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On April 3, the first commission session of 2006 Partenariat was held in CCPIT, the attendees included Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Sui Jianmin, Director General of CCPIT International Relations Department,Guo Qizhou, Project Manager of the EU-China Partenariat 2006, Han Meiqing, Director in charge of International Organizations Affairs at the Department of International Relations, CCPIT, representatives from EU Delegation, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minstry of Commerce, etc..  相似文献   

Competent commercial authorities of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, separately planning cities, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Jinan, Nanjing, Hangzhou,Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, national economic and technological development zones, and national border economic cooperation zones,For the purpose of carrying out the scientific outlook on development, and according to the requirements of the important spirits of the Second Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on promoting the reform of the administrative system of ex- amination and approval and constructing service-oriented gov- ernment, the Ministry of Commerce will, based on expanding domestic demand and maintaining the stable and rapid growth of Chinese economy, determine to continuously deepen the reform of the administrative system of examination and approval of foreign investment and further expand the administrative authority for examination and approval of foreign investment of local competent commercial authorities and national economic and technological development zones. The relevant issues are hereby notified as follows.  相似文献   

高职院校校史馆担负传承优良传统、宣讲校情校史、表彰优秀教师、记录优秀校友、呈现职教魅力的基本职能,发挥承载集体记忆、弘扬学校精神、倡导端正教风、宣扬奋斗品格、熔铸职业精神的育人功能。然而,这些功能受制于版面、板块,场地、时段,途径、方法等因素,面对育人内容少、育人频次低、育人层面窄三重障碍。有鉴于此,应通过明确办馆目的,凸显职教宗旨、创新办馆思路,强化育人主题、优化管理方式,提升育人效能来清除障碍。  相似文献   

从利益相关者理论视角出发,高校教学质量综合评价体系可分为五个主体,他们在高校教学质量评价中,各有其不同的利益需求,因而也都有其局限性。遵循人本性、科学性、客观性和真实性、综合性原则,可构建包括组织管理者、评价主体、评价客体、评价目的、评价内容及标准(指标体系)和评价方法(方式手段)以及反馈系统等基本内容的评价系统。选择教师的人文关怀、知识传授和能力培养等三大评价指标体系,结合高校的办学理念、专业人才培养目标、课程教学目的及要求赋予不同模块指标具体的分值,运用德尔菲法、层次分析等方法,对教学质量进行评估,促进教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

浅析网络会计中存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,网络会计中存在的问题,主要体现在会计信息的失真,财务机密的保密性差,计算机安全性能低,网络系统易被攻击等方面。应以网络技术为基础,结合会计需要,从立法、技术管理、网络安全、软件开发、人才培养方面入手,从宏观上加强对信息系统的控制;从技术和管理上考虑安全措施;健全内部控制,提高网络系统的安全防卫能力;提高会计核算软件的通用性和实用性;培养一大批复合型的会计人才。  相似文献   

基于观念营销的营销组合研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
观念营销指企业在追求自身经营目标时,通过设计、推广和灌输与自身产品相关的理念,来影响消费者的消费观念,从而达成交易的过程。本文认为,企业要获得消费者认可,更重要的是观念的设计、推广以及向消费者的灌输;观念营销由观念策略、产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和沟通策略等五个方面构成,而企业文化力、市场前瞻能力、观念力、产品力、通道整合能力等是影响观念营销成败的关键因素。  相似文献   

在世界多极化,经济全球化和实行社会主义市场经济的大背景下,面对各种文化相互交织,相互激荡的局面,以仁爱,孝悌,和平,谦恭,中庸,因循,团聚,勤俭,自强等为美德的统治了华夏民族几千年的儒家传统思想,民间道义,和祖祖辈辈沉淀的文化素质饱受外来文化的冲击和影响.作为新一代的文化传播者,我们又该如何看待外来文化对中国传统文化的冲击和影响?本文从多方面角度,论述了如何更好的保护和传承中国传统文化.  相似文献   

思茅市茶产业结构与产业化提升研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶叶从古至今都是云南思茅的传统产业。本文认为,经过多年尤其是最近几年的发展,思茅在茶叶产业上逐渐走上了一条城乡结合、科技与经济结合、开发与开放结合、农工贸一体化、产供销一条龙、建设规模化和基地专业化的路子,茶叶产业化的格局已基本形成,但是产业化程度依然很低,茶叶企业规模偏小,绝大部分处于初制所水平;技术水平低下,企业化经营程度有限;市场化程度不高,产业聚集效应难以显现。文章提出,促进思茅茶叶产业健康发展,必须实现三大转变,即变资源优势为资产优势,变地域总量优势为企业优势,变产业优势为集聚化优势。  相似文献   

