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绿色城市:城市发展与环境的动态关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不久的将来,世界上大多数的人都将在商业化的城市中生活和工作。数十亿人的生活质量将取决于自由市场经济的发展与绿色城市的关系。有的城市在增长时环境会恶化,而有的城市却可以保护甚至提高环境的质量,这个问题得到了众多研究者来自不同角度的关注。论文在大量文献与数据的基础上探讨了城市发展与环境之间的动态关系,介绍了经典的环境库兹涅茨曲线假说,并从人口增长、城市空间蔓延以及外部性等方面对环境库兹涅茨曲线假说进行了补充与完善。  相似文献   

城镇贫困:结构成因与文化发展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
贫困成因分析主要有两个理论取向 :结构性和文化性。我国城镇贫困是在社会转型的基础上发展起来的结构性贫困。但是随着时间的推移 ,贫困者的境况若得不到改善 ,就可能向文化性贫困发展 ,影响的可能是几代人。反贫困政策应当立足长远 ,注重制定战略性的反贫困措施与方案 ,以防范“贫困文化”的产生。  相似文献   

马国洋  丁超帆 《城市发展研究》2021,28(6):中插29-中插33
城市经济发展与司法发展的关系是地方法治研究的重要内容.基于2019年全国31个直辖市和省会(首府)城市的地区经济发展和司法发展数据,系统考察了城市经济发展对司法发展的影响机制.研究发现,城市经济发展水平越高司法发展水平也就越高;经济发展水平较高的城市司法发展对经济发展的依赖程度也相对较高;城市经济发展与司法发展不同指标...  相似文献   

Climate change presents multiple challenges to citiesnot only in terms of the resilience and sustainability of the urban fabric, but also in relation to how urban inhabitants imagine they might adapt to a future transformed environment. This article explores imaginative modes of thinking in relation to future cities and climate change, focusing on representations of urban drowning or submergence. It considers, in turn, climate‐change fictionsfrom J.G. Ballard's 1962 novel The Drowned World to Paulo Bacigalupi's The Drowned Cities, published in 2012; visual representations from Gustave Doré's The New Zealander in 1872 to Alexis Rockman's 2004 Manifest Destiny; and architectural conjecture, from Wolf Hilbertz's Autopia Ampere project from 1970 onwards to CRAB Studio's Soak City in 2009. The article draws out how these imaginaries intersect with theoretical understandings of science fiction and ecology, contending that an emphasis on multiple imaginaries of climate change is critical to expanding the narrow range of possibilities that currently characterize the literature on cities and climate change. Imaginative texts, images and designs mutually inform each other to encourage holistic ways of approaching how we think about the prospect of urban submergence and to incubate radical responses to it.  相似文献   

随着国内城市化进程的不断加速和房地产市场的持续升温,"城市综合体"这一原本新鲜的名词逐渐成为建筑界的热门话题。这些近年来常州突然涌现的商业项目,都有一个共同的身份:城市综合体。都有相似的特征:体量庞大、商业业态完善、影响范围较广、有极强的聚合能力。这一连串的名字,也勾勒出常州城市综合体之战烽烟四起的图景。但商业综合体的开发中也存在一些问题:如与城市整体发展规划、布局不够合理;商业综合体开发前期的筹备不足;同业竞争过于激烈等问题。由此,课题组提出了"常州市城市综合体建设的调查与研究"这个课题进行研究,试从城市规划的角度,就城市综合体的概念、内涵、特征、类型、发展概况及前景、整体规划布局及功能组合等几个基本问题进行解析,并阐述相关的见解。  相似文献   

以文化的视野探讨历史文化名城的保护与发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
与一般城市一样,历史文化名城具有发展的迫切要求.但由于发展历史和承载历史信息的特殊性,历史文化名城的发展应发挥其文化的特殊资源优势,以文化的视野来发掘其独特的发展方式和动力.论文提出历史文化名城应在整体层次即在城市总体规划中贯穿名城保护与发展的整体观、系统观和动态观,将文化融入城市发展的各个层次,促进名城保护与发展的统一.  相似文献   

How do cities determine who has the right to station themselves in iconic public spaces? This article explores this question by analyzing the evolution of Barcelona's approach to regulating street performance, with a particular focus on regulations pertaining to ‘living statues’. Although most buskers have been expelled from the Ramblas, one of the city's most emblematic walkways, living statues remain permitted on the promenade. This, I argue, is due to the general embrace of statues as part of local tradition and their integration within city‐branding campaigns, as well as their own organizing and boundary work. As the image Barcelona seeks to cultivate has changed, however, the right of statues to station themselves in public space has become ever more tenuous. My findings speak to broader questions regarding how cities determine the boundaries of ‘urban desirability’, as well as why and how such boundaries change over time. They also elucidate the strategies that groups located at the margins employ in attempting to position themselves favorably in relation to such boundaries. More generally, they highlight how current approaches to analyzing urban inclusion and exclusion may benefit from a more sustained engagement with the burgeoning social scientific literature on symbolic boundaries.  相似文献   

