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Derivatives activity, motivated by risk‐sharing, can breed risk‐taking. Bad news about the risk of an asset underlying a derivative increases protection sellers' expected liability and undermines their risk‐prevention incentives. This limits risk‐sharing, creates endogenous counterparty risk, and can lead to contagion from news about the hedged risk to the balance sheet of protection sellers. Margin calls after bad news can improve protection sellers' incentives and in turn enhance risk‐sharing. Central clearing can provide insurance against counterparty risk but must be designed to preserve risk‐prevention incentives.  相似文献   

We find that a substantial portion of short sellers' trading advantage comes from their ability to analyze publicly available information. Using a database of short sales combined with a database of news releases, we show that the well-documented negative relation between short sales and future returns is twice as large on news days and four times as large on days with negative news. Further, we find that the most informed short sales are not from market makers but rather from clients, and we find only weak evidence that short sellers anticipate news events. Overall, the evidence suggests that public news provides valuable trading opportunities for short sellers who are skilled information processors.  相似文献   

We study situations in which consumers rely on a biased intermediary's advice when choosing among sellers. We introduce the notion that sellers' and consumers' payoffs can be congruent or conflicting, and show that this has important implications for the effects of bias. Under congruence, the firm benefiting from bias has an incentive to offer a better deal than its rival and consumers can be better‐off than under no bias. Under conflict, the favored firm offers lower utility, and bias harms consumers. We study various policies for dealing with bias and show that their efficacy also depends on whether the payoffs exhibit congruence or conflict.  相似文献   

The increased equity lending supply (ELS) in the equity loan market, available for short sellers to borrow, exposes a firm to greater short selling threats. Considering short sellers' strong incentives to uncover firm-specific information and monitor managers, we hypothesize that short selling threats, proxied by ELS, enhance corporate investment efficiency. We find that ELS significantly reduces managerial tendencies to underinvest (overinvest) especially for firms prone to underinvest (overinvest). The effect of ELS on investment efficiency is stronger for firms with higher information asymmetry and weaker corporate governance, confirming short sellers' role in mitigating information and agency costs. However, short selling risk weakens the effect of ELS. Our evidence is robust to endogeneity checks and suggests that corporate investment can be driven by a particular capital market condition: the amount of lendable shares in the equity loan market.  相似文献   

The terms buyers' market and sellers' market are commonly used in contexts that most economists would characterize as excess supply and excess demand. It is puzzling, however, that in many instances the press and general public are all aware that it is a buyers' or sellers' market. Are these markets really that inefficient? We offer definitions of buyers' and sellers' markets that are consistent with a full rational expectations equilibrium in a simple general equilibrium search model of a heterogeneous durable goods market.  相似文献   

Firms often choose not to post prices in wholesale markets, and buyers must incur costs to discover prices. Inspired by evidence of customized pricing (e.g., some customers pay up to 70% more than others) and search costs, I estimate a search model to study how personalized pricing impacts efficiency in a wholesale market. I find that price discrimination decreases total surplus by 11.6% and increases the sellers' profits by up to 52.1%. These effects are partially explained by price discrimination softening competition through a decrease in search incentives, illustrating how price discrimination may magnify the efficiency costs of search frictions.  相似文献   

Exploiting the setting of firms that are unable to disclose timely financial reports and thus must file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the NT 10-K (Q) report, this study examines whether short sellers target firms with financial reporting weaknesses. We find that short interest increases in firms prior to the NT 10-K (Q) filing, suggesting that short sellers identify and target firms that cannot file their financial reports in a timely manner. Short selling is positively significantly related to subsequent late filing status, and is more pronounced in late filers with high newswire activity and with accelerated filing deadlines. Short selling of late filing firms is significantly negatively related to subsequent performance thereby suggesting that short sellers' trades pertinent to late filers are profitable. Overall, the results underscore a high information processing ability of short sellers in the setting of firms that exhibit financial reporting deficiencies.  相似文献   

