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徐勋美 《企业技术开发》2007,26(11):82-83,86
营销外包是实现公司营销目标的一种新管理方式,美国、日本很多企业已实行营销外包,我国虽然才刚刚兴起,但营销外包已是大势所趋。文章介绍了营销外包的类型和作用,并指出营销外包应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes how international outsourcing affected individual employment security. The analysis is carried out at the micro-level, combining monthly spell data from household panel data and industry-level outsourcing measures. By utilizing micro-level data, problems such as aggregation and potential endogeneity bias, as well as crude skill approximations that regularly hamper industry level displacement studies, can be reduced considerably. The main finding is that international outsourcing significantly lowers individual employment security. Interestingly, the effect does, however, not differ between high-, medium-, and low-skilled workers but only varies with job duration.  相似文献   

The offshoring and outsourcing of service work from high-wage to low-wage countries has received considerable exposure in the popular press. Some have claimed that virtually all services that can be electronically transmitted should be offshored due to the extreme labor rate differentials. Relatively little work has actually been offshored to date, making empirical assessment difficult. Here, a normative model of the appropriate role of offshoring is proposed. We present a strategic contingency model, to be viewed at the process level, intimating that firms with the same processes should come to different solutions regarding these decisions.  相似文献   

We analyze how research and development (R&D) outsourcing influences product innovation. We propose a separation between learning from R&D outsourcing, whereby the firm improves its ability to innovate by using outsourced R&D directly in new products, from learning by R&D outsourcing, whereby the firm indirectly uses outsourced R&D by integrating it with internal R&D to create new products. Building on the knowledge-based view, we argue that learning from R&D outsourcing is likely to have an inverse U-shaped relationship with product innovation, because the initial benefits of using outsourced component R&D knowledge to innovate products is eventually outweighed by the hollowing out of the firm's ability to innovate. In contrast, we propose that learning by R&D outsourcing is likely to have a U-shaped relationship with product innovation, because the initial challenges of integrating internal and external R&D are eventually overcome, resulting in more innovations. Finally, we distinguish between domestic and foreign R&D outsourcing and propose a liability of foreignness in R&D outsourcing as it has a lower impact on new products than domestic R&D outsourcing. The empirical analysis shows that outsourced R&D has an inverted U-shaped relationship with the number of new products, while the interaction between outsourced R&D and internal R&D has a U-shaped relationship with the number of new products. It also shows that domestic outsourced R&D has a higher positive impact on the number of new products than foreign outsourced R&D.  相似文献   

Outsourcing was originally confined to peripheral business functions and mainly motivated by a cost saving logic, but has now developed into a routine strategic management move that affects not only peripheral functions but the heart of the competitive core of organisations. At the same time there is a move from traditional outsourcing with one or a small number of key partners and long-term contracts to strategic outsourcing with multiple partners and short-term contracts. This paper investigates the innovation-related risks that can arise from strategic outsourcing and adopts a trust, collaboration and network perspective for this analysis. It uses the example of Information technology/Information Systems (IT/IS) outsourcing to highlight the increased risks that arise from a move from traditional to strategic outsourcing and discusses some measures that managers can take to attempt to control these risks. The nature of the risk is closely related to the risk of information leakage that arises from collaborative research and technology development between organisations in technology-intensive sectors that has been analysed by Hoecht and Trott [Hoecht, A., Trott, P., 1999. Trust, risk and control in the management of collaborative technology development. International Journal of Innovation Management 3(1), 257–270].  相似文献   

Mediated power is often used by firms to control the behaviors or influence the decisions of other members of the value chain. Interestingly, significant contributions in the academic literature offer consistent evidence that the use of mediated power has a negative impact on the quality of inter-organizational relationships. Yet, there is a dearth of empirical research investigating the conditions under which the use of mediated power is more or less prevalent. Utilizing dyadic data collected on 102 outsourcing relationships, this study evaluates how the buying firm's dependence on the service provider, asserted importance of the outsourced activity, and difficulties with other inter-organizational control mechanisms are related to their reliance on mediated power. Results from our hierarchical regression analysis support the hypotheses that the use of mediated power is diminished when the buyer is currently more dependent on the service provider due to switching difficulties and the buyer has a higher expectation of future supply market consolidation. Similar hypotheses regarding the effect of the strategic importance of the outsourced activity and entry barriers to the service provider's market were not supported. The results also support the hypothesis that the use of mediated power is more pronounced when the buyer experiences contract management difficulties, but the same is not true when the buyer has difficulty in monitoring the provider. To our knowledge, these findings represent the first empirical explanation of conditions which either attenuate or exacerbate the use of mediated power by outsourcing organizations.  相似文献   

企业的人力资源外包管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人力资源外包管理的内涵 人力资源外包是在当今组织日趋变得虚拟化的情况下,传统的人力资源部门重组过程中一种人力资源新模式产品.  相似文献   

This research utilizes the framework of transaction cost economics (TCE) to develop an understanding of how firms manage the costs and risks of offshore outsourcing of professional services. This research examines the perspectives of eight organizations through interviews with 10 high-ranking supply management executives. The paper first explores the rationale for offshore outsourcing among the organizations studied. Using the tenants of TCE, this paper postulates that fixed costs of establishing the relationship dominate the variable costs of day-to-day transactions, and that organizations will not offshore outsource areas where there is high perceived degree of unmanageable risk. The paper expands on themes provided by TCE and offers some lessons learned, and guidelines for managing and controlling offshore outsourced services relationships.  相似文献   

