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周念利 《武汉金融》2007,(10):23-25
英国加入欧元区是目前英国和欧元区各国关注的焦点问题之一。为加入欧元区,英国必须达到原财政大臣布朗设置的五项经济测试标准。在对五项经济测试标准内容进行解读的基础上,本文根据最新的经验数据对英国通过该测试标准的现实可行性进行评估。结果表明尽管英国与欧元区在实现周期性经济趋同方面已取得明显进步,产品和要素市场灵活性程度也显著提高,但消除结构性经济差异、确定英镑与欧元之间合理的转换汇率以及维持宏观经济稳定仍是英国加入欧元进程中的障碍因素。  相似文献   

动态 纪念日     
热词撒切尔主义所谓"撒切尔主义",即经济上的自由主义和政治上的保守主义,具体到英国,就是通过实行低税收、小政府和大型经济部门、国有企业的私有化,推动经济发展和经济结构转型;通过调低直接税、调高增值税等方法改变英国税收体系;通过削减社会福利和政府开支减轻政府财政负担;通过对工会的不妥协,改变工会通过罢工、示威要挟政府政策的战后英国政治生活常态;通过实行高利率,控制经济自由化后随之产生的高通胀风险;通过坚持英国经济政策自主、反对欧洲一体化和加入欧元区,确保英镑和英国金融的独立地位,避免  相似文献   

张子昂 《银行家》2003,(11):114-116
9月28日,英国首相布莱尔在接受BBC电视台采访时表示,尽管此前瑞典公司公决拒绝加入欧元区,但是在下次全国大选前,英国还是有可能就是否加入欧元区进行全民公决的.  相似文献   

英镑在脱欧公投后大幅下跌,此次下跌后英镑汇率难以回到公投前的水平。长期来看英镑汇率水平取决于英国经济增长水平,英镑长期汇率应当低于脱欧之前。  相似文献   

英镑正处十字路口 有分析师称,英镑目前处于十字路口。英镑兑美元未能保持近期的升幅,并回落至1.66的关口。预测未来3个月,英镑兑美元会先回落至1.65后再回升。 分析师认为,欧元兑美元一旦结束目前向下调整的情况,汇价便上升。此外,欧元兑英镑在未来6个月其实有升至0.74的空间,之后才开始回落。虽然英国有关加入欧元区的评估报告令欧元兑英镑受压,但欧元弱势把交叉汇率推回0.70以下。不过,这可能只是短暂的现象。 近期英国的数据仍然显示有调低利率的机会,预测在夏季进一步调低利率25基点。此外,欧元兑英镑的走势一向均落后于欧元兑美元,由于欧元兑美元及  相似文献   

国际部分: 1、英国央行启动新一轮量化宽松政策。英央行10月6日宣布维持利率0.5%不变,这是该行历史上最低纪录的利率;同时,英央行决定启动新一轮量化宽松政策,增加债券购买规模750亿英镑(约合1150亿美元),从而使得资产购买总额增至2750亿英镑,以刺激经济增长和减轻欧元区债务危机对英国带来的严重冲击。(新浪财经)  相似文献   

李响 《中国外汇》2023,(16):74-75
<正>展望下半年,英国和欧元区都将面临继续加息还是保经济增长的选择,英镑和欧元的走势可能发生变化。2023年上半年,英镑和欧元延续2022年年末回升的趋势,均对美元继续走强。具体来看,英镑表现相对更加强势,2023年上半年,英镑对美元收报1.2695,较2022年年末1.2073升值622点,涨幅4.96%;欧元对美元收报1.0912,较2022年年末1.0705升值207点,涨幅1.95%。  相似文献   

东亚货币合作多年来一直是理论界不断争论的话题,目前对于东亚货币区核心货币的选择上主要存在三种观点,人民币区、日元区和亚元区,并且国内的一些学者就相关问题提出众多的见解,争论不休。由此,我们是不是可以换一个角度来思考。1997年10月由工党政府财政大臣戈登·布朗提出的“5项经济测试”成为英国是否加入欧元区的评判标准。随后1999年和2003年对英国的两次测试均以失败告终。欧元区是国际货币一体化的典范,它的成立加速了饱受1997年金融危机切肤之痛的东亚国建立统一货币区的进程。但是,从英国暂不加入欧元区的这一举动,以及布朗提出的“5项经济测试”,英国多次没有通过的情形来看,其间的种种制约因素对于东亚货币合作面临的困境提供了现实的国际经验,本文用这5项经济测试来检测东亚主要国家所面临的主要问题。[第一段]  相似文献   

