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目前国内轿车市场细分常用的是以车身尺寸和平台为基础的级别划分法(A00级、A0级、A级、B级、C级)及以价格为主的划分法,对中级轿车并无明确一致的定义。综合考虑车型平台、车身尺寸、内部空间、价格区间、品牌形象等诸多因素,本文中定义的中级轿车一般是指长度为4.54.8米,宽度超过1.7米,轴距超过2.5米,发动机排量在1.6L以上,价格在15-20万元间的国产轿车(见表1)。  相似文献   

2005年上半年进口汽车市场主要呈现三大特征:进口总量大幅下降,进口结构发生较大变化,价格基本保持稳定。预计下半年进口汽车总量将超过上半年,但经营进口汽车仍存在较大变数和风险。  相似文献   

上半年我国汽车商品出口呈大幅增长态势,出口总额明显高于进口,我国汽车对外贸易继续保持顺差。但顺差额已从去年同期的14.87亿美元下降到今年的12.86亿美元,同比下降16.37%,顺差额有所缩小。  相似文献   

The new market opportunities, competitive threats, and diffusion of business models associated with globalization have been key drivers of organizational restructuring over the past decade. Companies have responded to these developments in a variety of ways with the objective of improving their cost and/or revenue structures through reorganizing their vertical, horizontal, and spatial boundaries and governance mechanisms. Major forms of restructuring at the business level have included labor intensification, investment in new technologies, downsizing and reengineering, the formation of strategic alliances and networks, spatial reconfiguration, and a shift from international and multinational to global and transnational strategies. To be most effective, any type of restructuring must be clearly and explicitly aligned with a firm's business‐level strategy in order to maximize the efficient and effective allocation of resources in pursuit of competitive advantage. A strategic use of restructuring which links such efforts to broader competitive strategy, and where possible to a “high‐road” approach to overall competitiveness, should result in more sustainable benefits which generate increased value‐added to shareholders as well as greater well being in the broader stakeholder community. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple theoretical model to analyse recent proposals on restructuring of sovereign bonds. We find that collective action clauses (CACs) inserted in bonds resolve the inefficiencies caused by intra-creditor coordination problems providing that all parties have complete information about each other's preferences. In such a world, statutory mechanisms, such as international bankruptcy courts, are unnecessary. This is no longer the case when the benefits from reaching a restructuring agreement are private information to the debtor and its creditors due to inefficiencies caused by the debtor-creditor bargaining problem.  相似文献   

The Greek government budget situation plays a central role in the debt crisis in the euro area. Strong consolidation measures need to be implemented, with potential adverse effects on the Greek economy and further credit requirements. Debt conversion might therefore become a reasonable alternative. The following paper provides some simulation-based calculations of the expected fiscal costs for the governments in the large European countries, Germany, France, Spain and Italy, arising from different policy options — among them a second Greek rescue package.  相似文献   

无形资产的作用日益为人们接受,但无形资产的管理、计量、评估远远落后于人们对无形资产作用的认识.特别是对无形资产评估指标体系的认识,已不能适应时代发展的需要.而评估方法对企业改制中无形资产价值的影响,则是评估方法选择不当和评估方法本身存在的风险.  相似文献   

Mediterranean countries have long been associated with wine production. However, only recently, as regions come to face the implications of global rural restructuring, have wine and tourism been utilized for regional development and re‐imaging strategies. This article provides a review of the concept of wine tourism and its development. Using a number of case studies, the article then examines how the relationship between wine and tourism is being encouraged through European Union development programs and national and provincial government policies, and evaluates their relative success. The article concludes that wine and tourism are becoming increasingly integrated in tourist promotion and product‐development activities in the Mediterranean. However, their contribution to solving problems of rural restructur‐ing may be more problematic, and greater attention needs to be given to establishing stronger links between industry stakeholders and in adding greater value to the wine and food product in rural areas. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

When the World Food Conference of 1974 demanded the eradication of world hunger within the brief time span of ten years, experts and laymen alike were surprised. The target seemed too ambitious, and it can be safely expected that it will not be achieved. A study has now been submitted by FAO to its 20th Plenary Conference session which—without proposing a new target date—attempts to prove the feasibility of greatly reducing world hunger before the advent of the 21st century.  相似文献   

