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A bstract . The study of the influence of product market monopoly, local labor market monopsony , and union strength on market wage differentials is the purpose of this paper. Accordingly, the related theoretical propositions are examined, synthesized and extended to explain more fully observed variations in local labor market wages. In contrast to previous investigations, this study considers several varied occupations at once, encompasses nineteen different two digit SIC industries , and computes market wage data using observations on individuals from the 1970 census. The results indicate that the extent of unionism and employer monopsony contribute significantly to the explanation of market wage differentials, while the product market concentration , and its interaction with unionism does not.  相似文献   

本文采用“中国健康与营养调查”1996~2010年的微观数据以及全国12个省份的最低工资数据,在控制地区差异和时间趋势的基础上,实证分析了最低工资标准上调对我国城镇居民工资收入的期望、整个分布以及低收入群体的异质性影响。研究结果表明:最低工资每提高1%,工资收入平均提高0.6%。最低工资对收入的影响主要集中在低收入人群,而对于高收入群体是否存在溢出效应是不确定的。最低工资对低收入群体中不同年龄和技能水平的劳动力具有异质性影响。最低工资有利于低收入者工资水平的提升,尤其对中老年低技能劳动力发挥了重要保障作用。最后给出相应的政策启示和进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议修改后的个人所得税法第12条规定:从2007年8月15日起,储蓄利息所得税的税率由20%凋低为5%。这一重大举措,无论对我国税种的开征贯彻税收公平原则,还是对整个经济的稳定发展,以及增加居民可支配收入,体现党和国家关心、重视民生问题,都将具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

The Chancellor has asked Professor David Miles to examine the UK market for longer-term fixed rate mortgages. This paper by Adrian Cooper, which is part of a study commissioned by the Miles Review, presents the results of a series of simulations using the OEF Model of the UK economy to investigate the contribution of the housing market to macroeconomic volatility and the implications of changing the structure of mortgage finance from the current variable rate system linked to short-term interest rates to a fixed rate system linked to long rates. The main findings are that the housing market has been a contributor to past volatility in the UK economy, and that moving to a fixed rate structure would reduce the impact of a change in interest rates on key macroeconomic indicators.  相似文献   

本文选取2007~2011年中国多个行业的相关数据,通过分析企业管理费用,对工资外收入的统计来源进行研究,以航空运输业和医药制造业为例,对影响行业间收入差距的因素做了实证研究.实证分析表明,垄断因素是造成行业间收入差距的最主要原因,其对行业间收入差距的贡献程度达到75%以上;人力资本对行业间收入差距的贡献很低;外商投资比例和成本费用利润率对行业间收入差距有一定贡献,并且对缩小行业间的收入差距有重要意义.  相似文献   

当前我国企业面临的一个重要问题是融资约束,银行贷款是企业间接融资最主要的渠道,而我国银行业市场结构高度集中是困扰我国企业融资的重要原因。本文利用勒纳指数计算出银行垄断势力的大小,并利用现金-现金流敏感性模型进行实证研究,探究银行垄断势力对企业融资约束的影响,结果表明我国企业存在明显的融资约束,银行垄断势力的存在会进一步加强企业融资约束,其中,中小企业受到的影响更为严重。  相似文献   

文章对行业间收入差距和行业内部收入差距进行了描述性统计分析,然后利用2010~2011年样本工业行业的数据估算出行业明瑟(Mincer)工资收入方程,进而用费景汉-拉尼斯分解方法分析了选定的行业特征对行业收入差距的贡献度。在此基础上,利用奥希卡-布林德(Oaxaca-Blinder)分解方法对垄断性行业与竞争性行业之间的收入差距进行了分析。最后,还利用菲尔兹(G·Fields)分解方法对垄断性行业与竞争性行业各自内部的收入差距进行了分析。研究结果表明:行业垄断程度对行业间收入差距的影响最大;行业职工受教育程度对垄断性行业与竞争性行业之间的收入差距解释力不够,垄断性行业的高收入在很大程度上是不合理的;行业职工受教育程度对垄断性行业内部的收入差距几乎没有影响,而对竞争性行业内部的收入差距产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

