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This paper examines the relations between the number of market makers, trading activity, and price improvement in Nasdaq stocks, using a model motivated by Grossman and Miller (1988). Results indicate a positive relation between the number of market makers and trading frequency, and that competition among market makers reduces effective bid-ask spreads. Results estimated using a simultaneous equations framework support the model predictions of Grossman and Miller. Results also indicate that trading frequency may be more important than trade size in determining the number of market makers.  相似文献   

Effects of Market Reform on the Trading Costs and Depths of Nasdaq Stocks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The relative merits of dealer versus auction markets have been a subject of significant and sometimes contentious debate. On January 20, 1997, the Securities and Exchange Commission began implementing reforms that would permit the public to compete directly with Nasdaq dealers by submitting binding limit orders. Additionally, superior quotes placed by Nasdaq dealers in private trading venues began to be displayed in the Nasdaq market. We measure the impact of these new rules on various measures of performance, including trading costs and depths. Our results indicate that quoted and effective spreads fell dramatically without adversely affecting market quality.  相似文献   

We analyze a set of 97 NASD-listed securities that trade on both the Nasdaq and Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) to determine if trading costs and price improvement differ between the two markets. We find that order execution costs, which we define by the traded spread and the signed effective half-spread, are significantly lower on the CHX. This difference is consistent over trade types and for trades of at least 1,000 shares. Also, we find that trades occurring on the CHX receive more price improvement than do those occurring on Nasdaq.  相似文献   

We study the effects of alternative halt and reopening procedures on prices, transaction costs, and trading activity for a sample of news-related trading halts on Nasdaq. For intraday halts that reopen after only a five-minute quotation period, inside quoted spreads more than double following halts and volatility increases to more than nine times normal levels. In contrast, halts that reopen the following day with a longer 90-minute quotation period are associated with insignificant spread effects and significantly dampened volatility effects. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that increased information transmission during the halt results in reduced posthalt uncertainty.  相似文献   

An econometric time-series model of off-board trading of NYSE-listed stocks shows that high NYSE commission rates were an incentive for third-market trading but that trading on the regional exchanges, which is most of the off-board trading, has been affected very little by commissions or their deregulation. The effects of some changes in the trading organization and rules are estimated, including several that are part of the emerging National Market System. The estimates imply that the NMS has increased competition for the NYSE, as Congress intended, and has prompted the NYSE to improve its performance to retain market share.  相似文献   

Price Discovery without Trading: Evidence from the Nasdaq Preopening   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper studies Nasdaq market makers' activities during the one and one-half hour preopening period. Price discovery during the preopening is conducted via price signaling as opposed to the auction used to open the NYSE or the continuous market used during trading. In the absence of trades, Nasdaq dealers use crossed and locked inside quotes to signal to other market makers which direction the price should move. Furthermore, we find evidence of price leadership among market makers that bears little resemblance to their IPO\SEO lead underwriter participation.  相似文献   

通过以A股市场所有融资融券标的股票作为研究对象,划分五个研究窗口和四个指数板块,分别采用面板数据回归的方法,研究融资融券对标的股票波动性的影响。实证结果表明,融资融券对标的股票波动性的影响随行情变化而变:在非暴涨暴跌行情中,融资减小标的股票的波动,融券增大或减小标的股票的波动,但因为融资的影响更大,所以融资融券减小标的股票的波动;在暴涨暴跌行情中,融资融券加剧标的股票的波动。  相似文献   

We incorporate trading fees into a dynamic, multiagent general‐equilibrium model in which traders optimally decide when to trade. For that purpose, we propose an innovative algorithm that synchronizes the traders. Securities prices are not so much affected by the payment of the fees itself, but rather by the trade‐off that the traders face between smoothing consumption and smoothing holdings. In calibrated examples, the interest rate and welfare decline with trading fees, while risk premia and volatilities increase. Liquidity risk and expected liquidity are priced, leading to deviations from the consumption‐CAPM. With trading fees, capital is slow‐moving, generating slow price reversal.  相似文献   

We use data on Nasdaq stocks to study arguments that preferencing reduces incentives to quote competitively. We examine a market maker's volume as a function of various measures of quoting aggressiveness. We find that more aggressive quoting does indeed result in more business. We also examine the relation between volume and quote aggressiveness as a function of the competitiveness. We find that in less (more) competitive markets, increased quote aggressiveness has a smaller (larger) impact on market share. We argue that preferencing arrangements could be more harmful to public investors in markets where competition is weak.  相似文献   

Using transaction data from Egypt, we examined the controversy over which investor—domestic or foreign—has superior trading performance in emerging markets. We account for informational and behavioral differences across investors by classifying them by origin and type and comparing their performance in trade execution versus profitability. Domestic institutions execute trades at the best prices with the greatest advantage against foreign institutions. This advantage is reduced when foreign institutions focus on large firms and trades. Profitability analysis revealed, however, that domestic investors accrue significant losses against foreign investors, suggesting that trading better does not necessarily translate into making more money.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the profitability of technical analysis for a cross section of individual Arab stocks. Our analysis, undertaken from the perspective of an Islamic investor, reveals that technical trading rules do not yield economically or statistically significant returns. While our results uncover some scant statistical evidence of technical trading rule profitability, risk adjusting the returns weakens the evidence in favor of predictability. Furthermore, break-even transaction costs do not exceed estimated transaction costs or bid-ask spreads in the markets examined.  相似文献   