Asian trans-national garment manufacturers are transforming the structure of global value chains in the apparel industry. Recent studies show such first tier suppliers undertaking a greater range of functional activities. In many cases, these firms originate from the so-called ‘Rising Power’ economies, particularly ‘Greater China’ and South Asia. We argue that such, transnational, Asian firms can play a pivotal and strategic role in shaping the geography and organisational restructuring of the global value chain. Drawing on secondary sources and primary research we illustrate how such firms manage complex international production linkages, and ensure the incorporation of Jordan into the global garment industry. The paper contributes to the understanding of the role of these firms and how their behaviour is driven by complex dynamics linked to their own business strategies, their linkages with buyers, and their ability to exploit production and trade opportunities while maintaining high levels of global locational flexibility.  相似文献   

The reform programmes of most Eastern European countries have liberalized prices and taken on the task of macroeconomic stabilization, but the formation and implementation of structural policies has largely been neglected so far. What steps should the governments of Eastern Europe take to encourage the necessary restructuring of their economies and to attract the urgently needed foreign investment?  相似文献   

气候变化是商场经营的不可控变数.随着科学技术的进步,日益准确的气象预报为商场经营提供了避害趋利、采取相应的对策变被动为主动、提高经营业绩的重要信息资源.  相似文献   

Using a new and extensive micro data set we investigate the impact of a change in international competitive pressure on industrial performance and restructuring. Unlike previous studies we are able to account for the heterogeneity across firms in their exposure to foreign competition. We focus on a situation akin to a natural experiment, and examine the impact of a sharp real appreciation of the Norwegian Krone in the early 2000s on Norwegian manufacturing firms which differ substantially in their trade orientation. A change in the real exchange rate (RER) affects a firm through three different channels: (i) firm's export sales, (ii) firm's purchases of imported inputs, and (iii) import competition faced in the domestic market. Unlike previous studies, we are able to examine all three channels. Both net exporters and import-competing firms were exposed to increased competition due to the real appreciation. Both groups reacted by shedding labor, but only the first group experienced increasing labor productivity. Partly, the productivity improvements came from measured TFP gains, while capital deepening does not appear to have been affected by the shock.  相似文献   

2006年至今,债务重组业务被上市公司不断地纳入战略思考的视野,这很大程度上源于新会计准则改变了债务重组的会计处理。从2007年年报来看,一些上市公司成功地运用债务重组收益粉饰了财报,这其中的真实与谎言,令人醉眼迷离。通过新会计准则实施的实践,我们应该重新思考债务重组收益的会计处理问题。  相似文献   

商业经济学重构的一种思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在计划经济下形成的商业经济学在目前的市场经济条件下面临着"范式"危机.商业经济学科要想继续存在和发展,必须对其基本体系进行重构.本文主要提出了我国经济过渡期商业经济学的一种构建思路,同时对商业经济学的未来发展方向作出了展望.  相似文献   

2004年汽车市场“冷”的现状已不可改变,在这一年里汽车市场发生了许多出乎意料的变化,汽车厂家、商家、媒体、广大消费者既关注又无奈,各方面都在寻求新的答案,欲破解中国车市之谜。中国车市这种现状究竟缘于什么?有些已有答案,有些仍需寻找答案。素有全国汽车晴雨表之称的北亚车市的总经理苏晖阐述了他的看法:  相似文献   

过去一年中经济和社会的巨大波动激发了不同行业的调整与竞争变局。电视媒体行业作为文化产业及信息服务产业的重要一支.同样也受到大环境的影响,在这场变动中有的电视媒体勇于突围,在不稳定的市场环境当中占领了有利位置.也有些媒体在这场不寻常的竞争中表现平平甚至得不偿失。所谓市场如战场.历经这么一场惊心动魄的竞争,不论是得势方还是失势方都能够从这一年当中领悟一些媒体生存的法则,  相似文献   

我国的出版行业在资本运营道路上起步较晚,当前出版产业正处于升级和转型的关键时期,通过资本市场做大做强是现阶段出版企业发展的必然趋势。本文指出了出版企业实行股份制改制和上市的必要性和可能性,对出版企业股份制改制和上市过程中所面临的重点和难点问题进行了剖析,并提出了相应的解决方法和建议。  相似文献   

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