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瑞士是举世闻名的钟表王国,它所生产的劳力士、欧米茄、雷达、浪琴、天梭等手表,无一不是享誉全球的著名品牌。在人们心目中,瑞士手表一直是精美、高雅、华贵的代名词,是身份、地位、财富的象征。瑞士手表曾一度占据世界手表市场的绝大部分。然而,自20世纪70年代中期开始,瑞士钟表业陷入前所未有的危机之中:以卡西欧(Casio)、精工(Seiko)、西铁城(Citizen)为代表的日本制表业,针对中低收入的消费者,采用数字技术,凭借造型新颖、物美价廉等优点,迅速占领了世界钟表市场,严重威胁着瑞士几个世纪以来在世界钟表业建立起来的霸主地位。  相似文献   

有激情是沃顿对学生的要求。那种激情也许可以理解为,早上起来第一件事,你就会想,你能成为一个怎样的你?  相似文献   

In this article, Andrew Sentance describes the growing economic importance of Asia and discusses the impact on the world economy. He argues that Western economies face a problem of structural adjustment not only to low-cost competition from newly industrialised countries but also because of technological changes. Macroeconomic shocks, Single Market restructuring and labour market inflexibility have made this process more difficult in Europe.  相似文献   

成功的企业必然有成功的独特之处,这些独特之处,也许是成功的企业文化,也许是成功的管理理念,还也许是成功的产品等,但无论以上哪种情况,当今时代的成功企业都必须有成功营销策略或营销模式.  相似文献   

This case study describes the use of a performance analysis system at the Safety Products Division of Mine Safety Appliances Company, which contributed to the reduction of excess inventories by more than $8,000,000 during the first two years of implementation.  相似文献   

一个小孩正在河边走着,忽然看到水边有一只陷在网里的鳄鱼。鳄鱼也看到了男孩,求道:“你能可怜可怜我,把我救出去吗?  相似文献   

Frude N 《Across the board》1983,20(11):42-50

Our paper presents the results of a survey on the perceptions of 680 Italian public-sector consultants on the drivers of successful organizational change according to Fernandez and Rainey’s model. The results show that the consultants mostly confirm the model, though recognizing that the various drivers have different degrees of relevance. A clear vision and plan for change and the top management’s commitment are seen as central in change processes, whereas interestingly, resource availability and a comprehensive approach to change appear to play a less relevant role.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the appointment of women into senior leadership positions has a more positive effect on share price than the appointment of men into equivalent positions. Our dependent variable is the degree of change in share price following the announcement of men and women into senior leadership positions. Although market reactions to corporate events represent a complex process, we argue that changes in stock price represent a barometer for how investors assess the decision's potential effect on a corporation's short‐ and long‐term economic viability. We find a significant spike in stock price following the announcement of women into top leadership positions. The size and direction of change in stock price, however, is moderated by the gender composition of the industry. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In response to growing consensus among scientists and governments to act fast to avoid dangerous impacts of climate change, many industries have started to prepare for a carbon‐constrained world. However, this response is far from being uniform. Often action is predicated on economic, technological, organizational and institutional drivers and barriers, which vary between countries and across industrial sectors. In order to understand the effectiveness of industry response, it is therefore important to analyse corporate response across different sectors in different countries. Focusing on the nine most energy‐intensive and greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting industrial sectors, this paper compares corporate responses to climate change in Pakistan and the UK. By analysing the divergence of strategies adopted by industries across different sectors in two countries, the paper examines the key factors influencing corporate adoption and implementation of GHG reduction and energy‐efficiency strategies in Pakistan and the UK. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

富有的家族背景及商人的家庭熏陶。在战火硝烟中攫取财富,在冒险中追逐刺激,乐此不疲。  相似文献   

当人类明进入廿一世纪,珠宝早已不再为王公贵族所独享。拥有珠宝、佩戴珠宝已成为种化、一种时尚、一种生活态度。  相似文献   

联想集团有限公司(Lenovo)——1984年,由中国科学院计算所投资20万元人民币、11名科技人员在北京一处租来的传达室中开始创业,时称  相似文献   

若说20世纪90年份全世界哪个都市最令人惊艳,那就是当时大破大立的上海。  相似文献   

We use popular non-parametric (CART, TreeNet) and parametric (logit) techniques to identify robust economic, demographic and political conditions that lead to shifts in control in the executive branch of government in 162 countries during the period 1960–2004. We find that institutional aspects of the political system, executive characteristics, demographic variables, economic growth, and economic trade variables are all very important for predicting leadership turnover in the following year. Financial crises are not robustly useful for this purpose, but a vulnerability to currency crises in times of low economic growth implies very high conditional probabilities of job losses for democratic leaders in non-election years. In-sample, TreeNet predicts 78% of leadership transition events correctly, compared to CART’s 70%, and TreeNet also generally achieves higher overall prediction accuracies than either CART or the logit model out-of-sample.  相似文献   

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