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湄公河下游四国达成共同开发湄公河协议本刊讯调公河下游的泰国、老挝、柬埔寨、越南四国经过长达21个月的马拉松式谈判,终于达成协议共同开发使用湄公河,使这条河成为各国水利河流和重要的交通运输线。四国已决定在90天内在所达成的协议上正式签字并付诸实施。根据...  相似文献   

湄公河发展基金设立本刊讯在马来西亚召开的湄公河发展会议决定设立湄公河发展基金。基金由与会的东南亚十国和中国自愿捐款或者提供借贷,资助各项指定的湄公河开发项目可行性研究。十一国政府高级官员、经济部长和外交部长这次齐聚吉隆坡,研讨结果将提交12月在印尼举...  相似文献   

湄公河汇集开发热流──湄公河流域发展合作会议述评拥有“世界米仓”之誉的湄公河流域经过几十年战火洗礼后,在90年代亚洲经济发展大潮中,宛如浴火重生的凤凰,正展翅高飞。今年6月17日至18日在马来西亚首都吉隆坡首次举行的“东盟──湄公河流域发展合作会议...  相似文献   

湄公河上游四国签署运输协定最近,湄公河上游中、缅、泰、老四国签署了湄公河运输协定。协定规定上述四国的船只可在中、缅、泰、老边境内湄公河河段自由往来。这是湄公河流域首次由四个国家联合签署的运输协定,协定有效期五年。(冷先华)湄公河上游四国签署运输协定@...  相似文献   

湄公河流域商机无限不久前来自十一个亚洲国家的官员(包括缅、柬、中、老、泰、越六个湄公河流域的国家以及东盟的新、马、菲、印、文五国)在马来西亚兰卡威聚会,呼吁富裕国家协助开发循公河流域的丰富资源。湄公河流域和沿岸六国潜藏着数不清的投资商机。与会国认为,...  相似文献   

酝酿中的湄公河流域合作开发计划近年来,湄公河流域的柬埔寨、泰国、越南、老挝、中国和缅甸六国多次召开会议,商讨联合开发湄公河流域资源的计划。湄公河是东南亚最长的河流、亚洲第七大河,发源于中国青海省(中国境内叫澜沧江),流经缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南...  相似文献   

新华社记者从在曼谷举行的湄公河流域经济合作研讨会上获悉。由于东南亚金融危机的影响,部分计划中的湄公河流域 建设工程将被推迟两年进行。  相似文献   

泰建议湄公河流域国家设立联合银行本刊讯泰国政府近日提议,湄公河流域国家应联合成立一个银行,以推动湄公河流域多项发展计划的实施。建议该银行称为“湄公河开发银行”。成员国除了湄公河流域6个国家:中国、缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨和越南外,还应扩大邀请具有经济...  相似文献   

东南亚各国同心协力开发湄公河流域东南亚国家联盟湄公河流域开发合作会议最近在马来西业首都吉隆坡闭幕,东盟7个成员国和中国、缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝均派出高级官员出席了会议。与会各国代表都表示要同心协力,积极参与湄公河流域的开发工作,努力促进该地区的经济发展。...  相似文献   

泰国拟开发湄公河水道旅游项目泰国旅游部门为了增加收入,准备开放湄公河水道旅游,使其成为泰国奇异旅游年旅游节目的一部分,预计可增加旅游收入20亿铢。泰东北部旅游公司董事长颂仁·社里旺女士说,她的公司正积极准备开辟湄公河旅游业务,相信对湄公河流域6国都会...  相似文献   

