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王海燕 《西部论丛》2005,(12):76-76
个税起征点已定为1600元,而个人所得税法修正草案让市民的目光再次聚焦到免税理财产品上。老百姓怎样才能合理避税?哪些投资或理财途径能够让老百姓免缴个人所得税?近期,招商锻行、光大银行的两位理财专家透露了几招。  相似文献   

以2012—2021年我国A股上市企业数据为样本,研究企业数字化转型对审计质量的影响,以及信息透明度的中介作用。结果表明,企业数字化转型可对审计质量具有明显促进作用,并且企业数字化程度越高,信息透明度也就越高,此时企业可操纵性应计利润越低,审计质量越高,在考虑了内生性问题之后,结论依然成立。因此,我国应当坚持全面推动产业数字化,企业积极拥抱数字化,全社会共同为数字经济发展营造良好环境。  相似文献   

目前外资企业国际避税呈现出逐步蔓延的趋势,导致了国家税收的大量流失,造成了税收秩序的混乱和纳税人税负的不平等,严重损害了中国的根本利益。该文在对中国外资企业国际避税的危害和采取的手段进行分析的基础上,提出了中国反国际避税应采取的有效措施。  相似文献   

I examine whether corporate tax avoidance is associated with internal control weaknesses (ICWs) disclosed under the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act (SOX). ICWs disclosed under SOX are frequently related to a firm's tax function. When pervasive ICWs exist, the likelihood increases that these frequent tax‐related ICWs spill over from financial reporting issues to tax avoidance objectives. Thus, my research helps corporate stakeholders understand the implications of internal controls beyond simply financial reporting objectives. Results indicate that, on average, firms with a tax‐related ICW have a 4 percent higher three‐year cash effective tax rate relative to firms without any such weaknesses. Further estimates reveal that this negative relation stems from pervasive, company‐level tax ICWs. Analysis of remediation suggests a causal link. I find that after remediating tax‐related ICWs, firms report higher levels of tax avoidance in the future. Broadly, these findings support that internal control quality represents a proxy for internal governance, and thus the strength of alignment between managers and shareholders. Furthermore, tax‐related internal controls represent an important underlying determinant of tax avoidance with significant cash flow effects, and implications beyond financial reporting.  相似文献   

We investigate whether tax avoidance and manager diversion are complementary when the costs of diversion are low by comparing dividend payouts, performance, and overinvestments of tax haven firms versus other multinational firms based in countries with weak and strong investor protections. Desai and Dharmapala (2006, 2009a, b) and Desai et al. (2007) set forth a theory of tax avoidance within an agency framework (the D&D theory) based on the assumption that tax avoidance and manager diversion are complementary when the corporate governance system is “ineffective” (i.e., the manager's expected costs of diversion are low). Tax haven firms are corporate groups whose parent firms are incorporated in tax haven countries that are not the countries where the groups’ headquarters or primary operations are located (i.e., their “base” countries). We argue that tax haven incorporation potentially lowers the costs of diversion for managers of firms based in countries with weak investor protections. Using a sample from 28 base countries, we provide evidence that manager diversion and tax avoidance are complementary for tax haven firms based in countries with weak investor protections but not for tax haven firms based in countries with strong investor protections. Our results are consistent with the complementarity assumption underlying the D&D model and provide additional insights into the potential impact of the decentralization of the global firm.  相似文献   

本文运用Cappiello et al.(2006)提出的AG—DCC模型对中国金融市场的研究发现,中国股票、债券和外汇市场间存在明显的动态相关性 ,虽然“正向冲击”和“负向冲击”对金融市场波动并不产生明显的非对称效应,但对市场间动态相关性有着显著的影响,而且信息和政策冲击反映在动态相关性的结构变化上。最后,用平均动态相关性作为一体化指标对中国金融市场的考察发现,相对于欧盟市场间,中国股票市场一体化程度相当高,但股票和债券、股票和外汇以及债券和外汇市场间的一体化程度有待提高。  相似文献   

