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超市中的防盗问题一直令经营者十分头痛。在美国,店内行窃给零售业造成的损失每年达100亿美元以上;我国的超市由于防盗手段相对落后,更是深受窃贼之苦。不过,随着科技的进步,新型超市防盗手段可以帮上管理者的忙了。电子防盗上世纪60年代后期,美国出现了第一套电子式商品防盗系统(EAS)。90年代后,EAS系统开始进入亚洲国家,同时也来到我国消费者的身边。目前,最为常用的EAS系统是无线电系统和声磁系统。无线电系统以环形线圈作为防盗标签贴在商品上,以无线电波作为发射接收的信号,该系统的优点是成本低,缺点是易受一些电子、金属物品的干…  相似文献   

中国有句成语叫做"道高一尺,魔高一丈",为了严重地打击盗窃汽车的犯罪行为,保护车主的财产安全,世界各国出巨资纷纷研究汽车防盗装置,高新科技得到了有效的应用和推广,新品迭出,奇思妙想,使盗贼望车兴叹,束手就擒。数码防盗装置·P.H.W.S微晶辩识密码防盗系统:独特的电子密码高达500多亿种,当装有密码发射器的汽车钥匙插入之后,钥匙孔内的受讯模组将密码传至控制模组进行判读,若吻合,即可启动汽车引擎。该系统不用电池及电线,使用接线点火的方式即可,若控制模组未解除禁令,引擎就无法启动。·数码防盗钥匙:将小型化…  相似文献   

桑塔纳2000Gsi轿车的防盗锁是一种不同于当前流行的“哇哇叫”式防盗器。这种电子防盗锁于无声无形中就对车辆进行了保护,既无令人生厌的刺耳尖叫声,也不产生强烈的无线电干扰电波,却有较强的防盗功能。这种以人为本的防盗装置是由世界著名的Megamos汽车防盗公司设计开发,采用特殊的通讯手段,通过随机密码应答判断方式进行工作。在近年生产的豪华轿车上,如奔驰C280、凌志430及IS200,亦采用类似的防盗结构,即智能钥匙式防盗锁。 该防盗装置由带防盗转发器的智能钥匙、套有收发线圈的点火锁、指示灯及防盗…  相似文献   

近年来,针对路灯设施被盗的问题,温岭市供电局路灯管理所不断创新和完善"防盗术",加大防盗力度。2012年,温岭市供电局路灯管理所开始试着采用路灯远程监控系统,简单的说,就是路灯电子防盗器。2012年8月,该所在被盗严重区域的路灯上进行了安装。只要路灯电缆被盗割,工作人员的手机上就会立即显示信息,工作人员就可立即报警。自从安装上了这个系统,该区域就没有再发生过路灯偷盗事件。  相似文献   

汽车防盗系统均为电子产品,且大多有遥控功能,但你是否碰到过这种情况:当您接一下自己的遥控器;别人的车门开了? “汽车电子防盗器”的确令驾车一族过了一段无忧无虑的日子,然而这种舒心的日子也许正在结束,因为您应驾的防盗器密码有可能己被窃贼复制,若真如此,偷车贼偷您的车只是举手之劳。现在,窃车贼已能使用电子技术复制汽车防盗密码。那么,防盗器密码在什么情况下会被复制呢?据深圳市公安局技防办的专业人士介绍,窃车贼阴谋之所以得逞,主要是有这么几种情况: 汽车转借他人。你有汽车,或许也还有许多朋友熟人。当朋友或…  相似文献   

我国目前包装白酒、葡萄酒、药酒及饮料等多数仍以玻璃瓶为主,其中约有50%的酒瓶盖使用铝材制造的防盗盖,我国防盗瓶盖将以每年10%的速度增长,预计到2010年,防盗盖用量将达到150亿只,需用铝板带材6万吨左右.  相似文献   

新型自热饮料罐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,我国饮料包装正在向适应国际潮流的高档次、多品种、深加工方向发展。例如:广泛采用薄型高强度板材、镀铬板材;研制各类不同特性的内涂料;发展形式多样、易开启以及具有防伪、防盗功能的瓶盖类产品等等。因此有不少新型的包装相继问世。包装的人性化、便利化越来越成为人们的需求。本文对自热饮料  相似文献   