家族企业内部会计控制环境分析与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国内地非公有经济中家族式的企业至少占到了90%以上是经济发展的主要力量.随着时代的进步、经济的发展,组织机制障碍、人力资源瓶颈、内部审计薄弱、企业文化欠缺等内部环境因素制约了家族企业的健康发展.应从完善家族企业治理结构入手,优化家族企业内部会计控制环境,为内部会计控制提供优质的环境和前提;科学合理的设置组织结构,为内部会计控制提供良好的实施栽体;重视内部审计,确保内部会计控制的有效运行;优化人力资源管理,提高内部会计控制效率;构建先进的企业文化.为内部会计控制的建立与实施提供有力的保障和支持.  相似文献   

以RD为动力的技术创新决定着产业结构的优化,然而产业结构的优化还要受人力资本、制度条件、消费结构、投资结构等因素的制约。基于陕西省2004-2009年的数据,本文描述了陕西省的RD投入状况和产业结构状况,并运用灰色关联分析方法探讨RD投入、RD人员投入,及其他影响因素与产业结构优化的灰色相对关联度,分析RD投入对于产业结构优化的作用效果,据此提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

We study the growth effects of outward‐ori,ented econ,o,mies by using sto,chas,tic fron,tier anal,y,sis to mea,sure the effi,ciency exter,nal,i,ties of three forms of eco,n,omic cross‐bor,der activ,i,ties – inter,na,tional trade, for,eign direct invest,ment (FDI) and migra,tion – for OECD coun,tries. The study also exam,ines whether the effi,ciency of these cross‐bor,der activ,i,ties is affected by the level of human cap,i,tal in the host coun,try. We find that inter,na,tional trade and FDI are impor,tant chan,nels for improv,ing effi,ciency, as is human cap,i,tal accu,mu,la,tion, and that the positive effects of inter,na,tional trade, FDI, and migra,tion depend cru,cially on the level of accu,mu,lated human cap,i,tal. Our results show that the impact of human cap,i,tal is impor,tant for increas,ing effi,ciency via inter,na,tional trade flows and FDI flows, while immi,gra,tion into coun,tries that are richer in human cap,i,tal enhances their effi,ciency rel,a,tively more than immi,gra,tion into coun,tries with lower human cap,i,tal. These results remain robust to alter,nate mea,sures of human cap,i,tal, con,trols on edu,ca,tion lev,els among immi,grants, and to a non‐para,met,ric esti,ma,tion of the model.  相似文献   

物流高质量发展的内在特点是物流系统化程度高、技术先进、产业和产品结构合理、内生动力强。可用单位GDP的社会物流成本、单位物流成本的物流增加值、物流服务水平、技术创新能力、绿色发展等指标评价物流业发展质量。粤港澳大湾区物流业发展质量虽然在全国处于领先水平,但与美、日、欧等发达经济体的先进水平相比仍有较大差距。物流业发展质量偏低表现为物流的成本高,服务水平、生产效率和经济效益较低,资源浪费和环境污染等等,其原因在于技术创新不足,第三产业欠发达且发展不均衡,物流产业组织集聚程度相对较低,物流技术应用不足及劳动力成本上涨,物流一体化程度不高,物流组织管理技术不强,铁路物流发展滞后和海关效率低下等。提高粤港澳大湾区物流发展质量,要创建粤港澳大湾区创新生态系统,强化技术创新,深化第三产业发展,加快物流产业集聚,培养具有世界领先水平的物流龙头企业,加强物流技术推广和应用,加速物流一体化进程,用技术推动物流商业模式和经营业态创新,提升全球供应链的组织技术,深化铁路物流系统改革,加大海关改革力度,发展绿色物流。  相似文献   

Harsh critics have relentless exposed myriad instances of misuse, exploitation, and misrepresentation of values, customs, rituals, and religious objects, for example, by different actors, such as designers and artists, and in myriad contexts, such as in art, entertainment, and tourism. Instead of being perceived as the appreciation or preservation of cultures, as claimed, they have been condemned as cultural appropriation. Occasionally, they are deemed offensive by members of the culture of origin. In the context of destination image, tourism, and hospitality, the matter can be even more problematic as many places are economically dependent on tourism and hospitality services. A growing number of critics believe place brands in general and tourist destinations in particular have exploited indigenous groups for the commercial purpose of entertaining visitors. This article represents a pioneer effort to build awareness among place marketing scholars and practitioners, particularly in the context of tourism, of the importance, implications, and risks of cultural appropriation to the future of destination image, reputation, attractiveness, and sustainability and advances suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

企业素质和企业活力是企业生命力所在,是有效发挥企业整体功能的关键。企业素质包括技术素质、管理素质和人员素质。技术素质是基础,管理素质是保证,而人员素质特别是企业经营者的素质是企业兴衰存亡的关键。企业活力受企业获利能力、竞争能力、生长能力、应变能力、凝聚能力和企业形象力的影响。通过分析企业活力的结构,可以找出企业的薄弱环节,并对症下药,以有效地发挥企业的整体功能。通过重视人的因素,塑造以人为本的企业文化,加快企业技术进步,强化企业管理,创新企业家精神,打造提高企业素质的氛围,进行管理创新,以全面提升企业素质和企业活力。  相似文献   

