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王玥 《价值工程》2004,23(5):112-114
本文从福田汽车的基本情况入手,简单介绍了公司的股本构成及其变动情况,并结合汽车业的整体情况分析了福田汽车各种产品的竞争力和福田公司在行业中地位。最后结合公司近期的财务数据,分析了公司的赢利能力和成长性,并对公司的发展前景进行了预测,从而可见福田汽车具有一定的投资价值。  相似文献   

陈玲 《价值工程》2005,24(12):45-47
从山东铝业公司的基本情况入手,简单介绍了公司的股本构成及其变动情况,以及公司所处行业的现状及前景。结合公司近期的财务数据,分析了公司的营运能力、赢利能力和成长性,从而可见山东铝业具有一定的投资价值。  相似文献   

深圳口岸片区的小户型历来是投资的热点,但随着深圳城市中心的西移.罗湖口岸片区昔日投资的热点势头已渐渐被福田、南山新兴的口岸片区所替代,CBD、西部通道使皇岗口岸、南油片区的投资价值凸现,形成新一轮小户型投资热潮。  相似文献   

成立于1996年8月的北汽福田汽车股份有限公司(以下简称"福田汽车"),是一家跨地区、多业务、跨所有制的北京市国有控股上市公司,也是目前我国最大的商用车企业,已连续三年商用车产销量名列全国第一。2006  相似文献   

目前,电动化及智能化已经成为汽车行业的未来发展方向。本文以我国新能源头部自主品牌比亚迪汽车为研究对象,从新能源汽车行业的现状、比亚迪内部战略以及财务状况三方面入手,探讨其投资价值,以期提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

一,利润与现金流未能共赢的缘由 福田公司进入汽车行业较晚.但发展速度很快。自1996年成立至2003年.汽车产销量及销售收入平均年增长率分别达到41%和52%,公司2003年流动资产周转率和总资产周转率分别为737次和3.73次.高于汽车行业平均值的2.46次和1.34次。虽然产销量、收入及现金流均有较大增长,但是公司利润却没有实现同步增长.平均年增长率仅为35%。较收入增加水平还下降了17%,没有实现利润与现金流的共赢。相关资料见下表:  相似文献   

目前,福田汽车共有三大类共八种型号的新能源汽车,分别为多功能车:迷迪Plug-in HEV及迷迪纯电动;大客车:混合动力大客车、燃料电池客车、CNG/LPG大客车及纯电动大客车;卡车:纯电动轻型环卫车及混合动力轻卡。未来,福田新能源汽车预计将开发至五大类十四种车型,分别为轿车系列:纯电动微轿,混合动力轿车;多功能车:迷迪Plug-in HEV,  相似文献   

10月5~9日,在2011首届环北京职业公路自行车赛整个赛程中,数十辆悬挂着钻石标的中国自主品牌福田汽车一直伴其左右。这家中国自主品牌汽车企业多年来一直热心公益事业,默默为多项体育赛事的成功举办贡献着自己的力量。  相似文献   

2006年,中国汽车产销量均突破700万辆大关,福田汽车以产销34.4万辆的业绩,成为中国自主品牌汽车产销量最大的企业。今年一季度,随着销售市场的回暖,福田汽车盈利能力大幅度提高。据统计,一季度净利润同比增长199.38%,销售收入同比增长28.1%,销量同比增长5.5%。  相似文献   

2011年1月9日,在北京九华山庄,福田汽车召开了主题为“品牌提供价值,行销创造财富”的福田汽车2011商务年会,本次年会是福田汽车成立以来规模最大的一次商务大会。会上,福田汽车党委书记、总经理王金玉和与会代表,就如何进一步巩固战略合作伙伴关系,  相似文献   

This paper employs Canadian stock market and corporate financial data to test the hypothesis that the market places a positive value on reported research and development spending of firms as an indicator of expected profitability and growth. The empirical results show a positive, statistically significant relationship between R&D spending and market value. The magnitudes of estimated coefficients are consistent with those reported in several published US studies. These results suggest that investment in R&D is a rational allocation of resources, contrary to the undervaluation hypothesis.  相似文献   