自上世纪90年代中期开始,可口可乐公司生产的PET瓶装饮料使用塑料防盗盖替代铝盖,从而将塑料防盗盖推到了饮料包装的前台。此后,国内有实力的包装企业和饮料生产厂商纷纷弓l进国外设备,开始了塑料防盗盖的大规模生产和应用。如今,既轻薄又易于开启的塑料瓶盖包装遍布饮料市场。不仅方便了消费者,同时也带动了饮料业的快速发展。  相似文献   

Amazon Kindle的出现在全球掀起了电子纸的热潮,黑白电子纸显示技术正在不断完善。随着电子纸市场需求的增加,研制新型彩色电子纸显示技术成为众多科研人员关注的焦点。本文介绍了日本千叶大学北村研究室在彩色电子纸显示技术研发上所取得的最新进展,针对基于电泳显示和色粉移动方式的彩色电子纸技术做了详细说明。  相似文献   

通过对防盗报警系统需求的分析,提出了一种利用GSM网络传递警情的家庭防盗报警系统设计。给出了短信防盗报警系统的软硬件设计和工作过程,并着重论述了AVR单片机与GSM模块通信过程,以及此过程使用的AT指令和PDU编码的编程实现。实验验证本系统运行稳定,可以实现警情的实时传送,在无人看管的环境下保障物品的安全。  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(5-6):496-513
We analyze the state of the art of indicators on e-government, e-health, e-procurement and e-participation. We survey the main methodological properties of these indicators, and highlight their heuristic potential. Further, we address empirically the issue of the explanation of the availability scores, i.e. how the supply of the various e-services in each country is affected by political, institutional and socio-economic differences, and is followed by actual usage. The econometric analysis uncovers the importance of broadband penetration and higher education as drivers for most of the types of e-services and users (citizens and businesses). Moreover, a corruption-free and agile public sector proves to be an important pre-condition for more effective supply and usage. Despite data limitations and the complexity of the underlying diffusion phenomena, our study is the first truly longitudinal contribution aimed at disentangling the common drivers of such an important phenomenon – the e-services availability and usage across European countries. As such, this work appears useful to inform the policy debate and practice, in a phase characterized by a prospective reorientation of the public e-services provision and policy agenda.  相似文献   

Within this paper, a conceptualised triadic schema is hypothesised for locating emotion within a creative, learning and product orientated Design and Technology experience. The research is based upon an extensive literature review that has been synthesised and juxtaposed with the broad aspirational aims of the subject. The schema, based upon abductive reasoning and grounded theory, ultimately conceptualises the overarching theme of emotion within a creative, learning and product orientated Design and Technology experience within the Primary and Secondary stages of England’s education system. The triadic schema offers an additional opportunity in meta-theorising how the broad aspirational aims of the subject, as outlined in the English national curriculum statement of importance for Design and Technology, can be achieved through recognising the powerful overarching concept of emotion within three emerging domains: Person, Process and Product. The central tenet of this paper is the recognition of emotion within a triadic schema for meta-theorising the place of emotion within a creative, learning and product orientated Design and Technology experience. David Spendlove was previously a senior teacher in secondary education before moving into Higher Education and is now the subject leader for Design and Technology at the University of Manchester. He co-edits both Design and Technology Education: An international Journal and the DATA international research conference proceedings. He is a director of the Design and Technology Association and his research interests are broadly based around learning, pedagogy, creativity, emotion and gender.  相似文献   

Childhood obesity and unhealthy nutrition are high on the European policy agenda because of their association with chronic diseases and due to the related social and economic burden. In 2014, the EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity 2014–2020 was launched with an overarching goal to halt the rise of overweight and obesity in children by the year 2020. To facilitate the implementation of the Action Plan, the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission provided support to bring together 25 Member States plus Norway for a Joint Action on Nutrition and Physical Activity (JANPA). The current paper is based on the results of JANPA and presents the explored policy options to improve children's nutrition by targeting the food environment in and around kindergartens and schools. We conclude that for effective actions countries need to combine various mutually reinforcing policies in parallel, including the provision of healthy foods, lowering the availability of unhealthy foods, restricting marketing, and promoting education. Success will depend on the coherence of messages and on the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders and sectors. Evaluation should be carefully designed, using indicators of progress towards the goal of improving diet and reducing obesity in children.  相似文献   

