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金玲玲 《企业导报》2012,(3):108-109
越来越多的企业开始利用社交网络来推广自己的品牌和产品,因为社交网站提供给企业一个与顾客加强关系的机会,事实证明SNS由于其自身特点带来了良好的传播效果。本文在对SNS做简单介绍的基础上,探讨企业应该如何利用SNS进行营销,力图为企业如何利用社交网络推广自己给出一些营销建议。  相似文献   

随着SNS的广泛应用,作为SNS分支之一的商务社交网络(Business Social Network Services, 简称BSNS)孕育而生,BSNS为商务人士的社会关系拓展与商机发现提供了便利.本文对基于E-service的商务社交网络的服务匹配进行了研究,提出了有效地搜索和定位商务人士人脉关系、匹配用户商业需...  相似文献   

"六度空间"理论的再度提出,创立了面向社会性网络的互联网服务SNS,社交网络服务已经成为互联网最热门的话题之一,也成为投资圈最为炙手可热的追捧领域。SNS的发展,从国外的MySpace、Facebook、Twitter到中国的开心网、人人网等泛娱乐SNS应用,再到目前中国大行其道的微博、米聊、微信,乃至垂直类SNS的应用形态,社交网络服务的概念深入互联网精髓。"结构—行为—绩效"(Structure-Conduct-Performance,SCP)是产业经济绩效分析中最基本的分析框架。文章将基于SCP范式,分析我国社交网络产业的产业结构和企业行为。  相似文献   

SNS是基于用户真实社交关系从而为用户提供一个沟通、交流平台的社交网站。作为一种全新的网络交流平台,已逐渐成为大学生喜闻乐见的交互载体。从高校人才培养的宏观视角出发,本文在厘清大学生网络行为概念,弄清其现状的基础上,采用了文献资料法、、访谈调查法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,对高校学生的网络行为动机进行了探索性因子分析,研究发现:工具动机、发展动机、社交动机和价值动机是SNS环境下大学生网络行为背后的四大动机。  相似文献   

李婷  张裕峥 《价值工程》2010,29(15):131-131
SNS网站和3D虚拟社区都是Web2.0时代重要的组成部分,虚拟世界和真实世界的融通已经越来越深刻也影响到人们的生活。作为Web2.0发展过程中的重要产物,3D虚拟社区也遇到了现实的发展困境。在网络和社交相互渗透的大趋势下,研究SNS社交网站和3D虚拟社区的特点和发展,探讨两者结合发展的可行性。  相似文献   

目前,SNS市场竞争激烈且同质化严重,许多SNS网站发展进入瓶颈期。面对中国的SNS市场,企业如何挖掘出市场潜力,迅速将概念转化为实实在在的收入,成为当务之急。本文以中国社交网站的盈利模式为切入点,在于通过对社交网站盈利模式瓶颈的研究分析找出我国社交网站目前存在的问题,为当前SNS网站盈利模式的发展提供有建设性的思路,以期促进我国社交网站的持续发展。  相似文献   

基于SNS的移动学习,即将移动学习根植在近年来迅速发展的SNS平台,成为目前移动学习领域的一大研究热点。本文介绍了基于SNS的移动学习的现状,阐述了基于SNS的移动学习的特点,并对这一学习模式的未来发展趋势进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

随着网络团购的日益火爆,中国新兴团购网站的出现如雨后春笋一般。与此同时,作为web2.0代表的SNS网站也在纷纷酝酿自己的团购发展模式。本文以社交型网站开展团购的SWOT分析为出发点,并以此对SNS网站的团购发展策略提出几点建议。  相似文献   

我国SNS网站数量迅速增加,多方参与有望加速我国SNS市场竞争格局的变化。目前,"社交"理念也正在逐步渗透、融合至越来越多的互联网业务当中,社交网站,也定将成为继搜索引擎业务之后又一改变互联网、改变网民生活的互联网业务。  相似文献   

(1)社交网络能赚钱,移动社交网络最赚钱 尽管总有人说“这不是商业活动,只是潮流罢了”,社交网站可以赚钱已经是不争的事实。去年11月日本著名社交网站GREE上市,市值超过10亿美元,日本五个上市的社交网站中,GREE和DeNA都是以移动社交网络为主要业务的。所有亚洲社交网站(包括日本的Mixi中国的腾迅)利润率都在30%到60%之间。个性化与数字化产品在B2C大众社交网络高居赢利榜首。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of social network sites (SNSs) from a qualitative methodological approach, looking at both Asian and Western countries. There has been growing interest in systematic analysis of the use of SNSs as such sites have become increasingly popular, global means of self-expression and forming social connections. However, most previous research into SNSs has been based in a single cultural context, with very few cross-cultural studies having been conducted. To address this lacuna, this study compares SNS users in Korea with those in the United States, specifically examining the nature of their SNS social relationships and their attitudes toward self-disclosure via SNS. Using semi-structured focus interviews, our research provides qualitative data-based analysis of the culture-specific effects that new social media has on communication. Our study demonstrates that a qualitative method is useful when examining the cultural differences that appear in online communication behavior designed to establish social relationships and to compose content, and further indicates that cultural differences may have considerable influence on SNS users’ attitudes towards SNSs and on their communication style. This study thus contributes to existing literature by advancing the research into a broader, inter-cultural sphere.  相似文献   

