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以减少交通事故为目的,设计了机动车辆智能限制超速、防闯红灯系统。该系统由五大模块组成,分别是:信号发射装置、信号接收装置、信号分析处理装置、末端执行装置和检测装置。系统中用到了无线电技术、PLC技术、传感器技术。详细设计了无线电发射装置的铺设问题,编写了分析处理装置核心部件PLC的梯形图程序做了系统在车辆内部的布置,并提出了充分的安全性论证。  相似文献   

互联网、数字电视、移动电视、车载电视、手机电视、楼宇视频、手机、短信、彩信、博客、空间等等都是新媒体的一种新式。它不仅包括了文字、图片、还包括了音频和视频等等。也就是说新媒体的以其多样化的表达方式和迅速的发展速度让中小企业感受到了新媒体时代的到来。在这样一个信息爆炸的新媒体时代,新媒体为中小企业的发展不仅提供了机遇,同时也带来了挑战,中小企业如何对企业的品牌进行经营更加受到重视。在本文中,笔者首先分析了品牌对于企业有哪些作用,然后对我国中小企业在品牌经营过程中存在的问题进行分析,接着阐述了新媒体的优势,最后提出中小企业如何通过新媒体来进行品牌经营。  相似文献   

柴俊 《科技转让集锦》2011,(20):235-236
维纳吸收借鉴总结了自动控制、传播学、电子技术、无线电通讯、神经生理学、心理学、医学、数学逻辑、计算机技术和统计力学等多种学科创立了控制论。控制论的形成通过了统计方法、黑箱辨识方法、功能模拟方法、信息的观点和方法、思维的信息加工方法、团队协作的方法等结合成有机垫体,形成了控制论特有的方法论。理论上吸收唯物论、辩证法、认识论等哲学思想,哲学理论贯彻指导其理论形成和发展。  相似文献   

何晓春  陈率 《浙商》2008,(20):69-86
广东降了、上海降了、成都降了、北京降了、南京降了,地产老大万科在9月终于把降价风吹到了杭州。过去学年多时间,万科几乎是全国每个城市降价的先锋,并不断引起当地房价的令两下调。  相似文献   

目前,我们江苏省工商系统实现了四级联网,自主开发的登记注册、监督检查、案件、食品安全、消保等200多个业务模块相继投入使用。全省400多万户市场主体逐一建立了经济户口,形成了省、市两级动态数据库。2005年底建成了政府部门协作网,包括工商、税务、质监、公安、海关等近40个部门实现了信息共享。其中,我局已提供了全省市场主体相关信息2400多万条,占共享数据的60%。依托强大的信息资源和网络平台,我们对所有市场主体实现了实时的监管等级划分和提示,并落实相应的监管措施。  相似文献   

城市越来越大了,但是城市问题也越来越突出了。文章论述了城市问题的污染重、秩序差、排水难、管网乱、交通堵、效能低、素质低等主要表现,提出了强化意识、科学规划、系统管理等城市问题的治理对策。  相似文献   

"现在水清了、灯明了、路畅了,市场的经营和生活环境大有改观。""交易更加安全、便捷了。""市场管理更加规范了。""市场的发展前景很好,我们更有信心了!"  相似文献   

本文针对创新型企业的盈利模式和融资创新策略进行了分析。首先介绍了创新型企业的定义和特点,然后从市场驱动、数据驱动和服务驱动三个方面探讨了不同的盈利模式。其次概述了融资创新,并结合案例分析了不同阶段的融资方式。进一步分析了盈利模式与融资创新的关联性和相互影响机制。最后通过腾讯、网易、小米等创新型企业的案例研究,深入分析了其盈利模式和支付宝、滴滴出行、美团点评等公司的融资创新策略。本文为创新型企业的发展提供了理论指导和实践参考。  相似文献   

2009年2月25日至27日,国家工商总局法规司在浙江省杭州市组织召开了工商系统部分省市行政指导工作座谈会。北京、上海市,河北、辽宁、吉林、山东、江苏、浙江、福建、河南、湖北、广东、陕西省等13个省、市工商局分管法制工作的副局长、法制机构负责人参加了会议。行政指导工作起步较早的福建省泉州市、山东省烟台市、吉林省吉林市、江苏省苏州市、浙江省台州市工商局主要负责同志参加了会议。总局付双建副局长出席会议并作重要讲话。总局反垄断与反不正当竞争执法局派员参加了会议。  相似文献   

有人说,中国的省级卫视竞争到了想杀人的程度。但也有人说,它们到了春风得意的时候。我实在想不出竞争都到了六亲不认的份上还能这么乐观。省级卫视的营销传播战近年来出现了少有的酣战,价格战、定位战、公关战、改版战、娱乐战、明星战,真是到了战也得战不战也得战的程度。  相似文献   

Introduction. Suicides are a hidden and unrecognized epidemic in the Indian region, affecting predominantly younger age groups. Information on causative risk factors and mechanisms is not available in the country, which is crucial for designing intervention programmes.

Objectives. To identify and quantify risk factors for completed suicides in the city of Bangalore.

Methods. A case–control study was conducted with the families of 269 completed suicides and 269 living controls within the broader population of the city using psychological autopsy methods.

Results. The study has shown that several factors in the areas of family, marriage, education, occupation, general health, mental health and absence of protective factors contribute significantly for suicides. The cumulative and repetitive interaction of several factors in a complex manner results in suicides. The significant factors were presence of previous suicidal attempt in self (odds ratio (OR) = 42.62), interpersonal conflicts and marital disharmony with spouse (OR = 27.98), alcoholism in self (OR = 23.38), presence of a mental illness (OR = 11.07), sudden economic bankruptcy (OR = 7.1), domestic violence (OR = 6.82) and unemployment (OR = 6.15). Individuals completing suicides did not have a positive outlook towards life, problem-solving approaches and coping skills.

