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Based on the 2008–2010 Susenas panel data, this study examines expenditure inequality from spatial perspectives in Indonesia, using three decomposition methods: (i) a conventional Theil index decomposition; (ii) an alternative Theil index decomposition proposed by Elbers et al. (2008); and (iii) the Blinder?Oaxaca decomposition. Our results show that overall inequality in per capita expenditure increases between 2008 and 2010, which coincides with a rising trend in the official Gini coefficient. The contribution of inequality within urban and rural areas to total inequality is larger than that of inequality between urban and rural areas. Looking within urban and rural areas, urban inequality is significantly higher than rural inequality. Java‐Bali in particular records very high urban inequality. Overall, urban inequality increases, urban–rural inequality remains stable, rural inequality decreases, and inequality at the national level increases. Although urban–rural inequality has a relatively low share in overall inequality, the share is not small enough to ignore its impact. Furthermore, when using the alternative decomposition method, the contribution of urban–rural inequality increases substantially. The present study also found that educational differences appear to have played an important role in expenditure inequality within urban areas and between urban and rural areas.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of China's city size and urban population concentration on city productivity by developing a distinctive index based on global nighttime light data. Using the panel data of 280 prefecture cities from 2004 to 2013 and employing dynamic system generalized method of moments and panel threshold model regression techniques, our results show that city size has a positive impact on city productivity; therefore, cities in China still have the potential to expand. While moderate urban population concentration can benefit city productivity, excessively concentrated urban population distribution may impede the growth of city productivity. We also find that the level of labor income significantly affects the impacts of urban agglomeration on labor productivity. Therefore, our results imply that city development policies should focus more on how to appropriately allocate economic activities and adjust population distribution in urban areas according to different stages of economic development.  相似文献   

技术创新差异是构成区域经济差异的内在原因。研究以专利申请授权量为测度指标,采用锡尔系数分解方法、探索性空间(ESDA)分析方法,对环渤海经济圈2001-2011年10年间区域技术创新存在的差异及其时空演化格局进行分析。研究结果表明:2001-2011年环渤海经济圈区域技术创新总体差异呈波浪式下降趋势,区间差异发展不均衡,山东半岛区内差异最大;环渤海经济圈区域技术创新集聚态势不明显,呈随机分布态势;环渤海经济圈区域技术创新水平呈现"两极分化"分布;环渤海经济圈区域技术创新热点演化总体格局相对稳定;区域技术创新增长热点跃迁明显。  相似文献   

This paper comparatively assesses the major contributors to economic growth and spread–backwash effects in Western and Eastern China over the period 2000–2007. The empirical findings indicate that economies in both regions increasingly agglomerated in large cities; the marginal products of domestic capital and labor in the western region were, respectively, two‐thirds and half of those in the eastern region; FDI was more productive than domestic capital. Spatial econometric analysis reveals that the central cities in Western China had mild spread effects on each other and backwash effects on the nearby rural counties and, in contrast, the central cities in the eastern region competed with each other and had backwash effects on nearby rural counties but spread effects on neighboring county‐level cities. The paper draws several policy implications in relation to the improvement of factor inputs and construction of growth centers in the western region.  相似文献   

提升区域创新绩效是在创新驱动发展背景下促进区域发展的重要手段.对京津冀43个区市2013—2018年的创新政策进行量化,构建空间计量模型,实证研究京津冀各区市创新政策对区域创新绩效的影响.研究结果表明:京津冀各区市创新政策与创新绩效均呈现显著正向空间相关性,空间聚集特征明显;创新政策的实施有利于提升本区域创新绩效,且对相邻区域创新绩效存在空间影响效应;创新政策对区域创新绩效的影响及空间效应均存在区域异质性.相对于天津和河北,北京市的创新政策实施对区内创新绩效的促进作用更明显;不同创新政策工具对创新绩效的影响存在差异,相比于需求侧政策和环境侧政策,供给侧政策对本地区创新绩效的促进作用最强;需求侧政策对相邻区域的创新绩效有正向影响,供给侧和环境侧政策对相邻区域创新绩效有负向影响.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamic nature of the transformation of public housing regimes in urban China since the abolishment of the urban welfare housing system in the late 1990s. We summarize the latest progress in the development of public housing in post‐reform China and investigate the driving forces behind these developments. A close examination of the public rental housing program in Shanghai helps to show that the recent revival of public housing in Chinese cities is mostly driven by the desire for economic growth. We conclude that the state provision of housing could be a short‐run state remedy to alleviate economic imbalance and social inequality. However, in the long run China needs to seek more effective solutions to solve the low‐income population's housing affordability problems.  相似文献   

