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This article presents tests of the random walk hypothesis for the U.S. and world commercial real estate markets along with the world stock market through utilizing appropriate market indices. The augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron unit root tests and Cochrane variance ratio test find each of these markets to exhibit random walk behavior. In addition, Johansen-Juselius cointegration tests reveal that the three markets are not cointegrated. The vector autoregressive model shows little or no predictive power in explaining the variation in monthly returns. The generalized impulse response functions suggest that shocks stemming from one market are quickly disseminated to the other markets within two months. (JEL G14, G15)  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2003,10(4):407-425
The length of work contracts may be irrelevant for firm-specific investment if rational behavior generates endogenous job security. In an experiment, we implement such a situation and study actual investment behavior. In contrast to the game-theoretic prediction, we find reduced investment in case of short-term contracting compared to long-term contracting. This is due to nonequilibrium behavior that generates a substantial risk of unemployment if contracts are short-term. Since the effect of nonequilibrium behavior differs between institutions, the length of contract is in fact relevant for firm-specific investment.  相似文献   

Using the Kalman filter, we obtain maximum likelihood estimates of a permanent–transitory components model for log spot and forward dollar prices of the pound, the franc, and the yen. This simple parametric model is useful in understanding why the forward rate may be an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate even though an increase in the forward premium predicts a dollar appreciation. Our estimates of the expected excess return on short-term dollar-denominated assets are persistent and reasonable in magnitude. They also exhibit sign fluctuations and negative covariance with the estimated expected depreciation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Both relative prices and the flow of goods between countries are significantly smoother in international real business cycle models than in the data. Also, in these models, increases in output cause a worsening of the terms of trade, while in the data, these variables are roughly uncorrelated. Because the imperfect substitutability of goods already limits the ability to pool country-specific risk, restricting access to asset markets has little impact on these anomalies. However, introducing exogenous terms of trade shocks allows the model to explain these trade and price anomalies while retaining the ability to replicate other aspects of the data.  相似文献   

We investigate inventory ordering decisions when decision makers anticipated a demand shock. Decision makers anticipating an event have been shown to brace for an uncertain negative outcome by overestimating the likelihood of that event. Decision makers faced with a spike in demand may incur increased holding costs because they may brace, exhibiting a judgment bias, and consequently a decision bias by over-ordering inventory. Three studies span conditions of uncertainty regarding the timing and magnitude of a demand shock: Employing three between-subjects experiments, Study 1 investigates behavior when decision makers were faced with uncertainty in timing and in magnitude of demand at the most elemental level, manipulating holding and stock out costs. The three experimental tasks feature uncertainty about the magnitude of demand (Experiment 1.1), uncertainty about the timing of demand (Experiment 1.2), and uncertainty about both the magnitude and timing of demand (Experiment 1.3). Study 2 uses a dynamic, multi-period replenishment task and a between-subjects manipulation regarding the uncertainty of timing and magnitude of a demand shock. Study 3 also employs a multi-period decision environment, but compares behavior under a demand shock condition with that in a condition featuring only random variability. The collective results from the three studies identify a bias toward over-ordering in response to a demand shock, relative to the optimal orders. The between-subjects manipulations in Study 2 points toward a possible remedy as we found that providing information concerning the timing and magnitude of a shock ameliorated the bias. The primary revelation was that decision makers had more difficulty dealing with uncertain timing than with uncertain magnitude of demand. One implication is that it is particularly critical for retailers to carefully plan and manage how they share information with upstream supply chain partners regarding when they plan to introduce store-level promotions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach to investigating the spillover effects of US economic policy uncertainty shocks on the global financial markets. Employing a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR), we model US economic policy uncertainty jointly with the latent factors extracted from equity prices, exchange rates, and commodity prices. We find that US economic policy uncertainty affects these factors significantly. A country-level analysis shows heterogeneous responses to an increase in US economic policy uncertainty. With regard to equities, US economic policy uncertainty adversely affects equity prices. However, its impact on the Chinese equity market is relatively small. As for foreign exchange markets, while many currencies depreciate in response to an increase in US economic policy uncertainty, the US dollar and the Japanese yen appreciate, reflecting their safe-haven status. The Chinese yuan, whose nominal exchange rate is closely linked to the US dollar, also appreciates in response to uncertainty shocks.  相似文献   

By integrating the stock and futures markets of mainland China and Hong Kong into the same financial system, we explore the cross-region risk spillovers between the stock market and stock index futures market under the impact of exogenous events. We find evidence of significant risk spillovers between the two stock markets, and confirm that exogenous shocks, including the adjustments of regulatory policies of mainland China and 2019 Hong Kong Protest, can significantly affect the volatility spillover across assets and markets. Our findings can potentially help regulators and investors understand the cross-region risk conduction and assess portfolio risk after exogenous event.  相似文献   

We consider an environment where the sale can take place so early that both the seller and potential buyers have the same uncertainty about the quality of the good. We present a simple model that allows the seller to offer the good for sale before or after this uncertainty is resolved, namely via forward auction or spot auction, respectively. We solve for the equilibrium of these two auctions and then compare the resulting expected revenues. We also consider the revenue implications of insurance in forward auctions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the behavior of a labor-managed co-operative firm which can sell its output in both spot and forward markets, where the random spot price varies between a price floor and a price ceiling but the forward price is a known parameter. We demonstrate that a risk-averse labor-managed firm will base its production decision on the forward market price, and that risk aversion is sufficient to give the direct relationship between a change in uncertainty and the amount hedged in the forward market.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental study on how people use their private information to estimate the “fair” futures price and how the quality of this information affects the traders' behavior and desire to trade. It finds that subjects are able to use their information correctly and that their desire to rely on it depends positively on the information precision. It shows that subjects are able to recognize that they are expected to lose money on futures trading when other traders have better quality information. However, subjects failed to recognize the symmetry of the futures contracts.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(3):101012
Using two unique datasets of 530 forward estimates from 19 studies on China and 942 forward estimates from 28 studies on Eastern European transition economies, this study quantitatively analyzes foreign direct investment forward spillover effects, accounting for various biases and firm attributes in existing empirical results using a meta-regression analysis. We find that aggregation bias, misspecification bias, endogeneity bias (including simultaneity bias and omitted-variable bias), and publication bias, as well as firm attributes, contribute to the heterogeneity in forward spillover estimates; and that the preferred forward spillover effects are positive but nonsignificant. Interestingly, the preferred forward spillover effect is likely to be much larger in Eastern European transition economies than in China.  相似文献   

