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This article compares Schumpeter, Veblen, and Commons with regard to institutions setting up the paradigm of institutional evolutionary economics. Their theories are of a complex nature, and as such, it is very difficult to situate them in a clear‐cut tradition. The main similarity is their opposition to the thesis that market economy is an independent and self‐regulating system, in an attempt to integrate economic, sociological, and political perspectives with regard to the functioning of the system. Also, change per se is in contrast to the notion of equilibrium. Of course, despite the parallels, the existence of differences is undeniable.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to explore defining characteristics of schools of thought in economics, with Austrian economics chosen to illustrate some of the themes raised. This article argues that a school of thought can be interpreted as an entity that comprises both a system of thought and its member practitioners. Furthermore, a school of thought presupposes the existence of two elements: coherence and distinctiveness. Despite the existence of Misesian and Hayekian strands and thus of plurality within the Austrian school, the article argues for the existence of a broader notion of coherence within the Austrian school at the level of epistemology, methodology, and agenda/objectives.  相似文献   

The classical paradigm of asymptotic theory employed in econometrics presumes that model dimensionality, p, is fixed as sample size, n, tends to inifinity. Is this a plausible meta-model of econometric model building? To investigate this question empirically, several meta-models of cross- sectional wage equation models are estimated and it is concluded that in the wage-equation literature at least that p increases with n roughly like n l/4, while that hypothesis of fixed model dimensionality of the classical asymptotic paradigm is decisively rejected. The recent theoretical literature on ‘large-p’ asymptotics is then very briefly surveyed, and it is argued that a new paradigm for asymptotic theory has already emerged which explicitly permits p to grow with n. These results offer some guidance to econometric model builders in assessing the validity of standard asymptotic confidence regions and test statistics, and may eventually yield useful correction factors to conventional test procedures when p is non-negligible relative to n.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the notion of rate of return is best understood through the lens of the average-internal-rate-of-return (AIRR) model, first introduced in Magni (2010a). It is an NPV-consistent approach based on a coherent definition of rate of return and on the notion of Chisini mean, it is capable of solving the conundrums originated by the rate-of-return notion and represents a unifying theoretical paradigm under which every existing measure of wealth creation can be subsumed. We show that a rate of return is underdetermined by the project’s cash-flow stream; in particular, a unique return function (not a unique rate of return) exists for every project which maps depreciation classes into rates of return. The various shapes a rate of return can take on (internal rate of return, average accounting rate of return, modified internal rate of return, etc.) derive from the (implicit or explicit) selection of different depreciation patterns. To single out the appropriate rate of return for a project, auxiliary assumptions are needed regarding the project’s capital depreciation. This involves value judgment. On one side, this finding opens terrain for a capital valuation theory yet to be developed; on the other side, it triggers the creation of a toolkit of domain-specific and purpose-specific metrics that can be used, jointly or in isolation, for analyzing the economic profitability of a given project. We also show that the AIRR perspective has a high explanatory power that enables connecting seemingly unrelated notions and linking various disciplines such as economics, finance, and accounting. Some guidelines for practitioners are also provided.  相似文献   

This article discusses changes in approach to the study of business relationships, and sees the paradigm concept as constituting an inadequate basis for describing gradually evolving changes in the perception of business. The frequent references to paradigms appear to focus more on state aspects than on change aspects of theory building. The article attempts to trace some of the changes in the perception of markets preceding the emergence of network theories, and relates the presence of an interactional approach to business studies to the concept of problem shifts (Lakatos). The development of interactional approaches in marketing is seen as representing a shift away from theory building commonly found in economics and organizational theory. Changes in the approach to the study of business relationships are interpreted as theoretical or empirical problem shifts, and are thus related to the a priori and a posteriori relevance of the continual evolution of alternative business theories. The article explores some of the epistemological relevance of the network theories to the study of market relationships, and the potential impact on continual changes in approach to the study of markets.  相似文献   

Conditional comonotonicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract In this paper we propose a generalization of the notion of comonotonicity by introducing and exploring the concept of conditional comonotonicity. We characterize this notion and we show by examples that conditional comonotonicity is the natural extension of the concept of comonotonicity to dynamic settings. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 90A05, 60Gxx Journal of Economic Literature Classification: D910, C610, G120  相似文献   

This Briefing Paper examines the contribution that control theory can make to our understanding of macroeconomic policy. Control theory is an area of study, orginally developed in engineering, which has since been applied to a very wide range of problems not only in engineering but also in biology. ecology, physiology, space exploration and economics. The kinds of questions in economics which conrrol theory could help us to answer include: what objectives should the government be pursuing, infation or unemployment or both, and by what means? what instruments should be used and in what combinations? should the government adopt targets for the money supply or the exchange rate, or concentrate on unemployment and the balance of payments?  相似文献   

