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政治文明的入宪将政治文明提升到法律的层面,使期待有了法律的意义具有了规范的性质.首先表现为要求政治规范化,这种要求不仅仅来自于政治文明自身的特征也来自于宪法的规范性.它必将在政治制度、政治行为、政治意识三个方面加以体现.  相似文献   

<正>财务管理是现代企业管理系统中的一个价值管理系统,渗透到企业的各个领域、各个环节之中。而税收作为企业财务管理的重要经济环境要素和财务决策的变量,对完善企业财务管理制度、实现财务管理目标至关重要。因此,从税收对企业经济发展的影响出发,研究企业财务管理中税收筹划有着广泛而深刻的意义。一、企业税收筹划的原则  相似文献   

一、企业税收筹划必须遵循的原则1 服从于财务管理总体目标的原则。税收筹划作为企业财务管理的一个子系统 ,应始终围绕企业财务管理的总体目标来进行。税收筹划的目的在于降低企业的税收负担 ,但税收负担的降低并不一定带来企业总体成本的降低和收益水平的提高。例如 :《税法》规定企业负债利息允许在企业所得税前扣除 ,因而负债融资对企业具有节税的财务杠杆效应 ,有利于降低企业的税收负担。但是 ,随着负债比率的提高 ,企业的财务风险及融资风险成本也随之增加 ,当负债成本超过了息前的投资收益率 ,负债融资就会呈现出负的杠杆效应 ,这时…  相似文献   

<正>(一)企业税收筹划原则主要谈五个1.服从于财务管理总体目标的原则。税收筹划作为企业财务管理的一个子系统,应始终围绕企业财务管理的总体目标来进行,以降低企业的税收负担。但税收负担的降低并不一定带来企业总体成本的降低和收益水平的提高。例如,税法规定,企业负债利息允许在企业所得税前扣除,因而负债融资有利于降低企业的税收负担。  相似文献   

<正>有效的税收筹划,可以通过利用税收优惠和税收弹性直接减轻税收负担,从而获取资金时间价值,提高企业经济效益税收筹划又称纳税筹划,主要是指纳税人在法律规定许可的范围内,通过  相似文献   

企业在税收筹划中,必须坚持的原则:合法性原则企业在进行税收筹划时,一定要正确认识并划清合法筹划与违法筹划的界限,在国家法律法规及政策许可的范围内降低税负,坚决避免违法筹划行为的发生。效益原则企业税收筹划的根本目的,是减轻企业税负和谋求企业的最大效益。为此,税收筹划时应当考虑以下问题。1.必须着眼于自己整体税负的降低,不能只注重个别税种的负担,而忽略其它税种的负担。2.要重视分析对纳税人有重大影响的政治利益、环境利益、规模经济利益、比较经济利益和广告经济利益等非税利益,不能过分看重涉税利益而忽视重要的非税利益。…  相似文献   

在税收管理中,由于制度缺陷和信息不对称性的客观存在,容易产生寻租行为.本文从经济学理论与我国的现实税收环境两个角度对征管中的寻租问题进行了剖析,找出原因及其产生的影响,并结合分析从强化税收宣传、改进税收法律法规、完善税收制度和提高税收信息化等五个方面提出了相应的治理对策.  相似文献   