司俊男 《价值工程》2014,(31):295-296
随着3G的日臻成熟、4G通讯技术初步普及发展。各类移动设备平板电脑、智能手机等便携式移动网络终端设备的广泛使用,随之带来的各类移动通讯客户端交流平台迅速发展,QQ、微信、微博、SNS虚拟社区类交流工具,基于移动客户通讯的发展,形成了新型的移动虚拟社区交流方式。这些交流方式已经深入到各个群体,深受大学生及青少年喜爱,同时也为传统辅导员工作方式带来新的问题。  相似文献   

This study claims that donating is a rational behavior that balances altruism and self‐interest; therefore, the frequency and magnitude of donating are picked as crucial criteria to classify different crowdfunders because both of them reflect the rationality of donating. This study identifies 6 clusters of crowdfunders and explores the antecedent variables of the typology based on self‐system theory, as well as reveals the social influence of different types of crowdfunders. Data of the crowdfunders (n = 13,868) were collected from “Micro Philanthropy,” a popular SNS crowdfunding platform for charity in China. Social Network Service (SNS) profile information such as network features, social interaction features, and the identity of users was found to be significantly related to the typology. Active donors and bounteous donors are more influential than other donors in absorbing the attention of SNS users and attracting new donors.  相似文献   

鲁虹  高从洲 《企业经济》2012,(1):124-127
网络营销是经济型酒店拓展企业销售渠道最关键、最敏感的一环。随着消费者网络购物意识增强,酒店网络营销借鉴新媒体手段,尤其是网络团购和SNS社交网站来拓宽企业销售渠道是必然趋势。通过对groupon模式团购销售及经济型酒店自身特点的SWOT分析,得出经济型酒店与网络团购平台进行合作的可能性,并提出基于groupon模式的经济型酒店网络营销的策略。  相似文献   

A system of interconnected buyers and suppliers is better modeled as a network than as a linear chain. In this paper we demonstrate how to use social network analysis to investigate the structural characteristics of supply networks. Our theoretical framework relates key social network analysis metrics to supply network constructs. We apply this framework to the three automotive supply networks reported in Choi and Hong (2002). Each of the supply networks is analyzed in terms of both materials flow and contractual relationships. We compare the social network analysis results with the case-based interpretations in Choi and Hong (2002) and conclude that our framework can both supplement and complement case-based analysis of supply networks.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the characteristics and nature of the networks that firms utilize to access knowledge and facilitate innovation. The paper draws on the notion of network resources, distinguishing two types: social capital–consisting of the social relations and networks held by individuals; and network capital–consisting of the strategic and calculative relations and networks held by firms. The methodological approach consists of a quantitative analysis of data from a survey of firms operating in knowledge-intensive sectors of activity. The key findings include: social capital investment is more prevalent among firms frequently interacting with actors from within their own region; social capital investment is related to the size of firms; firm size plays a role in knowledge network patterns; and network dynamism is an important source of innovation. Overall, firms investing more in the development of their inter-firm and other external knowledge networks enjoy higher levels of innovation. It is suggested that an over-reliance on social capital forms of network resource investment may hinder the capability of firms to manage their knowledge networks. It is concluded that the link between a dynamic inter-firm network environment and innovation provides an alternative thesis to that advocating the advantage of network stability.  相似文献   

从“开心网”看SNS社区的利与弊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张阳  黄峻磊 《企业技术开发》2009,28(8):139-139,169
我们在谈到SNS网站时,"开心网"已成为一个不可回避的关键词,足可见其影响力之大。文章先阐释了SNS的内涵,接着从"开心网"独特的网络功能,便捷的好友邀请模式与"激励机制"三个方面入手,分析了其成功之道;最后,通过具体例子说明SNS社区导致个人隐私泄露的隐患。  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of the Naming Game (Baronchelli et al. in J Stat Mech Theory Exp P06014, 2006b) in empirical social networks. This stylized agent-based model captures essential features of agreement dynamics in a network of autonomous agents, corresponding to the development of shared classification schemes in a network of artificial agents or opinion spreading and social dynamics in social networks. Our study focuses on the impact that communities in the underlying social graphs have on the outcome of the agreement process. We find that networks with strong community structure hinder the system from reaching global agreement; the evolution of the Naming Game in these networks maintains clusters of coexisting opinions indefinitely. Further, we investigate agent-based network strategies to facilitate convergence to global consensus.  相似文献   

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