本文利用我国1990年1月至2007年2月的月度数据,通过建立门限模型考察我国是否存在"费雪效应".实证研究的结果发现,模型具有显著的门限效应,且门限数目为2.进一步的分析表明:在不同的通胀水平下,名义利率与通胀之间的关系并不一致.温和通胀状态下,存在部分"费雪效应",通胀率上升1%,名义利率将提高0.43%;高通胀状态下,也存在部分"费雪效应",通胀率上升1%,名义利率仅提高0.23%;而在通货紧缩状态下,"费雪效应"完全不存在,此时名义利率与通胀之间没有显著关系.  相似文献   

目前中国收入分配不平等问题有十分复杂的原因,温家宝总理在今年的<政府工作报告>中提出了要从三个方面解决收入分配不平等向题,即国民收入分配格局的失衡、垄断性高收入和非法收入.这三个方面是当前中国收入分配不平等的主要方面,解决起来将全方位地触动所有既得利益集团.可想而知.其困难和阻力将是全面的、巨大的,包括理论障碍和现实顾虑.所以,虽然收入分配改革是今年人大的重点内容,但是改革方案却迟迟未能出台.  相似文献   

A bstract .   George Reisman misrepresents macroeconomists' estimation of national income. He fails to distinguish between intermediate goods and factors of production, and he does not correctly recognize macroeconomists' derivation of the net domestic or national product. His concept of gross national product is also grossly mistaken. This note offers a correction for his confusion.  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国行政垄断格局已受到冲击,但行政垄断行业的劳动投入与其高收入和高福利的不相称问题还很突出,直接导致了社会各阶层收入分配的不公与贫富差距的扩大。本文主要利用上市公司和个人收入、消费数据,分别估算并比较了行政垄断对城镇和总体居民的收入与财富分配效应。分析表明,行政垄断企业从消费者那里榨取了巨额的垄断利润,这一利益的转移以及所导致的收入与财富分配的不公效应,对总体居民的影响要大于对城镇居民的影响,而且收入水平越低的阶层受的影响程度越大,由此加剧了我国城乡尤其是农村地区低收入居民的贫困程度。因此,我国相关政策部门应把破除行政垄断作为建设和谐社会的重点予以高度关注。  相似文献   

Abstract . For an examination of the relationships between household income levels and residential water use, individual household survey data from Tucson, Arizona the combined with monthly water use data for these same households. The objectives were to examine individual response to the existing block rate pricing structure and to provide policy conclusions on potential improvements in this rate structure. A simultaneous equation model of demand is estimated for households within each income group to determine the price elasticity of demand for each income group. The demand models show that under the existing increasing block rate pricing schedules, higher income households not only use more water, but have lower elasticities of demand. Thus a uniform proportional rate increase will cause a larger percentage drop in water use among low income households than among high income households. Given the assumption of declining marginal utility of water use, this result leads to a policy recommendation for substantially steeper block rates to improve interpersonal equity in water pricing.  相似文献   

王珏  唐超  吴君民 《价值工程》2016,(35):48-51
在研究超额累进企业所得税理论依据和必要性的基础上,选取苏南某地级市2013年企业所得税相关数据,借鉴国外相关经验,测算超额累进企业所得税级次、级距与税率,论证超额累进企业所得税的优越性,以推进我国企业所得税制的改革。  相似文献   

Unemployment turned out to be far less influential in deciding voting patterns in the election than Labour and Alliance leaders had predicted. This may have been because the real volume of unemployment is far less than the official figure. Kent Matthews presents evidence, based on the Liverpool University economic model, that true unemployment may be as little as 1.8 million, with the other 1.4 of registered unemployed hard at work in the black economy. In the world of knowledge, the last thing to be perceived and only with great difficulty is the essetial form.  相似文献   

我国国债利率期限结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王相宁  卢全治 《价值工程》2005,24(3):98-101
本文简要地阐述了利率期限结构理论,并对国内外的有关利率期限结构的模型进行了评述。在国内的国债利率期限结构模型的基础上,根据现有的数据,分析了我国国债利率期限结构曲线的变动趋势并提出了预测模型。  相似文献   

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