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Bai  Yuntao  Lu  Lili  Lin-Schilstra  Li 《Journal of Business Ethics》2022,178(1):219-237
Journal of Business Ethics - An accumulating amount of research has documented the harmful effects of abusive supervision on either its victims or third parties (peer abusive supervision). The...  相似文献   

Previous research has shed light on the detrimental effects of abusive supervision. To extend this area of research, we draw upon conservation of resources theory to propose (a) a causal relationship between abusive supervision and psychological distress, (b) a mediating role of psychological distress on the relationship between abusive supervision and employee silence, and (c) a moderating effect of the supervisor–subordinate relational context (i.e., gender dissimilarity) on the mediating effect of abusive supervision on silence. Through an experimental study (Study 1), we found the causal path linking abusive supervision and psychological distress. Results of both the experimental study and a field study (Study 2) provided evidence that psychological distress mediated the relationship between abusive supervision and silence. Lastly, we found support that this mediation effect was contingent upon the relational context in Study 2 but not in Study 1. We discuss implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

New employees face a variety of life and career transitions in early adulthood. This paper explores these transitions that shape personal and career identity. A supervisor can play a central role in facilitating employee development during these times but may be unwilling or ill-prepared to do so. At other times he/she may provide assistance that is unwanted and inappropriate to the employee's developmental needs. The paper develops a framework for examining the supervisor's ethical responsibility to facilitate employee development and provides guidelines for managing these transitions.  相似文献   

文章基于社会认同理论和代际视角,构建一个有调节的中介模型探究辱虐管理影响员工沉默的中介作用机制及其边界条件。通过对江苏省510名员工的调查发现,辱虐管理对三维沉默均有显著的正向影响;领导认同在辱虐管理与默许沉默、防御沉默、漠视沉默间起部分中介作用;代际差异调节领导认同在辱虐管理与默许沉默、漠视沉默间的中介效应,领导认同在辱虐管理与防御沉默间的中介作用不受代际影响;领导认同在辱虐管理影响新生代员工三维沉默过程中的中介作用不显著。  相似文献   

与以往基于社会交换、社会心理和社会比较视角的研究不同,本文基于社会认定视角,考察了下属对领导的认同在辱虐管理与下属工作绩效和离职意愿关系中的中介作用,以及下属权力距离导向在这一过程中的调节作用。以296名下属及其直接上司为研究对象,结果发现:(1) 辱虐管理会降低下属对领导的认同,并通过领导认同的中介作用对工作绩效和离职意愿产生影响;(2) 下属权力距离导向会调节辱虐管理与领导认同的关系,表现为对低权力距离导向的下属来说,辱虐管理对领导认同的负向影响相对更强。本文从新的理论视角解释了辱虐管理的作用,揭示了辱虐管理影响下属工作绩效和离职意愿的内在机制和作用条件。  相似文献   

Business moral values are defined as the personal moral values held by individuals who are engaged in business interactions. Direct supervisors may play an important role in shaping the business moral values of their subordinates. Using 264 supervisor–subordinate dyadic data from Taiwanese organizations, the study investigated the relationships among supervisor business moral values, subordinate business moral values, subordinate organizational commitment, job performance, and attendance. The results indicated that supervisor business moral values were positively associated with subordinate business moral values, and that the latter mediated the relationship between the former and subordinate outcomes. Implications for business moral values research are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>一、引言利用外资一直是各国(尤其是发展中国家和转型国家)政府,促进经济增长所采取的一项重要措施。FDI对于东道国的经济影响可以分为直接影响和间接影响。直接影响是指通过对东道国外资的直接注入来加速其经济增长;  相似文献   


