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绿色信贷:基于赤道原则显现的缺陷及矫正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赤道原则要求企业在工程开始前到受影响的地区进行咨询,并建立当地居民"申诉机制",避免引发环境和社会问题.这是银行对自身环境保护责任的承担,也是对环境风险的有效规避.有鉴于此,我国应积极引入赤道原则,对项目融资中的环境和社会问题进行审慎性调查并督促借款人采取有效措施消除或减缓有关负面影响,推进"绿色信贷"政策体系建设.  相似文献   

赤道原则作为由世界主要金融机构制订的,旨在判断、评估和管理项目融资中社会与环境风险的自愿性原则,已经成为国际金融机构落实社会责任、促进可持续发展的行业准则。作为发展中国家,我国的商业银行实施赤道原则将面临与发达国家不同的多种难点问题。因此,我国商业银行实施赤道原则需要采取如下策略:一是营造适宜的金融生态环境;二是遵循循序渐进的实施原则;三是根据我国国情进行适当调整;四是建立有效的沟通与协调机制;五是加强复合型人才培养和储备。  相似文献   

NGO参与和推动绿色金融的启迪意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
赤道原则是国际银行界首次制定和认可的全球项目融资的环境与社会标准。民间环保组织积极参与和推动中国银行界接受赤道原则,有利于国内银行加强全面风险管理和金融风险评级,推动国内银行业设立行业标准,有助于银行界形成良性循环,促进科学发展的落实和实现可持续发展,同时也有利于国内银行融入金融全球化的浪潮中,参与国际金融规则的制定和修改,从而最终促进金融的和谐发展与绿色国际化进程。  相似文献   

唐斌 《资本市场》2008,(12):33-35
<正>2008年10月31日,兴业银行在北京正式公开承诺采纳赤道原则,由此成为全球第63家、中国首家"赤道银行"。赤道原则是由世界主要金融机构根据国际金融公司和世界银行的政策和指南建立的,要求金融机构在项目融资中审慎考虑环境和社会风险,强调环境,社会和企业的和谐发展,这也正是兴业银行所倡导的公司治理理念。  相似文献   

赤道原则问世以来,国际上已有67家商业银行实施了赤道原则,成为赤道银行.赤道银行数年发展积累的经验,对我国商业银行实施赤道原则提供了不少可供借鉴之处.文章在介绍赤道原则与赤道银行的基础上,以日本实施赤道原则的三家银行为例,从微观层次提出我国商业银行实施赤道原则的对策.  相似文献   

张文雅 《经济研究导刊》2010,(28):75-76,130
在当今的社会环境下,企业越来越意识到履行社会责任的重要性。尤其在金融危机、全球化背景、可持续金融理念、新能源政策的影响下,金融机构也开始认识到履行社会责任对自身的正面效应。赤道原则作为一种自愿性的企业贷款金融行业基准,旨在强调金融机构在企业融资中发挥的重要引导作用,规避对社会环境有害项目的实施,更好的促进人类、社会、自然的和谐发展。  相似文献   

罗四维 《时代经贸》2010,(12):158-159
赤道原则问世以来,国际上已有67家商业银行实施了赤道原则,成为赤道银行。赤道银行数年发展积累的经验,对我国商业银行实施赤道原则提供了不少可供借鉴之处。文章在介绍赤道原则与赤道银行的基础上,以日本实施赤道原则的三家银行为例,从微观层次提出我国商业银行实施赤道原则的对策。  相似文献   

项目融资及信用保证结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
项目融资是一种无追索权或有限追索权的为项目筹集资金的融资方式,与传统融资方式相比,贷款银行将面临较大的风险,包括项目开发和建设中的风险以及生产运营中的风险。为了成功地融资,需要把项目的风险在投资者、贷款银行和与项目有利益关系的第三方之间进行合理的分配,设计科学的信用保证机构。  相似文献   