Conclusion. The observed findings are at variance with suicidal causation in the West in some areas operating in a different sociocultural and economic environment. The intervention strategies should include prioritized macro and micro level efforts aimed at individual, family and society.  相似文献   


Business marketers in the 21st century are grappling with the harsh, tough demands of a consolidated customer base, rapid product and service commoditization, complex channel structures, and hyper-competition in a rapidly evolving, information-intensive global economy. Across the globe, firms concerned with developing managerial talent to respond to these trends are demanding and expecting changes in the executive education programs offered by business schools. We consider in this paper a number of recent trends and changes in customer expectations, program format, content development and delivery, and program marketing that we have observed in executive education in the field of business marketing.  相似文献   

综述了聚烯烃纳米复合材料的优点、使用价值和近年来国内外聚烯烃纳米复合材料的研究进展,并介绍了无机粒子/聚烯烃复合材料和粘土/聚烯烃复合材料,重点阐述了粘土与聚乙烯、聚丙烯纳米复合材料的制备方法及粘土/聚烯烃纳米复合材料插层热力学分析,对目前聚烯烃纳米复合材料存在问题及发展前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

EPD教育是人口、环境、健康与发展教育的总称。本文重点论述了EPD教育的概念、内容和目的 ,提出在西部开发规划中 ,应同时启动EPD教育的意义 ,同时 ,对西部开发中EPD教育的可行性做了初步的分析  相似文献   

Organizational cynicism is a pejorative attitude toward the employing organization induced by mistrust, disillusion, and various negative experiences. Based on cognitive dissonance theory we develop and test a theoretical model of how perceived cultural differences lead to organizational cynicism which in turn results in greater turnover intentions among host country nationals (HCN) employed in foreign subsidiaries of multinational corporations. Furthermore, we argue that the negative effect of perceived cultural differences can be mitigated by localization, i.e. replacement of expatriates by local staff. Survey results from HCN employees in foreign subsidiaries in China confirm the expected relationships.  相似文献   

河南农村金融改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省农业现代化发展亟需金融支持,但是正规金融体系支农服务不到位、民间资本支农服务渠道不顺畅、农村资产入市缺乏盘活机制。推动农村金融改革,河南省政府应以农村产权制度改革为重点,积极推进改革试点工作,大力发展农村金融市场;完善农村金融组织体系,加快农村金融产品创新;加大金融惠农支持政策,提高农村金融服务水平;构建与河南省情相适应的多层次、多元化农村金融体系,使金融业成为推动河南农村经济发展的主要动力,实现农村金融改革的稳定有序发展。  相似文献   

This paper surveys the major developments in the field of consumer protection in India since 1984, when the statutory provisions for regulating unfair trade practices were incorporated for the first time.Among the developments described in the paper is the strengthening of provisions for consumer protection through amendments to the Act regulating restrictive and monopolistic trade practices (the MTRP Act). Public-sector undertakings and co-operative societies have been brought within the purview of the Act, and consumers have obtained the right to participate in inquiry proceedings before the MRTP Commission.Consumers and their associations have been given the right to seek redress of grievances arising out of the violation of certain pieces of legislation, including the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986, was enacted in order to provide speedy and inexpensive redress of consumers' grievances. Redress can now be sought before any consumer court also for negligence or deficiency in medical services.The Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986, has strengthened the measures for the standardisation and quality control of manufactured goods.A Consumer Welfare Fund has been set up to provide financial assistance to voluntary consumer organisations and for the general development of consumer movement in the country. A spurt in voluntary consumer organisations in different parts of the country can also be observed.Other developments include the establishment of a separate Department of Consumer Affairs in the Union Government and the setting up of a Consumer Product Testing Laboratory.  相似文献   

西方电子商务活动中的伦理问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伴随着西方电子商务的飞速发展,产生了诸多伦理问题,如隐私权伦理、安全伦理、利益冲突伦理、恐龙行为等,这些都是电子商务环境所特有的。本文认为,当这些问题出现时,互联网会很快反映出来。由于其暴露于公众面前和市场环境之中,一些伦理问题可以迅速得到解决;同时由于互联网技术不断带来新的产品和服务,并将其推向使用了新策略的市场中去,新的伦理问题又会不断涌现。揭示这些伦理问题,对形成符合道德标准的自律的电子商务环境具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文认为,对日益突出的安全生产问题,应用经济学观点加以解决。一是综合运用宏观调控手段,制定超前意识的安全生产规划,并纳入国民经济宏观调控范围内,同时运用财政、货币、产业和贸易等政策提高安全生产宏观调控能力;二是拓宽安全生产投融资渠道,强化安全生产投入主体责任制,建立健全多元化投资机制:三是提高安全生产的事故成本,在全社会达成提高安全生产赔偿底线的共识,法律法规明确规定安全生产事故的高标准赔偿;四是加强安全科学技术研究,并加快其成果产业化步伐,促进安全的科技进步;五是严格执行安全生产行政责任追究制度。科学管理和监督安全生产。  相似文献   

The authors develop a theoretical framework to explain conflict in supplier–retailer relationships. In addition to traditional influence strategy variables, the framework links conflict to retailer dependence and supplier formalization. The framework is empirically tested in the Cameroonian brewery industry. The findings support the view that channel conflict is inversely related to retailer dependence and supplier formalization. Contrary to expectations, the use of noncoercive influence strategies (information exchange and recommendations) has no significant effect on conflict, while, as expected, the use of coercive influence strategies (threats and promises) increases conflict.  相似文献   

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