The objectives of this paper are to examine the effects of employee attitudes toward the employer on workplace monetary donations at two levels: (1) to see if there is a significant difference between the attitudes of employees who make workplace contributions and those who do not; and (2) to examine whether awareness of employer charitable contributions moderate the relationship between employee attitudes and donating behavior. Employee attitudes include organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The research questions are examined in the context of workplace contributions made to a regional branch of United Way. The results indicate that organizational commitment scores exhibited by employees who made workplace contributions, and who were aware that their employer was also making corporate donations were significantly higher than the commitment for employees who did not make workplace contributions. No significant relationships were found for job satisfaction.  相似文献   


As free trade expands and grows in the post-GATT global era, the South African economy will increasingly rely on firms that are able to compete, survive and prosper in the global village. To this end the production factors of these firms, of which human resources are the most important, must be productively utilised and managed. Successful business firms have been linked to the achievement activities of the human resources of these firms.

Despite being a topic of both teaching and research now for almost forty years, uncertainty still exists about McClelland's (1962) assertion that the achievement need (nACH) is a learned need that all people possess. This uncertainty has resulted in the questioning of the motivation and reward strategies of human resource specialists in many firms. Of special importance in the present study is the neglect of achievement motivation of lower-level employees by managers in firms.

By using structural equation modelling the causal influence of the nACH and the other McClelland needs on the performance intentions of managers and frontline employees is assessed in this study. The empiri cal results support the learned need assertion. The findings highlight the disadvantages to firms that disregard the achievement motivation of lower-level employees. The managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the reasonable explanatory power of existing models of consumers’ ethical decision making, a large part of the process remains unexplained. This article draws on previous research and proposes an integrated model that includes measures of the theory of planned behavior, personal norms, self-identity, neutralization, past experience, and attitudinal ambivalence. We postulate and test a variety of direct and moderating effects in the context of a large scale survey study in London, UK. Overall, the resulting model represents an empirically robust and holistic attempt to identify the most important determinants of consumers’ support for the fair-trade movement. Implications and avenues for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

DEA方法在员工绩效评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
员工绩效管理是促进员工个人发展、提升组织整体战略的重要途径,科学、有效的员工绩效评价方法和及时、确切的反馈是保证绩效管理有效实施的关键。我国企业在员工绩效评价中缺乏科学的定量评价方法,将DEA方法运用到员工绩效评价中不仅能客观、合理地给出各被评价单元的相对效率,还可以提供非DEA有效的被评价单元提高到DEA有效的改进方案,为绩效反馈和改进提供有力依据,提高员工绩效管理的可信度和有效性。  相似文献   

地方政府债务主要来源于银行等金融机构,任其风险在金融系统中隐性蔓延和扩张,势必酿成我国系统性金融风险.本文首先构建一个地方政府债务风险向金融系统外溢的空间路径和依赖条件体系,并揭示出地方政府债务风险空间外溢的直接效应和间接效应.进一步,采用空间计量模型进行实证检验发现:我国地方政府债务风险通过金融机构的中长期贷款,对辖区内和辖区间居民企业融资产生挤出性的空间外溢效应,这种挤出效应一方面被中国高储蓄存款带来的信贷软约束空间、不良贷款率反映的信贷制度软化等加剧,另一方面针对辖区间挤出效应还受到中心金融机构资金调配约束的抑制.本文研究表明,防范和治理我国系统性金融风险,不能忽视地方政府债务风险的空间外溢效应,需要对其风险空间外溢的路径“通道”进行严格清理,重点要强化地方政府债务融资的市场化机制.  相似文献   

品牌联合的前置因素和溢出效应分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
由两个品牌结合形成一个新的品牌是品牌联盟的最紧密形式(本文称为品牌联合),它将给企业带来战略上和营运上的利益;同时,品牌联合还具有对合作品牌产生正面和负面影响的溢出效应;不是任何两个品牌都可以进行品牌联合,品牌联合至少需要合作双方的品牌匹配和产品匹配的前置条件.  相似文献   