Research on careers has recently discovered the growing relevance of inter-organizational, boundaryless careers. The new paradigm of career studies that goes hand in hand with the concept of boundaryless careers, though, has not yet paid very much attention to the impact of new career patterns on how organizations function. To fill this gap, the paper analyses the effects of boundaryless careers on organizational decision making. Drawing on Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems, we elaborate how observing a (potential) employee's life in terms of career generally facilitates organizational decision making by what we call the evaluative capacity of career. Further, the paper shows in what respect employing this mode of observation is rendered more difficult by the emergence of boundaryless careers. Based on the theoretical framework developed, we finally deduce and apply a scheme of classification of possible reactions to the organizational problems caused by boundaryless careers. In sum, the paper provides a new theoretical approach to analysing different ways of how organizations can cope with the challenges of new career patterns.  相似文献   

In recent decades economists started discovering the importance of the social dimension of economic interactions. Contemporary economics has borrowed several sociological concepts for its own use, among the most important being the concept of social capital. However, this transfer within disciplines did not occur without a loss—the nature of social capital in economics remains confused and obscure. The purpose of this article is to clarify it, specify the possibilities for its use, and discuss their limits. It is argued that economics once also possessed a view of human beings that was more “socialized” than the modern neoclassical Homo oeconomicus, and that this more “socialized” view still exists in the Austrian school of economics. Because this tradition of economic thought has also developed an elaborate capital theory, it can serve as an ideal source where we can look for inspiration in the current social capital debate. First, social capital is (re)defined along these lines as an individual's asset connected with recognized reciprocity (as opposed to interactions usually classified as “altruistic”). Then major critical claims about the relation between social and physical capital are answered and the connection between social capital, trust, and social norms is described.  相似文献   

Theories commonly progress through four stages, from informal to pre‐formal to semi‐formal and fully formal. This paper reports on the earliest stage of transaction cost economics that extended from the 1920s to the 1970s. That the gestation stage lasted so long is partly because transaction cost economics departed significantly from the then‐prevailing economic orthodoxy. Also, and related, it is an interdisciplinary undertaking. As reported herein, transaction cost economics selectively combines economics, organisation theory and law and is the product of the contributions of some of the finest minds in those three fields.  相似文献   

In this fundamental draft we shall introduce the concept of social propositional spaces as a general notion of social science and in particular language, logic and methodology. This should help us bridge an old gap between extension and cognition, or said in more specific words, between space as conceived in mathematics or physics and space as is brought in by social location, by the meaning of predicates, their explanation and logic. 1 We shall not rely on the idea of factor analysis where some “main components” are fit into the data. Because the notion of euclidean normalization and orthogonality, in this context, is a bit artificial. We first show how combinatorial manifolds of statements can be represented in finite vector spaces over the Galois field F2. This space which we denote as logic statement space can be spanned by generators of alternating codes. In this way the old concepts of truth tables and interaction attributes can be linked to informatics and in particular code theory and geometry. Extending the logic statement space onto a real vector space by mapping units of the finite rings onto units of the real rings we obtain logistic statement spaces. It turns out that vectors in logistic statement spaces represent cross-tables of logits connected with logistic regression analysis. As a completion of the theory we show that the logit is the first derivative of entropy with respect to probability.  相似文献   

Abstract . Technological advance, quality of life and quality of the person as well as the interaction among them are at the heart of a meaningful theory of socioeconomic development. The complexity and hierarchical structure of the quality of life concept can be related to Maslow's study of human needs and economists’theory of human wants. The implicit assumption of the direct positive relationship between quality of life and quality of the person is challenged. The possibility of an inverse relationship between them is stated and illustrated. If the ultimate purpose of improving quality of life is moral perfection (homo humanis), then optimal quality of life is one which leads to attainment of this goal. Freedom, seen by Maslow as a necessary precondition for satisfaction of all other needs, is defined as voluntary subjection to the highest value. The search for truth—the only way to set a person free—takes the form of Hegelian dialectics. Theoretically, the high quality of people can be attained either by “Hegelian path” via coercion, or “Hegelian path” via freedom. Historically, the former utterly failed, while the latter, though highly desirable, is neither impossible nor assured.  相似文献   

In the discipline of sociology, Marx, Durkheim, and Weber represent “classical” approaches to the study of stratification, from one or another of which most modern theory derives. In economics, Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class represents an under‐utilized alternative to Marxian class analysis. The argument advanced in this article is that a close reading of the introductory chapter to Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class provides a useful framework for productive integration of the diverse traditions of stratification theory and class analysis descending in sociological thought from Marx, Durkheim, and Weber.  相似文献   

