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城市智能交通系统与供应链管理协同发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据城市经济的发展,提出在供应链管理系统中应用智能交通系统,以提高整个物流系统的效益和客户服务水平.在构建供应链管理与智能交通系统协同发展体系结构的基础上,论述了协同发展的技术领域,提出实现协同发展的硬件环境要求和软件约束.结合鄂州市发展现状,对城市智能交通系统与供应链管理的协同发展进行了实证研究.  相似文献   

在大型石化码头的升级改造施工中,要求使用适用性强、品质可以控制、施工速度快、设备简单的施工方案。天津港石化码头在改造工程中,为了满足码头靠船墩和系揽墩的受力强度要求,首次采用了灌注桩施工,在原有墩台的外侧补加直径1500毫米的灌注桩,以达到码头加固的目的。这种大直径灌注桩的施工工艺为今后的码头建设及加固提供了很好的借鉴和依据。  相似文献   

滨水城市老港城市化开发研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评析近几十年来世界范围内滨水城市老港区城市化热潮的背景及改造过程,总结世界老港改造的经验。  相似文献   

根据丹东港港区吞吐量的持续快速增长,为提高港区铁路集疏运能力,使之与在建的东北东部铁路通道的前庄线有效衔接,结合丹东港总体规划和铁路运量预测,提出大东港区铁路改扩建方案和港区铁路场站总体布局,从而与前庄线的技术标准和运输能力相匹配,满足丹东港大东港区发展要求和对铁路运输的迫切需要.  相似文献   

Port choice and freight forwarders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In light of the growing supply chain power of 3PLs and very limited empirical studies on port choice from the freight forwarders’ perspective, this paper tries to evaluate the major factors influencing port choice from the Southeast Asian freight forwarders’ perspective, their decision-making style and port selection process and draw out some policy implications for port operators and authorities. Efficiency is found to be the most important factor followed by shipping frequency, adequate infrastructure and location. Their selection process is complex and a two-stage process and supports the new approach that models ports within the framework of a supply chain.  相似文献   

Port multi-service congestion occurs when port users of two or more different services (i.e., multi-services) provided at the same port node or over the same port link interfere with one another to the extent that they experience service congestion at the shared node or over the shared link. Container port nodes shared in the provision of port multi-services include, for example, the berth and yard. Container port links shared in the provision of port multi-services include, for example, the yard-to-departure-gate link, entrance-gate-to-yard link, berth-to-yard link and yard-to-berth link. If port multi-service congestion exists at a port node (or over a port link), then port multi-service congestion can be propagated to other port nodes and links in the port as long as there is a connecting path.  相似文献   

<正>巴基斯坦目前拥有三大海港,分别为卡拉奇港、卡西姆港和瓜达尔港。卡拉奇港位于卡拉奇市的西南侧,紧邻卡拉奇市,是巴基斯坦的最大的港口,拥有37个泊位,可从事集装箱、干散货、件杂货、液体散货等的装卸,建设有10万吨级主航道,为"中巴经济走廊"东出海口,如图1所示。卡西姆港是巴基斯坦第二大港口,位于卡拉奇港东侧约35公里,拥有19个泊位,可从事干散货、液体散货、LNG、集装箱等的装卸,建设有5万吨级航道。  相似文献   

我国实行港口行政管理体制改革之后,在以港立市、以港兴市等政策的引领下,港口建设取得了跨越式发展。十一五初期,出于做大做强港口、整合港口资源等考虑,浙江、福建等地区开启了地区港口整合进程,拉开了我国港口整合的序幕。为加快福建省沿海现代化大型港口建设,解决港口间的内耗现象,福建省从2006年开始对当时的厦门港和漳州港进行港口资源整合。笔者通过梳理厦门港港口整合经验,总结其优点和不足,为国内港口良性发展提供有效的借鉴。  相似文献   

作为一种能够支配他人权利的权力 ,公共权力的形成源于这样一种承诺 :以公共权力为个人权利服务。承诺就是义务和责任。只有将内在立法的责任意识与外在立法的责任制度有机结合起来 ,才可有效防止行政权力行使者专权、滥权 ,并为增进人类福祉 ,维护人的自由与权利作出实质性贡献。  相似文献   

This paper provides a novel and unique methodology for evaluating the effectiveness performance of a port’s individual services by utilizing the concept of a port service chain – a service network utilized by a port’s service providers in the provision of the port’s services that accounts for the quality-of-service relationships among the services. If such relationships are ignored, the resource allocations by the port’s service providers to improve the quality of their port services will either over- or underestimate the amount of resources needed. A cooperative port service chain will always (under certain conditions) be more effective than a non-cooperative port service chain.  相似文献   

This paper explores changes in the strategic orientation of port authorities and terminal operators towards the hinterland network in the Ports of Rotterdam and Barcelona. Port authorities and terminal operators are economically, institutionally and geographically related organizations. The argument here is that such organizations experience a mutually influential and interactive effect in their strategy over time. The research explores the evolution of the market, institutional and governance forces behind these organizations’ strategic orientation, while acknowledging their interdependence and interrelationship. To that end, it builds a conceptual framework analysing these organizations’ strategies in different points in time. It draws upon firms and port theories to design a co-evolutionary framework, which is later refined with insights gained from an empirical study of the port context.  相似文献   

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