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政策执行的灵活性与原则性可以说是政策所面临的两难问题,在既定政策已制定好的情况下,要如何做到政策原则性与灵活性的统一,是要解决的主要问题,而解决这个问题的最主要的关键是如何在政策的执行中根据实际情况的变化处理好这个"度"的问题。"真理再往前走一步就可能变成谬误"。"度"如果把握不好就会在政策的执行与应用中犯与政策本意行违背的错误,把好事变成坏事,或者使得政策变成某些人滥用权利的工具。  相似文献   

赖小娇 《商》2014,(52):60-60
“中国梦是民族的梦,也是每个人的梦”.中国梦的最大特点,就是把国家、民族和个人作为一个命运共同体,把国家利益、民族利益和每个人的实际利益紧紧联系在一起.作为研究生的我们需要厘清中国梦与个人梦的关系:或对立或统一,这需要基于我们正确理解个人与社会的关系,个人利益与集体利益、国家利益之间的关系.从而更加清晰地明白作为一个研究生要担当的社会使命和要实现个人的合理需求.  相似文献   

丁长庆 《江苏商论》2002,(10):46-47
对立就是相互排斥、相互矛盾、相互斗争;统一即相互一致、能够相容、相互依存。对立统一规律是自然、社会和思维的根本规律,也是唯物辩证法的根本规律。对于管理者来说,不仅要认识这一规律,更要善于应用这一规律,善于化对立为统一。尽管在管理理论中没有专门把化对立为统一作为一种管理方法提出,但在管理实践中经常被人们使用,尤其是那些优秀的管理者在创造性地解决复杂的管理问题时经常使用。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告提出了全面建成小康社会和全面深化改革开放的目标,十八届三中全会《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》明确指出"经济体制改革是全面深化改革的重点,核心问题是处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用"、"建设统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系,是使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用的基础",提出要"建立公平开放透明的市场规则"。  相似文献   

效率与公平的差异和对立造成了它们相互依存、相互促进的统一关系,正是这种对立统一,推动着分配制度的发展.正确认识和处理效率与公平的矛盾,必须正确把握它们这种既对立又统一的关系.  相似文献   

刘成祥 《沿海经贸》2003,(11):34-35
在内审诸多职能中,监督、服务是其主要职能.这是内审的性质和对象决定的,监督与服务是对立的,然而又是统一的.怎样处理监督与服务的关系是每个内审机构、内审人员必须正视的大问题,是能否作好内审工作的关键.  相似文献   

当今面临的民族问题已经是世界瞩目的焦点。首先我们要对民族问题要有足够明确的认识,然后才能正确的分析民族问题。对于民族问题一词,学术界的观点各有不同,其主要的观点有五种。由此可见,民族问题是个复杂的问题,产生的过程也极其复杂,不可小觑,不可草率就能解决,要认真处理,认真对待。民族问题关系到建设中国社会主义事业,必须认真处理,要有深刻的认识。民族问题也关系到国家和人民事业发展大局,要始终做好处理民族问题的责任感和使命感,要本着发展平等,团结互助,和谐的社会主义民族关系。  相似文献   

文化遗产是的人类宝贵财富,也是文化旅游发展的重要资源,既要加以保护又要进行合理的开发利用。文化旅游开发和文化遗产保护是既对立又统一的一对矛盾,处理得好可以使之为文化旅游永续利用,处理不好则会造成无可挽回的损失。目前中国这一矛盾较为突出。解决这一问题的办法主要是加强国家对遗产保护的首责,政企分开,各部门密切配合及严格限制客流量等,从而实现文化旅游开发与文化遗产保护的共赢。  相似文献   

卢嘉瑞 《消费经济》2006,22(5):25-26,30
从终极目的看,环保主义与人道主义不是对立的,也不应将二者对立起来,而要具体问题具体对待,环保与满足人的最低需要即生存需要和更高质量的生活需要完全能够和谐一致。对不同地区经济增长与环保关系的处理,应采取不同原则,发达地区的环保问题要立即解决,中等发达地区的环保问题要尽快解决,贫穷落后地区的环保问题要逐步解决。  相似文献   