Abstract This is an attempt to tell a coherent story of a possible path towards an algorithmic revolution in economic theory, based on foundational debates in mathematics. First, by exposing the non‐computational content of classical mathematics, and its foundations, it is shown that both set theory and the tertium non datur can be dispensed with, as foundational concepts. Next, then, as a natural sequel, it follows that every kind of economic theory that bases its theoretical underpinning on classical mathematics can be freed from these foundations and can be made naturally algorithmic. This will make the subject face, in an all pervasive way, absolutely (algorithmically) undecidable decision problems. The thrust of the path towards an algorithmic revolution in economics lies, then, in pointing out that only a radically new mathematical vision of microeconomics, macroeconomics, behavioural economics, game theory, dynamical systems theory and probability theory can lead us towards making economic theory a meaningfully applied science and free of mysticism and subjectivism.  相似文献   

Development efforts and economics have relied upon two-factor, capital and labor neoclassical economic models. Failures have occurred when they were applied to agrarian societies where the ownership of land rent dictates particular institutional forms that engender resistance to development. It is argued that there is a need for a new three-factor development theory which explicity models land and its rent. Ideas of Smith, Ricardo, George and Samuelson are assembled as a basis for a computer simulation model that explores landed institutions and the land value flows resulting from different development strategies. Part II, a subsequent article in this Journal, sets forth the models.  相似文献   

A two-step approach to account for unobserved spatial heterogeneity. Spatial Economic Analysis. Empirical analysis in economics often faces the difficulty that the data are correlated and heterogeneous in some unknown form. Spatial econometric models have been widely used to account for dependence structures, but the problem of directly dealing with unobserved spatial heterogeneity has been largely unexplored. The problem can be serious particularly if we have no prior information justified by economic theory. In this paper we propose a two-step procedure to identify endogenously spatial regimes in the first step and to account for spatial dependence in the second step. This procedure is applied to hedonic house price analysis.  相似文献   

Regression studies have suggested that reducing estate‐tax rates would lead to a net reduction in total charitable donations distributed at death. Not only is this notion counterintuitive, our empirical analysis yields the contrary conclusion: overall donations would increase. In rationalizing this donation‐decline outcome, investigators have pointed to the tax deductibility of donations in assessing estate‐tax liability. These efforts, we show, are dubious. The view that donations will decline is also shown to be inconsistent with axioms of generally accepted economic theory. Two distinct sets of indifference curves that imply these two antithetical views are suggested, their observable predictions derived and compared to the relevant evidence, showing that the increasing‐donation hypothesis is confirmed, offering overall a clear challenge to the decline‐in‐donation position. Our empirical results suggest that most estate‐tax payers possess indifference curves consistent with those that embody the increasing‐donation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Consider the standard linear model Y=X θ + ε. If the parameter of interest is a full rank subsystem K′θ of mean parameters, the associated information matrix can be defined via an extremal representation. For rank deficient subsystems, Pukelsheim (1993) introduced the notion of generalized information matrices that inherit many properties of the information matrices. However, this notion is not a direct extension of the full rank case in the sense that the definition of the generalized information matrix applied to full rank subsystems does not lead to the usual information matrix. In this paper, we propose a definition of the information matrix via an extremal representation that encompasses the full rank and the non-full rank cases. We also study its properties and show its links with the generalized information matrices.  相似文献   

We assess the impact of two groups of economists: mainline economists, who regard economics primarily as the science of exchange and mainstream economists, who perceive economics primarily as the science of choice. To control for scholarly quality we investigate the citation impact of Nobel Prize winning economists, who we break up into the two groups, mainline and mainstream. We find that over the period from 1970 to 2007 mainline economists had more of an impact than mainstream economists.  相似文献   

Economics has seen a recent rise in interest in information theory as an alternative framework to the conventional notion of equilibrium as a fixed state, such as Walrasian market‐clearing general equilibrium. The information theoretic approach is predicated on the notion of statistical equilibrium (SE) that takes a distribution over all possible states as an equilibrium, and therefore predicts the endogenous fluctuations of the system along with its central tendency simultaneously. For this reason, SE approaches can explain the observed data without relying on arbitrary assumptions about random noise and provide useful insights for many interesting economic problems that conventional methods have not been able to satisfactorily deal with. In this paper, we review the key elements of information theory focusing on the notions and applications of entropy and SE in economics, particularly paying attention to how entropy concepts open up a new frontline of economic research.  相似文献   

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