研究辱虐管理对员工心态(情感承诺、情绪耗竭)的影响效果,探讨员工代际差异在其影响机制中的调节作用。共收集661份有效样本数据,采用层级回归和分组回归对文章提出的假设进行检验。结果表明,辱虐管理与情感承诺、情绪耗竭有显著的相关关系,且存在代际差异的调节效应,辱虐管理对新生代员工情绪耗竭的正效应更显著,对文革代员工情感承诺的负效应更显著。最后讨论了本研究的管理启示、研究不足以及研究展望。  相似文献   

One of the new ways used by companies to demonstrate their social responsibility is to encourage employee volunteering, whereby employees engage in socially beneficial activities on company time, while being paid by the company. The reasoning is that it is good for employee motivation (internal effects) and good for the company reputation (external effects). This article reports an empirical investigation of the internal effects of employee volunteering conducted amongst employees of the Dutch ABN-AMRO bank. The study showed that (a) socio-demographic characteristics from employee volunteers markedly differ from those of non-volunteers and community volunteers and (b) employee volunteering seems to have positive effects on attitudes and behavior towards the organization.  相似文献   

The significant role small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) plays in growth and development is acknowledged universally. As a group, they generate more new jobs and introduce innovative ideas, products, and business methods. However, this important group is incapacitated by numerous factors militating against their growth, particularly in Third World countries such as Nigeria. In this study the authors identified major factors that affect the productivity of SMEs thereby hindering their growth. Their findings relate factors such as the dearth of skills, absence of managerial talents, and employee turnover to enterprise performance, productivity, and growth ability. Employee turnover is found to have a significant and negative correlation with SME performance. This indicates that the lower the employee turnover, the higher the performance of SMEs, and vice versa.  相似文献   

国内较多的跨国公司技术溢出实证分析认为,跨国公司对本地企业存在正面的溢出效应。文章从行业增加值率的角度,研究跨国公司对我国浙江和江苏两省企业是否也存在积极的作用。研究结果表明,近年来江浙两地外商直接投资的流入并不能有效促进江浙内资企业工业增加值率的提升。当前跨国公司的技术溢出具有量的积极效果和质的负面影响,提高利用外资质量要考虑外资对本地企业技术进步和效益的影响,从有利于本地企业价值链延伸和品牌建设等无形资产提升的角度,调整利用外资的政策和选择外资项目的引进。  相似文献   

Perceived behavioral integrity involves the employee’s perception of the alignment of the manager’s words and deeds. This meta-analysis examined the relationship between perceived behavioral integrity of managers and the employee attitudes of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, satisfaction with the leader and affect toward the organization. Results indicate a strong positive relationship overall (average r = 0.48, p<0.01). With only 12 studies included, exploration of moderators was limited, but preliminary analysis suggested that the gender of the employees and the number of levels between the employee and the manager are potential moderators of the relationship. In the current sample of studies, country where the research was conducted did not seem to have any moderating effects. In addition to suggesting further investigation of potential moderators, we call for research that examines the relationship between behavioral integrity and outcomes that include individual behavior and organizational performance.  相似文献   

本文采用2011-2015年的省级面板数据,考察了财政支出总量和结构对产业生态化的空间溢出效应,发现地方财政支出和产业生态化水平均存在显著的空间自相关性.空间杜宾模型(SDM)的实证结果表明:(1)人均财政支出在整体上存在显著的负向空间溢出效应,但在区域内具有显著的正向空间溢出效应;(2)节能环保支出、一般公共服务支出和政府投资性支出三者均表现出显著的负向空间溢出效应,科学技术支出的正向溢出效应并不显著,在区域内,各项结构性支出的溢出效应在方向和程度上又各不相同.可见,由于地方财政支出的结构性和区域的差异性特征的存在,相邻省域的财政支出对本辖区的产业生态化水平具有不同方向、程度的空间溢出效应.对此,本文从“构建区域横向财政合作体系”“构建质量为导向政绩考核体系”“立足自身要素禀赋实际”三方面提出相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

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