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随着气候异常变化频率的增加以及极端天气事件的频繁发生,天气风险对农业的影响尤其严重,天气风险管理成为了关注的热点.天气衍生品作为国外进行天气风险管理和转移的金融创新工具,为应对天气风险提供了重要的途径,定价问题则是天气衍生品研究中的核心问题.本文使用武汉市1990.1.1-2009.12.31的每日气温数据,采用了基于ARMA的时间序列模型分析了武汉市气温动态变化的过程,对模型进行了估计、检验了模型的预测准确度,结果表明:ARMA模型具有较好的拟合优度,能以此为基础对气温期权等天气衍生产品进行合理定价.基于以上分析,本文提出应提供有利的技术环境、政策环境和制度环境以推进农业天气衍生品开发与市场发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

农业在国民经济中占有重要地位,农业风险问题一直是国家关注的重点问题。当前,我国农业风险管理体系仍以政府为主导,市场化的农业风险管理工具发展水平低且在风险对冲当中应用较少,文章以河南省1999~2019年小麦年产量和3~5月份累计降水量为研究对象,在比较了不同的分离方法之后,采用了5a滑动平均模型来分离出天气产量和趋势产量,在此基础上利用多元线性回归的方法构建天气-产量模型,分析降雨量与农产品产量之间的相关关系,确定天气衍生品标的;采用ARMA模型对降雨量进行模拟和预测,构建累计降雨量指数;最后分别采用史迹分析法和分布分析法对河南冬小麦天气衍生品期权进行定价,对我国农业风险管理提出建议。  相似文献   

作为我国特有的农业风险管理模式,"保险+期货"模式的创新之处在于较好对接了农户应对农产品价格波动的迫切需求与期货市场的风险管理功能。在该模式下,农户并不直接参与期货交易,保险公司也提前锁定了价格风险,而由期货风险管理公司通过复制期权的形式入场对冲交易,交易风险低、可操作性强、市场接受度高,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。现阶段"保险+期货"模式主要依托期货交易所采取专项补贴与市场化运作相结合的经营方式,在资金支持、品种研发、持续经营等方面仍有广阔的探索空间。从境外经验来看,一方面政府补贴力度较大,另一方面市场化程度更高,包括农业保险公司在内的各类市场主体均可广泛地利用期货衍生品市场管理风险,其专业优势明显,经济效益显著。鉴于此,有必要引入保险公司等各类市场主体直接利用期货市场管理风险,更好满足农业经济发展的现实需求。  相似文献   

天气衍生品的运作机制与精算定价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天气衍生品是为了规避天气风险给天气敏感行业带来收入的不稳定性而兴起的创新型风险管理工具,其实质是通过衍生合约对天气风险进行分割、重组和交易的证券化产品。不同于传统金融衍生品,天气衍生品的价值取决于温度、湿度或降雨量等天气指数。本文在分析天气衍生品市场发展的基础上,重点探讨了最常见的天气期货和天气期权的运作机制及其精算定价。  相似文献   

本文集中考察保险公司在衍生品市场的参与,分析保险公司运用衍生产品的经济动机、影响因素及次贷危机中衍生品投资对保险公司的影响。本文认为,金融衍生品是保险公司资产和负债管理的重要工具。对它的不当运用会造成严重的投机风险,因此,保险机构和相关监管部门应当加强内控管理,从根本上杜绝投机现象发生,严格运用衍生产品来套期保值和对冲风险。  相似文献   

三、设立巨灾风险基金,增强农险公司抵御巨灾风险的能力由于农业风险具有高度关联性,致使农业风险在时间和空间上不易分散,很容易形成农业巨灾损失,吞噬农业保险公司的所有准备金和资本金,严重地冲击农业保险公司的财务稳定,制约其可持续发展。但化解农业巨灾风险,不是农业保险公司自身能够解决的,需要建立政府主导下的中央级农业巨灾风险基金,由中央、地方提供财政支持,积累巨灾风险金,对遭遇巨灾损失的农业保险公司提供一定程度的补偿,增强抵抗巨灾风险的能力。巨灾风险基金的筹集应以国家为主,地方为辅。筹集渠道应主要包括:国家财政拨款…  相似文献   