Seller reputation, generated by buyer feedback, is critical to fostering trust in online marketplaces. Marketplaces or sellers may choose to compensate buyers for providing feedback. Signaling theory predicts that only sellers of high-quality products will reward buyers for truthful feedback, especially when a product lacks any feedback and when the seller is not established. We confirm these hypotheses using Taobao's reward-for-feedback mechanism. High-quality products, especially without established feedback, are chosen for feedback rewards, which cause sales to increase by 36%. Marketplaces and consumers can therefore benefit from allowing sellers to buy feedback and signal their high-quality products in the process.  相似文献   

We develop a novel theoretical and experimental framework to study adoption and use of cash versus electronic payments in retail transactions. The design allows us to assess the behavioral impact of sellers' service fees and buyers' rewards from using electronic payments. In the experiment, buyers and sellers faced a coordination problem, independently choosing a payment method before trading. Sellers readily adopted electronic payments but buyers did not. Eliminating service fees or introducing rewards significantly increased adoption and use of electronic payments. Buyers' economic incentives were crucial for the diffusion of electronic payments but cannot fully explain their adoption choices.  相似文献   

In markets in which sellers know more about product quality than buyers, but cannot convey their superior information either by directly issuing costly signals of the Spence type or by successfully funding the production of information, I suggest another way in which the informational asymmetry problem can be resolved; a third party can produce the necessary information at a cost and use it to price a service consumed by the sellers. Buyers can then observe a seller's choice of service consumption level and be well informed in equilibrium. In this framework I construct a model in which a borrower's choice of insurance coverage signals its default probability to lenders, and explore the properties of the resulting signalling equilibrium in a variety of cases.  相似文献   

The relation between investment bank reputation and the price and quality of bond underwriting services is studied here. After controlling for endogeneity in issuer–underwriter matching, I find that reputable banks obtain lower yields and charge higher fees, but issuers' net proceeds are higher. These relations are pronounced in the junk‐bond category, in which reputable banks' underwriting criteria are most stringent. These findings suggest that banks' underwriting decisions reflect reputation concerns, and are thus informative of issue quality. They also suggest that economic rents are earned on reputation, and thereby provide continued incentives for underwriters to maintain reputation.  相似文献   

Information asymmetry between sellers and buyers often prevents socially desirable trade. This article presents a new mechanism that mitigates the inefficiencies caused by information asymmetry. I consider decentralized markets under adverse selection and show that such markets can be endogenously segmented in a way that improves social welfare. Endogenous segmentation is driven by low‐quality sellers’ incentive to attract more buyers by separating from high‐quality sellers. The mechanism helps us understand the roles of several real‐world institutions, such as multiple marketplaces, costless advertisements, and nonbinding list prices.  相似文献   

Existing researches usually study short sellers' behavior along a single dimension such as earnings news without considering the implications of multiple signals. In this paper, we investigate short selling behavior at earnings announcement period by using the shorting data from the Regulation SHO pilot program for the period January 2005 to July 2007. First, we document that, in about one third of our sample, earnings surprises and corresponding market price changes have opposite signs. By investigating how short sellers trade when earnings shocks and market price responses are of opposite signs, we find that there are more short selling activities when the market responds positively to negative earnings surprises; and that there are fewer short selling activities when the market responds negatively to positive earnings surprises. Overall, the shorting intensity at announcement period depends on both the earnings shock and price response signals.  相似文献   

In recent years, investors have begun to value companies’ reputations through their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. ESG risk can affect business processes and controls and can heighten financial risk and threaten a firm’s survival. This study examines whether and how the severity of media coverage of a firm’s negative ESG issues (tainted ESG reputation) is associated with audit effort and audit quality. I find that auditors manage the higher expected engagement risk conveyed by tainted ESG reputation by applying higher audit effort. Next, I observe that the increased effort is associated with auditors likely detecting and requiring adjustments for material misstatements and that tainted ESG reputation is associated with fewer misstatements (i.e., reduces poor audit quality). The association between tainted ESG reputation and audit quality is driven primarily by increased audit report lag, not by increased audit fees. Further, I find that tainted ESG reputation is positively associated with audit effort and reduces poor audit quality for up to three years. The results also show that the audit effort and audit quality effect vary across the three components of ESG.  相似文献   

