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计算机犯罪特点初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机在造福人类的同时,也产生了新的犯罪机会,衍生出一种新的犯罪——计算机犯罪,本升计算机犯罪特点进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

科学技术是一把双刃剑。计算机网络技术的应用和普及,在改变人类生产和生活方式的同时,也带来了各种各样的犯罪活动,严重危害社会的稳定,成为当前和谐社会构建中的一大障碍。只有把握计算机网络犯罪的生成机理,对症下药,才能预防和惩治日益猖獗的计算机网络犯罪。  相似文献   

自《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》实施和警察法明确公安机关主管计算机信息系统安全保护工作及《铁路计算机安全管理办法》施行后,新的刑法又对有关计算机犯罪的处罚进行了规定。我们可以从计算机犯罪的内容、种类和特征等几个方面来认识计算机犯罪。  相似文献   

计算机技术的发展和普及,促进了金融领域办公自动化,极大提高了劳动效率,然而新技术可以给社会带来一定的财富,同时不可避免地会为犯罪分子所利用。本对当前金融领域计算机犯罪的形式进行了具体的分析,以便采取有效措施防范金融领域计算机犯罪。  相似文献   

对社会犯罪发展趋势的研究,始终是一个崭新的课题。本运用调研资料,试从马克思主义理论的高度分析当前刑事犯罪的特点,预测未来的犯罪态势,较深入地对犯罪原因、犯罪发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

世纪之交我国有组织犯罪的特点及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有组织犯罪被联合国大会宣称为“全球性瘟疫”,我国刑事立法已予以确认。本文从侦查学角度精要论述了世纪之交的特定历史时期我国有组织犯罪在犯罪主体、犯罪时间、犯罪地点、犯罪对象、犯罪手段方法等诸方面的特点,并在此基础上对其发展趋势作了理性分析。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的逐步建立,商品经济也在不断地扩大和发展,因而利用合同进行诈骗的犯罪也随之产生,而且越来越突出。为了更加有效地预防、减少和打击合同诈骗犯罪,确保社会主义市场经济秩序的健康有序发展,本针对合同诈骗犯罪的特点、原因及对策进行了较为深入地分析、研究和探讨。  相似文献   

作为当前应重点打击的犯罪形态之一——经济犯罪,在构成上有其特殊性,在罪名分布上“三分天下”。单位犯罪和贪利犯罪是研究经济犯罪的两个重要突破口,应予特别关注。  相似文献   

旅客列车流窜犯罪是严重危害列车治安、影响旅客生命财产安全的突出犯罪类型。当前旅客列车上流窜犯罪团伙的主要特点:(一)流窜犯罪团伙在途经外局的普通旅客列车上作案相对突出;(二)流窜犯罪团伙成员构成上由简单向复杂型发展;(三)流窜团伙作案既有随机性又具规律性;(四)流窜团伙成员普遍具有较强的反侦讯意识。依据流窜犯罪具有的案犯成分复杂、侵害目标广泛、逃离现场迅速、活动区域多变的特点,结合当前“三基”建设工作,建立完善预防和打击旅客列车流窜犯罪的长效机制已经成为当前铁路刑侦工作的重要内容。  相似文献   

犯罪活动占有的时间和空间简称时空,犯罪时间和空间是犯罪活动的客观存在形式。犯罪时间是犯罪行为发生、发展及持续性的表现。犯罪时间不仅包含着犯罪时间阶段,例如犯罪分子进入现场到离开现场的这段时间,同时还包含祀罪时间阶段中某个犯罪现象的具体发生的时间位置,如犯罪分子在车上割盗旅客衣兜的一瞬间的具体时同,以及犯罪周期性循环往复所处的时间位置,如一伙犯罪分子几次扒上同一车次列车作案的相同时间。最后,还包括犯罪活动与相关事物现象发生的对应时间,  相似文献   

犯罪构成作为刑法理论的一个核心概念,是罪刑法定原则发展的必然要求。我国犯罪构成理论采用了与德、日及英关不同的综合式的模式,将犯罪构成作为评判行为是否构成犯罪的唯一标准。但在实践中这一标准因为《刑法》第13条的但书及排除违法性事由出现了例外,究其原因主要是因为犯罪客体要件存在漏洞,将刑法所要保护的社会关系作为了客体要件。为了将这些例外情形纳入到犯罪构成中,应该对我国犯罪构成的客体要件进行修正。  相似文献   

Existing investigation on tourism and crime has indicated a negative relation between these two concepts where crime appears as an influential factor in limiting tourist flows. Albeit tourists have repeatedly reported the importance of safety in their travels, this paper presents a paradoxically positive relation between tourism and present crime, where gang culture is the main attraction of the visit. This case study is focused on ‘LA Gang Tours’, a non-profit organization and its use of social marketing in the re-interpretation of an organization threat to an opportunity in Los Angeles, the ‘gang capital of the world’. For this purpose, I have applied conceptual content analysis of online data referring to this touristic attraction.  相似文献   

农村社会中存在的犯罪黑数是建设社会主义和谐社会的阻碍因素之一。农村犯罪黑数较高的原因有多种。要降低农村社会的犯罪黑数,必须加强社会主义法治教育,遏制、打击宗族势力在农村的发展,充实农村的警力配置以及消除受害人自身对刑事案件隐匿不报的错误认识。  相似文献   

