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李淼 《中国市场》2022,(14):133-137
政府购买养老服务符合我国的基本国情和现实状况,是一种创新性的养老服务供给方式。以吉林省内10个地区民生服务领域社会组织为研究对象,通过随机发放问卷及现场访谈等方法进行调研,整理赋值后得到研究对象的活力情况,并对内部治理、政社关系这两个维度的影响因素进行了主成分因子分析和回归分析。结果表明,这两个影响因素均会对社会组织的活力产生正向影响,进而为社会组织参与养老服务产业供给、提升社会组织活力提出对策。  相似文献   

中国经过四十年改革开放,经济突飞猛进式的发展,新的社会问题和利益诉求不断涌现,社会治理的复杂性问题也越来越凸显。民众需要的公共服务越来越多样复杂,对政府也有越来越高的需求。十九届四中全会聚焦于国家治理体系和治理能力建设,推进社会治理现代化。全会《决定》提出,构建职责明确、依法行政的政府政治体系。全面建成小康社会也要求政府要更加注重提供的公共服务的质量。因此,转变政府的管理理念是必要的,提供公共服务作为政府治理的重要手段也必须有相应的变化。应建立健全公共服务供给的机制,从国情着眼,制定科学、规范、高效的公共服务供给新范式,使民众日益增长的需求得到满足。  相似文献   

大数据政"智"建设是政务管理与服务升级之供给端和政治民主发展获得感之"需求端"双向联动的产物。据此描述了大数据政务的时代属性和应用现状,探讨其对我国社会治理模式变革的影响,并从技术、组织、环境和社会因素的正反两个角度分析大数据政务建设变项,以此为基点提出大数据政"智"建设的可行性建议。  相似文献   

慈善组织公信力影响着慈善文化建设的水平,并会传染到社会文化建设领域、影响着社会互动的效果、关系社会建设功能的发挥。有必要从当前慈善组织存在的信息不公开,运行不透明、政府对慈善组织渗透严重、缺乏有效地社会监督以及慈善法律法规不完善等影响慈善组织公信力的因素入手,通过重建慈善组织公信力,传播社会正能量。  相似文献   

完善黑龙江省农村公共服务供给机制的对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村公共服务供给机制是由供给资金筹措机制、需求表达机制以及监督激励机制构成的系统工程。黑龙江省是农业大省,当前黑龙江省农村公共服务供给机制存在着筹资机制不健全、需求表达机制不通畅、监督激励机制太薄弱等一系列问题,导致黑龙江省农村公共服务供给总量不足、供需无法对接、利用效率低下,农村公共服务无法满足农村日益增长的物质文化需要。我们应逐步完善农村公共服务供给机制,通过整合政府、社会、市场、农民资源拓展筹资渠道;通过人大及网络信息平台畅通需求表达机制;通过完善监督和激励机制提高公共服务供给效率,为黑龙江省新农村建设创造和谐的发展氛围。  相似文献   

李莹 《价格理论与实践》2022,(5):182-185+208
民众在公共服务中的受益程度,关系到其在社会生活中的获得感,并影响对自身生活的满意度。本文基于天津市居民问卷调查的数据,研究居民获得感与民生公共服务、生活满意度三者之间的关系。研究发现:民生公共服务及其两个细分维度(保障型公共服务与发展型公共服务)均对居民生活满意度具有显著正向影响;发展型公共服务比保障型公共服务对居民生活满意度影响程度更高;民生公共服务总体及两个细分维度通过增加居民获得感提高居民生活满意度;并且,居民获得感的影响机制在保障型公共服务与满意度关系中的作用相对更强。基于研究结论,提出相应建议:补齐保障型公共服务供给短板,满足基本民生需求;提升发展型公共服务质量,满足民众美好生活需要;促进民生公共服务供给与需求平衡,广泛提升民众获得感与生活满意度。  相似文献   