历时6年之久关于英国加入欧元的吵嚷声在最近有了新说法:英国财政大臣布朗6月9日在英国国会下议院发表声明表示,英国目前还没有做好加入欧元的准备,并指出,从原则上讲,英国应该从加入欧元中获益,但英国目前还不具备这样做的条件。这意味着英国加入欧元区的时间被再次推迟。无论是欧盟的十二个老成员国,还是即将要加入的八个新成员国,都希望英国早些加入欧元区。法国总统希拉克和德国总理施罗德前不久在柏林举行会议说,他们希望英国加入欧洲单一货币;爱尔兰财长5月底对路透社表示,他希望英国———爱尔兰的最大贸易伙伴能够早加入欧元区。首…  相似文献   

今年以来,欧债危机阴霾经久不散,欧元区多个国家已经遭到了评级机构的降级,同时,欧盟委员会将公布,包括意大利、西班牙、英国和法国在内的12个欧盟成员国正遭遇严重的经济失衡。这一系列的消息增加了外界对欧元区长期经济前景的疑虑。  相似文献   

In the past decade, some observers have noted an unusual aspect of the Mexican peso’s behavior: During periods when the U.S. dollar has risen (fallen) against other major currencies such as the euro, the peso has risen (fallen) against the dollar. Very few other currencies display this behavior. In this paper, we attempt to explain the unusual pattern of the peso’s correlation with the dollar by developing some general empirical models of exchange rate correlations. Based on a study of 29 currencies, we find that most of the cross-country variation in exchange rate correlations with the dollar and the euro can be explained by just a few variables. First, a country’s currency is more likely to rise against the dollar as the dollar rises against the euro, the closer it is to the United States and the farther it is from the euro area. In this result, distance likely proxies for the role of economic integration in affecting exchange rate correlations. Second, a country’s currency is more likely to exhibit this unusual pattern when its sovereign credit rating is more risky. This may reflect that currencies of riskier countries are less substitutable in investor portfolios than those of better-rated countries. All told, these factors well explain the peso’s unusual behavior, as Mexico both is very close to the United States and has a lower credit rating than most industrial economies.  相似文献   

刘凯 《金融研究》2021,486(12):56-74
本文构建了一个包含美元本位特征的两国模型,在此基础上分析了美国加征关税及引发的贸易摩擦对美国贸易逆差和全球福利的影响,并详细探讨了相关传导机制。在基准模型设定下,美国单方面加征20%关税会使得美国贸易逆差占GDP比重小幅缩小约0.40个百分点,美国长期稳态GDP下降约2.50%,其他国家GDP下降约1.10%,美国居民福利上升约0.60%,其他国家居民福利下降约1.20%。美国单方面加征关税在抑制全球贸易和生产的同时,会通过更加不公平的国际贸易恶化全球福利分配。当其他国家采取报复性措施时,其他国家自身福利并不会进一步恶化,但美国福利会大幅下滑,同时美国贸易逆差相对规模变化不大。贸易摩擦博弈的“囚徒困境”特征在一定程度上能够解释贸易战的发生。削弱美元本位地位能促进国际贸易公平性的提升,进而能减弱贸易摩擦带来的负面影响、提升全球福利水平,并能有效缩窄美国贸易逆差。  相似文献   

