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随着汉语热的升温,加之在新疆留学费用的低廉,新疆涉外学校吸引了许多周边国家的留学生来疆就读,本文就国外汉语教学发展的前景、留学生在新疆学习汉语的现状及新疆高校发展如何从国际合作与交流中获得契机进行了探讨。  相似文献   

社会称谓语在交际中使用的范围很广和频率也很高,对于留学生而言,要想熟练地运用汉语进行交际,离不开社会称谓语的使用.语言与文化是密切联系的,针对韩国留学生的社会称谓语教学中要渗透文化教学,其中身份称谓语、姓名称谓语、拟亲属称谓语、通用称谓语都包含了丰富的文化内涵,值得教师加以注意,以帮助语言习得者更好地了解语言及使用语言进行交际.  相似文献   

林继瑶 《金卡工程》2010,14(4):321-321
本文以对外汉语教学听力课堂教学法为主要探求分析对象。因为,语言交际必须是多项语言技能的综合,所以把口语、精读、教程语法课等课型溶入于听力教学法当中。形成了以讲听力为主,以简介重要句型、语法及培养留学生口语能力为辅的教学模式。这样才能使留学生在边听边说的教学氛围中熟练的掌握汉语听力的思维方式及汉语的文化习惯定式。  相似文献   

朱博宇 《中国外资》2010,(2):207-208
社会称谓语在交际中使用的范围很广和频率也很高,对于留学生而言,要想熟练地运用汉语进行交际,离不开社会称谓语的使用。语言与文化是密切联系的,针对韩国留学生的社会称谓语教学中要渗透文化教学,其中身份称谓语、姓名称谓语、拟亲属称谓语、通用称谓语都包含了丰富的文化内涵,值得教师加以注意,以帮助语言习得者更好地了解语言及使用语言进行交际。  相似文献   

关于学生学习策略的研究是教学法、二语习得及教学教改研究领域的一个热门话题,传统的学习策略研究大都注重策略本身在学生学习过程的应用,而忽略了学生专业特点及课程结构本身在学生选择学习策略上的影响,除此之外,对于学习策略研究方法的使用一直存在争议,纯粹的理论性指导已不能满足学习策略研究的实践性需求。基于以上两点。以商务英语专业学生在阅读学习策略上的选择和使用情况为研究对象,以问卷调查法为衡量学习策略使用的有效手段,以商务英语专业学生参加各类英语考试成绩为参照,借助SPSS软件的统计分析功能,力求构建出适合商务英语专业学生阅读学习的学习策略模型。  相似文献   

预科教育作为高等教育的特殊层次,预科生的学习质量直接影响其后续的专业学习。本文对内蒙古财经学院2008级预科生进行学习策略使用倾向的调查基础上,结合数学教学采用了任务指向型学习策略干预。学习策略干预是必要的,研究结论再次证明有效使用学习策略的前提是要有扎实的数学基础知识。  相似文献   

汉语教学要为培养少数民族一代新人发挥重要作用。少数民族学生的汉语教师的思想道德素养应该包括正确的职业观、崇高的职业道德和职业理想以及正确认识汉语教学的意义等几个方面。具体体现在热爱教育事业、热爱学生、热爱汉语教学工作以及正确认识汉语教学与本民族语言教学的关系和汉语教学的思想教育作用等。  相似文献   

荀宝莉 《财会学习》2018,(21):164-165
改革开放后,国家和世界各国的关系得到全面的加强,国家之间的教育文化也在相互传播,中国高校中的留学生逐渐增加,基于此,本文针对高校留学生教育的收费管理展开了深入的研究.首先简单了解了留学生和国内生在教育方面管理工作中存在的差别,继而深入分析留学生教育收费管理中存在问题,最后有针对性的提出强化高校收费管理的对策,以此为从事高校留学生教育管理的工作人员提供参考.  相似文献   

专业课双语教学是实现教育国际化,培养"三个面向"复合型人才的有效途径.其核心并非英语,而是专业知识;其最终目标是让学生能用汉语和英语进行思维,能在这两种语言之间根据工作对象和环境进行自由切换,成为既懂专业又懂外语的国际型人才.对于专业课双语教学来说,思维方式的培养是关键.本文在对专业课双语教学进行探讨的基础上,根据有关教学理论阐述对建构"渗透、整合、思维"梯进式专业课双语教学模式的观点,以期对云南省高校专业课双语教学的实践能有一定的参考作用.  相似文献   

汉语口语交际灵活多变,插入语的使用更是经常,一些插入语让外国留学生摸不着头脑,而现在的一些口语教材只是把插入语作为简单的语言点来讲解,没有给予足够的重视。本文提出应加强插入语在对外汉语口语教学中的份量,并根据插入语本身含义的隐显与否把插入语分为:显明义插入语和隐含义插入语,并对怎样教授后者作了浅微的探讨。  相似文献   

