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This paper considers a two-dimensional rectangular city with a grid road system, including a square city as a special case, and then derives a simple equilibrium traffic pattern in the case of constant road width. We maintain that while land-use decisions using market rents would lead to overallocation of land to transportation in our square city as in the Solow Vickrey long narrow city, the tendency towards excessive road-building is stronger near the city boundaries than at the city center in our two-dimensional case, contrary to the conclusion drawn from the Solow Vickrey model.  相似文献   

在简要介绍美国"内城"的概念以及相关背景的基础上,对美国内城的人口经济社会特征进行分析,运用相关的分析视角和理论假设,就美国内城贫困引发的公共服务问题展开讨论,最后从内城贫困的肌理、歧视性政策、社会保障政策、社区建设、公共政策、社会公正等方面进行了思考.  相似文献   

This paper examines low- and moderate-income households in the City of Philadelphia who are becoming homeowners for the first time. We examine two Nehemiah developments subsidized by the City of Philadelphia that offer newly constructed homes at well-below cost. This paper uses a unique survey of these new owners to measure what Nehemiah residents gain in terms of structure and community attributes as they make the transition from renting to owning. The new owners in the Nehemiah complexes significantly improve their housing structures while raising their exposure to crime and weak local public schools. As part of the City’s community development strategy, these developments were expected to increase economic activity near these sites. We document that there is no evidence of local benefit spillovers for census tracts where the Nehemiah developments were built. Our survey results suggest that the new housing developments represent an “oasis” where there are few interactions between the new homeowners and the incumbent residents of the greater community.  相似文献   

烟草同城物流的信息系统建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
同城物流既可充分利用现有物流资源,又可避免因重复建设、投资和维护造成的浪费,是实现优势互补和高效、低成本运行的重要措施.  相似文献   

完善城市整体功能是旧城改造的方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙宏刚  邱肖 《城市发展研究》2002,9(2):55-56,41
城市的更新、改造是社会发展的必然 ,如何通过现状调查、分析、研讨 ,找出城市建设的症结 ,使城市趋于完美是城市建设者的历史使命。但现实中 ,片面追求经济效益 ,发旧城改造之财 ,只能使城市变成“崭新的旧城” ,只有按城市发展的固有规律去完善城市的整体功能才是旧城改造的发展方向。  相似文献   

由于现行闲置土地治理体系的不完善,部分土地资源遵循一定机理转变为了闲置土地,加剧了土地市场的混乱无序状态,造成了资源和资产的浪费,严重阻碍了经济社会的可持续发展。通过制度分析方法,探究其内在机理、现实根源与治理架构,得出以下结论:土地闲置的政治成本和经济成本很小而利润巨大,进而在政府原因、企业原因和历史原因的直接影响下出现大量的闲置土地,因此要从完善法律制度建设,改变土地闲置巨大利差的现实入手,构建闲置土地治理框架,并在相关配套建设的支撑下有效解决闲置土地问题。  相似文献   

"The purpose of this note is to demonstrate in a simple model that an individual's migration from a small town to a large city may be rationalized purely by a consumption motive, rather than the motive of obtaining a higher income. More specifically, it is shown that in a large city an individual may derive a higher utility from spending a given amount of income than in a small town." A formal model is first developed that includes the principal forces at work and is then illustrated using a graphic example. The theoretical and empirical issues raised are considered in the concluding section.  相似文献   

A consequence of income redistribution may well be to make everyone (including lower-income groups to which redistribution takes place) worse off after a period of years. Possibly income redistribution might gain consent because of risk aversion. The paper also draws attention to the tendency for people to be more concerned about poverty close at hand rather than far away.  相似文献   