刘凯 《金融研究》2020,486(12):56-74
本文构建了一个包含美元本位特征的两国模型,在此基础上分析了美国加征关税及引发的贸易摩擦对美国贸易逆差和全球福利的影响,并详细探讨了相关传导机制。在基准模型设定下,美国单方面加征20%关税会使得美国贸易逆差占GDP比重小幅缩小约0.40个百分点,美国长期稳态GDP下降约2.50%,其他国家GDP下降约1.10%,美国居民福利上升约0.60%,其他国家居民福利下降约1.20%。美国单方面加征关税在抑制全球贸易和生产的同时,会通过更加不公平的国际贸易恶化全球福利分配。当其他国家采取报复性措施时,其他国家自身福利并不会进一步恶化,但美国福利会大幅下滑,同时美国贸易逆差相对规模变化不大。贸易摩擦博弈的“囚徒困境”特征在一定程度上能够解释贸易战的发生。削弱美元本位地位能促进国际贸易公平性的提升,进而能减弱贸易摩擦带来的负面影响、提升全球福利水平,并能有效缩窄美国贸易逆差。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the short-term linkages among five leading stock markets with the objective of evaluating the case for international portfolio diversification as well as the stability of stock market interdependence after an exogenous shock. We utilize daily closing equity price data from U.S., U.K., France, Germany and Japan during the period from January 1999 to February 2002 and investigate the joint impact of any four equity markets on the fifth market. The findings indicate that even though the interdependencies among the markets are significant, there is still room for international portfolio diversification. Also, the study provides mixed results for the hypothesis that the international market correlations change after an exogenous shock. The tests of stability of correlations are based on before-and-after analyses of two events: the introduction by the European Union of the euro as official currency and the September 11, 2001, terrorist events in U.S.  相似文献   

欧元区主权债务危机与欧元的前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧元区并不是一个真正意义上的最优货币区,各国之间差异较大,财政政策与货币政策难以协调,欧元的福利外溢和隐形担保作用激励逆向选择和道德风险,这是促成欧元区债务危机的重要推手。欧元区主权债务危机短期内将削弱欧元的稳定和国际地位,但欧元和欧元区的"系统重要性"可以保证欧元不会崩溃。欧元区如能借机务实推动改革,中长期欧元仍将在国际货币体系中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines volatility spillover between two nominal U.S. dollar exchange rates: the British pound and the euro. Using the residual cross-correlation approach, we observe that the euro Granger-causes the British pound in variance, whereas the British pound does not Granger-cause the euro in variance. Our findings support unidirectional volatility spillover from the euro to the British pound; thus, the euro volatility has a one-sided impact on the British pound volatility. Moreover, the findings suggest that euro traders succeed in the efficient processing of information derived from the British pound.  相似文献   

Current account imbalances and financial integration in the euro area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the current account of the euro area as a whole has remained almost balanced in the past two decades, several member countries have sizeable deficits or surpluses. In this paper, we interpret these imbalances as indicators of net capital flows among the euro-area countries. We distinguish between balances against the euro zone and the rest of the world and examine these for the EU-15 countries. We find that for euro members the net flows follow differences in per-capita incomes, even before the introduction of the euro. Our results show further that with the introduction of the common currency the elasticity with respect to per-capita incomes of net capital flows within the euro area has increased for the members of the euro zone. This increase can neither be observed for the flows between the euro members and the rest of the world nor for the flows between the countries that stayed outside the monetary union and the euro zone. We interpret this as evidence for increasing financial integration in the euro area. There is also some evidence suggesting that the introduction of the euro has led to some financial diversion.  相似文献   

没有完美的货币或者完美的经济组织形式。欧元和欧元区经济的问题,都是在全球化过程中所必须经历的阶段。一个好的经济体制,应该使"国民生活水平"最大化。但是,如果要具体到现实世界,"生活水平最大化"往往意味着很多,很可能意味着对其他经济体利益的侵蚀。本文从信用约束、经济一体化等角度,论述了欧元的使用对欧元区经济的益处;并指出了欧元使用带来的南欧国家财政赤字和贸易逆差问题。中国对外投资应该辩证地看待欧美经济体的长处和不足,合理配置外汇资产的比例。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze equilibrium determinacy in a sticky price model in which the pass-through from policy rates to retail interest rates is sluggish and potentially incomplete. In addition, we empirically characterize and compare the interest rate pass-through process in the euro area and the U.S. We find that if the pass-through is incomplete in the long run, the standard Taylor principle is insufficient to guarantee equilibrium determinacy. Our empirical analysis indicates that this result might be particularly relevant for bank-based financial systems as for instance that in the euro area.  相似文献   

We use several U.S. and euro‐area surveys of professional forecasters to estimate a dynamic factor model of inflation featuring time‐varying uncertainty. We obtain survey‐consistent distributions of future inflation at any horizon, both in the U.S. and the euro area. Equipped with this model, we propose a novel measure of the anchoring of inflation expectations that accounts for inflation uncertainty. Our results suggest that following the Great Recession, inflation anchoring improved in the United States, while mild de‐anchoring occurred in the euro area. As of our sample end, both areas appear to be almost equally anchored.  相似文献   

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