中国作为一个统一的多民族国家,对于民族问题的处理关乎国家发展与社会的稳定。中国共产党以马克思主义民族理论为处理民族问题的指导思想,同中国国情与民族工作的具体实际相结合,制订出符合时代变化,具有中国特色的民族理论与政策。少数民族干部政策,是中国共产党民族政策中一项极为重要的内容,对管理本民族内事务与构筑中华民族共同体意识等方面具有天然优势。本文通过对少数民族干部政策的理论基础、现实依据,具体内容的解析,探索新时代民族地区少数民族干部政策的重要意义。  相似文献   

Culture plays an important role in defining ethics standards because dissimilar cultures socialize their people differently, according to what is acceptable behaviour. The potential significance of ethnic groups for marketing justifies inquiry into the moral judgments, standards, and rules of conduct exercised in marketing decisions and situations arising from decisions whether or not to focus on individual ethnic groups within an economy. Identifying and targeting ethnic groups for marketing purposes are tasks fraught with many ethical difficulties. In a multicultural society consisting of a dominant group and many diverse, minority groups defined by ethnicity, these problems can be expected to increase substantially. Consequently, marketers may include minority ethnic consumers in their mainstream marketing programs. In itself, this has ethical consequences. Alternatively, if marketers seek to target individual minority ethnic groups within the same economy a further set of ethical consequences needs to be considered. This paper reviews the concepts of ethnicity and ethnic groups and their relevance for marketing strategy within an economy where there is a dominant group and also significant minority ethnic groups. The ethical consequences for minority communities arising from the use of non-ethnic, mainstream marketing programs are examined. An alternative approach, ethnic marketing, is also examined and its ethical consequences in terms of other groups within the one country appraised. The ethical dilemma and tradeoffs facing marketers within advanced, culturally diverse countries are then considered.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the unique role of ethnic foods in value-added food product marketing. In particular, the case of Korean kimchi is used to provide several examples of concepts introduced within the paper. When Korean kimchi export markets were disaggregated into groups of “culturally similar” and “culturally distant” markets, striking differences in the pattern of trade flows were observed. Exports of kimchi to culturally similar markets were more stable, predictable and higher volume. Exports of kimchi to culturally distant markets were more variable and had lower volume. A literature review of 28 articles published from 1979 through 1998 revealed a growing consistency in model formulation for the study of ethnic food markets. The niche markets that ethnic foods represent may be an important part of future value-added food product marketing strategies in an increasingly global society.  相似文献   

This article proposes that the term "ethnic entrepreneur" should be defined by the levels of personal involvement of the entrepreneur in the ethnic community instead of reported ethnic grouping. It hypothesizes that significant differences in personal and business characteristics will surface between the most community-involved and least community-involved ethnic entrepreneurs. T-tests were done on 112 Asian and Latino entrepreneurs split into top and bottom quartiles on the personal involvement scale. Results showed several significant differences between the two groups on variables relating to the entrepreneurs' background characteristics, business-related goals, cultural values, business strategies, and business performance.  相似文献   

从社会学角度研究民族关系是民族社会学研究的一个重要范畴。目前,国外民族关系的社会学研究理论、内容和方法比较成熟,国内在改革开放以后也进行了有益的探索。如贾春增等学者就对民族社会关系的概念、主要表现形式及衡量民族社会关系的指标体系及当代民族社会关系的调试等作出了极有价值的论述。同时学者们对民族社会学中的民族关系内涵也进行了界定,但还未形成共识。除了对民族关系社会学研究学科建设、理论探讨外,近年来国内也开展了对民族关系的社会学专题调查研究,作者们分别从历史学、经济学、人类学、社会学等视角,探讨我国当前民族关系和民族发展问题,促进了理论和实践发展。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess the restaurant patronage practices (food habits) of three major ethnic groups (Chinese, Malays, and Indians) of Singapore. A total of 390 questionnaires were distributed. In spite of major cultural, socio-economic and religious differences, the three ethnic groups have common food habits while eating out. Eating at theme restaurants is not popular across the three ethnic groups. Among the ethnic groups under consideration, the food habits while eating out differed from the food habits of those groups while eating at home. The study indicated that all three ethnic groups eat out regularly. Chinese patronize quick service restaurants more frequently than the other ethnic groups. Chinese and Indians patronize “Hawker centers” more often than the Malays. Perception of nutrition and gender has very little affect on food habits while eating out. The obtained results partially supported the Barker's model.  相似文献   