The Antecedents of Music Piracy Attitudes and Intentions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Piracy is the greatest threat facing the music industry worldwide today. This study developed and empirically tested a model examining the antecedents of consumer attitude and behavioral intention toward music piracy behavior. Two types of music piracy behavior, unauthorized duplication/download and pirated music product purchasing, were examined. Based on a field survey in Taiwan, the results showed that attributive satisfaction, perceived prosecution risk, magnitude of consequence, and social consensus are very important in influencing customers attitude and behavioral intention toward two types of music piracy behavior. In addition, singer/band idolization can affect the attitude and behavioral intention in the case of pirated music product purchasing. Perceived proximity was found to affect the attitude and behavioral intention in the case of pirated music product purchasing. However, it only influenced behavioral intention in the case of unauthorized duplication/download.Jyh-Shen Chiou (Ph.D. in Marketing, Michigan State), is professor of Marketing, Department of International Trade, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. His research focuses on consumer behavior and strategic marketing. His work has been published in Information & Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Advertising, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Social Psychology, Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, etc.Chien-yi Huang, Associate Professor, Department of Infant and Child Care, National Taipei College of Nursing. Sin-hui Lee, Graduate student, Department of International Trade, National Chengchi University.  相似文献   

This study intends to explore the effects of political, social and cultural values on consumers’ ethical beliefs regarding questionable consumption behaviors. The variables examined include status anxiety, social Darwinism perception, perceived trust of people, and cultural orientation. Based on a field survey in Taiwan, the results showed that consumers with low ethical beliefs have higher perception of social Darwinism and status anxiety than consumers possess neutral and high ethical beliefs. The result also showed that the neutral ethics group had higher trust on people than the low ethics groups. Finally, the high ethics group expressed significantly higher perception of vertical collectivism than those consumers of the low and neutral ethics group. Jyh-shen Chiou (Ph.D. in Marketing, Michigan State), is professor of Marketing, Dept. of International Business, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. His research focuses on consumer behavior and strategic marketing. His work has been published in Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Service Research European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Social Psychology, etc. Lee-Yun Pan, is assistant professor of marketing, Dept. of Business Administration, Feng Chia University.  相似文献   

关于大庆市商贸流通业加快发展的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在商品市场的开放程度不断提高、商贸企业现代化步伐明显加快、市场体系建设和新兴流通业态得到较快发展的同时,市场功能单一,辐射能力较弱,市场主体规模偏小,组织化程度低的问题也愈加突显。应加快商业设施现代化、运营规模化、经营连锁化、服务功能多样化的发展步伐,进一步扩大对外开放,实现内外贸一体化发展,深化流通企业改革,全面提高中小型流通企业现代化水平。  相似文献   

Competent commercial departments of provinces,autonomous regions,municipalities directly under the Central Government,separately planning cities,Harbin,Changchun,Shenyang,Jinan,Nanjing,Hangzhou,Guangzhou,Wuhan,Chengdu,Xi'an and Xingjiang Construction Corp., For the purpose of fully carrying out the outlook on scientific development and the spirits of the 2nd Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee,further deepening the reform of administrative system and changing the functions of governments to improve works on examination and approval of foreign investment and promote investment facilities,the adjustment to the power to examine and approve the establishment of investment enterprises by foreign investors is herein notified as follows:  相似文献   

为响应农业与二三产业融合发展政策号召,解决传统农业发展过程中存在的技术水平低下、产业联动性差、运营模式落后等问题,推动农业供给侧结构性改革,可基于产业生态圈理论、协同学理论及农业物流一般内涵,采用案例研究法剖析农业物流生态圈协同理论体系,构建农业物流生态圈协同的一般框架。遵循由具体到一般的研究逻辑,以江西淘鑫农产品电子商务有限公司为例,对农业物流生态圈协同理论体系进行分析发现,从构成主体看,农业物流生态圈的内部主体主要包括农产品生产者、农产品销售者、农产品消费者以及无形连接各主体的物流服务提供者;外部主体主要包括农业生产资料提供商、金融服务提供商、互联网技术服务提供商、政府以及学校等组织和企业。从协同框架看,农业物流生态圈协同包括农业子系统(农产品上行圈层)、物流子系统(农产品下行圈层)、环境支撑系统(外部圈层)三个层次,三大圈层紧密联系,互利共生。从协同阶段看,农业物流生态圈协同可分为萌芽阶段、发展阶段、稳定阶段以及再发展或衰退阶段,每个阶段都存在生态圈网络破裂的风险。从协同内容看,农业物流生态圈协同包括以价值链优势为出发点的协同、以利益追求为出发点的协同、以资源共享为出发点的协同、以政策为导向的协同。  相似文献   

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