中小企业银行融资的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
银行融资是通过商业银行获得的债务资金。在国外 ,银行融资是中小企业最重要的外源性融资来源 ,主要包括短期贷款、过桥贷款、循环使用贷款和中长期贷款。但在我国 ,银行融资一直未能成为中小企业的主要融资渠道 ,其主要原因有 :信息不对称、风险和举债成本偏高、所有制歧视。本文通过中小企业银行融资的国际比较 ,提出了解决我国中小企业银行融资的基本对策 :一是政府方面尽快建立贷款担保体系 ,二是根据市场环境 ,适时进行国有商业银行的业务创新 ,同时加强培养愿意为中小企业提供资金支持的中小金融机构 ,三是企业加强内部管理 ,提高盈利能力。  相似文献   

绿色建筑项目融资风险分担机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色建筑项目融资的风险合理分担是项目融资的实现有限追索的内在要求,有助于激发绿色建筑各个参与方的积极性促使绿色建筑项目融资的成功。并对确保资金安全,促进绿色建筑健康发展起重要作用。从绿色建筑项目融资的特点出发,分析其项目融资的风险类别和利益相关者,探讨如何将绿色建筑项目融资的风险分配给最适合承担该风险的参与方的项目融资风险分担机制及最优分配原则。根据绿色建筑项目融资的风险度量与数据灰的特性,利用灰色系统分析法,建立灰色线性模型,利用GM(1,1)时间相应式得到该项目风险分配的预测值,可按灰色0-1规划求解。用于绿色建筑各参与方的项目融资风险分配更能反映实际情况。按照最优分配风险原则,为各类风险确定最优承担者。  相似文献   

In this paper we first critically review conventional environmental economics. We conclude that the standard theory offers too narrow a perspective for many real world problems and that many theories are not empirically tested. Consequently, environmental economics is at risk of producing aeroplanes without engines. Next, we welcome and discuss some recent trends, particularly the rapid developments of behavioural and new institutional economics as well as the increased interest in empirical analysis. Yet, we conclude that more ‘logical duels’ between competing theories, more interaction between theory and empirics, and more integration between the social sciences are needed to achieve a better understanding of real world environmental problems and the development of adequate policy handles. Finally, we present an outline of steps towards the development of an environmental social science and briefly present the papers that make up this special issue as important building stones of such a discipline.  相似文献   

With the social and economic development,conflict among the shortage of resources,environmental destruction and economic development is ever more pronounced.In this context,the circular economy was gradually accepted.Guided by sustainable development concept and promoted by six external forces,tourism circular economy take tourism micro-cycle model as the core,implement in corporate and social levels,improve resource utilization efficiency,reduce tourism's adverse impacts on the surrounding environment through recycling,reducing and reusing resources,achieve economic,social and environmental development of the organic unity.  相似文献   

创业风险是创业者不得不面对而且必须解决的一个关键问题。本文在总结当前关于创业风险分类的研究成果基础上,按照创业要素风险分类体系,分别研究了社会资本对机会风险、资源风险、主体风险、环境风险与行为风险的影响。通过对社会资本在各种创业风险中影响作用的分析,本文得到以下结论:社会资本的规范、信任与网络都能从各自角度弱化创业活动中的机会风险、环境风险与行为风险产生的不利影响;而创业活动中的资源风险与主体风险的调节,则主要通过社会资本中的网络来完成。  相似文献   

绿色和环保是当今社会的主题,世界各国也越来越重视环境和资源问题。开发制造业绿色产品可以使生态环境和社会经济连接为一个协调发展的有机整体,从根本上解决制造业的环境问题。然而,绿色产品开发是一项高风险性的复杂系统工程,受多种风险因素的综合影响,其中企业内部的技术风险以及企业外部市场和政策风险是主要风险,且对于每一类风险而言,具体哪些风险因素起主要作用还没有明确的结论。为此,系统地识别绿色产品开发的技术风险、市场风险和政策风险,利用因子分析方法,对上述三方面的风险分别进行信息的凝练和提取,共得到9个关键风险因子,并提出了防范制造业绿色产品开发关键风险的对策建议,以期降低绿色产品开发的风险,促进循环经济和低碳经济的发展。  相似文献   