Many American and European cities have to deal with demographic and economic trajectories leading to urban shrinkage. According to official data, 13% of urban regions in the US and 54% of those in the EU have lost population in recent years. However, the extent and spatial distribution of declining populations differ significantly between Europe and the US. In Germany, the situation is driven by falling birth rates and the effects of German reunification. In the US, shrinkage is basically related to long-term industrial transformation. But the challenges of shrinking cities seldom appeared on the agendas of politicians and urban planners until recently. This article provides a critical overview of the development paths and local strategies of four shrinking cities: Schwedt and Dresden in eastern Germany; Youngstown and Pittsburgh in the US. A typology of urban growth and shrinkage, from economic and demographic perspectives, enables four types of city to be differentiated and the differences between the US and eastern Germany to be discussed. The article suggests that a new transatlantic debate on policy and planning strategies for restructuring shrinking cities is needed to overcome the dominant growth orientation that in most cases intensifies the negative consequences of shrinkage.  相似文献   

城市区域已经成为全球化背景下区域竞合的主体。通过对城市区域中的中小城市区域发展路径的观察,其区域发展路径应充分的依托和融入所在城市区域,以自身的专业化发展、特色化发展为主线,谋求在全球或全国城市协作网络中的能级跃升。河南省巩义市作为中原经济区和郑州都市区的中小城市,以专业化、特色化为发展思路,确定建设全国重要的专业工业基地、密切对接郑州都市区产业分工协作和组建自身"中心—腹地"次区域协作体系发展路径。通过积极调整自身空间发展策略,落实具体区域协调行动的抓手,保证三个区域发展路径落地实施,为城市区域的中小城市区域发展战略制定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Cities around the world have recently started to become ‘proactive’ initiators of climate strategies containing both mitigation and adaptation elements. The experience of these first movers has been studied and documented both empirically and, to a lesser extent, theoretically, primarily for cities in the global North. This symposium addresses related knowledge gaps by exploring case studies of urban regions in the global South confronting their projected climate change challenges, showcasing the experiences of Delhi, Santiago de Chile and Bogotá. Its specific aim is to explore the urban social response to nature change, the adaptation challenges faced by cities across the world and current practices of urban adaptation. Further, the symposium seeks to understand to what extent and in what respect current conceptual frameworks — which highlight urban ecological security and vulnerability — provide a useful context/framing to assist cities in confronting their challenges and to explain their actions. This introductory article examines current knowledge of the theory and practice of urban climate response. It introduces the concepts of ecological security and vulnerability and discusses the adaptive capacity of cities and how they are starting to respond to the emerging challenges of climate change. It concludes with a synthesis of the case articles and highlights some of the findings.  相似文献   

淮安市作为苏北重要的中心城市和区域交通枢纽,公共交通发展取得了明显成效。文章以实地抽样调查数据为依据,分析了淮安市居民交通出行方式及对低碳交通的认知程度。在此基础上,根据淮安的城市发展定位和低碳交通发展背景,探讨了构建低碳、高效的城市公共交通体系的路径和措施。  相似文献   

服务业与城市的互动发展是一个世界性趋势。由于江苏沿海区域中心城市规模偏小、服务业总量偏少、产业基础偏弱、开放层次偏低等问题,致使江苏沿海城市与服务业发展之间没能形成良性互动关系,而是在低水平上实现了均衡。必须加快推进工业化,发展与之配套的服务业,为中心城市的发展奠定产业基础;必须加快推进城市化,屏弃与之不相适应的制度阻碍,拓宽中心城市的发展空间,使江苏沿海区域中心城市与服务业发展之间形成良性互动的发展关系。  相似文献   

在阐述资源型城市发展空港物流园区的必要性的基础上,以大庆市为例,分析了大庆空港物流园区发展的优势和劣势,对其空间布局进行了规划,并提出了相应的发展策略,包括大庆市政府应加强组织领导,科学合理规划空港物流园区的空间布局,通过做大机场平台、丰富机场航线、制定优惠政策、利用物联网络等措施推动空港物流园区的建设与发展,为优化产业结构、活跃对外经济、推动现代化、国际化城市建设奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

以都市农业发展促新农村建设:概念·观察·思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对有关新农村建设进行实践观察和文献整理的基础上,重点探讨了现代都市农业的概念,研究了都市农业发展在新农村建设中的价值和作用,文章指出,都市农业的发展可以成为新农村建设的动力和契机,但都市农业的开发并不能等同于新农村建设本身.政府主导下的新农村建设要重点思考农民的参与问题,思考如何有效地实现城乡的良性互动,逐步实现全社会都来帮助农民的局面,更好地提高中国农业的组织化程度,促进三农问题的破解.  相似文献   

开发区与城市空间结构演化——以兰州市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以兰州城市开发区为例,在对其发展阶段进行系统梳理和客观划分的基础上,分别从城市形态、新城建设、人口结构、文化结构和社会分异等方面,较为系统地探讨了开发区对城市空间结构演化所产生的影响,以期对兰州城市开发区的健康持续发展及城市的合理规划和有序建设提供决策参考。  相似文献   

中小城市是推进我国城市化进程,建设宜居城市的中坚力量,城市总体规划则起着指导城市建设的重要作用,城市总体规划实施评价体系构建是现代城市建设与规划体系中的重要环节。文章以建设宜居城市作为发展目标,通过定量与定性结合的方式,从城市空间布局、城市环境、城市交通、城市经济发展和社会文明建设等方面检测、反馈绩效,构建中小城市总体规划实施评价体系,并以重庆市万州区2008年度城市总体规划实施评价为例,探讨该评价体系的实践运用。  相似文献   

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