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剖析了新建应用型本科大学英语教学现行的评价体系存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了解决问题的对策,以期提高大学英语教学水平。  相似文献   

教学反思与评价是对教学活动现实的或潜在的价值作出判断的过程,形成性评价就是在教学活动中对学生的学习进展进行监控与评价,为教师和学生提供反馈,并将评价中所收集的信息应用于调整教学,以满足学生需求。这一评价既注重学生的能力培养又关注学生的情感因素,有利于调动学生学习积极性和主动性,提升教学质量。要提高形成性评价的正面影响,结合终结性评价的优势,发挥形成性评估之长,弥补终结性之短,增加教学评价的信度和效度,使教学最优化。  相似文献   

大学英语始终是高等教育中基础课程的重要组成部分。作为一个以培养应用型人才为目标的高校,其大学英语教学,特别是阅读教学,始终采用的是终结性评价,学生的学习主动性、语言知识的应用性都没有得到实现,这种终结性评价过于单一、片面。慕课是个性化、动态化的学习过程,与形成性评价注重学习过程的评价机制完全契合。以慕课为依托建立形成性评价体系+终结性评价,对学生的大学英语学习过程、态度、策略和效果等进行综合评估,并在教学中进行调控和检验,有助于增强学生自信,激发英语学习兴趣,培养学生的自主学习能力和合作学习能力。  相似文献   

形成性评价中教师发挥着重要的作用,其反思和自省的能力和水平决定着评价效果,也是推动教学改革的源动力.反思性教学观为形成性评价中教师反思能力的培养提供了一定的理论依据,只有不断激发教师提高教学质量的自觉意识,充分发挥教师反思行为在形成性评价过程中的作用,促使教师主动进行教学反思性的实践探索,教师教学反思能力的培养才能取得理想的效果.  相似文献   

本文通过对形成性评估含义的分析,结合当前大学英语教学评估体系现状,阐述形成性评估与自主学习的关系,并提出形成性评估如何应用于大学英语网络教学中,最终达到提高学生自主学习能力的目的。  相似文献   

伍灵芝 《金卡工程》2010,14(11):226-226
自我国引入绩效管理以来,探索公共部门绩效评估成为我国政府积极采取措施进行改革的必由之路。本文拟从绩效评估的内涵出发,通过文化、政治、法律、经济等视角分析构建多元化政府绩效评估体系的途径。  相似文献   

朱平原 《财会学习》2018,(17):80-81
随着我国市场经济不断发展,我国市场中通过联合、重组、并购等业务多元化集团公司数量也不断增多,并且初步行成一批规模大、实力强的大型企业集团,涉及各个行业和经济类型,不断的发挥着大型集团公司的资源优势和整合效益.但是也因此加大了集团公司财务管理难度.基于此,本文重点分析当今业务多元化集团公司财务管理模式存在的常见问题,并提出均衡型的财务管理模式,旨在推动集团公司全业务发展.  相似文献   

目前,我国企业内控评价体系的实务探索和理论研究主要是从外部监管和报表使用者的角度进行研究,从企业管理者的角度研究较少,而对于多元化集团如何构建适合企业发展的内控评价体系研究更少。本文以多元化集团为研究对象,以提升企业价值为出发点,从管理者视角对多元化经营的集团公司构建内控评价体系进行了研究,认为多元化集团内控评价模型应综合考虑内控五要素:企业生命周期、企业战略定位、企业价值评估、企业内控成熟度等因素,在此基础上构建多元化集团内控评价模型。在多元化集团内控评价模型的运用中,层次分析法为模型的适用性、科学性提供了有力保障;成熟度模型确定了多元化集团整体内控水平所处的等级,为多元化集团内部控制建设提供了明确的路线图和改进方向。  相似文献   

从普惠性金融体系角度探索小额信贷的多元化发展模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据我国农村小额信贷的发展情况总结了目前我国小额信贷的类型以及存在的问题,并由此提出一条小额信贷的发展之路,即在普惠性金融体系理念的指导下走多元化发展模式。本文对这一模式进行了详细的阐述,包括多元化发展模式的内涵、采取此模式的原因以及在此过程中应注意的问题。本文还对农村金融体系改革、小额信贷业务的参与机构、服务对象、资金来源以及国家宏观政策等方面进行了分析,提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

我国资产评估问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国加入WTO后 ,意味着我国资产评估业也已加入到国际竞争的行列中 ,对资产评估质量也就提出了新的更高的要求。而我国资产评估业自身存在的一些问题 ,制约了资产评估质量的进一步提高。为此 ,应规范资产评估行业管理体制 ,规范评估收费管理办法 ,规范评估人员执业行为 ,规范评估机构内部管理  相似文献   