政策性农业保险中的保险公司激励机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国政策性农业保险采取了政府推动、市场运作模式。保险公司的逐利性与政策性农业保险的非赢利性存在矛盾,并且政府与保险公司在政策性农业保险中形成委托代理关系。为了激发保险公司参与政策性农业保险的经营管理、控制保险公司道德风险,提高农业保险运作效率,应根据政府与保险公司的风险偏好,构建由低风险报酬和高风险报酬共同组成的激励机制。  相似文献   

天气衍生品作为对冲天气风险而开发出的以温度、降雨等天气指标为标的的金融衍生工具,是天气风险管理体系的重要组成部分。本文分析了天气衍生品的发展进程,梳理了可供借鉴的国际经验,并对我国发展天气衍生品市场提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对天气衍生品的产生过程和天气衍生品管理天气风险的作用的分析和研究,探讨了我国在深化经济体制过程中推出天气衍生品的必要性,认为我国应适时推出天气期货,并提出了我国的月度HDD/CDD期货合约.  相似文献   

本文从天气指数保险及衍生品创新的本质和内涵出发,通过三组比较来进行分析。首先是进行天气指数保险和传统保险的比较,进而了解天气指数保险在理赔流程上的变化以及从风险导因出发的风险管控形式;其次是天气指数保险和天气指数衍生品之间的比较,了解这两种天气指数保险创新形式的内在联系与实质区别,提出天气指数衍生品就是天气指数保险在资本市场的应用延伸;最后通过天气指数衍生品和传统金融衍生品的比较,得出两者并非替代关系而是互补关系,提出需要推出天气指数衍生产品进行有效的风险管理。  相似文献   

The number and severity of natural catastrophes has increased dramatically over the last decade. As a result, there is now a shortage of capacity in the property catastrophe insurance industry in the U.S. This article discusses how insurance derivatives, particularly the Chicago Board of Trade's catastrophe options contracts, represent a possible solution to this problem. These new financial instruments enable the capital markets to provide the insurance industry with the reinsurance capacity it needs. The capital markets are willing to perform this role because of the new asset class characteristics of securitized insurance risk: positive excess returns and diversification benefits.
The article also demonstrates how insurance companies can use insurance derivatives such as catastrophe options and catastrophe-linked bonds as effective, low-cost risk management tools. In reviewing the performance of the catastrophe contracts to date, the authors report promising signs of growth and liquidity in these markets.  相似文献   

为了解政策性农业保险的开展情况及其在分散、转嫁农业风险、补偿农业损失,稳定农业生产等方面的情况。我们通过走访政府部门、保险公司、农户的方式,对榆树市近五年发生的农业自然灾害情况,农业保险投保、理赔情况做了一次专项调查。结果显示:农业保险在分散、转嫁农业风险方面起到了一定的积极作用。但也存在一些突出的问题,亟需解决。  相似文献   

The study of risk management began after World War II. Risk management has long been associated with the use of market insurance to protect individuals and companies from various losses associated with accidents. Other forms of risk management, alternatives to market insurance, surfaced during the 1950s when market insurance was perceived as very costly and incomplete for protection against pure risk. The use of derivatives as risk management instruments arose during the 1970s, and expanded rapidly during the 1980s, as companies intensified their financial risk management. International risk regulation began in the 1980s, and financial firms developed internal risk management models and capital calculation formulas to hedge against unanticipated risks and reduce regulatory capital. Concomitantly, governance of risk management became essential, integrated risk management was introduced, and the chief risk officer positions were created. Nonetheless, these regulations, governance rules, and risk management methods failed to prevent the financial crisis that began in 2007.  相似文献   

