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陈奇  丛爱文  向阳 《四川物价》2007,(10):38-39
成都市金牛区物价局价格认证中心人员以饱满的热情和强烈的服务意识,充分发扬团队精神,积极争取公检法等部门的支持,不断开拓工作新领域。2006年,涉案物品鉴定案件3120件,鉴定金额6000万元;社会评估案件22件,评估金额8000万元,评估收费70多万元。为政府宏观调控,为金牛区经济发展和构建和谐金牛作出了积极贡献。[第一段]  相似文献   

创新有度——对品牌形象个性与共性的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新是品牌发展的必由之路。把握品牌创新过程中的“度”,彰显品牌个性,必须处理好品牌与个性的关系以及个性的表现方式。  相似文献   

成都市金牛区物价局价格认证中心以饱满的热情和强烈的服务意识,充分发扬团精精,积极争取公检法等部门的支持,不断开拓工作新领域。2007年,涉案物品鉴定案件2800件,鉴定金额6000万元;社会评估案件22件,评估金额8000万元,评估收费56多万元。我中心加强学习,不断提高业务水平和自身素质,为政府宏观调控,为金牛区经济发展和构建和谐金牛作出了积极贡献。  相似文献   

反腐倡廉,教育是关键.随着国有企业的快速发展和体制改革的稳步推进,一些传统的廉政教育已不能很好地服务于企业的持续快速发展.因此,创新思路,认真研究反腐倡廉教育在企业改革与发展中的客观规律,增强反腐倡廉教育的科学性、预见性、针对性和实效性,是促进企业健康快速发展的保障.本文从企业反腐倡廉教育工作入手,对如何创新思路分层次开展防腐倡廉教育、提升教育效果进行探讨,提出具体措施,切实发挥教育在企业反腐倡廉工作中的作用.  相似文献   

财务管理是事业单位日常管理运营的重要内容,财务管理的科学与否直接关系着事业单位的管理效率和效益。与此同时,事业单位运营环境的变化也对事业单位财务管理提出了更高的要求和挑战,本文围绕事业单位财务管理创新,从管理理念、经济效益等多个方面进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

事业单位财务管理的创新思路分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了事业单位在新的形势之下应该如何对财务加强管理并及时更新理财观念,使事业单住可以投入较少的人力和物力,取得较高的经济效益。  相似文献   

财务管理是事业单位日常管理运营的重要内容,财务管理的科学与否直接关系着事业单位的管理效率和效益。与此同时,事业单位运营环境的变化也对事业单位财务管理提出了更高的要求和挑战,本文围绕事业单位财务管理创新,从管理理念、经济效益等多个方面进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,国有企业在弥补市场缺陷、巩固社会主义制度的经济基础等方面发挥着重要的作用,在国有企业中,工会是构建和谐劳动关系、维护职工合法权益、引导职工创新发展的重要组织,随着国有企业改革的进一步推进,工会的工作也迎来了新的挑战。本文通过对当前国企工会工作中遇到的问题加以分析,对国企工会工作的创新思路进行了探索。  相似文献   

张翠芝 《中国报业》2022,(1):124-125
文章以新媒体时代为背景,简要分析电视节目剪辑与后期制作面临的挑战.结合对电视节目剪辑与后期制作的思考与实践,从内容与艺术融合、价值提升、技术革新及人才培养四个方面,探究新媒体时代电视节目剪辑与后期制作的创新路径.  相似文献   

我国旅游业的发展正处在突飞猛进的阶段,如何在现有基础上实现更进一步的跨越是个值得探讨的问题。本文分析了我国旅游业发展的优势和存在的劣势,从环境保护和创新思路两个方面出发,探索了我国旅游业的跨越式发展策略,对旅游业的长久发展有着实际的指导作用。  相似文献   