‘Water grabbing’ in the Mekong River has been accelerating at a feverish pace. The stakes have never been greater. Talks between international socio‐environment groups, public–private dam partners, and Mekong countries are increasingly fractious and dysfunctional. The departure of the multilateral agencies, such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, from large‐scale infrastructure funding has allowed the private sector access to investment opportunities in hydropower, and as a result facilitated the promise of rapid hydropower growth in the Lao PDR. The antagonism of international social and environmental groups towards these dams is due primarily to the transboundary impacts of multiple constructions and modifications to the Mekong. We posit that the dilemma in the negotiations over the Mekong dams in Lao can be best understood from the perspective of misaligned incentives‐objectives. We examine the major stakeholders involved in contractual negotiations and group parties according to their aligned incentives‐objectives. We employ a criteria trade‐off framework to show that if talks take place over two rounds under particular rules, compromises of objectives and trading of incentives are possible. We stipulate that a Pareto‐optimal solution is indeed possible—if a non‐partisan, authoritative agent with retributory powers to design and enforce corrective incentives for all stakeholders takes part in both negotiation rounds.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the three strikes legislation in California draw conclusions based on data immediately following the passage of the law, which cannot account for the full deterrent effect of the law. Moreover, they do not account for the incapacitation effect. Distinguishing between deterrence and incapacitation is important for determining the efficacy of the law. Using data from 1991 to 2009, this paper is the first to examine the long-run effects. Our results show that the law had a significant deterrent effect on all crimes, including non-triggering offenses. Overall, the incapacitation effect is less significant. Further, enhanced penalties cause some felons to substitute between violent crimes and property crimes which carry a lower sentence. However, there is little evidence of substitution within crime categories. Surprisingly however, the added deterrent effect of the third strike is significantly smaller than for the second strike. The small marginal deterrence from the third strike also raises questions about the justification for such extreme severity of punishment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the process of economic integration between the Chinese province of Yunnan and its riparian areas of the Mekong region. The gravity model of trade is used to investigate the evolution of Yunnan's international trade integration between 1988 and 1999. Although Greater Mekong Subregion cooperation efforts have had a positive effect on trade, trade has progressively decreased from an above‐standard level to a normal level, according to the gravity model of trade. During this process, Yunnan's trade has increased with other countries such as Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. This evolution is in line with Yunnan's development and indicates a progressive re‐orientation of its trade toward more developed partners. The results suggest that the Mekong cooperation project has to broaden its perspective, taking into consideration Yunnan's expanding trade relations with countries outside the Greater Mekong Subregion.  相似文献   

闵红 《华东经济管理》2000,14(5):113-114
为推动社会生产力发展 ,维护市场经济秩序的正常运行 ,必须加强对知识产权的保护。近年来 ,知识产权侵权纠纷日益增多 ,如何强化刑法保护知识产权的功能 ?本文从刑法对知识产权保护现状以及选择制裁知识产权犯罪刑罚方法等几方面作了一些分析和研究。  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪是指未满十八周岁触犯刑律的犯罪种类的总称。未成年人犯罪率不断上升己是近年来我国乃至全世界刑事犯罪的一个特征和趋势。  相似文献   

蔡鹤 《特区经济》2008,235(8):248-250
公司治理不善可能导致公司犯罪的发生,为调动公司利益共同体各成员有效参与公司治理以预防公司犯罪,必须对公司犯罪实行双罚制。大多数单罚制公司犯罪应改为自然人犯罪;少数行为性质复杂的单罚制公司犯罪,应将一部分行为规定为公司犯罪以适用双罚制,另一部分行为则改为自然人犯罪。  相似文献   

伴随着网络游戏的快速发展,银商之间的竞争越来越激烈.在正规网络棋牌类游戏平台的高压打击之下,银商与非正规的棋牌类网络游戏运营商勾结,形成了新的合作模式.银商为网络赌博提供了逃避法律打击的途径,为赌博网站提供了秘密宣传渠道和网络资金结算途径,吸引了大量无业游民走上网络赌博等犯罪道路.  相似文献   

征汉年  马力 《乡镇经济》2008,24(8):113-116
在社会主义新农村建设中.随着农村管理事务不断扩大,一些敛财者权力易于物化,权钱交易机会将会增多,涉“农”职务犯罪将呈现上升趋势。文章以江苏省盐城地区在社会主义新农村建设中出现的职务犯罪案件为视角,解析此类犯罪的主要特点、剖析此类犯罪产生原因;并提出针对性的预防措施,为维护农村和谐稳定,保障农民合法权益,促进新农村建设提供良好的法治保障。  相似文献   

张建华  胡济洲 《改革》2005,(5):76-81
20世纪90年代以来,区域经济合作成为全球经济发展的趋势。电力对外贸易所固有的特点决定了它与区域经济合作密切相关。以中国周边的珠三角、澜沧江一湄公河次区域、东北亚区域为分析对象,进一步具体揭示了区域经济合作与中国电力对外贸易的联系,说明了中国电力对外贸易的基本格局及发展前景,提出了在区域经济背景下拓展中国电力对外贸易的措施。  相似文献   

周卫东 《特区经济》2009,(11):51-52
运用文献资料法和调查法,对金融危机情况下长江三角洲地区外向型企业发展现状和资源进行分析。在尊重市场经济发展规律的前提下,充分分析金融危机对长三角地区外向型企业的影响,提出了促进长江三角洲地区外向型企业进一步发展的对策。为长三角地区外向型企业尽快摆脱金融危机的影响及今后更好地发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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