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次贷和欧债两次危机后,美国与希腊为代表的欧债危机国家复苏大不相同,比较其原因,美国的机构投资者如投资基金、保险资金、养老基金处于与其GDP大致相似的数量级,成为股市复苏的中流砥柱。而以希腊为代表的深陷欧债危机各国则资本市场不发达,机构投资者弱小,公共财政债务危机短期内难以化解。我国目前正处于城市化进程之中,在资本市场发展的关键时期,应当大力培育机构投资者,按照《国务院关于进一步促进资本市场健康发展的若干意见》的要求,支持社会保险基金、企业年金、职业年金、商业保险资金、境外长期资金等机构投资者逐步扩大在资本市场中的投资范围、增加投资规模,成为我国继续城市化的资金推动主力,同时完善对资本市场的监管,稳定金融市场,防范潜在的金融危机。  相似文献   

A bstract .   Human rights are urgently important rights that all individual persons may validly claim and that all governments are obligated to respect. According to some philosophers, no government can plausibly claim legitimate authority unless its legal and political system ascribes such rights, and no society can plausibly claim to be just unless it has a legitimate government. John Rawls presents his own version of this conception in the context of his account of the moral basis of a just global system of public law, which he calls the Law of Peoples. According to some of his critics, including Onora O'Neill, not only is the Law of Peoples statist, but also it relies on a false view of the state. O'Neill has developed a new conception of an ideally just global order in which states have fewer, and corporations more, powers and obligations to secure human rights, in contrast to Rawls's conception. Her conception is consistent with Anne-Marie Slaughter's account of the transformation of state sovereignty due to globalization. However, contrary to initial appearances, it is not the case that O'Neill's and Slaughter's views taken together require significant modification of Rawls's conception of human rights. There is no fundamental conflict between Rawls's conception of human rights and Slaughter's account of state transformation. And O'Neill's criticisms of Rawls's view are unwarranted.  相似文献   

文章以论述功能观点的基本涵义为切入点,对混业和分业的定义进行了重新思考。通过分析金融体系的基本功能,深入探讨了金融业发展的两条途径。依据美国金融混业和分业的历程证明了新途径的可行性并推导出当前金融混业经营的发展趋势,在此基础上提出我国未来金融业发展的新途径。该研究成果将为我国金融业政策的制定,提供重要的决策参考。  相似文献   

吴楠 《价值工程》2021,40(34):79-81
华为全球市场拓展,经历了由发展中国家到发达国家的历程,凸显其农村包围城市市场战略创新,5G技术等的技术领先,促进其全球竞争力的提升和卓越业绩的形成.其重要驱动力,源自基于以事实为基础的科学化管理和绩效管理创新.  相似文献   

abstract In answering the questions ‘why does the firm exist?’ and ‘what determines its boundaries?’, established theories of the firm have focused on boundary choice in a context of relatively easily identified and evaluated alternatives. This paper starts by asking the kindred question ‘why does the firm come into existence?’, shifting attention to the circumstances and choices surrounding new firm formation and the exploitation of new and untried business ideas. It proceeds to delineate an entrepreneurship perspective on the nature and boundaries of the firm, where boundary decisions are driven by the difficulty of implementing new, subjective means–ends frameworks in sometimes very unreceptive markets. A set of propositions developing the concepts of cognitive incongruence and cognitive incompleteness suggests that activities are internalized when other market participants are unable to accept or understand the entrepreneur's subjectively perceived means–ends framework. In conclusion, the paper supports the development of theory that explains choice of modes of action based on subjective world views and the emerging notion of a distinctive entrepreneurship‐based theory of the firm.  相似文献   

区域问题已成为当今的热点问题,在我国经济步入新常态背景下,区域发展的动力转换和培养成为地方政府关注的焦点,但不同的区域有着自身特有的特点,地方政府需要把握好区域的本质,才能有针对性地制定出有效的政策措施。但是,区域作为区域经济学的核心概念并没有一个统一的定义,因此合理把握区域的本质对于学科的发展是非常重要的。区域的研究源于区位论,所以从区位论的演变有助于更好地理解区域的形成,而均质与非均质相结合是区域研究的本质所在。  相似文献   