Advertisers sometimes run two messages in one television program episode. We examine the ad-ratings consequences in passively recorded data. Previous findings suggest that repetition can reduce ad affect and attention duration. Viewers might therefore tend to zap the second message for one brand. If second messages are targeted for zapping, marketers might run only one message per episode. We observe channel changing near the start and end of ad breaks, but no targeted second-message zapping emerged. Marketers might therefore continue to buy two ad units in particularly interesting shows. Interestingly, networks separated the two messages for one brand into early and late program segments. In some shows, this separation may influence the relative ratings of the two messages. For example, the first ad had higher ratings in some shows that followed a much more popular program on the same network. However, the second ad had higher ratings in some game and reality shows with strong audience build-up in late running time. But in each of these situations, the pooled rating for the two ads did not differ from the program’s average ad rating. In sum, our data suggest that marketers don’t provoke targeted ad zapping by running two messages in a program episode.  相似文献   

This paper investigates employment growth in small firms funded by the U.S. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. Using data collected by the National Research Council for each of five federal agencies, our analysis shows that on average over two-fifths of all projects retained zero employees after completion and over one-third retained only one or two employees. Thus, on average, the direct impact of SBIR funded projects on employment is small, especially when compared to the mean number of employees in the firms. However, there are substantial cross-project differences in the number of retained employees that are explained by differences in the firms and their SBIR projects. We find across funding agencies that projects with intellectual property??patents, copyrights, trademarks, or publications??retained more employees after completion of the project. Also, we find that the public funding of research by the SBIR program is more likely to stimulate employment when the government created a market for the products, processes, or services developed by the research projects.  相似文献   

A survey as well as an experiment was conducted to study the effects of television brand placement on brand image. The studies showed that the integration of a brand into the editorial content of a program had a significant effect on brand image: As people watched more episodes, the brand image became more in agreement with the program image. These results confirm the applicability of learning and human associative memory theories to brand placement. Another important finding is that brand memory and brand image were not related. Thus, brand image became more positive regardless of viewers' memory of the brand placements, which implies that brand image was implicitly affected. This has important theoretical implications for the understanding of the working of brand placement. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

As in the United States, there has been a heated discussion about possible negative effects of TV advertising on children in the Federal Republic of Germany. Results obtained in the United States are not readily transferable, owing to differences in media structure. Based on interviews with experts and a qualitative content analysis of relevant documents, this article tries to organize claims made about detrimental effects into dimensions of detrimentality.  相似文献   

While post-World War II business fiction writers viewed the modern corporation as a threat to individualism, the author makes the point that modern fiction writers do not share that concern. However, modern fiction does describe the business world as being heavily populated by amoral or immoral valueless people, especially among those businessmen engrossed in financial manipulations. The author also observes that the world of business fiction remains an essentially white male dominated one.Professor Bernard Sarachek teaches international business subjects at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He has published articles in international business, entre-preneurship, general and comparative management in various journals includingThe Journal of Economic History and theAcademy of Management Journal. He recently authored a book titledInternational Business Law: An Introductory Guide for Executives with Cases Darwin Press).  相似文献   

Social TV is the use of communication devices to connect with family and friends watching other TV screens. Plausible arguments suggest both positive and negative effects of social TV viewing on ad-effectiveness. This study contributes by providing evidence for the direction of social TV's effects. The results of a controlled laboratory experiment suggest that the benefits of social TV, principally its association with live TV and therefore less ad-avoidance, come at the cost of negative distraction effects. Like normal coviewing, social TV viewing distracts from ad-processing, reducing unaided recall and brand attitude favorability, compared to individual (solus) viewing. However, social TV messaging about ads improved brand attitude. Perceived creativity increased the likelihood of ad-related messaging. Social TV also has an additional source of distraction, multitasking, but in this study, multitasking did not further reduce ad-effectiveness compared to coviewing. The paper concludes with implications for advertisers and future research.  相似文献   

本文分析了 2种不同的接收机中放幅频特性产生的视频噪声频谱 ,并从人眼的视觉特性出发 ,论述了 2种视频噪声频谱对接收机图像信噪比的影响。  相似文献   

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