Applying Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) can help police departments allocate limited resources more efficiently. By focusing on hazardous areas, highly visible traffic law enforcement simultaneously can reduce both crime and crashes. Most studies have focused on the reduction of crime and crashes after applying new patrol routes, but few have documented how to improve or change police dispatch time. The objective of this study was to compare the police dispatch time between two conditions: (1) police patrol routes with organized hotspots, and (2) police patrol route patterns without focusing on hotspots. A secondary objective consisted of developing a procedure to describe the calculation of the change in dispatch time.This study used data obtained from the College Station Police Department. Crime and crash data were collected between January 2005 and September 2010, which included 65,461 offense reports and 14,712 crash reports. The study procedure includes four steps: (1) geocoding the data, (2) defining the hotspots, (3) organizing the best patrol routes, and (4) estimating the effectiveness. ArcGIS was used for the data analysis. The results indicate that using DDACTS principles can potentially reduce police dispatch time by 13% and 17% when the top five and top ten hotspot routes respectively are included in the analysis. The procedure can be used by law enforcement agencies to estimate whether or not the DDACTS protocols can be an effective tool for reducing law enforcement dispatch times when crash and crime data are analyzed simultaneously.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between tourist arrivals and changes in the crime rate in Jamaica over the period 1962–1999. In particular, it uses a transfer function to account for variations in total arrivals and arrivals from the European market, owing to changes in the crime rate. The transfer function allows for the modelling of the immediate and delayed effect of crime rates on tourist arrivals. The paper finds first that although crime rates have a negative impact on tourism arrivals in both markets, it is of greater concern in the European market. Secondly, the impact of crime in the overall market is relatively small, because of increased advertising and promotion and the growth of all‐inclusive hotels. Finally the level of crime, especially violent crime, has to be reduced, because although the number of crimes against tourists has declined, high violent crime rates tend to raise concerns among tourists seeking a destination. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rail users consistently perceive their risks from crime to be significantly higher than official statistics suggest, discouraging many from using rail transport. The aims of the paper include a discussion of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and current policy initiatives for reducing crime and the fear of crime on the railways. This exploratory study focuses on adult passengers' perceptions of crime and nuisance as they relate to the management, design and maintenance of railway stations and their immediate access routes. The study innovatively utilises interactive virtual reality (VR) scenes of `representative' stations as the environmental stimulus and concludes that such an approach provides an analytical and pragmatic framework for managers of railway stations that are unlikely to receive Secure Station accreditation.  相似文献   

Metro stations are criminogenic places that radiate and/or absorb crime. In this paper, we assess potential theft transmission in these places and their surrounding areas using police recorded data from the São Paulo metro system in Brazil. The study classifies whether metro stations are crime absorbers, crime radiators, or both, by time of day and day of the week. Time series data were used to test the empirical model (panel vector autoregressive) and Granger tests for temporal precedence. Findings show that ‘theft waves’ recorded in the metro stations often precede in time those that occur in the stations' surrounding areas. However, on weekdays, during off-peak hours, the opposite might happen: stations absorb some of the crime that spills over from criminogenic surrounding areas into the stations. Since there is evidence of transmission of crime from one environment to another, in both directions, better cooperation between police responsible for security in the surrounding areas and the metro security staff might improve crime prevention initiatives in these transit settings.  相似文献   

Issues of crime in a destination area affect real and perceived visitor safety; away from rare but high profile incidents such as terrorist attacks, visitor security is more likely to be affected by a lesser criminal activity. This paper contributes to our existing understanding of how tourism can be affected by criminal activity by selecting a definable geographical area and investigating the dimensions, scale and nature of visitor-related crime and the perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of visitors in relation to safety issues. The results indicate that, although visitors believed the destination to be a safe one, the statistics indicated that they were more susceptible to crimes of dishonesty, in particular vehicle-related theft, and the times and places they were at risk evidenced different patterns to residents. With visitors accounting for less than 10% of the total population, these differences are not immediately apparent. Visitors are not homogenous and distinct groupings based on perceptions, attitudes and behaviours were found. TheREFore, there is a requirement to examine how crime is impacting on visitors by distinguishing them from the overall crime figures, but measures to protect visitors also have to be tailored to take cognisance of typologies of visitors.  相似文献   

在一些案件现场,我们常可以提取到被犯罪分子遗弃在现场用作捆绑物的电线。对电线的检验不仅限于通过对电线上的剪切痕迹进行检验来认定作案工具,有时通过对电线线皮上线条痕迹的检验也可以进行同一认定。  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2006,13(5):379-385
This paper discusses if it is appropriate to include the benefits that offenders get by violating the law in cost-benefit analyses of police enforcement, in the form of a loss of benefits from violations. The discussion is cast in the context of traffic law violations, a very common type of crime, which is usually not very strongly condemned from a moral point of view. Three options for cost-benefit analysis of traffic police enforcement are compared. The three options differ with respect to the treatment of (a) violator benefits from violations, and (b) outlays for traffic tickets given to violators. The implications of the choice of option are shown by means of four case illustrations, all referring to different types of traffic police enforcement in Norway. It is shown that every type of enforcement becomes less cost-effective when violator benefits are included in cost-benefit analyses. The legitimacy of including violator benefits as a benefit to society is discussed. It is concluded that, as far as traffic violations are concerned, benefits obtained by committing violations of the law cannot be treated as a legitimate societal benefit.  相似文献   

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