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Few would contest that teachers are a very important determinant of how much students learn in school, and how to improve teacher performance has been the focus of lively policy debate in both rich and poor countries. This paper examines how teacher incentives, both pecuniary and non‐pecuniary, correlate with teacher effort. Using school survey data from Lao PDR, we estimate measures of teacher effort, including the number of hours that teachers spend preparing for classes and teacher provision of private tutoring outside of class hours, which are not the typical measures used in previous research. Estimation results fit well under the standard labour supply framework and indicate that greater teacher effort is associated with non‐pecuniary incentives such as more teacher autonomy over teaching materials and monitoring as measured by the existence of an active parent – teacher association and the ability of school principals to dismiss teachers. Methodologically, this paper provides a detailed derivation of a simultaneous OLS‐probit model with school random effects that can jointly estimate teacher work hours and tutoring provision.  相似文献   

Economic theory suggests that it is optimal to reward teachers depending on the relative performance of their students. We develop an econometric approach, based on stochastic frontier analysis, to construct a fair ranking that accounts for the socio-economic background of students and schools and the imprecision inherent in achievement data. Using German PIRLS (IGLU) data, we exploit the hierarchical structure of the data to estimate the efficiency of each teacher. A parsimonious set of control variables suffices to get a “fair” estimate of unobserved teacher quality. A Hausman–Taylor type estimator is the preferred estimator because teacher efficiency and some exogenous variables may be correlated.  相似文献   

当前,高校毕业生就业形势异常严峻,再加上大学生对自我很难有一个全面客观的认识、个人与社会需求之间供需失衡脱节等诸多因素,造成了大量毕业生难以就业、人才过剩的社会现象。以职教师资本科生为例,阐述拓宽职业教育就业途径、开展职业指导对促进高校毕业生就业的作用和重要性。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of teacher race/ethnicity in the teacher-perceived relationships with kindergarten and early elementary school students. Employing a model with both student and teacher fixed effects, we discover a positive link between the racial/ethnic match and the teacher-reported relationships with students. Specifically, minority students tend to have closer relationships with their teachers when they are taught by a minority teacher. Our analyses also provide suggestive evidence that the effects on the teacher–student relationships could not be driven by differential racial discrimination between white and minority teachers. Particularly, white and minority teachers are not differentially biased in judging their relationships with minority students, implying that the source of the racial/ethnic interaction effects is likely to come from the role modeling of behaviors. Given the importance of the relationships between young children and nonparental adults in their early stages of life, these findings have crucial policy implications.  相似文献   

I analyse how the inclusion of working condition data influences the estimated marginal effects of student demographics on teacher mobility. Using detailed administrative data on public schools, combined with unique data describing teachers’ perceptions of working conditions, I estimate a model characterizing the multinomial outcomes of teachers choosing to work at different schools. By comparing the estimated marginal effects of student characteristics with and without incorporating detailed working conditions, I find that excluding these additional data results in overestimating the effect of student characteristics on the probability a teacher moves to a different school, but has no influence on estimated effects for the probability of leaving teaching altogether.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2007,91(5-6):901-914
This paper is the first to systematically document the relationship between individual teacher performance incentives and student achievement using the United States data. We combine data from the National Education Longitudinal Survey on schools, students, and their families with our own survey conducted in 2000 regarding the use of teacher incentives. This survey on teacher incentives has unique data on frequency and magnitude of merit raises and bonuses, teacher evaluation, and teacher termination. We find that test scores are higher in schools that offer individual financial incentives for good performance. Moreover, the estimated relationship between the presence of merit pay in teacher compensation and student test scores is strongest in schools that may have the least parental oversight. The association between teacher incentives and student performance could be due to better schools adopting teacher incentives or to teacher incentives eliciting more effort from teachers; it is impossible to rule out the former explanation with our cross sectional data.  相似文献   

杨秋颜  刘东亮 《经济研究导刊》2012,(14):210-212,239
在人权的正当性问题上,先验式人权论证、经验式人权论证和康德关于"人是目的"的哲学判断,都不具有充分的说服力。论证人权的正当性需要另辟蹊径。由于人权是一个关系性概念,人权的正当性需要从人与人的关系、从人类社会共同体的角度来阐明。尊重和保障人权是维系社会共同体存续的需要。  相似文献   

高师生教师职业情感缺失,这既有师范生自身的主观原因,也有客观原因。而教师职业情感是教师素养的重要构成部分,对教育工作起着极其重要的支配作用。师范学校应结合学校和学生实际,从设置教师教育课程、改革教学方式方法、阅读教育著作、组织学生活动、教师榜样作用、建设校园文化等多方面加强对师范生教师职业情感的培养。  相似文献   

Teachers differ greatly in how much they teach their students, but little is known about which teacher attributes account for this. We estimate the causal effect of teacher subject knowledge on student achievement using within-teacher within-student variation, exploiting a unique Peruvian 6th-grade dataset that tested both students and their teachers in two subjects. Observing teachers teaching both subjects in one-classroom-per-grade schools, we circumvent omitted-variable and selection biases using a correlated random effects model that identifies from differences between the two subjects. After measurement-error correction, one standard deviation in subject-specific teacher achievement increases student achievement by about 9% of a standard deviation in math. Effects in reading are significantly smaller and mostly not significantly different from zero. Effects also depend on the teacher-student match in ability and gender.  相似文献   