Experts were used as Delphi panellists and asked to present forecasts on financial market variables in a controlled experiment. We found that the respondents with the least accurate or least conventional views were particularly likely to modify their answers. Most of these modifications were in the right direction but too small, probably because of belief-perseverance bias. This paper also presents two post-survey adjustment methods for Delphi method based forecasts. First, we present a potential method to correct for the belief perseverance bias. The results seem promising. Secondly, we test a conditional forecasting process, which unexpectedly proves unsuccessful.  相似文献   

We develop a skewness-dependent multivariate conditional autoregressive value at risk model (SDMV-CAViaR) to detect the extreme risk transmission channels between the Chinese stock index futures and spot markets. The proposed SDMV-CAViaR model improves the forecast performance of extreme risk by introducing the high-frequency realized skewness. Specifically, the realized skewness has a significant impact on the spillovers, but the realized volatility and realized kurtosis do not, which implies that the jump component plays an important role in extreme risk spillovers. The empirical results indicate there are bidirectional extreme risk spillovers between the stock index futures and spot markets, the decline of one market has direct and indirect channels to exacerbate the extreme risk of the other market. Firstly, the market decline will directly increase the extreme risk of related markets by decreasing market returns. Besides, the decline will indirectly increase the extreme risk by increasing the negative realized skewness and extreme risk spillovers.  相似文献   

This study revisits the statistical relationship between the spot and the forward rate. Unlike previous studies, this association is measured by the estimation of the long-run correlation coefficient, a non-parametric measure of linear association. This estimator was shown to be equivalent to the Bartlett kernel spectral estimator of the complex coherency at frequency zero. This statistic allows for the measurement of the intensity of correlation. Using data for the £/DM over the May 1992 British General Election and September 1992 ERM devaluation, and for the FF/DM, BEF/DM, AT/DM, and NLG/DM up to the introduction of Euro, the results show that the predictive ability of the forward rate increased.  相似文献   

One potential reason for bubbles evolving prior to the financial crisis was excessive risk taking stemming from option-like incentive schemes in financial institutions. By running laboratory asset markets, we investigate the impact of option-like incentives on price formation and trading behavior. The main results are that (i) we observe significantly higher market prices with option-like incentives than linear incentives. (ii) We further find that option-like incentives provoke subjects to behave differently and to take more risk than subjects with linear incentives. (iii) We finally show that trading at inflated prices is rational for subjects with option-like incentives since it increases their expected payout.  相似文献   

We analyse fifteen post-World War II US macroeconomic time series using a modified outlier identification procedure based on Tsay (1988a). ‘Large shocks’ appear to be present in all the series we examined. Furthermore, there are three basic outlier patterns: (1) outliers seem to be associated with business cycles, (2) outliers are clustered together—both over time and across series, (3) there appears to be a dichotomy between outlier behaviour of real versus nominal series. Also, after controlling for outliers, much of the evidence of non-linearity in many of the time series is eliminated.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(4):675-696
We estimate a monetary DSGE model to examine the role of macroeconomic shocks in generating fluctuations in ten African countries. The model is estimated with the Bayesian technique using twelve macroeconomic variables. The findings indicate that both the internal and external shocks significantly influence output fluctuations in African economies. Over a four quarter horizon, internal shocks are dominant and over eight to sixteen quarter horizons, external shocks are dominant. Among the external shocks, external debt, exchange rate, foreign interest rate and commodity price shocks account for a large part of output variations in African economies. Money supply and productivity shocks are the most important internal shocks contributing to output fluctuations in African countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the welfare implications of rising temperatures. Using a standard VAR, we empirically show that a temperature shock has a sizable, negative and statistically significant impact on TFP, output, and labor productivity. We rationalize these findings within a production economy featuring long-run temperature risk. In the model, macro-aggregates drop in response to a temperature shock, consistent with the novel evidence in the data. Such adverse effects are long-lasting. Over a 50-year horizon, a one-standard deviation temperature shock lowers both cumulative output and labor productivity growth by 1.4 percentage points. Based on the model, we also show that temperature risk is associated with non-negligible welfare costs which amount to 18.4% of the agent’s lifetime utility and grow exponentially with the size of the impact of temperature on TFP. Finally, we show that faster adaptation to temperature shocks results in lower welfare costs. These welfare benefits become substantially higher in the presence of permanent improvements in the speed of adaptation.  相似文献   

We examine bidding behavior in a clock auction in which price is set by the lowest-accepted bid and provisional winners are reported each round (the LABpw auction). This format was used in the India 3G spectrum auction. In the standard theory, the auction performs poorly. In particular it yields lower revenues and is less efficient than the more standard clock auction with exit bids and highest-rejected-bid pricing (the HRB auction). However, the LABpw auction performs well in the lab, achieving higher revenues than the HRB auction. We show how fear of losing provides one motivation for the overbidding that causes higher revenues in the LABpw auction.  相似文献   

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