All over the world an increase in natural catastrophes and resulting damages can be observed for entire economies as well as for individual industrial enterprises. This trend leads to extraordinary expensive traditional natural catastrophe insurance or even a lack of insurance capacities. Due to the increased threat resulting from natural catastrophes and the inefficiencies of traditional insurance solutions, it will be analyzed in the following whether catastrophe bonds (cat bonds), as an alternative risk transfer instrument, should play a role in the risk management portfolio of industrial companies. It will be discussed whether catastrophe bonds are possible risk transfer instruments for industrial companies and whether certain basic prerequisites for a confirmation of the suitability are recognizable. In a further step, the design possibilities for cat bonds will be presented and the most suitable design alternatives for industrial companies as issuers of cat bonds will be elaborated. In addition, a critical comparison between the usage of traditional insurance solutions and cat bonds by industrial companies in order to protect themselves against natural catastrophes will be conducted. The result is a first orientation and a general guideline for dealing with catastrophe bonds as part of the operational risk management for industrial companies.  相似文献   

良好的资产负债管理是保险业可持续发展的基石,也是支持保险业在日益复杂的风险环境中保持稳健发展、防范系统性风险的重要保障。近年来,随着我国金融市场发展,业务产品创新加快,保险业在资产端与负债端的业务结构和风险特征出现了新情况、新变化。特别是部分保险公司缺乏有效的治理结构,采取激进经营、激进投资的策略,导致业务快进快出、风险敞口过大以及流动性问题,对保险公司资产负债匹配管理、风险控制提出了挑战。本文介绍了财产保险公司资产负债多维度量化评估规则设计原理、主要评估模型和评估方法,针对财产保险公司的负债特性提出的沉淀资金匹配,在成本收益匹配中有机地将资产投资收益与承保业务综合成本进行匹配,在现金流匹配模式中打破了僵化的匹配模式,解决了长期困扰财产保险公司的资产负债期限不匹配的问题,对财产保险公司资产负债管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The profits of many businesses are strongly affected by weather related events, and insurance against weather related risks (acts of God) has been a traditional domain for transfer of (certain) of these risks. Recent innovations in the capital market have now provided financial instruments to transfer and hedge some of these risks. Unlike insurance solutions, however, using these financial derivative instruments creates a situation in which the return to the purchaser of the instrument is no longer perfectly correlated with the loss experienced. Such a mismatch creates new risks which must be examined and evaluated as part of ascertaining cost effective risk management plans. Two newly engendered risks, basis risk (the risk created by the fact that the return from the financial derivative is a function of weather at a prespecified geographical location which may not be identical to the location of the firm) and credit risk (the risk that the counterparty to the derivative contract may not perform), are analyzed in this article. Using custom tailored derivatives from the over the counter market can decrease basis risk, but increases credit risk. Using standardized exchange traded derivatives decreases credit risk but increases basis risk. Here also the effectiveness of using hedging methods involving forwards and futures having linear payoffs (linear hedging) and methods using derivatives having nonlinear payoffs such as those involving options (nonlinear hedging) for the purpose of hedging basis risk are examined jointly with credit risk.  相似文献   

农业保险市场利益相关者的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用博弈理论,分析了农业保险各主体——农民、保险公司、政府三者在不同风险情形下的行为对农业保险发展的影响,并据此提出切实可行的解决措施。  相似文献   

Weather derivatives are a relatively recent kind of financial product developed to manage weather risks, and currently the weather derivatives market is the fastest-growing derivative market. The development of weather derivatives represents one of the recent trends toward the convergence of insurance and finance. This article presents an overview of weather risks, weather derivatives, and the weather derivatives market, and examines the valuation of weather derivatives in an incomplete market, the hedging effectiveness of standardized weather derivatives, as well as optimal weather hedging with the consideration of basis risk and credit risk.  相似文献   

政策性农业保险经营技术障碍与巨灾风险分散机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从我国政策性农业保险的发展现状和特征出发,分析了政策性农业保险的主要试点模式,认为目前各地的农业保险试点重财税等政策索要,轻经营技术研究,困扰我国农业保险发展的长期障碍因素并未根除。在深入分析农业巨灾风险难以分散的特性以及对农业保险经营影响的基础上,本文提出了构建我国多层次农业巨灾风险保障体系的建议,包括直接保险公...  相似文献   

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