The demand for ethnic foods has increased worldwide, due to the influences of ethnic diversity, globally sourced food, cultural experiences, and media exposure. Despite the importance of restaurant choice criteria and a growth in the popularity of ethnic foods, published research on consumers' restaurant selection behavior that focuses on the ethnic restaurant segment is sparse. This research aims to fill this gap in the literature by empirically identifying the factors (and their relative importance) that influence consumers to dine at an upscale ethnic restaurant.

Focus group discussions and the literature review assist in identifying a set of factors that influence restaurant choice. A mail survey is used to collect the data. Factor analysis is applied to refine the decision factors. Logistic regression analysis identifies five significant factors that influence restaurant choice: dining experience, social status, service quality, food quality, and value for money.  相似文献   

对我国民族地区经济安全的文化思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王炳  苏林 《价格月刊》2012,(4):41-45
基于多元文化视角去探讨民族地区经济安全与少数民族文化的关系,提出了在民族地区经济发展过程中,必须弘扬少数民族文化和地方文化,突出当地少数民族的发展主体地位,增强少数民族地区经济的内生性,走少数民族文化可延承的发展道路,以此维护民族地区的经济安全。  相似文献   

杨奥 《北方经贸》2021,(3):158-160
以明确东北地区民族村落的潜在价值和旅游新模式构建为目的,为东北地区民族村落的可持续发展和保护性开发提供借鉴和参考。通过文献查阅和实地考察等方法,发现东北地区民族村落旅游开发存在旅游开发形式单一;保护力度弱;过度商业化等问题,分析了东北地区民族村落的价值特色,在此基础上,有针对性的构建旅游新模式并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines informal networks that support the British Asianbusiness community. Ethnic communities have been crucial to facilitatingthe economic development of their migrant members, as they make thetransition from economic refugees to citizens. The basis of thisinformal support is the notion of social capital offered to kinsmen whoarrived with finite resources. However, as successive generations havebecome more integrated with the wider community reliance on theseresources is forecast to decrease. Research has shown that subsequentAsian generations are developing complex relations in their attitudesand reliance towards their ethnic community (Janjuha-Jivraj and Woods,2002) it is still an area that is very active in providing crucialinformal business support. There is however, a distinct difference inattitudes between first and second generations in terms of acceptingbusiness support from the ethnic community. This issue is furthercompounded by difficulties among external support agencies inpenetrating ethnic businesses. This leads to the following questions: ? What forms of social capital are evident and how important are they in sustaining relationships within the religious-ethnic community? ? How crucial is the ethnic community in providing an infrastructure to offer support. This paper is based on a network of businesses that are members of a sub-group across Greater London. It is anticipated that the findings will help to unravel the impact of migratory bonds on community members. This in turn will provide useful information for service providers when considering how to successfully target ethnic businesses.  相似文献   

马继刚 《商业研究》2008,(6):151-154
选择昆明市最大的苗族村寨——小水井苗族村为案例,分析了其发展旅游的资源优势和面临的问题,指出该村寨的旅游开发应定位在"实地旅游民族村"的模式上,这样,可以和现有的、较为成熟的模型化云南民族村进行互补定位,形成单一型民族村和多元化民族村对比,真实型和模型化共存互补的主题民族村格局。并从区域规划的角度,从村寨旅游开发模式、开发步骤、设施建设等方面,提出了系统性的构架及开发思路,包括村寨分区建设的构想、旅游接待设施硬件建设方案,以及健全组织机构、完善村规民约、社区参与等一系列系统化软件工程。  相似文献   

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