major challenges in Europe. The EuropeanTreaties require an integration of environmental, economic and social policies in orderto allow for a Sustainable Development. This is of special importance for the linkbetween environmental and employment policy. This paper starts with a definition of thethree pillars of sustainable development, the viability (resilience) of environmental, economicand social systems. With regard to economic development and the social field,these objectives are relatively easy to operationalise: GDP and employment are generallyused headline indicators of sustainable development. The total material input into aneconomy can be seen as an indicator showing the environmental impact.This view brings about major challenges for economic theory:We include the total material input along with resource productivities to describe, explainand evaluate possible developments of economic and environmental variables.With the help of the results from a German research project weshow the relationships between the indicators, the productivities and how they can beinfluenced by policy measures. The simulation results indicate the possibility ofwin-win situations concerning the environment and employment. Additionally, we investigatewhether the developed minimum conditions of sustainable development are valid for Austria.  相似文献   

This paper surveys pressing issues facing current and future social policies in the European Union (EU) at the juncture of social justice demands and environmental concerns. European policy-makers have in fact only recently acknowledged the notions of environmental justice and environmental inequalities, which have been part of the US policy arsenal for almost two decades. Yet, challenges to equality and fairness in the environmental domain are many and growing within the European Union. After having defined environmental justice and environmental inequalities in the European context, the paper addresses two contemporary dimensions of those challenges for EU social policies: vulnerability and exposure to environmental disaster and risk; and fairness in environmental taxation and the related issue of fuel poverty.  相似文献   

We investigate whether risk, time, environmental, and social preferences affect single-family homeowners’ investments in the energy efficiency of their house using established experimental measures and questionnaires. We find that homeowners who report to be more risk taking are more likely to have renovated their house. Pro-environmental and future-oriented renovators, i.e. renovators with lower discount factors, live in homes with higher energy efficiency. Pro-social preferences as measured in a dictator game relates positively to the energy quality of renovated houses. Controlling for the energy efficiency of houses, we further find that energy consumption as measured by heating and electricity costs is lower for future-oriented and pro-environmental individuals.  相似文献   

Risk analysis studies the likelihood and potential severity of harm created by a hazard. Research suggests that public “paranoia” about environmental risks is a product of mistrust, and that perceptions should carry weight in public policy. Application of social economic's “dual self” framework suggests that the willingness-to-pay approach to deciding whether risk reduction efforts are economical is flawed in its presumption against public values, its bias against the poor and the unborn, and its neglect of risk prevention. If comparative risk analysis can minimize rent-seeking and view environmental protection as an investment good, it may improve environmental policy.  相似文献   

Scientists have argued that invasive species can be managed most cost effectively with greater investments in prevention. Further, under ideas like the precautionary principle it is reasonable to expect that a cautious manager would use more prevention relative to control because it keeps more invaders out. Yet, this is not typically done. In many cases, private and public resources are invested primarily to control existing invaders rather than to prevent new invasions. Managers frequently wait until after invaders have arrived and then scramble to limit the damages. We believe these paradoxical decisions can be understood by recognizing the link between typical human preferences for risk bearing and the technology of risk reduction. We demonstrate quantitatively how managers perceived to be cautious or averse to risk tend to shy away from prevention relative to control. This counterintuitive result arises because control is a safer choice than prevention because its productivity is relatively less risky: it works to remove existing invaders from the system. In contrast, the productivity of prevention is more uncertain because prevention only reduces the chance of invasion, it does not eliminate it, and invasion may not occur even in the absence of prevention. Managers' averse to risk will inherently avoid as much uncertainty as possible, whether the source of uncertainty regards ecological outcomes or economic productivity. Implications for environmental decision making are clear. In invasive species management, if managers act as though they are risk averse, their caution can backfire when it leads to more control rather than prevention. The social consequences of this choice are a greater probability of future invasions and lower social welfare. Our results suggest that social welfare is highest when managers were willing to “take a risk” with prevention.  相似文献   

低碳饭店的实现路径:基于环境成本控制视角的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着全球气候变化的加剧,资源环境与经济发展的矛盾日益突出,低碳经济已成为社会发展的必然趋势.正是在低碳经济这一大背景下,低碳饭店建设逐步兴起,越来越受到政府、学界和社会的广泛关注.文章在对低碳饭店的内涵和多元功能进行解析的基础上,分析了低碳饭店的环境成本及其控制机理,提出了低碳饭店的实现路径.  相似文献   

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