工业废水排放量、工业废气排放量、工业固废产生量与人均GDP的关系进行拟合,并运用灰色关联分析法分析其主要影响因素。三市不同污染指标的EKC形状各异,呈现出不同的经济发展与环境污染的关系;除广州市工业废水排放量和佛山市工业废气排放量外,其余各种污染均呈现不同程度的增长趋势;工业污染排放受多种因素影响,不同工业化阶段主要影响因素各不相同,但经济规模和经济结构对工业污染变化的影响始终是巨大的。  相似文献   

The socio‐legal technology of licensing is one of the primary tools governments use to manage spaces and practices deemed risky or threatening to public order. Licensing requirements thus play a crucial role in shaping routine experiences in public space as well as the trajectories of emerging forms of public life. Yet licensing laws have largely been ignored in critical urban scholarship: too often concerned with the interpretation and critique of popular practices and public spaces, the mundane operations of urban governance are often left to practitioners and policy researchers. This article demonstrates how paying closer attention to licensure can provide valuable and unexpected insights into matters of social equality, urban amenity and economic opportunity. It does so through a comparative inquiry into practices of street food vending in New York City, Seattle, and Portland, Oregon. Drawing on ethnographic study and interviews, the article demonstrates how licensing can be involved in the production of quite peculiar and unjust geographies of practice, but also how shifts in popular culture can force a reconsideration of taken‐for‐ granted laws. In conclusion, it is argued that a focus on licensing offers a productive pathway for new forms of critical urban research and provides a potential point of leverage in efforts to configure better and more democratic forms of urban public life.  相似文献   

本文构建的空间市场力模型,以中国整体银行业行政区划的31省市自治区数据实证,采用不同时间段以确认测度可靠性,得到中国银行业空间市场力重要特征:具有明显空间差异和时不变特征,赋予空间市场力内在的新含义。空间差异说明中国地域间差异继续扩大,时间稳定性说明银行业整体市场结构已经呈现稳定状态。实证分析为发达地域High-High和不发达地域Low-Low的空间集聚导致,具有负反馈效应,使银行空间市场力在发达地域得到强化而在不发达地域得到弱化,只分析市场势力而不研究空间市场力无法得到此结果。政策建议需遵循行业+跨大区域发展思路,而仅靠其本区域的政策则不足以改变目前地域经济发展现状。  相似文献   

China's massive transformation in urban governance, which is characterized by breaking the link between workplace and residence and consolidating state territorial agencies at the grassroots level, has profound implications for urban residents. While community building is employed as a deliberate (top‐down) approach to restore a governable urban society, the establishment, development and problems of bottom‐up civic territorial organizations — homeowners associations — are garnering increased attention from academia. Based on field research conducted in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Meizhou in Guangdong Province from 2009 to 2011, we show that civic engagement, a necessary condition for the development of homeowners associations, is inadequate across urban communities. To understand why, we identified and analyzed three elements — lack of awareness of partitioned property ownership, the hidden costs of civic engagement and deficiency in social capital — as factors that impede civic engagement across urban communities. These elements also provide yardsticks for scholars to evaluate why, whether and how homeowners (dis‐)engage from neighborhood affairs.  相似文献   

崔扬 《价值工程》2015,34(9):215-216
实施中部地区经济崛起的过程中,猎头公司的迅猛发展,使得户外广告宣传面临新的抉择。及时制定正确的应对策略,充分利用合适载体,提升公司的整体形象,具有实践价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article examines the spatial practices and forms of institutionalization in the water and water sanitation sector in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, and especially in Kampung Kojan in the Kalideres subdistrict of Jakarta. To this end, it develops a three‐layered analytical framework viewing the city as a multi‐scalar socio‐ecological system in which different forms of human–water relations and their institutionalization are found. Particular attention is given to informality in this system and how it interacts with ‘regular’ state and corporate market sector practices. Within these interactive dynamics, informality is not only understood as a survival strategy but also as a creative practice connecting various social‐ecological opportunities, traditional and contemporary technologies and modes of institutionalization to each other. Ongoing institutionalization processes in the formal and informal economy, as well as between them, are analysed. Opportunities to integrate and regularize the diverse water sanitation services into community‐led closed water–wastewater cycles capable of ensuring public health and sustaining a bio‐hydrological balance at the local level are explored.  相似文献   

刘巍  叶茂林 《物流技术》2011,30(1):126-128
首先对广州港集团及其管理信息系统进行简要介绍,接着将公司业务人员提出的查询功能进行整合分类,并对选择MyEclipse企业级工作平台、PL/SQL Developer 7.0、润乾报表v4.5作为综合查询主要开发工具的理由进行了阐述。其次是结合实例从视图编写、报表文件制作J、SP页面布局三个步骤理清了综合查询的开发思路,最后从用户应用过程中出现的问题及如何解决对后期维护提出了大致思路。  相似文献   

This article deals with housing illegality/informality in Italy, where it represents an established aspect of urban development. It presents a case study focused on Desio, a town close to Milan in northern Italy. Here housing illegality occurs by virtue of the well‐established presence of a mafia‐type criminal organization (the ‘Ndrangheta). Three examples of illegal construction in Desio are analysed, forming the basis for a discussion on the distinctive features of illegal house‐building in Italy. In particular, institutional incentives encouraging illegal housing are investigated, with reference to both formal institutions (e.g. planning laws, rules preventing unauthorized housing and building amnesties) and informal institutions (e.g. organized crime). The case of illegal housing in Italy contributes significantly to the wider international debate on urban informality, highlighting the critical need for research along avenues as yet only partially explored (e.g. informal housing in Western countries and the role of criminal activities and actors in the spread of informality) and challenging some common assumptions such as the geographical dualism (‘global North’ versus ‘global South’) which, implicitly, results from the international literature.  相似文献   

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