This article brings regulation theory and the broader post‐Fordist debate together with an empirical study of the emergence and consequences of tourism in Harlem. It shows that the valorization of cultural diversity, as well as under‐served markets, has helped reposition this formerly unmarketable area in relation to city, state and capital markets. Moreover, as development occurs, the nature of regulation pertaining to Harlem begins to change. The author argues that the failure to disaggregate – to link the elements of the restructuring economy to outcomes for specific areas and residents, leads to an overly pessimistic view. Tourism‐based development may act as an equalizing force, helping to rebalance the uneven urban spatial development characteristic of Fordism and symbolized by the social isolation and concentrated poverty of the racial ghetto in the US. The role of cultural capital as the engine of growth in Harlem, has meant that revitalization promotes cultural differentiation along with standardization. Overall, cultural tourism requires substantial civic engagement. This gives the community control, but at the same time disciplines and stabilizes. Urban tourism thus incorporates a new mode of regulation, making for greater social/political and economic inclusion, but with the associated costs as well as benefits. Cet article allie la théorie de la régulation et le débat plus large du post‐Fordisme, à une étude empirique sur l'apparition et les conséquences du tourisme à Harlem. Il montre que la valorisation de la diversité culturelle, de mäme que les marchés sous‐approvisionnés, ont aidéà repositionner cette zone auparavant sans attrait commercial dans une relation avec les marchés de la ville, de l'État et des capitaux. En outre, avec l'expansion, la nature de la régulation propre à Harlem a commencéà changer. L'absence de désagrégation – qui associe les éléments de l'économie en restructuration aux résultats en faveur de zones et résidents particuliers – conduit à une vision des plus pessimiste. Toutefois, un essor basé sur le tourisme peut avoir une force compensatrice, aidant à rééquilibrer l'aménagement spatial urbain inégal, caractéristique fordienne symbolisée par l'isolement culturel et la pauvreté concentrée dans les ghettos raciaux aux Etats‐Unis. Le rôle du capital social en tant que moteur de croissance d'Harlem s'est traduit par une revitalisation favorisant à la fois différenciation culturelle et normalisation. Le tourisme culturel implique surtout un engagement civique réel, celui‐ci donnant la maä'trise à la communauté, tout en apportant discipline et stabilité. Le tourisme urbain amène donc un nouveau mode de régulation, créant une meilleure inclusion socio‐politique et économique, mais avec les coûts (et avantages) associés.  相似文献   

Dr. N. Schmitz 《Metrika》1972,19(1):72-75
Summary This note deals with sequential tests requiring at mostk observations. First a lemma is proved concerning the form of Bayes solutions. Then it is demonstrated by giving a counter-example that the theorem ofWald andWolfowitz has no correspondence fork-stage tests.
Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, daß man beik-stufigen Tests zwar für die Gestalt vonBayes-Lösungen ein Analogon zu den unbeschränkten Sequenztests hat, daß aber der Satz vonWald undWolfowitz über die gleichmäßige Optimalität bzgl. des Stichprobenumfangs keine Entsprechung besitzt.

It has been argued recently that collective bargaining reform will contribute towards a successful incomes policy. The author in this note suggests that it is too soon to predict the demise of decentralised bargaining and the emergence of co-ordinated private sector bargaining with favourable outcomes for incomes policy.  相似文献   

The space of irreflexive, transitive, and continuous binary relations of Rl endowed with the topology of closed convergence, and subsets of defined by various other properties of the relations are investigated. It is shown that the subsets defined by properties, which one often assumes in general equilibrium theory, have nice topological properties such as compactness or G8-ness.  相似文献   

A recent paper by J. Brueckner [J. Urban Econ., 4, (1977)] presents empirical evidence that the Muth vintage model explains the neighborhood succession process better than the Bailey boundary externality model. This note shows that Brueckner's apparent empirical findings are spurious as a result of the construction of the dependent variable, and do not provide insight into the neighborhood succession process. Re-estimation of the corrected regressions using similar data yields results which are clearly supportive of neither theoretical model.  相似文献   

Two simple models of racial prejudice and household location predict that the black area in a city will be of the shape that minimizes the length of the black-white border. This note provides a way to test these models by showing, for a variety of assumptions about urban structure, that in a city with a population more than about 10% black, the black-white border will be shorter if the black area is wedge-shaped than if it is circular.  相似文献   

K. Takeuchi  M. Akahira 《Metrika》1986,33(1):85-91
Summary Minimizing is discussed under the unbiasedness condition: and the condition (A):f i (x) (i=1, ..., p) are linearly independent , and .  相似文献   

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