This study utilizes a comprehensive database containing monthly information on the number of market makers for about 5,288 Nasdaq securities over an eight-year period to investigate the impact of competition on spreads. A variety of models are estimated in order to demonstrate the robustness of the results that include four specific findings: (1) the number of market makers has a negative and highly significant impact on spreads; (2) the relation is nonlinear with a decreasing impact by the marginal market maker; (3) Nasdaq spreads have been declining over time; and (4) structural changes in Nasdaq are associated with significant changes in the relationship between spread and the number of market makers. One improvement over the literature includes allowing endogenous competition through the use of instrumental variables.  相似文献   

The Quality of ECN and Nasdaq Market Maker Quotes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper compares the quality of quotes submitted by electronic communication networks (ECNs) and by traditional market makers to the Nasdaq quote montage. An analysis of the most active Nasdaq stocks shows that ECNs not only post informative quotes, but also, compared to market makers, ECNs post quotes rapidly and are more often at the inside. Additionally, ECN quoted spreads are smaller than dealer quoted spreads. The evidence suggests that the proliferation of alternative trading venues, such as ECNs, may promote quote quality rather than fragmenting markets. Moreover, the results suggest that a more open book contributes to quote quality.  相似文献   

We examine 47 stocks that voluntarily left the American Stock Exchange from 1992 through 1995 and listed on the Nasdaq. We find that both effective and quoted spreads increase by about 100 percent after listing on the Nasdaq. These spread changes are consistent across stocks. In contrast, excess returns are positive when firms announce a switch from The American Stock Exchange to the Nasdaq. We are unable to explain this apparent contradiction.  相似文献   

This paper compares two trading mechanisms in a dealer market with several securities exhibiting asymmetric information and imperfect competition. These two market structures differ in the information received by market-makers. While in the first of them when setting the price of an asset, they observe the order flows of all assets, in the second one they only observe the order flow corresponding to this asset. In order to make this comparison, we analyze several market indicators such as the informed expected traded volume, the market depth, the volatility and the informativeness of equilibrium prices, and the informed traders' ex-ante expected profits. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: G10.  相似文献   

This paper employed eleven data series which consist of stocks, bonds, bills, equity premiums, term premiums, and various default premiums to investigate whether January seasonality reported in existing literature is robust across different states of the economy as this has important trading implications. For the periods 1926–1990, small stocks, small stock premiums, low grade bonds, and default premiums (spread between high grade, low grade and government bonds) reveal January seasonality and that the seasonality is robust across different states of the economy except for low grade bond returns and default premiums. January seasonality for low grade bond returns and low grade bond default premiums are primarily driven by results found during periods of economic expansion. Overall, January seasonality is more evident during the economic expansion periods although the magnitude of default premiums is larger during periods of economic contraction. Furthermore, prior findings of strong summer equity returns are primarily driven by the results found during the periods of economic contraction. It is also found that equity returns are generally higher during periods of economic expansion.  相似文献   

This article empirically examines the liquidity premium predicted by the Amihud and Mendelson (1986) model using Nasdaq data over the 1973–1990 period. The results support the model and are much stronger than for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), as reported by Chen and Kan (1989) and Eleswarapu and Reinganum (1993) . I conjecture that the stronger evidence on the Nasdaq is due to the dealers' inside spreads on the Nasdaq being a better proxy for the actual cost of transacting than the quoted spreads on the NYSE, since the Nasdaq dealers do not face competition from limit orders or floor traders.  相似文献   

Asia-Pacific Financial Markets - This paper investigates the distinct market reactions to the COVID-19 outbreak by focusing on two groups of stocks in the Chinese stock market, i.e., the...  相似文献   

Conrad and Kaul (1993) report that most of De Bondt and Thaler's (1985) long-term overreaction findings can be attributed to a combination of bid-ask effects when monthly cumulative average returns (CARs) are used, and price, rather than prior returns. In direct tests, we find little difference in test-period returns whether CARs or buy-and-hold returns are used, and that price has little predictive ability in cross-sectional regressions. The difference in findings between this study and Conrad and Kaul's is primarily due to their statistical methodology. They confound cross-sectional patterns and aggregate time-series mean reversion, and introduce a survivor bias. Their procedures increase the influence of price at the expense of prior returns.  相似文献   

本文研究了中国A股市场融资融券标的股票的"异质性波动率之谜",分别在我国融资融券制度推行初期和后期,构建了两阶段的双重差分回归模型,比较融资融券制度的政策效果。实证结果表明,在融资融券制度推行初期,两融标的股票"异质性波动率之谜"现象未能得到有效抑制。融资融券制度推行后期,A股市场融券交易总量快速增长,融资融券标的股票的"异质性波动率之谜"现象相对非融资融券股票得到明显抑制,这一抑制效应对于融券交易活跃的股票更为显著,说明融券交易的活跃程度对于抑制融资融券标的股票"异质性波动率之谜"现象起主要作用。  相似文献   

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