刘平 《企业技术开发》2010,29(6):166-168
经过"十一五"的高速发展,我国经济社会所面临的国际环境和国内外宏观形势都发生了较大的变化。清洁能源是我国未来能源发展的趋势,而小水电作为清洁能源的重要组成部分,将会随着国民经济的快速发展、市场经济体制的完善、电力减排战略的实施而迅速发展。文章从环境影响、能源发展路线、市场竞争力、宏观经济政策等方面进行分析,指出我国小水电行业已进入投资发展的战略机遇期,为正确投资小水电行业提供了宏观面的背景分析。  相似文献   

剩余收益估价模型是以公司权益的账面价值和预期剩余收益的现值来估算股票内在价值的模型,该模型在实际应用中取得了良好的效果.本文结合实例对价值投资中剩余收益估价模型的运用进行了分析与评述.  相似文献   

Previous research on the United States and Japan finds economically large impacts of changing real estate collateral value on firm investment that amplified the business cycles of those countries. Working with unique data on land values in 35 major Chinese markets and a panel of firms outside the real estate industry, we estimate investment equations that yield no evidence of a collateral channel effect. Further analysis indicates that China’s debt is not characterized by the frictions that give rise to collateral channel effects elsewhere. Essentially, financially constrained borrowers appear able credibly to commit to repay debt in China. While there is no impact on investment via the collateral channel, our results should not be interpreted as implying there will be no negative fallout from a potential real estate bust on the Chinese economy. There likely would be, but through different channels.  相似文献   

文章主要针对智能电网调度自动化技术进行简要的介绍,分析其使用现状,以及未来的发展方向,希望以此能使大众对自动化技术有全面的认识,推动我国电网的持续稳定进步。  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of statistical methods in analysing music. By counting the notes in pieces of music, frequency distributions are obtained and analysed.
Particularly Bach's compositions are considered, which appear to be rather disciplined as to the use of the 12 notes in dependence of the key. Perhaps it would be possible to characterize different composers by means of these frequency distributions.
Also a specimen of modern music without any key is discussed.  相似文献   

The potential to invest sequentially in related assets creates a tradeoff between diversification and concentration. Loading a portfolio with correlated assets has the potential to inflate variance, but also creates information spillovers and real options that may augment total return and mitigate variance. We examine this tradeoff in the context of petroleum exploration. Using a simple model of geological dependence, we show that the value of learning options creates incentives for investors to plunge into dependence; i.e., to assemble portfolios of highly correlated exploration prospects. Risk-neutral and risk-averse investors are distinguished not by the plunging phenomenon, but by the threshold level of dependence that triggers such behavior. Aversion to risk does not imply aversion to dependence. Indeed the potential to plunge should be larger for risk-averse investors than for risk-neutral investors. We test the empirical validity of our theory by examining bidding activity in petroleum lease sales. We find significant plunging behavior across a broad sample of oil companies. We also find that privately-held firms pursue even more concentrated (less diversified) prospect portfolios than publicly-held firms—which we attribute to risk aversion rather than size.  相似文献   

We use monthly US stock data over 55 years from 1962 to 2017 to show that the R&D intensity at firms adds another important dimension to the size and value effects in describing stock returns, especially for small high-tech firms. A trading strategy that double sorts on R&D intensity and size or book-to-market ratio outperforms a simple small-minus-big (SMB) or high-minus-low (HML) strategy in producing higher and more significant portfolio returns. The most profitable schemes involve triple sorts by size, BM, and R&D intensity: the payoffs of buying high-BM/R&D-Active portfolio and selling low-BM/R&D-Inactive portfolio in the small-size/high-tech group and that of buying high-tech/high-BM and selling low-tech/low-BM in the small-size/R&D-active group generate a return of more than 2% on a monthly basis. Our results are robust to alternative classification method of assigning stocks in portfolios.  相似文献   

Increasingly, decision‐makers in industry are being faced with complex investment decisions created and made emotive by diverse stakeholder expectations. Investments with the potential to have an impact on a company's environmental performance are a prime example of this since they are driven by multidimensional impacts, many of which are difficult to quantify in scientific and monetary terms. This paper presents a stakeholder value analysis (SVA) model, which can be used to address such problems, using a multiple‐attribute decision methodology. This decision tool has been developed and validated through a series of industrial applications, one of which is outlined here. This application describes the use of the tool in a company context whereby stakeholders from within the company are canvassed for their priorities and views. The SVA tool is used not only to guide and support this process but also to analyse the data and consequently produce output decision metrics, which express the preferences of all relevant stakeholders and which can therefore be more confidently used to support the final decision. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

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