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On July 13, 2006, the Min istry of Information Indus try of the People's Repub lic of China ("MII") issued a new notice concerning foreign-invested telecom and internet companies in China. MII's "Notice on Strengthening Regulation of Foreign Investment in and Operations of Value-Added Telecom Services" (the "MII Circular"), further clarifies the existing regulatory framework governing foreign investment in internet and other value-added telecommunications (" VATS ") businesses in China.  相似文献   

On 8th August 2006, the Ministry of Foreign Commerce of the People's Republic of China ("MOC" or "MOFCOM"), along with the StateAdministration of Industry and Commerce ("SAIC"), State Administration of Taxation ("SAT") and State Administration of Foreign Exchange ("SAFE") and joined by China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC") and Stateowned Asset Supervision and Administration Commission ("SASAC"), issued new regulations on M&A transactions in China. The new regulations, called the "Provisions on the Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors" (the "Revised M&A Provisions"), will become effective on September 8, 2006. The "M&A transactions" in the context of the Revised M&A Provisions refer to equity and asset acquisitions, not true "mergers" in the U.S. legal sense.  相似文献   

China ranks No. 6 worldwide in terms of total advertising expenditures. We estimate that China's media and ad vertising was an $11.4 billion industry in 2005, having grown 32% annually since 1991. During that period, advertising spending as a percentage of do- mestic GDP has increased from 0.57% to 0.63%. Still, China's advertising spending as a share of GDP is well below that of the United States (2.2% of GDP) or Japan (1.4% of GDP).  相似文献   

After the second time Ralph Parks step in China, he is not the Chairman of JP Morgan Asia-Pacific any more. Ralph Parks' new status is the Chairman of Oaktree Capital ,Management LLC (Oaktree) Asia-Pacific.Another PE enters China, another investment banking veteran enters the PE industry.  相似文献   

Made in China     
In early November 2007, Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co., controlled by Bank of China Ltd., signed a deal to acquire a less than 20%equity interest in Tianjin Pipe (Group) Corporation for a consideration of approximately $200 million. This deal ranks among the biggest in mainland China.  相似文献   

On 26th July 2006, 3i associated with Prax Capital co-invest in Inner Mongolia Little Sheep Catering Chain Co., Ltd. with US $25m. At present, the Little Sheep Catering has become the largest catering chain enterprise with more than 700 outlets in China. The investment of Little Sheep is 3i's llth investment in China. The other portfolio companies in China are Focus Media, CSMC Technologies Corporation, Chinadigital, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), Amperex Technology Limited, and so on. All of these portfolio companies are regarded as the excellent projects in the VC field.  相似文献   

Chinese leading real estate services company, E-House (China) Holding Limited (E-House) started its first trading under the symbol "EJ" on 8th August. Inthis IPO, E-House offered 14.6 million ADSs, was priced at $13.8 per share, exceeding the high end of the original pricing range of $11.5 to $13.5.[第一段]  相似文献   

With China's cross-provincial panel data of 27 industries from 2003 to 2009 as sample, this paper uses Wurgler (2002) model to estimate that the average capital allocation efficiency of China's 30 regi...  相似文献   

近日,中关村储能产业技术联盟(CNESA)与德国展览会主办机构杜塞尔多夫展览(上海)有限公司(MDS)宣布双方将携手合作,共同举办Energy Storage China储能国际峰会2014。  相似文献   

According to Thomson, by the influence of Bank of China (3988.HK)'s IPO in .Hong Kong at the beginning of this June, for the first half Asia- Pacific ECM underwriting reached record levels totaling $56.7 billion in proceeds from 351 issues exclude Japanese market.  相似文献   

去年这个时候,优步(Uber)首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)正在风尘仆仆地为优步中国(Uber China)筹资,寻求拿下中国市场,他形容这个市场是“对优步而言最大的未开发机遇之一”。  相似文献   

Capturing Greentown China in 10 days, being shareholder of Dongfeng Group in 45 days, and taking Shimao International in 60 days, these are myths in Chinese private placement history. Standard Chartered Private Equity Limited (SCPEL) is these myths' writer. In the private placement battlefield, SCPEL is the black horse and the incarnation of power and speed.  相似文献   

2009年9月29日,中国投资有限责任公司(China Investment Corporation,以下简称为中投公司)才刚刚迎来它两周岁的生日。  相似文献   

中国清洁能源解决方案有限公司(China Solar & Clean Energy Solutions,Inc.简称CSCE)于2005年3月在美国纳斯达克证券市场上市,是由德利国际新能源控股有限公司发展而来。清洁能源解决方案公司是世界上首家太阳能光热领域的上市企业,下设德利阳光科技发展(北京)有限公司、北京爱利阳太阳能技术有限公司、霸州市德利太阳能采暖有限公司、天津华能能源设备有限公司。  相似文献   

宏利金融有限公司(Manulife Financial Corp.,简称:宏利金融)周三与中国银行股份有限公司(Bank Of China Ltd.,简称:中国银行)签订为期两年的扩充协议,以巩固两家公司的业务关系。  相似文献   

杨然 《投资与合作》2014,(2):327-327
Cooperative Language Learning ( hereafter CLL ) is one of the most widely used pedagogical theories, both m China and abroad. It emphasizes on the learnercentered teaching principle and makes maximum use of cooperative activities. Under the guidelines of the Cooperative Language Learning, this paper explores the application of cooperative language learning in the spoken English class of the university  相似文献   

厚朴投资携手中粮注资蒙牛乳业涉资7.8亿美元 7月6日中粮集团(COFCO Group Limited)携手厚朴投资(Hopu Investments Management Co.,Ltd.)共同注资中国蒙牛乳业股份有限公司(China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited)61亿港元,获取20%股份。通过此次投资,这两家投资者将成为蒙牛乳业的最大股东。  相似文献   

On 16th July, 2007, Fosun International (0656. HK) listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange officially by the way of 'Red-Chip'. The Chairman and Effective Controller of Fosun, Guangchang GUO (Guo) holds a 58% stakes of Fosun International (equals 2.9 billion shares). According to the recent share price of Fosun, the shares hold by Guo worth over HK$31.8 billion. 40 years old Guo listed in the first three of the China's Richest Business People, as shine as other Fosun's shareholders like Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, Ka-shing LI, Zhaoji LI, Yutong ZHENG, Henian GUO, Luanxiong LIU, etc.[第一段]  相似文献   

中国国际税务咨询公司(英文China International Tax Consultancy Company,简称CITCC)于1992年6月经国务院经贸办批准成立,在国家工商局登记注册。  相似文献   

2006年度的大众汽车大师赛(中国)(Volkswagen Mas—ter—China)于10月12日至15日在海南三亚亚龙湾高尔夫球会隆重举行,这已是大众汽车连续第三年赞助该项始于2004年的高水平赛事。  相似文献   

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