公共场所设立母婴室这一公共服务供给问题在近几年更多的进入了大众视线。随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,有政府单方面提供公共服务的体制已经不能满足公众的需求。公共场所设立母婴室这一公共服务的供给主体涉及的部门、单位很多,单靠一两个部门是很难推动的。本文在对南京市公共场所母婴室提供情况的调研下认为未来南京市政府母婴室这一方面的公共服务供给应由一种新型治理范式提供。本文从"多中心"的基本内涵和自主治理理论的基本观点入手,政府、企业、非营利组织及公民良性互动,各个供给主体之间各负其责、相互监督、相互合作在母婴室的建设上最终形成一种供给模式,从而更有效地为公众提供母婴室这一公共服务。  相似文献   

自2011年"郭美美事件"开始,公众对公益慈善组织的关注达到了前所未有的高度,加强公益慈善组织的公信力建设刻不容缓。本文通过对公益慈善组织公信力、绩效的概念内涵的分析,分析各关键内涵间的影响关系,发现公益慈善组织的公信力对组织绩效具有促进作用,组织绩效对公信力具有维护作用,这种作用包括积极与消极两个方面。这表明提升公益慈善组织的公信力具有必要性与重要意义。  相似文献   

公共服务是社会发展的产物,与时代发展亦步亦趋,具有满足社会需求、稳定社会秩序、促进公平公正以及推动经济可持续发展的功能。运用数字化技术赋能于公共服务是时代的产物,亦是未来发展的大势所趋。数字化背景下的公共服务的发展源于内在的价值诉求,但数字化赋能公共服务在实际的运用过程中也存在一系列潜在的风险,即如何实现公共服务需求本质与数字化技术形式之间的平衡。鉴于数字技术赋能公共服务可提升政府高效治理能力,促进资源均衡分布,提供不同区域公平的发展机会。因此,数字化公共服务体系建设要引导技术向善、对数据进行风险建设投资、构建供需平衡的数字化公共服务体系及建立协同治理的供给机制。  相似文献   

能否尽快建立起完善的社会纠纷治理机制,使各种社会纠纷尤其是群体性纠纷得到有效、合理的解决,关系到我国和谐社会建设的总体进程。因此,构建有效的群体性纠纷治理机制,以应对群体性纠纷所带来的问题是意义重大的时代课题。在当前研究中,多是定量研究而缺乏定性研究,描述性多而分析性少。政府公信力应成为群体性纠纷治理的核心内容。只有在深刻认识群体性纠纷的本质,其与政府公信力的关系的前提下才能在提升政府公信力的基础上探讨群体性纠纷的多元治理机制。  相似文献   

Celebrity endorsement has become a very popular communication strategy in the nonprofit sector, although there are still doubts about its effectiveness. Specifically, one interesting question is whether the involvement of individuals with a social cause can explain differences in the valuation and effects of the celebrity endorsement strategy in consumer behavior. Taking into account this fact, the current research presents a causal model that analyzes the determinants of the attitude toward ads involving celebrities and the explanatory variables of the behavioral intentions in this sector. We worked with two subsamples of individuals with high and low involvement, who rated a fictitious ad with a well-known social entity and a celebrity. As a result, we observed that the strategy can influence the group of low involved people and have no significant effects on the segment with high involvement.  相似文献   

近些年来社会阶层分割及社会阶层固化的不断加剧促进了社会阶层研究的新发展。组织中社会阶层差异的普遍存在也使得组织管理学者开始关注社会阶层在组织中扮演的重要角色。不过目前相关研究还较少并且比较零散,阻碍了组织内社会阶层研究的深入推进。文章系统梳理了组织内社会阶层研究文献,在对组织内社会阶层内涵及相关概念厘清的基础上,阐释了组织情境中社会阶层对个体自我态度与行为、对他人认知与评价以及阶层出身印刻效应机制的影响,剖析组织中基于社会阶层的互动与阶层工作,并基于上述分析探讨组织与个体双重视角下的社会阶层的管理影响,最后提出了组织内社会阶层影响研究的未来方向。期望借以促进组织内社会阶层影响的理论研究,同时对阶层分割突出背景下的当前组织管理实践有所借鉴。  相似文献   