我国健康保险业的健康管理运行模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康管理是健康保险转移财务风险、控制成本、解决信息不对称、道德危害等问题的成功策略之一。积极借鉴国外保险业健康管理的成功运行模式(如HMO,PPO,POS等),构建我国健康保险的健康管理运行模式对于我国健康保险业的可持续发展有着重大意义。本文重点研究了健康管理运行模式的重要组成部分:服务人群、服务方式、服务内容、支付机制、成本控制与医疗服务管理机制、利益协调机制、反馈机制等,并探讨了健康管理当前在我国面临的问题,指出必须结合国情构建健康管理运行模式,从而促进我国健康保险业务稳定、持续、健康的发展。  相似文献   

We assess the effects of regulatory caps in the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio for housing mortgages using an agent-based model. Sellers, buyers and banks interact within a computational framework that enables the application of LTV caps to a one-step housing market. We first conduct a simulation exercise; later, we calibrate the probability distributions based on actual European data from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey. In both cases, the application of an LTV cap results in a modified distribution of buyers in terms of property values, bidding prices and properties sold, depending on the probability distributions of the LTV ratio, wealth and debt-to-income ratios considered. The results are of similar magnitude to other studies in the literature embodying other analytical approaches, and they suggest that our methodology can potentially be used to gauge the impact of common macroprudential measures.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze how diversification of banks across size and industry affects risk, cost and profit efficiency, and bank capitalization for large Austrian commercial banks over the years 1997–2003. Employing a unique dataset, provided by the Austrian Central Bank, we test for several different types of managerial hypotheses, formalized according to a modified version of the Berger and DeYoung model [Berger, A.N., DeYoung, R., 1997. Problem loans and cost efficiency in commercial banks. Journal of Banking and Finance 21, 849–870]. We find that, although diversification negatively affects cost efficiency, it increases profit efficiency and reduces banks’ realized risk. Finally, diversification seems to have a positive impact on banks’ capitalization.  相似文献   

在高校教学改革的背景下,加强大学英语精品课建设对于提高教学质量、提升学生素质、增强高校竞争力具有非常重要的意义。本文通过介绍大学英语精品课建设的构成内容以及建设过程中需要把握的问题,阐释笔者对大学英语精品课建设的认识,以期在提高高校教学质量、深化大学英语教学改革方面,为一线英语教师提供可以参考借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

We study the risk assessment of uncertain cash flows in terms of dynamic convex risk measures for processes as introduced in Cheridito et al. (Electron. J. Probab. 11(3):57–106, 2006). These risk measures take into account not only the amounts but also the timing of a cash flow. We discuss their robust representation in terms of suitably penalised probability measures on the optional σ-field. This yields an explicit analysis both of model and discounting ambiguity. We focus on supermartingale criteria for time consistency. In particular, we show how “bubbles” may appear in the dynamic penalisation, and how they cause a breakdown of asymptotic safety of the risk assessment procedure.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between abnormal returns and five alternative proxies for the market's assessment of unexpected quarterly earnings. We examine the role that measurement error potentially has in multiple regression tests of abnormal returns (occuring around the time of earnings announcements) on an unexpected earnings proxy and other non-earnings variables. The results indicate a potential measurement error interpretation of such multiple regression tests. We examine three procedures which reduce, to an unknown degree, the measurement error problem. Our procedures appear to be more (less) effective at reducing measurement error for small (large) firms and recent (non-recent) forecasts.  相似文献   

I develop a stationary real options model with corporate restructuring costs that endogenously generates a diversification discount. This result requires that restructuring costs associated with spin-offs (refocusing moves) be significantly larger than those associated with acquisitions (diversifying moves). The discount is due to the fact that diversified firms performing poorly will still delay refocusing, given the high cost of implementing this strategy. The model delivers the counter-intuitive implication that the higher the (average) discount observed in the economy, the higher the (average) proportion of diversified firms.  相似文献   

面对中西教学观念的激烈碰撞,现代与传统教学的相互交错,作为一名中国高职英语教师在课堂教学中应始终遵循学生是主体,教学过程中应给学生留下个性发展的空间,注重不断创新在课堂教学中的方法与技巧.  相似文献   

The market share of surplus lines insurers has grown considerably. We examine the impact of surplus lines representation within insurer groups on the extent of product diversification. Initial evidence suggests that groups with greater surplus lines representation are more diversified than other groups. These results hold when controlling for the joint impact of surplus lines representation and size, as well as surplus lines representation and the percentage of overall business written in personal lines. However, when examining the subsample of groups affiliated with surplus lines insurers, we find some evidence that supports the product focus hypothesis, which states surplus lines insurers are used to further focus on existing product lines already being written by other members of the group.  相似文献   

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