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This study examines the association between chief executive officer (CEO) overconfidence and future stock price crash risk. Overconfident managers overestimate the returns to their investment projects and misperceive negative net present value (NPV) projects as value creating. They also tend to ignore or explain away privately observed negative feedback. As a result, negative NPV projects are kept for too long and their bad performance accumulates, which can lead to stock price crashes. Using a large sample of firms for the period 1993–2010, we find that firms with overconfident CEOs have higher stock price crash risk than firms with nonoverconfident CEOs. The impact of managerial overconfidence on crash risk is more pronounced when the CEO is more dominant in the top management team and when there are greater differences of opinion among investors. Finally, it appears that the effect of CEO overconfidence on crash risk is less pronounced for firms with more conservative accounting policies.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of U.S. firms during 1964–2007, we find that conditional conservatism is associated with a lower likelihood of a firm's future stock price crashes. This finding holds for multiple measures of conditional conservatism and crash risk and is robust to controlling for other known determinants of crash risk and firm‐fixed effects. Moreover, we find that the relation between conservatism and crash risk is more pronounced for firms with higher information asymmetry. Overall, our results are consistent with the notion that conditional conservatism limits managers’ incentive and ability to overstate performance and hide bad news from investors, which, in turn, reduces stock price crash risk.  相似文献   

邹萍 《南方经济》2015,33(7):29-46
目前中国股市还存在较多制度性缺陷,股价波动频繁且暴跌风险较高。本文以2003年至2013年中国A股上市公司为样本,检验作为激发机制的货币政策以及作为外部生成机制的股票流动性对中国股票价格暴跌风险的影响。研究发现:股票流动性与公司股票价格暴跌风险具有显著的敏感性,即随着股票流动性的下降,公司股票价格暴跌风险显著上升;货币政策越宽松,股票价格暴跌的风险越大;而且宽松的货币政策增强了股票流动性与股票价格暴跌风险的敏感性。区分市场势态的进一步分析表明,市场为熊市时,股票流动性对股票价格暴跌风险的影响更显著,货币政策的放松越容易激化股票价格暴跌风险,且对股票流动性与股票价格暴跌风险的敏感性的放大作用更为突出。  相似文献   

田利辉  王可第 《南方经济》2019,38(11):34-52
鉴于信息不对称程度、制度实施成本和心理文化差异,文章提出"监管距离"假说,认为监管者和被监管者之间距离远近可以影响监管效果。实证分析中国沪深上市公司数据,文章从非对称风险视角出发,研讨了上市公司注册地距所在地中国证监会派出机构的地理距离对公司层面的股价崩盘风险的影响。我们发现,监管机构与上市公司总部的地理距离越远,该上市公司股价的崩盘风险越大。进一步分析发现,如果开通高铁或者上市公司所在地社会信任水平足够高,那么监管距离和崩盘风险的正相关关系是不显著的;如果监管负担严重或政府效率低下,那么监管距离和崩盘风险之间正相关关系更为显著。文章认为,地理距离具有监管信息效应、监管威慑效应和监管执行效应,能够影响股价崩盘风险。也就是说,"山高皇帝远"可以改变上市公司行为,提高金融监管效率不应忽视非正式制度的影响。  相似文献   

本文以2009-2016 年我国A 股上市公司为研究对象,实证检验了公司的金融资产配置对股价崩盘风险的影响。研究发现,公司适度配置金融资产可以显著降低股价崩盘风险,支持了金融资产配置的“价值假说”。进一步分析发现,金融资产配置对股价崩盘风险的抑制作用只存在于经营业绩好和盈余波动性弱的公司中。上述结论在多项稳健性测试中保持稳健。本文的研究不 仅丰富了股价崩盘风险动因的研究成果,也有助于理论界和实务界更加全面认识金融资产配置的经济后果,为维护资本市场稳定、促进金融服务实体经济提供一定政策启示。  相似文献   

本文以2017-2021年中国上市公司为研究样本,探究会计信息质量对公司股价崩盘风险的影响。研究发现会计信息质量越高,公司所面临的股价崩盘风险就越低。主要通过降低公司内部人与外部投资者之间的信息不对称程度,缓解了管理者对外隐瞒坏消息的倾向降低股价泡沫发生的可能性。从管理者代理的视角出发,发现管理费用越高,会计信息质量对股价崩盘风险的抑制作用越显著。  相似文献   

历次股市崩盘,都伴随着流动性枯竭,研究流动性对股市崩盘风险的影响,对国家金融市场稳定运行与健康发展具有重要意义。本文采用负偏度系数和收益上下波动率来度量股市崩盘风险,通过对上证综指日度、周度数据进行实证研究后发现,流动性可以降低股票市场的崩盘风险。为此,本文建议建立股市流动性监测预警机制、合理控制市场杠杆率以及加强对游资的监管。  相似文献   

本文以2010年1月-2019年6月为研究区间,以沪深300指数为样本计算负收益偏态系数和上下波动比率,来衡量股市崩盘风险。以该研究区间内数据完全的偏股混合型基金为样本,计算基金整体的日仓位数据和主动调仓数据。本文以股市崩盘风险为因变量,以仓位水平和主动调仓比例为自变量,考察了基金仓位水平、主动调仓与股市崩盘风险的关系。研究发现,基金仓位水平、主动调仓行为均加剧了股市崩盘风险。最后,本文建议完善证券市场法律法规建设、对基金品种进行创新、完善信息披露制度。  相似文献   