《弟子规》虽然是蒙学读物,却被时贤誉为儒家的精髓。在中华传统文化复兴的大背景下,引起各界广泛关注。古筝是中国传统文化的重要部分,被誉为“仁智之器”,古筝教师肩负着传承中国传统文化的使命,也应学习《弟子规》,做儒家谨信、仁爱等道德修养的践行者。在古筝教学中,教师应将《弟子规》融入古筝教学,将“孝悌”“谨信”“学文”等融入古筝教学过程,提升习筝者的心性修养,使学生的人格得到完善和提升。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse whether the characteristics of university teaching staff matter with regard to students' performance and interest in the discipline. We use data on about 1000 students enrolled on the first-level degree course in business and economics at a medium-sized Italian university. Thanks to the random assignment of students to different teaching classes during their first year, we are able to analyse the effect that teachers with different characteristics, in terms of experience and research productivity, produce both on students' performance, measured in terms of the grades obtained at subsequent examinations, and on courses chosen. Our results suggest that teacher quality has statistically significant effects on students' grades in subsequent courses. These effects are also robust after controlling for unobserved individual characteristics. On the other hand, we find less clear evidence when relating teacher quality to student involvement with a subject. It emerges that research productivity does not produce a statistically significant effect on the probability of a student undertaking additional courses in a subject, while more experienced teachers have a negative impact. However, also this effect does not become statistically significant when we run separate regressions for different disciplines.  相似文献   

教师话语具有双重作用,一方面它是教师传授知识的媒介,另外一方面它作为目的语起着示范作用。因而,国内外今年来有越来越多的学者开始关注教师的话语,分析其数量和质量与课堂教学效果的关系。针对大学英语课堂这一特殊而又关键的场所,对教师的话语从语言的调整、教师提问、学生的反馈作了介绍。除此以外,针对教师话语存在的问题,提出应当从课堂,语言能力的角度提升话语质量从而有效利用好课堂的宝贵时间。  相似文献   

In a fairly elaborate study, the author found that inservice teacher training in economics improved the achievement scores of participating teachers and their students. In addition, as their achievement scores improved, both teachers and students developed more positive opinions about economics. At the time of the study, inservice training seemed to be more effective than preservice training.  相似文献   

This article studies the secondary school track choice and considers to what extent parents’ and teachers’ assessment of students diverge. We take advantage of a reform in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in 2006. The reform replaced parents’ choice about their children’s secondary school type by a binding teacher recommendation. Our data comprise class-level information on all public primary schools in the state. We find that teachers tend to recommend higher school types than parents. However, more precise analysis shows that this effect can be limited to districts with above average proportion of immigrants.  相似文献   

教学考核是衡量教师教学质量的重要内容,也是应用型本科高校进行教学激励、充分调动教师教学积极性的重要举措。如何提高应用型本科高校的师资水平,培养造就一支师德高尚、业务精湛的高素质专业化教师队伍,构建一套使教师素质与应用型人才培养目标一致的教学考核体系,对于能否培养出满足社会需求的高层次应用型人才极为关键。  相似文献   

谭萍 《大陆桥视野》2016,(10):235-236
In the practical teaching process, the teacher is not only a guide to teach students how to learn but also take a role as a classroom manager. A good classroom manager could give a lot of benefits for students. Approaches to behavior and classroom management focuses on helping teachers to use a variety of approaches in behavior and classroom management in order to make good decisions when they face with the challenge of creating positive classroom communities, to create a positive classroom atmosphere, to improve the teaching competences of teachers and to update the concept of classroom management constantly.  相似文献   

教师队伍建设是高校发展的永恒主题。高等医学院校新任教师入职培训是使刚从医学院校毕业的医学生顺利向教师转变的重要环节。然而,当前医学院校新任教师入职培训还普遍存在很多问题,这需要我们从提高对入职培训的认识、改革入职培训模式、加强对入职培训的支持等方面进行思考和探索。  相似文献   

Using point elasticities rather than using either arc elasticities or slopes of demand and supply curves provides the best method for teaching students about the economic impacts of excise taxes. Not only does a point-elasticity approach simplify theoretical analysis of tax impacts, but it also allows instructors to take advantage of publicly available empirical estimates of demand and supply elasticities to show students how theoretical results can be applied to real-world tax policy issues. To illustrate these advantages, the authors use several available estimates of point elasticities of demand and supply of raw sugar to calculate the economic impacts of a recently proposed penny-per-pound tax on raw cane sugar grown in the Florida Everglades.  相似文献   

对高校教师人力资本投资风险及规避的新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今高校的竞争已日趋激烈,而竞争的根本在于高校优质的教师人力资本。优质教师人力资本的获得需要进行投资,但高校教师人力资本投资存在风险,如何规避风险成为高校关注的焦点。本文对高校教师人力资本投资风险进行了界定,认为高校教师人力资本投资风险主要表现为对教师投资后并没有达到预期的效果。深入分析了高校教师人力资本投资风险产生的原因,认为主要是由外部原因和内部原因两方面造成的,外部原因是由于市场供求的不平衡所决定的,内部原因是由于教师人力资本载体一教师的机会主义行为倾向和高校的体制缺陷所决定的。并提出了要从高校、教师自身和学生三方面入手,即学校方面要进行高校管理改革;教师方面要提高教师自身素质;学生方面要提高学习热情,来共同形成高校教师人力资本投资风险规避体系,来规避高校教师人力资本投资风险,为高校人力资本投资决策提供依据;  相似文献   

Since families play a pivotal role in elementary schools, student learning may be influenced by how well the teacher knows a family and how well the parents know the teacher. We test this hypothesis by evaluating whether assignment to a teacher who has previously taught an older sibling affects test scores. We refer to teachers who have previously taught the older sibling as having “teacher‐family experience” when teaching the younger sibling. Using a novel data set that includes administrative data on students and teachers matched to family identifiers, we find that when the older sibling's teacher is teaching in the younger sibling's grade, 40% of younger siblings are assigned their older sibling teachers. We find that teacher‐family experience does not have any significant effects on test scores and we can statistically rule out small effects. (JEL I20)  相似文献   

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