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Management entrenchment and the cost of equity capital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the effect of management entrenchment on the cost of equity capital. Using the Bebchuk et al. (2009) entrenchment index data from 1989 through 2002, and using mainly the Ohlson and Juettner-Nauroth (2005) method to estimate the cost of capital, we find that increases (decreases) in management entrenchment are associated with increases (decreases) in costs of equity capital.  相似文献   

Recent marketing studies suggest that non-financial metrics, such as customer satisfaction and brand value, help explain the variation in the cost of equity and the cost of debt. These studies typically focus on only one non-financial metric and one component of capital cost. In this study, we broaden the understanding of the relevance of non-financial metrics to the cost of capital. We investigate the joint role of customer satisfaction, brand value, and corporate reputation for stock market beta and credit ratings, which reflect variation in equity and debt risk premiums across firms. In addition to the joint direct influence of these metrics on capital cost, we also study their interaction effects. We develop a conceptual model to explain the effects on capital costs and test the resulting hypotheses in a broad sample of 344 firms from diverse industries using data from the 1991–2006 period.  相似文献   

Traditionally economic analysis has focused on new capital investment, while ignoring expenditures to maintain or repair existing stock. Recent, broader theories of replacement have emphasized the important role played by both maintenance and utilization rates. However, the decision to extend the service life of capital has been given scant empirical attention, owing partly to a lack of appropriate data. This study exploits survey data that report annual maintenance/repair expenditures for Canadian manufacturing industries. A standard production framework, modified to incorporate endogenous depreciation, guides the econometric analysis. The empirical results indicate that the cost of capital, among other variables, has a statistically significant effect on maintenance/repair decisions.  相似文献   

We consider a tournament between two workers of different abilities who choose both human capital investment and effort. The employer can influence the workers’ behavior by determining the sequence of human capital investments, i.e. the training design. The workers can either invest simultaneously or sequentially with the favorite being the first mover or sequentially with the underdog as first mover. The results show that the outcome of the tournament crucially depends on the employer’s choice of training design and on the ability difference between the workers. If the two workers clearly differ in their abilities the employer will prefer simultaneous human capital accumulation. However, if the abilities of the two workers are rather similar the employer optimally chooses sequential human capital accumulation with the underdog being the first mover.  相似文献   

战略成本管理的精髓在于保持企业的竞争优势,竞争优势的保持要求企业在其所处的价值链上拥有核心竞争力。企业的核心竞争力由企业的人力资本状况所决定,人力资本是战略成本管理实施成功与否的关键因素。  相似文献   

We extend the literature on voluntary disclosure by investigating the impact of precision attribute of social and human capital disclosure on information asymmetry. We provide evidence on how the stock market reacts to different levels of information precision. Overall, results suggest that quantitative disclosure reduces share price volatility and increases Tobin's Q. As expected, firm size attenuates the impact of precision attribute of disclosure on information asymmetry. Furthermore, it appears that firms take into account ultimate costs and benefits to shareholders when determining precision attribute of their disclosure. Finally, our results suggest that efficient governance leads to more disclosure. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the equivalence of optimal import tariffs and quotas in a Cournot duopoly model when firms have more information about demand than the domestic government. I consider a screening model in which the government offers the domestic firm different contracts from which to choose. I show that the availability and cost of obtaining correct information from the firm depends upon the choice of trade policy instrument. Asymmetric information thus destroys the equivalence of tariffs and quotas, which prevails under complete information, and has a profound impact on how government, firms, and consumers rank different trade policy instruments.  相似文献   

While corporate venture capital programs offer prospects for direct financial returns and strategic benefits, there is little evidence regarding whether they deliver economically significant value to sponsoring firms. We take an initial step in addressing this question by evaluating direct returns of programs of U.S. information technology companies during 1990–2002. Direct gains (losses) were widely dispersed and bimodally distributed, based on IRR and net cash flow metrics. Timing of initiation within the venture capital cycle; program scale; and annual investment, write-down, and harvest behavior were associated with differences in returns. We also explore how program characteristics may relate to their attractiveness as platforms from which to pursue strategic benefits.  相似文献   

林燕华 《北方经贸》2013,(3):116-118
目标成本管理作为精益生产方式下的成本管理模式,它以目标成本控制为核心,以作业为成本计算对象,旨在消除浪费、减少质量事件。本文通过介绍精益生产方式的相关情况和具体实施,指出精益生产方式的独特之处;分析精益生产方式下的成本管理普遍存在的问题及原因;提出解决问题的对策。  相似文献   


A large percentage of companies use the discounted cash flow (DCF) approach as the primary technique for investment/project evaluation and the capital budgeting process. This approach requires forecasting the detailed cash flow of the project under evaluation and then discounting the resulting cash flow to the present value (Net Present Value–NPV) using an appropriate discount rate.