朱兰  肖湘 《物流科技》2004,27(12):21-24
第三方物流(3rd Part Logistics.3PL或TPL)是80年代中后期开始盛行的。据美国物流协会的一份最新报告.企业将物流外包(outsourcing)将平均增加9%的成本.但与此同时能提高15%的企业核心生产力。因而物流外包成为企业降低成本的一个主要途径。然而在国内,第三方物流的起步较晚.企业物流外包的比重并不是很大。笔者通过实地走访国内具一定代表性的两个城市上海和厦门.拜访其主要物流园区的相关企事业单位.了解到各层次第三方物流企业发展的状况.并分析了阻碍其发展的主要原因,  相似文献   

趋利性是资本同一般性生产要素的本质区别,这种趋利性体现为资本追求利润最大化的天然本能,成为经济全球化的内在动力。本文根据马克思有关资本的理论,从资本趋利性出发分析外国直接投资对我国经济效应。同时,根据我国近年来有关的经济统计数据,利用FDI与中国的技术发展、产业结构、  相似文献   

全球城市区域视角下的长江三角洲演化特征与趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
透过全球城市区域的理论视角对长江三角洲当前的产业与空间发展进行剖析,认为长江三角洲在内外因素的共同作用下,已经逐渐显现出"网络+等级"的演化趋势.总体上表现为区域发展的匀质化、多中心化和服务中心的等级重构.产业结构处于激烈的变动重组之中,城市区域功能分工逐渐清晰,南翼与北翼的总体发展差异日益凸显."沿路、沿江、环湾"总体发展态势进一步强化,次区域发展组团展开新一轮的竞合重组.上海作为崛起中的全球城市,正不断强化着长三角的"中心-腹地"关系,并深刻地改变着长江三角洲的空间格局.  相似文献   

In this counterpoint paper we argue that the findings presented by the ‘regional strategy’ literature do not capture the full array of global activities of the multinational enterprise (MNE). While this literature makes an important contribution to the field by showing that sales and production activities in the MNE are regionally structured, we argue that this assessment is biased for two reasons. First, this approach overly focuses on geographical location of downstream activities, while disregarding that of knowledge creation and other relevant upstream activities in the MNE. Second, the approach associates the firm's value creation only with its internalized activities and does not capture the value created through any activities that are externalized. Many MNEs rely to a significant extent on value creation outside the firm's legal boundaries. We argue that such omissions are likely to lead to biased interpretations using different theoretical lenses, such as the knowledge‐/resource‐based view, internalization theory and more general transaction cost economics. Based on our reasoning, we provide recommendations for future research both within and beyond the ‘regional strategy’ literature.  相似文献   

According to Richard Florida, the world is in the grip of a ‘New Urban Crisis’. In his most recent book Florida recounts a visit to Medellín that provoked an epiphany in which he realized that the New Urban Crisis is global in scope. Unfortunately, Florida's discovery of the global South is informed by a deeply Eurocentric understanding of urbanization. This leads him to conclude that Southern cities should ‘unleash’ creativity, and he proposes that the United States should develop a global urban policy that would export a version of American urbanism. In this essay we deconstruct Florida's notion of the New Urban Crisis and show that its Eurocentric assumptions obscure the very real environmental, economic and political challenges facing cities in the global South and their residents.  相似文献   

曾兰君 《价值工程》2019,38(35):141-143
随着旅游的不断发展,中国旅游开始从景点旅游到全域旅游转变。广州市番禺区已入选国家文化和旅游部首批国家全域旅游示范区,位于番禺区中部的沙湾古镇有着丰富的物质和非物质文化遗产,是极具广府乡土韵味的岭南文化古镇。文中针对古镇发展存在的若干问题,从加强景点合作、改善配套设施、打造文化产业链、开展专项旅游活动、呈现全域旅游新格局、加大宣传推广等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

abstract The debate as to the effects of globalization on organizational forms and management practices is well known. Our paper focuses on two institutionalist traditions in organization theory which make a significant contribution to this discussion: new institutionalism and the business‐systems approach. Both emphasize the adaptation of organizations to their institutional environments but come to very different conclusions as to the global standardization of organizational forms and management practices. Our paper aims to move them beyond the convergence‐divergence dichotomy to account for signs of both global standardization and continued persistence of national differences. We do so by systematically comparing the two traditions, suggesting how they can be cross‐fertilized and developing an agenda for future empirical research. We also highlight that they cannot learn from each other on the issue of agency and point to structuration theory as a way in which they can integrate agency into their accounts of the global standardization debate.  相似文献   