海到无边天做岸 ,山登绝顶我为峰。当我们望见 2 0 0 4年东升旭日的第一缕曙光的时候 ,就是辞别那镌刻着我们太多记忆的2 0 0 3年之际 ,就是我们《税务与经济》走过自己的四分之一世纪年华开始之时。回首过去 ,展望未来。我们深切地感到 ,办好一个学术期刊 ,必须崇尚学术 ,端正  相似文献   

This paper closely examines the languange learning process and characteristics ofeach stage running the whole gamut ofthis process,by which this paper moves on to the diScussion of the roles of teachers and learners,then fmally comes to a reasonable conclusion:learners and teachers play different but equally important roles in the process of language learning.The problem does not lie in reducing teachers'role to the minimum,nor in creating a learner's autonomous learning approach,but consists in clarifmg a proper roles oflearners and teachers and choosing suitable approaches in different stages oflanguage learning.Resorting to this optimized combination ofroles and approaches,the maximum output can be delivered.  相似文献   

This paper studies bank learning through repeated interactions with borrowers from a new perspective. To understand learning by lending, we adapt a methodology from labor economics to analyze how loan contract terms evolve as banks acquire new information about borrowers. We construct “proxy” variables for this information using data from borrowers’ out-of-sample, future credit performance. Due to the timing of their construction, banks could not have used these variables directly to price loans. We nonetheless find that these proxies increasingly predict loan prices as relationships progress, even after controlling for possible omitted variable bias. Our methodology provides strong evidence that: (a) bank learning affects loan prices, and (b) relationship benefits are heterogeneous. In particular, higher quality borrowers face differentially lower spreads as their relationship with lenders develop – and banks learn about their quality – while lower quality borrowers see loan prices increase and their loan amounts fall. We further find suggestive evidence that banks incorporate CEO-specific information into loan prices.  相似文献   

We analyze a dynamic second‐price auction with an informed bidder and an uninformed bidder who, upon seeing a posted price, learns whether his valuation is above that price. In the essentially unique equilibrium, an informed bidder bids in the first period if her valuation is below some cutoff and bids only in the last period otherwise. An uninformed bidder bids in every period to optimally change the price unless the price is above his valuation or he is the high bidder. This model also provides a rationale behind the use of a secret reserve price in private‐value settings.  相似文献   

The incorporation of diverse information into asset prices isempirically examined in an actual securities market with multiplerounds of trade. Using prices of Israeli index and nominal bondsof equal maturity, we calculate implied expectations of inflationthat has already occurred but for which the official statistichas not yet been announced. Learning is defined as the convergenceof these expectations to the actual level of inflation in theperiod after the end of the month but before the announcementof the official statistic. We find that the variance of theinflation expectation errors decreases with trading days inthis period. The decline in the variance suggests that investorslearn, by repeatedly observing prices, about the distributionof other investors' information. We also find a positive relationbetween the dispersion of relative price changes and the sizeof the inflation-expectation errors on the first round of trade.The correlation diminishes as investors learn about the distributionof inflation information in the economy.  相似文献   

近日,工行黑龙江省分行学习实践活动办公室对所辖三个储蓄所进行了调查研究,结果表明,每个层面都离不开科学发展,越困难的网点越需要科学发展,越先进的网点越要坚持科学发展。建国街储蓄所:以“亮点文化”走出困境2004年初,省行营业部河图支行建国所仅有5名员工、两个窗口,营业面积不足40平方米,当时储蓄余额下滑近2000万元,且被省行确定为风险大的“雷区”。  相似文献   

近一时期,全行上下都在大力开展深入学习实践科学发展观的活动,我更是不敢有丝毫懈怠。“科学发展”这貌似简单的问题却充满了仁者的智慧,它是一种引导,是一种鞭策,是一种责任。“同业占比争强,考核位次争先,全面管理争优,经营效益争好”是基层行对它最好的诠释。  相似文献   

Disinflationary episodes are a valuable source of information for economic agents trying to learn about the economy. In this paper, we are particularly interested in how policymakers can themselves learn by disinflating. The approach differs from the existing literature, which typically focuses on the learning of private agents during a disinflation. We build a model where both the policymaker and private agents learn, and ask what happens if the policymaker has to disinflate to satisfy a new central bank mandate specifying greater emphasis on inflation stabilization. In this case, our results show that inflation may fall dramatically before it gradually rises to its new long‐run level. The potential for inflation to undershoot its long‐run level during a disinflationary episode suggests that caution should be exercised when assessing the success of any change in the policymaker's mandate.  相似文献   

学习成效评价是对学生个体学习的进展和行为变化的评价。在教学实践中,教师要善于运用多种学习成效评价的方法来促进学生学习。  相似文献   

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