陈传洁  盛科荣 《科技和产业》2023,23(24):262-268
随着农业现代化进程的推进,涉农专利的重要性日渐显现。基于地级市视角,揭示2005—2020年不同维度下中国涉农专利申请数的时空分化情况,利用泰尔指数测度区域差异,并通过空间杜宾模型探究其影响因素。结果得出,中国涉农专利产出水平提高,在技术领域、申请主体方面差异明显,空间趋势基本一致;涉农专利空间分布不均,省内差异影响最大,但总体都有所缩小;人均GDP、农业科技经费和人员等多种因素影响专利产出,部分因素的空间溢出效应显著,且对四大区域影响参差不齐。实行差别政策,合理配置农业科技要素有利于涉农专利的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

本文基于企业创新的“需求拉动假说”,以我国 2009 至 2013 年 A 股上市公司为对象实 证检验客户集中对企业创新的影响。实证结果表明,客户集中会抑制企业创新;客户集中对企业 创新的抑制作用主要通过加剧企业融资约束而不是降低企业风险承担水平来实现。此外,研究还 发现相较于国有企业,非国有企业客户集中对企业创新产生抑制作用更为明显;相较于国有性质 关键客户,非国有性质关键客户对企业的利益攫取更激进,对企业创新的抑制作用更明显。  相似文献   

董笃笃 《改革与战略》2012,28(6):28-30,123
我国目前的创新立法很难为各具特色的区域创新体系建设提供较好的引导与保障。在创新立法中,应将法学体系化思维与创新理论相结合,明确当下创新政策时期区域创新体系的核心理念,并实施从以知识或技术优势为基础到以地理位置为基础的政策转型。同时,科技法学应加强区域创新示范法的研究。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,技术成为决定区域经济增长的主要决定因素。实施技术创新是推动欠发达地区跨越式发展的必然和必要选择。在分析了技术创新对区域经济发展的作用基础上,本文提出我国欠发达地区技术创新的基本思路、技术创新的方向和技术创新的路径;最后,着重阐述了我国欠发达地区  相似文献   

This study uses two different datasets to explore the stylized facts of interprovincial trade in China during the recent two decades. One dataset provides the magnitude of bilateral interprovincial goods trade calculated using firms' value‐added tax invoices. The other supplies estimates of interprovincial trade using provincial input–output tables. We find that China has both a large value and a high growth rate of interprovincial trade, but there still exists a home bias in internal trade for most provinces. In addition, disaggregation by product shows that the manufacturing sector has the largest share of interprovincial trade and this share continues to grow. Finally, the spatial distribution of trade suggests that all provinces can be clustered into a smaller number of trade areas with large intra‐cluster trade. Therefore, China's central government should make more effort to reduce local protection, stimulate domestic demand and coordinate interregional trade among local jurisdictions.  相似文献   

略论提高我国有色金属产业集中度的政策措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有色金属产业集中度不高是我国有色金属产业国际竞争力不强的主要原因,文章通过对我国现行提高有色金属产业集中度政策的分析,指出其主要不足之处为过多依靠市场力量,并提出由国家重点发展壮大3到5家大型有色金属企业集团,以提高我国有色金属产业集中度的政策建议。  相似文献   

Using three comparable national representative household surveys for China in 1988, 1995 and 2002, the present paper reveals the regressivity and urban bias of China's direct tax and welfare system in this period It shows that a regressive taxation system and skewed allocation of subsidies increases the urban-rural income gap and enhances overall inequality. Modeling these relationships indicates that the relatively poorer rural population has a net tax liability, whereas those in the richer urban areas receive net subsidies. This pattern is common in China, although the extent of the bias varies. This skewed system of tax and welfare payments is a major cause of the persisting urban-rural income gap and contributes to the overall income inequality in China. The abolishment of the agriculture tax in 2006 has had a positive impact on rural people 's livelihoods.  相似文献   