刘桂虹  何诗莹 《价值工程》2019,38(17):81-83
本文选用案例分析法,基于全域旅游视角,阅读大量的文献和查找相关资料,寻找全域旅游视角下广东省生态旅游发展的精准扶贫相关案例,同时通过实地调研广东增城蒙花布村的旅游发展现状,以此为案例结合现有理论来解析全域旅游视角下广东生态旅游发展与精准扶贫的契合点,并由此得出在全域旅游视角下广东生态旅游发展的扶贫模式——政策扶贫,智力扶贫,融资建设扶贫三种模式。  相似文献   

刘素平  王晓洋 《价值工程》2019,38(25):38-39
随着全域旅游时代的到来和乡村振兴战略的实施,苏州的乡村文化旅游有了较大的发展。苏州丰富的乡村文化旅游资源为乡村文化旅游奠定了良好的基础,但在发展的过程中,仍存在资源有效整合不足、乡土特色不明显、创意性和体验性不够、社区参与度有限等问题。文章试图从乡村全域文化资源整合、乡村文化旅游项目创新、社区参与机制优化等方面探索全域旅游背景下苏州乡村文化旅游发展的新路径。  相似文献   

A significant body of research has described effective leader behaviours and has connected these behaviours to positive employee outcomes. However, this research has yet to be systematically integrated with organizational justice research to describe how leader behaviours inform justice perceptions. Therefore, we conduct a meta‐analysis (k = 166, N = 46,034) to investigate how three types of leader behaviours (task, relational, and change) inform four dimensions of organizational justice (procedural, distributive, interpersonal, and informational) referenced to the leader and to the organization. Further, we examine the joint impact of leader behaviours and justice perceptions on social exchange quality (i.e., leader–member exchange), task performance, and job satisfaction. Our results suggest that leader behaviours differentially inform leader‐ and organization‐focused justice perceptions, and the joint effect of leader behaviours and justice perceptions offer more nuanced explanations for outcomes.  相似文献   

文章介绍了内蒙古煤炭资源在全国能源中的重要地位,剖析了内蒙古煤炭产业集群发展现状,并就全球价值链嵌入视角下内蒙古煤炭产业集群升级目标与升级类型进行了探讨.  相似文献   

空间正义是新型城镇化空间生产的题中之义。新型城镇化的空间生产坚持以人的城镇化为核心,内涵经济、政治、社会、文化、生态等五位一体的空间正义价值。空间非正义是新型城镇化空间生产与治理面临的重要问题。由单一的政府管理转变为多元化的公共治理,符合新型城镇化空间生产坚持空间正义的实践性要求。加快以人为本的新型城镇化建设,应以实现空间正义为价值要求加强空间生产及其治理,以五位一体为总体布局,以五大发展理念为统领,在经济层面构建创新驱动机制,在政治层面构建统筹协调机制,在社会层面构建共建共享机制,在文化层面构建开放包容机制,在生态层面构建绿色发展机制。  相似文献   

已有研究发现,成本费用随业务量增减变动的变化具有不对称性,费用因业务量增加而上升的速度要高于业务量减少时费用降低的速度。本文将我国沪深两市A股上市公司按照实质控制人性质的不同,分为国有上市公司和非国有上市公司,分别对其2004年—2010年的财务数据检验后发现:(1)我国国有上市公司和非国有上市公司的销管费用均存在费用粘性行为;(2)国有上市公司的费用粘性程度要高于非国有上市公司;(3)金融危机后我国上市公司费用粘性程度有所提高,非国有上市公司提高幅度较大;(4)资本密集度对于我国上市公司费用粘性的增强起到一定作用,相比较而言,国有上市公司受其影响较强烈。  相似文献   

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