本文介绍了税收法律主义的基本内容,阐述了我国税收立法中税收法律主义的发展,并讨论了税收立法权限问题,最后提出了我国税收立法应坚持的方向。  相似文献   

To overcome resource constraints and achieve exponential growth, a new venture must rely on early customers of its products to communicate value and commitment to others. For this reason, founders of new ventures focus more on early customers as a key element of their founding strategy than on other elements. But when do early customers really add value to new ventures? Scholars have used legitimacy theory to examine the benefits of gaining acceptance and conveying firm quality through conforming to social norms and following similar methods and forms. It has been argued that, independent of the customers of products and services, observable legitimacy characteristics of a new organization function as signals and are used by critical external constituents to infer the quality of the firm. This research, however, sheds little light on the manner in which firm legitimacy influences how potential customers respond to the existence of early customers. The current study therefore proposes that, depending on types of legitimacy (cognitive, regulative, and normative), early customers may have a different impact on subsequent firm performance. While a young firm may reduce information asymmetry that hampers their attractiveness to customers and other external stakeholders via the costly signal of obtaining early customers, the signal fit argument suggests that discrepancy between a signal and the characteristics of the signaler can lead to unreliable quality and lower signaling value. Legitimacy is critical because, when legitimacy is absent, early customers may not serve as an effective signal for the new venture. This study therefore explores the extent to which the signaling effect of early customers depends on these three types of legitimacy. This study employs the Kauffman Firm Survey (KFS) public database, a panel study of 4928 new businesses founded in the United States in 2004. Four surveys (baseline, first follow‐up, second follow‐up, and third follow‐up) were conducted using self‐administered Web survey and computer‐assisted telephone interview methods. In this study, the independent variables include early customers and the three types of legitimacy (cognitive, regulative, and normative) as well as a set of control variables. All independent variables were measured at the founding of the businesses in the KFS baseline survey. Dependent variables in this study include second‐year revenue, third‐year revenue, and fourth‐year revenue as measured in the KFS first, second, and third follow‐up surveys, respectively. The multinomial logistic regression and Heckman sample selection model is used to analyze the data. Results show that early customers are beneficial to new ventures, and the benefits of early customers to firm performance are higher when there is cognitive legitimacy from a capable founding team and regulative legitimacy from paying federal Social Security and Medicare taxes. Surprisingly, while incorporation improves performance for new ventures, the benefit of having early customers relative to not having early customers is lower, not higher, when the firm is incorporated than when the firm is not incorporated. Early customers have the same benefit regardless of the presence of normative legitimacy through the presence of a network with suppliers. This study therefore offers insights into the role of early customers at founding. Early customers can be very useful for founders with significant experience, and it may be a good strategy to seek them out. However, it appears that there are specific conditions under which pursuing early customers may not be an effective strategy. Founders can make strategic decisions not to pursue early customers if there are no anticipated payoffs.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s, Israel's labour law and industrial relations have transitioned from a Continental corporatist system to an Anglo-American pluralist system. The process has been characterized by greater fragmentation of the labour market and the system of interests' representation. However, in recent years, there have been several episodes of nationwide collective agreements and social pacts. These agreements resonate with a second generation of social corporatist bargaining that has been identified in some European countries. In this article, I question the legitimacy of the new agreements. The legitimacy gap evolves from the use of corporatist instruments against the backdrop of a pluralist system. I discuss the attempts to increase the legitimacy of the corporatist instruments, pointing to their limited success. Future attempts must consider solutions that track the hybrid nature of the industrial relations system and devise institutions that bring together the traditional corporatist social partners and the new pluralist agents. Of particular importance is the need to consider the role of the new associations in civil society that voice the interests of the growing segment of disadvantaged workers in the secondary labour market.  相似文献   

本文从资源税定位变化分析现行资源税的局限性,通过对现行资源税征收现状进行评价,结合资源税改革对经济发展的影响进行探讨。  相似文献   

在回顾标准化的历史的基础上,强调指出,在市场经济的今天,人们制定和使用标准的最终目的是不断地追求效益.着重论述了市场经济条件下的企业如何看待标准;企业需要什么样的标准;石油企业标准化工作需要哪些转变等问题.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of specific and ad valorem taxation in an industry with downstream and upstream oligopoly and endogenous entry in both layers. We find that it is typically more efficient to levy an ad valorem tax downstream than upstream, while it is immaterial on which layer a specific tax is levied. We also show that tax revenues should be raised only through ad valorem taxes. Furthermore, we provide conditions under which the introduction of an indirect tax improves welfare. From a total surplus perspective, excise taxes tend to appear in a less favorable light when the full vertical supply chain is considered compared to a partial analysis which only takes into account market power at one layer. Finally, we demonstrate that a tax tends to be shifted to a larger extent into the final consumer price in vertical oligopoly than in standard oligopoly.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of taxation to control external damage due to pollution when product durability is endogenously determined. A special form of the emissions function is also examined which is equivalent to an excise tax on output. The model indicates that many conventional results in the durability and taxation literature need not hold when durability is endogenously determined. The analysis shows durability may not be independent of industry structure nor will firms minimize their manufacturing costs of providing service. In addition, the second-best tax on imperfectly competitive firms is not necessarily less than the tax on a competitive firm with endogenous durability.  相似文献   

对循环经济技术范式--"XR"原则的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对循环经济的技术范式,人们有着不同的认识和说法。本文通过从“清洁生产”、“生态产业”及“循环经济”三个层面对循环经济微观、中观、宏观的技术范式“XR”原则中的X进行探讨,最后总结并提出了循环经济技术范式的新内容。  相似文献   

Until late 1986, municipalities played a major role in cable television regulation.Municipalities not only regulated pricing and quality decisions but also taxed cablesystems in the forms of in-kind and in-cash concessions. These activities appear tofit well with the concept of taxation-by-regulation, which concludes that consumerwelfare is reduced because of the rent seeking behavior of local politicians. At thesame time however, the notion of regulation-by-taxation is equally plausible. Thatis, politicians may use taxation as a means to regulate the activity of a monopoly bylimiting monopoly rents and improving consumer welfare. This article empiricallyseparates these two effects and investigates the implications for consumer welfare.  相似文献   

To many observers, the introduction of electronic mail into a business organisation is an undramatic affair which is likely to have little impact beyond that on intra-organisational communication. Using insights from actor-network theory, this article demonstrates the more insidious and far-reaching impact of electronic mail on organisational power relations, knowledge and employee behaviour.  相似文献   

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