通道费的避税效应与规制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收取通道费在我国已成为零售企业的一种盈利模式,而零售商向供应商滥收通道费引起我国当前工商矛盾尖锐化。本文分析了我国通道费的概念和构成,发现零售商收取通道费具有避税效应,这是我国通道费盛行的原因之一。由于通道费构成的复杂性,解决通道费问题不宜硬性取消或强制采取控制的规定,政府可以采用征收通道费税的办法予以规制。本文通过模型设计,得出调节通道费的控制变量,设计了针对通道费的征税机制,为政府规制零售商收取通道费行为提供了依据。  相似文献   

国际反避税的主要措施及对我们的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
避税是影响世界各国财政收入的重要因素,所以反避税一直是世界上大多数国家研究的主要课题。许多国家都根据各自情况,制定反避税措施。这些措施为我们提供了宝贵的经验和值得借鉴的成功做法,对于完善我国的反避税措施是十分必要的。  相似文献   

孙立新 《科技和产业》2012,12(12):161-163
逆向避税损害了东道国的税收管辖权,影响了东道国的国际收支平衡,造成东道国的资本外流和境内外厂商之间的不公平竞争。逆向避税的形成既有利益驱动原因、规避风险原因,也有战略驱动原因,文章基于博弈论视角,分析了逆向避税所采用的转让定价、资本弱化等主要手段,提出了反逆向避税的转让定价、资本弱化策略。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of tax avoidance in the credit‐rating process and whether differences exist in how rating agencies account for the risk relevance of tax avoidance. Using a sample of initial credit ratings assigned to public debt issuances during 1994–2013, our evidence is consistent with Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's assessing the costs and benefits associated with tax avoidance differently from one another, resulting in more frequent and pronounced rating agency disagreement. Rating agency disagreement over tax avoidance is most evident when it is accompanied by relatively high levels of uncertain tax positions, foreign activities, research and development activities, or tax footnote opacity. We also find evidence that decreases (increases) in tax avoidance or tax footnote disclosure opacity are positively (negatively) associated with the convergence of split ratings. This suggests that firms can exacerbate or mitigate rating agency disagreement subsequent to bond issuance. Our study complements prior research by examining why sophisticated information intermediaries disagree about the risk relevance of tax avoidance. It also sheds light on how firms can influence rating agencies’ understanding of tax avoidance.  相似文献   

近年来,跨国公司纷纷来我国投资,促进了我国经济的发展,但同时也带来了国际避税与反避税问题。面对跨国公司在我国避税这一问题,探讨和完善我国的国际反避税制度,加强国际反避税工作,是当前我国经济工作中受关注的热点之一。文章就这一主题结合笔者多年来的实践总结和观察体验  相似文献   

This study provides the first large-sample evidence on the economic tax effects of special purpose entities (SPEs). These increasingly common organizational structures facilitate corporate tax savings by enabling sponsor firms to increase tax-advantaged activities and/or enhance their tax efficiency (i.e., relative tax savings of a given activity). Using path analysis, we find that SPEs facilitate greater tax avoidance such that an economically large amount of cash tax savings from research and development (R&D), depreciable assets, net operating loss carryforwards, intangible assets, foreign operations, and tax havens occur in conjunction with SPE use. We estimate that SPEs help generate over $330 billion of incremental cash tax savings, or roughly 6 percent of total U.S. federal corporate income tax collections during the sample period. Interaction analyses reveal that SPEs enhance the tax efficiency of intangibles and R&D by 61.5 percent to 87.5 percent. Overall, these findings provide economic insight into complex organizational structures supporting corporate tax avoidance.  相似文献   

税收筹划作为一种节税行为应当符合相关的法律规定。但在现实条件下,由于政府征税与纳税人追求最大利益是相违背的,双方就形成了一种博弈关系。政府在实际征管中要考虑政府的政策选择和纳税人对此的反应和行为选择;纳税人在实行筹划行为时会权衡自己所能得到的利益和可能受到的惩罚,双方博弈的后果最终会达到一种均衡,使得征纳双方都能接受。  相似文献   

为了提高政务信息的公开质量,使人民群众准确评价政府的执政活动,提高行政运作效率,降低社会风险和执政风险,有必要引入透明度的概念.可以对影响政务信息透明度的各个主要因素进行模糊综合评审,然后利用权重平衡法,计算出政务信息综合透明度的总值.  相似文献   

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