文化资源论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了文化的内涵、层次;分析了文化资源的价值及其开发与保护;认为历史文化遗产是精神资源,是不可再生的、不可取代的,是可以永续利用的;历史文化资源具有精神文化方面的价值,具有科学研究方面的价值;经济功能、旅游功能只是其多功能中的一种,片面夸大经济功能和旅游功能,会破坏文化资源永续利用的可能性.  相似文献   

Many industrial firms motivate structural changes by an increased focus on core activities and reduced ownership of non-core activities. However, classifying maintenance activities as either core or non-core can be difficult, since maintenance is a support function strongly linked to the production core within a manufacturing firm. Based on a multiple case study that included four buying firms and four suppliers within the process industry, this paper investigates how the relative capabilities of the firms affect the governance decision about maintenance outsourcing. A conceptual framework built on a distinction between core-close and core-distant maintenance and between different maintenance capabilities is presented. The subsequent empirical analysis illustrates how the developed framework can be used for both analyzing and guiding firms’ decisions about outsourcing and governance regarding maintenance.  相似文献   

Unlocking the business outsourcing process model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Outsourcing has emerged as a prevalent business practice that is having a transformational impact on how many organizations manage their global supply chains. Despite this prominence, anecdotal reports from multiple reputable organizations suggest that many businesses fail to realize the benefits anticipated from their outsourcing initiatives. Motivated by these observations, this study investigates those management practices during the outsourcing process that are key drivers of outsourcing performance. Specifically, detailed data from 198 sourcing executives and managers responsible for outsourcing initiatives are used to investigate the influence that strategic evaluation, contractual completeness, and relationship management practices have on achieving projected outsourcing results. The results offer strong empirical evidence that outsourcing performance is significantly influenced by extensive strategic evaluation and proactive relationship management practices. Moreover, the impact strategic evaluation has on outsourcing performance is not direct, but rather is partially mediated by the relationship between the parties. Finally, the results show that contractual completeness does not distinguish between successful and unsuccessful outsourcing efforts, and can be considered qualifying activity.  相似文献   

In this paper we model cost allocations for airport problems by using cooperative game and noncooperative game approaches. We relate the cost allocations given by the nucleolus and the egalitarian allocation to those given by the Nash outcomes of the noncooperative game.  相似文献   

Shanbhag (J Appl Probab 9:580–587, 1972; Theory Probab Appl 24:430–433, 1979) showed that the diagonality of the Bhattacharyya matrix characterizes the set of Normal, Poisson, Binomial, negative Binomial, Gamma or Meixner hypergeometric distributions. In this note, using Shanbhag (J Appl Probab 9:580–587, 1972; Theory Probab Appl 24:430–433, 1979) and Pommeret (J Multivar Anal 63:105–118, 1997) techniques, we evaluated the general form of the 5 × 5 Bhattacharyya matrix in the natural exponential family satisfying f(x|q)=fracexp{xg(q)}b(g(q))y(x){f(x|theta)=frac{exp{xg(theta)}}{beta(g(theta))}psi(x)} with cubic variance function (NEF-CVF) of θ. We see that the matrix is not diagonal like distribution with quadratic variance function and has off-diagonal elements. In addition, we calculate the 5 × 5 Bhattacharyya matrix for inverse Gaussian distribution and evaluated different Bhattacharyya bounds for the variance of estimator of the failure rate, coefficient of variation, mode and moment generating function due to inverse Gaussian distribution.  相似文献   

红牛(Red Bull)是全球最著名的能量饮料品牌,诞生于1996年,源于泰国.1995年12月,红牛来到中国成立了红牛维他命饮料有限公司.1998年,中国红牛公司将总部从深圳迁到北京.目前中国红牛公司在全国各地建立了30多个分公司、代表处和80多个办事处.  相似文献   

The aims of this research are twofold; first, to determine which human resource (HR) functions are most commonly outsourced in Australian organisations and second, to explore the motivation to outsource these HR functions. Results from a nationwide survey identified recruitment and selection, training, occupational health and safety, payroll and employee benefits as the top five outsourced HR functions. The three common reasons to outsource these functions were to acquire specialised HR capabilities, improve quality and efficiency, and to free resources to concentrate on the strategic role of HR. Four main outsourcing drivers–resources, learning, cost saving and political–were identified, which offer explanations for the most commonly outsourced HR functions. Apart from the learning factor, these are consistent with motivations for outsourcing in non-HR areas.  相似文献   

物流外包是研究现代物流的热点问题之一。文章通过SWOT分析了企业物流外包的可行性,得出企业的物流外包具有明显优势。并探讨了企业核心竞争力与物流外包的关系,在分析了企业物流外包的可行性的基础上,提出了企业物流外包的具体对策。  相似文献   

This study examines how successive outsourcing of recruitment activities to an external provider—also known as recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)—affects graduates' reactions. Using an experimental scenario technique, a total of 158 graduates participated in four hypothetical scenarios that have been developed as an experimental between‐subject design. Results provide support for negative effects of the extent of RPO on graduates' satisfaction with the recruitment process and company attractiveness. More‐over, mediated by graduates' satisfaction with the recruitment process and company attractiveness, an increasing extent of RPO negatively influences job‐acceptance intentions. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

近几年,我国服务外包发展迅速,但前途并非一片光明。人才瓶颈、缺乏统一的品牌形象、外包理念保守以及法律环境不完善将是阻碍我国服务外包发展主要因素。  相似文献   

为使物流外包企业在对物流服务提供商的管理中,同时考虑物流服务能力与外包风险,将外包风险的相关要素纳入到物流服务能力的评价中,提出了基于外包风险的物流服务能力要素体系。并利用模糊集等理论方法,为物流外包企业提供了一种基于三角模糊数的物流服务能力评价方法。  相似文献   

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