Firms' Growth,Size and Age: A Nonparametric Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper offers empirical evidence of firm failurerates as well as the mean of the distribution ofrealized growth rates, distinguishing between thesample of non-failing firms and the sample of allfirms, failing and non-failing. Attention is directedat identifying a set of characteristics, in particularthe size and age of firms, systematically related tothe patterns of firm growth and exit, using a panel ofSpanish manufacturing firms. The two maincontributions of the paper are the use ofnonparametric techniques and the analysis of issuesignored in other studies like theregression-to-the-mean bias and the measurement oflearning effects. We find evidence that failure ratesand the mean growth rate of successful firms declinewith size and age. When failing firms are integrated,there are no significant differences in the meangrowth rate across the age and size of firms.Regression-to-the-mean does not prove to be asubstantial factor behind the negative relationshipbetween size and growth of surviving firms.  相似文献   

随着国家和社会越来越重视环境保护,环境影响评价工作的要求越来越高,工作内容越来越复杂,咨询收费也发生较大变化,在建设项目可研和初步设计阶段科学合理的计算环境影响评价费及验收费是合理确定投资的一项重要工作.文章首先对目前环境影响评价及验收费现状进行分析总结,为开展环境影响评价及验收费计算优化提供基础,然后依据国家现行的法...  相似文献   

In Albania, many children exhibit poor nutritional status, have unhealthy diets and inadequate physical activity. Yet, comprehensive studies on the nutritional status, food and nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) are largely non-existent for Albanian school-age children.To fill these important gaps, a nationwide survey was conducted in Albania in 2017–2018 to assess the nutritional status and the nutrition-related KAP of Albanian school-aged children.The study consisted of a nationally representative sample of 7578 Albanian schoolchildren from all regions of the country. In addition, 6810 parent questionnaires were collected, along with interviews with the directors of all involved schools, 311 teachers and 53 key informants representing local authorities in all districts of Albania. Data collection consisted of anthropometric measurements of children and structured questionnaires administered to children, their parents, teachers, school directors, and key informants.The survey is unique in both the scope of the respondents involved, and in the breadth of content area covered, and as such, makes an important contribution not only to Albania, but also to the field of research in food, health and nutrition for school-age children.This paper presents the preliminary findings from the KAP survey that will help influence policies for actionable advancement on the commitments and priorities of Albania to improve food security and nutrition. In particular, the study findings will support the development of a national school food and nutrition programme in Albania embedded into the local food system and the design of food and nutrition educational materials and campaigns to promote healthy diets and practices among both school-age children and the Albanian population.  相似文献   

质量体系与HSE管理体系一体化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分析ISO900标准与HSE管理标准的相同点和不同点入手,从管理学的角度探讨了质量体系与HSE管理体系相结合的可能性与必要性,探讨了企业实施两个体系一体化的措施。指出,建立一个能同时满足了ISO9000标准要求和HSE管理标准要求的综合体系,可以明显地提高企业管理效益、降低体系运行费用。  相似文献   

网络防火墙技术浅析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了企业网络的安全屏障——防火墙的概念、作用、体系结构。互联网的资源共享与开放模式容易使网络受到黑客攻击,对于防范黑客入侵采取的主要措施是安装网络防火墙。防火墙的作用是防止不希望的、未授权的通信进出被保护的网络。任何关键性的服务器,都应放在防火墙之后。防火墙内外的计算机通信是通过代理服务器来中转实现的。本文给定了代理服务器、屏蔽路由器、双穴主机网关、被屏蔽主机网关、被屏蔽子网在防火墙内的具体实现,并对现代防火墙技术的局限性做了揭示。  相似文献   

The reduction of the digital divide due to the availability of the Internet and the improvement of skills is accompanied by reverse and resistance trends associated with the influence of socio-demographic and economic characteristics of users. In this paper, we estimate the volume and dynamics of the digital divide in access and use of the Internet in Russia by key social groups according to a longitudinal survey for 2008–2018. We found that along with the reducing of the digital divide, its gaps still remain. The greatest polarization is associated with the income, age, and type of residence of the respondents. The most vulnerable social groups on access to ICTs and Internet use are the low-income, the elderly, citizens with disabilities, and those living in rural areas. The reverse shifts in the digital divide were recorded mainly in relation to the Internet usage by age between the middle-age and youth and by gender. In addition, we pointed out the most resistance social groups to reduce the digital divide in the period under review, in particular, by income and type of residence of the respondents. The findings contribute to an understanding of the dynamics and social consequences of the digital divide and can be taken into account in social policy and measures.  相似文献   

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