Social entrepreneurship in nonprofit organizations has emerged as an increasingly important domain, both in academic research and in practice. This article attempts to further enhance our understanding of the management of nonprofit organizations by investigating the way they balance social and business objectives. Over 200 senior managers of nonprofit organizations participated in our structured telephone interview. The data revealed that many organizations worried about the potential for reduced or lost funding, especially during economic hard times. Issues of sustainability usually headed their list of concerns. Many of these organizations sought to establish revenue generating business streams to offset expected funding shortfalls. The data suggested that over 70% of the nonprofit organizations we interviewed resided in the social entrepreneurship zone. Our results also showed that maintaining a social objective and managing a viable business can be complementary and mutually beneficial activities.  相似文献   

Although social media (SM) represents a new means of creating and sharing knowledge, it also presents new challenges for protecting confidential information and other data that companies do not want to share. However, knowledge protection and security-oriented knowledge management processes related to SM have received little attention in previous studies. This research attempts to close that gap by examining which information and knowledge protection challenges arise from employees' use of SM, why they arise, and how organizations can address them. The main contribution of this study is a framework that integrates three types of knowledge protection challenges (information security challenges; reputation challenge; management challenges) with five special characteristics of SM (information distribution speed; blurry audience; merging of private and professional identity; easily collectible information; generation transition), which explain why these challenges arise. In addition, the framework presents eight questions that organizations should answer to help them address the three types of knowledge protection challenges. Our findings have practical implications: by answering the eight questions proposed in this study, companies can create knowledge management and protection policies for SM. Furthermore, the findings in this study open up several future research questions.  相似文献   

By using social media, many companies try to exploit new forms of interaction, collaboration, and knowledge sharing through leveraging the social, collaborative dimension of social software. The traditional collective knowledge management model based on a top-down approach is now opening up new avenues for a bottom-up approach incorporating a more personal knowledge management dimension, which could be synergized into collective knowledge using the social-collaborative dimension of social media. This article addresses the following questions: (1) How can social media support the management of personal and collective knowledge using a synergetic approach? (2) Do the personal and collective dimensions compete with each other, or can they reinforce each other in a more effective manner using social media?

Our findings indicate that social media supports both the personal and collective dimensions of knowledge, while integrating a social collaborative dimension. The article introduces a framework that classifies social software into four categories according to the level of interaction and control. With certain tools, individuals are more in control. With other tools, the group is in control, resulting in a higher level of interaction and a diversity of knowledge and mindsets brought together. However, deploying and adopting these new tools in an organizational context is still a challenging task for management, owing to both organizational and individual factors.  相似文献   

近年来,我国医患关系日趋紧张,医患纠纷事件数量逐年增加,暴力伤医事件也不断升级。以医疗事故争议为由,扰乱医疗机构正常秩序的"医闹"事件频发,造成严重的社会影响,引起广泛关注。本文将从医患纠纷化解角度,对相关文献进行梳理概括,并对社会组织参与医患纠纷化解进行相关探讨。  相似文献   

所有公共组织都面临提高效益的艰巨挑战 ,尽管市场学在工商领域的运用多年来效果显著 ,但是市场学最重要的意义还在于它在公共组织中的实践活动。公共市场学在公共组织的运用已经在发达国家得到了成功。运用公共市场原理和手段 ,为改善公共组织 ,机构和公共团体的经济效益和管理效益 ,提高公共事业的服务质量 ,促进社会进步有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人们对社会责任报告价值认识的不断深入,越来越多的企业和组织加入到发布社会责任报告的行列中来。2012年,中国社会责任报告的发展呈现出新态势,包括行业协会、学校、医院等在内的大量非企业组织发布的报告成为中国社会责任报告的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a framework for exploring positioning strategies for social cause organizations (SCO) in an attempt to better utilize their distinguishable nature and ability to foster aspects of desired change. Although much research has been considered regarding SCOs and their ability to attract understandable interest and passion, limited work has investigated their unique positioning strategies. Statistical positioning tools will provide an analytical perspective of the attributes these organizations possess and what influences they may have on individual perceptions. Published marketing materials from select SCOs will be examined. Analysis will reveal perceptual maps based upon respondent attribute ratings. “Ideal” SCOs will then be identified with multivariate regression. Results will be further tested to discern the predictive capabilities of the maps. Last, theoretical and managerial implications will be forwarded for discussion.  相似文献   

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