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建立健全汽车金融服务体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汽车金融服务是汽车业发展过程中不可缺少的组成部分。文章从我国汽车业发展的现状出发,提出了发展多样化的汽车金融服务机构,迅速组建专业化的汽车金融服务公司、汽车消费信贷担保公司,健全个人信用制度等一系列完善汽车金融服务的相关措施。  相似文献   

霍霞燕 《市场论坛》2004,(4):61-61,58
本文依据金融服务理论,深层次分析了目前我国金融暇务质量低下的原因,并从部分金融机构服务手段的实践入手,提出了完善金融服务创新的几点措施:明确服务标准、进行专业培训、利用高科产品、尝试金融创新。  相似文献   

金融服务外包发展浅析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张旭 《WTO经济导刊》2006,(10):34-35
商业银行等金融企业的相继成功上市,使其对外包服务的需求日益扩大。这势必会导致我国金融服务外包市场的需求不断扩大,金融服务外包将会日益快速发展。  相似文献   

对我国金融服务市场开放的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国全面开放金融服务市场的承诺时间的逼近,根据WTO金融服务框架的有关规定,本文分析了我国金融服务业的现状及金融服务市场的全面开放可能带来的冲击,提出我国金融服务业在市场开放进程中应采取的战略对策。  相似文献   

众所周知.自1919年第一家汽车金融服务公司诞生以来,国际著名的汽车制造厂商就是借助金触服务逐步使汽车成为大众化的文通工具,推动了整个汽车产业的前进.经过近百年的发展.汽车金融服务被不断赋予新的内涵划和扮演新的角色,成为汽车产业链中不可缺少的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

简文 《商业时代》2008,(6):26-26
近期,市场营销理论和实践的发展为创造顾客价值的共同产品服务提供了更多的机会。学者Auh Seigyoung,Bell SimonJ.,McLeod ColinS.,ShihEric提出共同产品模型,以此来研究共同产品与顾客忠诚度之间的关系,以及在金融服务背景下提高共同产品水平的要素,同时对顾客的专业性意见、顾客与顾问的沟通、顾客的感情寄托。以及共同产品水平相互影响的公平性进行了研究。在对大型跨国金融服务公司的顾客样本和进行医疗服务的病人进行测试之后,在一定程度上证实了这个模型。作者认为,在金融服务行业中,共同产品作为竞争要素发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

本文在国外的碳金融体系建立经验的基础上,旨在构建中国特色的碳金融市场体系。文章首先提出了构建碳金融市场体系的理论基础,接着初步构建了中国特色的碳金融体系,最后提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

随着齐齐哈尔新农村建设的快速推进,金融富农的新理念和新形势对积极的财税政策、农村金融产品和服务方式创新提出了迫切的要求.但齐齐哈尔在支农金融服务中还存在着农村信用社涉农资金归口工作没有得到根本解决以及经营环境的信用状况和维权状况需改善,农业银行支农贷款发放和管理难度较大,支农贷款担保方式单一等问题.推进农村金融服务创新的路径是:加大财政税收对金融富农的支持力度;提高金融服务水平;创新"三农"贷款营销和管理模式;广开风险转移渠道;加强银政沟通,开发新型金融机构,形成支持"三农"工作的合力.  相似文献   

何泽坤 《商展经济》2023,(19):81-84
金融科技在推动金融服务创新和客户体验方面发挥着重要作用,本文旨在以个性化体验为主导的可持续发展为核心,探讨未来金融服务创新的趋势。金融科技的快速发展正在改变金融服务行业,其创新驱动和数据赋能正推动金融机构的创新和发展。政府的支持和市场需求进一步促进了金融科技的发展,为金融服务行业的数字化转型提供了新机遇。然而,金融科技也面临数据安全、监管政策和技术风险等挑战,基于此,本文提出需要政府、金融机构和科技公司加强合作、加大对技术研发和创新的投资、强化数据安全与陷私保护、开展人才培养与教育等措施,以期确保金融科技的安全和可持续发展。需要解决挑战,推动金融科技可持续发展。  相似文献   

The business incubation industry in China has been booming since the mid-1990s. However, the lack of a well-developed financial services sector has become a major bottleneck to the growth of the industry. Based on our visits to 12 Chinese business incubators around the country and interviews with their executives, we present our perspective on the state of the incubator industry in China with special emphasis on incubators' financial services for their incubatees.  相似文献   


The quality of relationships built with customers during the New Service Development (NSD) process is a current concern of researchers in relationship marketing (and NSD) and is particularly important in a highly competitive environment characterised by rapidly changing customer needs like the one of financial services. The primary relationship analyzed in relationship marketing is the one between seller and buyer, but the focal type of relationship for new product and service development is the one termed “the knowledge relationship” (Gummesson 2002), a relationship used to create knowledge. This paper reports the results of in depth qualitative research on the factors that impact on the quality of such relationships developed between new service developers and their customers during the NSD process of business-to-business financial services. Results show that the most important factors that affect relationship quality are: communication quality of the relationship; the development of strong relationship bonds; the quality of relationship partners; a strong customer orientation in NSD based on a proactive approach of relationship partners during the NSD process, and proficiency in knowledge brokering.  相似文献   