Using individual data collected in rural China and adopting Heckman's two‐step function, we examined the impact of childcare and eldercare on laborers' off‐farm activities. Our study finds that having school‐aged children has a negative impact on rural laborers' migration decisions and a positive impact on their decision to work in the local off‐farm employment market. As grandparents can help to take care of young children, the impact of preschoolers is insignificant. Having elderly family to care for decreases the income earned by female members of the family. Although both men and women are actively engaged in off‐farm employment today in rural China, this study shows that women are still the primary care providers for both children and the elderly. Therefore, reforming public school enrollment and high school/college entrance examination systems so that migrant children can stay with their parents, this will help rural laborers to migrate to cities. The present study also calls for more public services for preschoolers and the elderly in rural China.  相似文献   

High‐speed rail (HSR) has been an important driver of China's economic expansion over the last decade. Using data of 285 prefecture‐level cities over 2010–2014, this paper proposes an endogenous economic growth model to explain how and why HSR may have propelled China's economic growth by reducing the time‐space between cities. The research results show that HSR has a potent effect on urban economic growth and regional convergence. Ceteris paribus, HSR appears to have accelerated economic growth by more than 0.6 percent and the pace of regional economic convergence by approximately 2 percent per annum over the data period. Our research findings have important policy implications for the sustainability of China's economic development, backed by HSR.  相似文献   

王芳  刘亚甫 《科技和产业》2022,22(1):153-161
基于不同的粮食功能区,分别运用超效率DEA模型和Malmquist指数法对2001—2019年中国三大粮食功能区的农业科技创新效率及其变化进行测度和比较.结果表明:2001—2019年3个区域的农业科技创新效率均呈现波动上升的趋势;各粮食功能区之间农业科技创新效率差异明显,由低到高依次为主产区、产销平衡区和主销区;粮食主产区规模效率优势明显,主销区技术进步优势较强,而产销平衡区各分解因素的波动幅度最大.最后,从宏观统筹和优化各粮食功能区农业科技创新要素配置、合理推进各粮食功能区农业科技创新、提高农业科技创新效率的视角提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

葛勇  朱桃杏  顼玉卿 《科技和产业》2020,20(12):210-213
科技创新是推动经济发展的动力源泉,基于改进的引力模型构建区域科技创新联系矩阵,并通过社会网络分析法研究了我国区域科技创新联系的网络特征。研究结论认为我国区域科技创新能力差异性大,区域科技协同创新有待推动。  相似文献   

This study examines regional competition in China by considering the spatial correlation and spillover effect of construction land price distortion using a two‐regime Spatial Durbin Model to investigate the patterns and trends of the competition between 285 cities in China from 2006 to 2015. The study finds: (i) price distortion of construction land is a common phenomenon but the distortion index generally shows a declining trend; (ii) regional competition through construction land price distortion shows a weakly intensified pattern, although the competition patterns in the four regions of China varied; and (iii) the intensity of competition between regions was lower during the 12th Five‐year Plan compared to the 11th Plan. The intensity of competition between cities was also lower inside than outside urban agglomerations. These results provide policy implications for remedying the price distortion of construction land and promoting regional coordinated development.  相似文献   

张弢  张博 《科技和产业》2015,15(4):34-39
产业集聚和技术创新是推动经济增长的重要因素.采用河南省、山西省、湖北省、安徽省、湖南省、江西省中部六省的高技术产业—医药产业的区域层次数据进行分析,以区位熵作为产业集聚度的衡量指标,利用BP神经网络法测算技术创新数据,对技术创新水平进行衡量,进而测算产业集聚度和技术创新的Pearson相关系数,验证产业集聚度和技术创新的正相关性,并结合图形进一步分析二者关系,探究二者发挥最大协同推动经济发展时产业集聚的最佳规模,为充分发挥产业集聚和技术创新对经济的协同推动作用提供决策支持.  相似文献   

构建基于环境-过程-结果的区域技术创新系统运行绩效测度框架及评价指标体系,并提出一种改进的模糊积分综合评价法.运用该方法对中部六省创新系统绩效进行实证分析,得出相关省份在技术创新过程中存在的问题.研究结果可为地方政府改善科技创新政策、提升中部六省技术创新能力和绩效提供参考.  相似文献   

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