We study effects of horizontal integration on firm reputation in an environment where customers observe only imperfect signals about firms' effort/quality choices. Horizontal integration leads to a larger market base for the merged firm, and thus helps reputation building with more effective punishments and better monitoring by eliminating idiosyncratic shocks of individual markets. But it allows the merged firm to deviate only in a subset of markets, which hinders reputation building by making it more difficult for consumers to monitor its quality. We show that these effects give rise to a reputation‐based theory of the optimal firm size and derive its comparative statics.  相似文献   

In a government auction program where first-price auctions generate significantly higher revenue than English auctions, I document evidence that bidders are uncertain about the number of auction entrants. Motivated by additional data evidence, I estimate a structural model of auctions in which rivals' participation is stochastic, allowing for bidders' risk aversion and asymmetry. Counterfactual simulations reveal that bidders' uncertainty about the number of entrants, combined with risk aversion, substantially softens the revenue impact of low competition in first-price auctions. This explains the observed revenue patterns and uncovers an empirically important reason for sellers to favor first-price auctions over English auctions.  相似文献   

I show that venture capitalists' motivation to build reputation can have beneficial effects in the primary market, mitigating information frictions and helping firms go public. Because uninformed reputation‐motivated venture capitalists want to appear informed, they are biased against backing firms—by not backing firms, they avoid taking low‐value firms to market, which would ultimately reveal their lack of information. In equilibrium, reputation‐motivated venture capitalists back relatively few bad firms, creating a certification effect that mitigates information frictions. However, they also back relatively few good firms, and thus, reputation motivation decreases welfare when good firms are abundant or profitable.  相似文献   

We examine the link between price, quality, seller claims, and seller reputation in Internet auctions. After purchasing actual baseball cards and having them professionally graded, we find that some buyers in the online graded market are misled by incredible claims of quality. They pay higher prices but do not receive better quality and, in fact, are defrauded more often. Online seller reputation is effective for identifying good‐faith sellers. But conditional on completed auctions, reputable sellers do not provide better quality. Evidence also suggests that high‐claim sellers target less‐experienced buyers. We attribute these patterns to two loopholes in the eBay rating system. We benefited from the comments of Austan Goolsbee, Raphael Thomadsen, John Shea, Dan Vincent, David Reiley, Larry Ausubel, Peter Cramton, V. Joseph Hotz, Jeff Smith, Jimmy Chan, Vincent Crawford, Mark Duggan, and attendees at numerous seminars and conferences. We are particularly grateful to Seth Sanders and John List for their constructive advice at the early stage of the research, to Timothy Bresnahan, Rachel Kranton, and Thomas Hubbard for their detailed suggestions in reshaping earlier versions, and to Editor Ariel Pakes and two anonymous referees for their careful readings. Special thanks to eight friends who acted as our agents in purchasing baseball cards in retail markets, and to numerous sports card store owners who shared their insights on the sportscard industry. Excellent research assistance from Randy Alexander Moore and Krzysztof Fizyta is gratefully acknowledged. Any remaining errors are ours.  相似文献   

We experimentally examine the effects of price competition in markets for experience goods where sellers can build up reputations for quality. We compare price competition to monopolistic markets and markets where prices are exogenously fixed. Although oligopolies benefit consumers regardless of whether prices are fixed or endogenously chosen, we find that price competition lowers efficiency as consumers pay too little attention to reputation for quality. This provides empirical support to recent models in behavioral industrial organization that assume that consumers may, with increasing complexity of the marketplace, focus on selected dimensions of products.  相似文献   

I study pricing and commitment by platforms in two‐sided markets with the following characteristics: (i) platforms are essential bottleneck inputs for buyers and sellers transacting with each other; (ii) sellers arrive before buyers; and (iii) platforms can charge both fixed fees and variable fees (royalties). I show that a monopoly platform may prefer not to commit to the price it will charge buyers at the same time it announces its seller price if it faces unfavorable seller expectations. With competing platforms, commitment makes the existence of an exclusive equilibrium (in which sellers register with only one platform) less likely, but it has no impact on multi‐homing equilibria (in which sellers support both platforms) whenever these exist.  相似文献   

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