This study examines whether the term of the auditor–client relationship (i.e., auditor tenure) is associated with future stock price crash risk measured both ex ante and ex post. Using a large sample of U.S. public firms with Big 4 auditors, we find robust evidence that auditor tenure is negatively related to one‐year‐ahead stock price crash risk. The evidence is consistent with monitoring‐by‐learning where development of client‐specific knowledge over the term of the auditor–client relationship enhances auditors’ ability to detect and deter bad news hoarding activities by clients, thereby reducing future crash risk. This result holds even after controlling for endogeneity of the tenure/crash risk relation. We further provide evidence indicating that option market investors do not fully incorporate the information contained in the term of auditor–client relationship in predicting future stock price crash risk. Our empirical results have important policy implications for regulators concerned with ensuring auditor independence.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examine six accounting-based stock price anomalies using two sets of tests to determine the extent to which the anomalies (1) represent market mispricing or (2) reflect premia for unidentified risks. Market mispricing is indicated if the anomalous returns are concentrated around subsequent earnings announcements in patterns suggesting that the earnings information causes traders to re-examine their prior (incorrect) beliefs. Mispricing is also indicated if anomalous returns on zero-investment portfolios are positive, period after period. Our results indicate that an anomaly based on earnings momentum probably reflects market mispricing, but that two value-glamour anomalies (based on the book-market ratio and the earnings-price ratio), and two anomalies based on computerized fundamental analyses (from Ou and Penman 1989 and Holthausen and Larcker 1992) are more likely to reflect risk premia than indicated by prior research. Evidence on a sixth anomaly, based on price momentum, is mixed.  相似文献   

Any entity offering flood insurance, whether it is private or government‐administered such as the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), faces the challenge of solvency. This is especially true for the NFIP, where homeowner affordability criteria limit the opportunity to charge fully risk‐based premiums. One solution is to remove the highest flood risk properties from the insurer's book of business. Acquisition (buyout) of flood‐prone structures is a potentially permanent solution that eliminates the highest risk properties while providing homeowners with financial assistance to relocate in a less risky location. To encourage participation, homeowners are offered a preflood fair market value of their damaged (or at risk of damage) structures. Although many factors have been shown to affect a homeowner's decision to accept an acquisition offer, very little research has been devoted to the influence of price or monetary incentive offered on homeowners' willingness to participate in acquisition programs. We estimate a pooled probit model and employ a bootstrap methodology to determine the effects of hypothetical home price offers on homeowners' acquisition decisions. We do so while controlling for environmental factors, property characteristics, and homeowner sociodemographic characteristics. Results show that price indeed has a positive effect on likelihood of accepting an acquisition contract. Furthermore, estimated homeowner supply curves differ significantly based on the damage status of the acquisition offer, as well as homeowner and property characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that measures of stock price synchronicity based on market model R2 s are predictably biased downward as a result of stock illiquidity, and that previously employed remedies to correct market model betas for measurement bias do not fix R2 . Using a large international sample of firm-years, we find strong negative and nonlinear relations between illiquidity and R2 across countries, across firms, and over time. Because variables of interest frequently relate to illiquidity as well, we illustrate the consequences of not controlling for illiquidity in synchronicity research. More generally, we demonstrate the importance of using nonlinear control variable methods. Overall, we conclude that the illiquidity-driven measurement bias in R2 provides an explanation for why prior research finds low-R2 firms to have weak information environments, and suggest future research carefully evaluate the sensitivity of its results to nonlinear controls for illiquidity.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the role of sell‐side analysts' long‐term earnings growth forecasts in the pricing of common equity offerings. We find that, in general, sell‐side analysts' long‐term growth forecasts are systematically overly optimistic around equity offerings and that analysts employed by the lead managers of the offerings make the most optimistic growth forecasts. In additional, we find a positive relation between the fees paid to the affiliated analysts' employers and the level of the affiliated analysts' growth forecasts. We also document that the post‐offering underperformance is most pronounced for firms with the highest growth forecasts made by affiliated analysts. Finally, we demonstrate that the post‐offering underperformance disappears once we control for the overoptimism in earnings growth expectations. Thus, the evidence presented in this paper is consistent with the “equity issue puzzle” arising from overly optimistic earnings growth expectations held at the time of the offerings.  相似文献   

We study whether the repricing of employee stock options is in the best interests of common shareholders by examining the excess stock returns associated with timely, noncontamin‐ated repricing announcements made by Canadian firms. On the basis of three theories of why firms reprice, we develop competing predictions about the mean announcement‐date excess stock return and the cross‐sectional relations among excess stock returns, the estimated probability of repricing, and proxies for predictions from each theory. For a sample of 72 noncontaminated repricing announcements made by Canadian firms between November 1994 and July 2001, we find a reliably positive three‐day announcement‐date mean excess return of 4.9 percent. The results of our cross‐sectional analyses suggest that the market responds favorably to repricings because they assist in retaining key employees even though, at the margin, they enable managers to extract rents from shareholders. We do not find sufficient statistically significant evidence to reliably conclude that repricings are done to realign employee incentives.  相似文献   

In frictionless capital markets with complete information and rational investors, stock prices adjust to new information instantaneously and completely. However, a substantial body of research studies information imperfections such as asymmetric information and incomplete information. Information imperfections potentially hinder timely price discovery and are likely associated with delayed stock price adjustment to information. Our first research question therefore is whether the quality of accounting information (or “accounting quality”) is one such information imperfection that is associated with cross‐sectional variation in stock price delay. We define accounting quality as the precision with which financial reports convey information to equity investors about the firm’s expected cash flows. Poor accounting quality is likely associated with higher expected returns through uncertainty about stock valuation parameters and incomplete information. Our second research question therefore is whether the accounting quality component of price delay is associated with higher future stock returns. Consistent with our hypotheses, the results show that poor accounting quality is associated with delayed price adjustment and higher future stock returns. Thus, accounting quality plays a role in timely stock price discovery.  相似文献   

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