中印金融服务外包的竞争格局与策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
印度是世界金融服务外包市场中居于领先地位的承接大国,具有人才、基础设施、政策、企业管理等方面的竞争优势,对中国金融服务外包的竞争产生了挤压。面对印度的领先优势,中国应抓住当前时机发挥优势、弥补不足,学习印度的经验,从政策支持、总体战略、比较优势、人才培养四个方面来提高竞争力,改善中国在国际金融服务外包市场上的竞争格局。  相似文献   

金融服务外包研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年来服务外包是一个热门话题,国内外学者从不同视角进行研究,但对金融服务外包的研究较少。本文回顾了国内外关于金融服务外包方面的研究成果,系统阐述了金融服务外包研究的主要观点和研究方向;并对研究成果从研究主题、研究视角和研究方法等方面进行评价;最后对研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   


Given the rapid increase in the consumer use of online services and the increase in competition between firms that compete online, firms are faced with a crucial challenge. Having invested significant resources in transitioning consumers from using offline services to using online services, they now need to understand what drives consumers to choose between competing online services. Our study seeks an exploratory answer to the above challenge. Specifically, we consider, “what role do factors that drive consumers into using online services play in assisting firms better compete in the online space?” This paper explores the above question by quantifying the value that consumers of an online financial service place on having access to in-depth product information, an affordable online service, an easy to use online service, access to offline capabilities, and available marketing promotions. The results reported in this paper are based on a web-based discrete choice experiment in which 2,209 consumers were asked to compare various online financial service offerings, differing from each other in terms of the relative availability of our critical factors. The results demonstrate that consumer preferences (relative utilities) for various factors of an online financial service are different. Our results enable practicing managers to understand the factors that drive consumer choice when faced with competing online services. We believe that these results have both managerial and research implications for design, management and operations strategy formulation for online services.  相似文献   

Purpose: To explore how satisfaction, communication, customization, competence, and shared values (as antecedents) influence trust in B2B financial services relationships, and to assist decision makers in this industry to manage long-term relationships with their clients.

Methodology/approach: Based on a literature review, five hypotheses were developed. The hypotheses were addressed by empirically evaluating a theoretical model based on data from both relationship managers and the clients of a leading South African B2B financial services provider. Regression analysis was used to assess the relationships in the relationship-manager sample, while structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to assess the relationships in the client sample.

Findings: In the relationship-manager sample, satisfaction, competence, and shared values were found to be significant predictors of trust. However, in the client sample, all five of the hypothesized antecedents were found to contribute significantly to trust.

Originality/value/contribution: The major contribution of this study, for both marketing academics and practitioners, lies in the simultaneous consideration of the perceptions of both financial services providers as well as their clients. As far as it could be ascertained, this combination of both exchange partners (service providers and clients) in a single study has not been reported in a financial services context.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of China's economy and the growing need for financial services, both domestic and foreign banks hope to offer the right products and expand their business. These financial products are not limited to normal deposits or loans,but also include new items,such as cash management services,trade finance and supply chain financing solutions,etc.In recent years,these new services have become more and more recognized by customers' as Chinese commercial banks focus on developing trade finance,supply chain financing solutions,and cash management services.  相似文献   


Given the extremely csompetitive nature of the financial industry in London, England it is important to understand how to conduct a successful marketing effort. A look at various financial services firms in London, such as General Electric Corporation Global, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Fidelity Investment and government organizations including the Financial Service Authority and the Bank of England help to profile several methods available to help a global marketing effort. Innovative marketing performance tools such as Customer Advisory Boards, Sales Technology Tools, and other effective performance issues are examined.  相似文献   

王莹丽 《商业研究》2011,(6):207-212
我国临时仲裁机制的缺失带来了种种弊端,作为完善路径的选择,我国可以采用"试点方式"逐步将临时仲裁机制引入仲裁体系。当前金融仲裁方兴未艾,金融纠纷解决的特性及其对临时仲裁的需求,使得金融仲裁成为进行临时仲裁"试点"工作的适当领域。在具体制度构建方面,可从临时金融仲裁的法律地位与基本原则、仲裁协议内容与效力、仲裁员选任与监督、与仲裁机构的支持及法院对临时金融仲裁的监督等方面进行。  相似文献   

湖北省碳金融的发展不能以一个统一的模式来概括,在考虑其碳排放概况、碳金融发展的主要方式、优势及制约要素的前提下,湖北省碳金融发展模式应该是以碳交易平台建设为先导,以碳服务创新为核心,以区域碳金融市场建设为目标的综合体。从碳金融发展模式的总体路径来看,三个层面应该是层层递进、协同整合的关系。  相似文献   

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