The discount rate commonly used represents the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of the firm. There is no scarcity of literature on this subject as the concept has been around for the last 50 years or so. Although most analysts believe the concept is simple and very well known, the irony is that its misinterpretation and misuse prevails. There are many versions of the WACC equation and each is specific to a certain cash flow. Therefore, using the classic WACC relationship in all cases may result in the calculation of an overly optimistic NPV. Depending on the cash flow pattern, the investment may show a positive NPV at the classic WACC but it will actually be losing equity.

This paper highlights (a) pitfalls and misuses of the WACC, (b) interdependence between types of cash flow and WACC, (c) assumptions behind the WACC and whether these assumptions are realistic, and (d) alternative approaches to arrive at the correct net present value (NPV). Company CEOs, management, analysts, and other investors using the WACC for investment decisions need to be fully aware of its pitfalls and misuses.

RESUMEN. Un gran porcentaje de empresas usan el enfoque del flujo de caja descontado (DCF–discounted cash flow), como la técnica principal para evaluar las inversiones/proyectos y el proceso de elaboración del presupuesto de capital. Este enfoque exige la proyección detallada del flujo de caja del proyecto bajo análisis y, a continuación, el redescuento del flujo de caja resultante al valor actual-Valor Actual Neto (Net Present Value–NPV) utilizando una tasa de redescuento apropiada.

La tasa de descuento comúnmente utilizada representa el Costo de Capital Medio Ponderado (Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) de la empresa. No falta literatura a este respecto, ya que el concepto ha existido ya alrededor de 50 años. Aunque la mayoría de los analistas creen que el mismo es simple y muy conocido, irónicamente, lo que prevalece es su mala interpretación y uso equivocado. Existen muchas versiones sobre la ecuación WACC, y cada una se identifica con un flujo de caja específico. Consecuentemente, el uso de la relación WACC clásica puede resultar, en todos los casos, en un cálculo de NPV exageradamente optimista. Dependiendo del tipo de flujo de caja, la inversión puede mostrar un NPV positivo con un WACC clásico, cuando en realidad estará perdiendo patrimonio.

Este documento coloca en destaque (a) escollos y mal uso del WACC, (b) interdependencia entre el tipo de flujo de caja y el WACC, (c) presunciones por detrás del WACC, y si ellas son realistas, y (d) mostrar enfoques alternativos para llegar al valor actual neto correcto (NPV). El CEO de la empresa, su gerencia, analistas y otros inversores usarán el WACC para tomar decisiones inherentes a la inversión.

RESUMO. Uma grande porcentagem das empresas usa a abordagem do fluxo de caixa descontado (DCF) como técnica básica de avaliação de investimentos/projetos e do processo de orçamentação de capital. Essa abordagem requer que se preveja o fluxo de caixa detalhado do projeto sob avaliação e, depois, desconte o fluxo de caixa resultante para obter o valor presente líquido (NPV) usando uma taxa de desconto apropriada.

A taxa de desconto geralmente usada representa o Custo de Capital Médio Ponderado (WACC–Weighted Average Cost of Capital) da empresa. A literatura sobre este tema é abundante, já que o conceito existe há uns 50 anos. Embora a maioria dos analistas considere o conceito simples e bem conhecido, o fato é que erros de interpretação e utilização predominam. Existem muitas vers$oTes da equação do WACC, cada uma específica a certo fluxo de caixa. Portanto, aplicar a relação WACC clássica a todos os casos pode resultar em cálculos de NPVs otimistas demais. Dependendo do padrão de fluxo de caixa, o investimento pode exibir um NPV positivo no WACC clássico, quando na verdade estará perdendo patrimônio.

Este artigo realça (a) as armadilhas e usos equivocados do WACC, (b) as interdependências entre tipo de fluxo de caixa e WACC, (c) pressupostos por trás do WACC e se esses pressupostos são realistas, e (d) mostra abordagens alternativas para se chegar ao valor presente líquido (NPV) correto. Visa os CEOs das empresas, a gerência, os analistas e utros investidores que usam o WACC nas decisões de investimentos.  相似文献   

This paper lends both theoretical and empirical support to the notion of optimal foreign direct investment (FDI) levels. It does so by uncovering an inverted-U-shaped relationship between FDI and human capital formation. The optimality of a particular FDI inflow depends on the educational incentives induced by FDI on the local, heterogeneous population. Our estimates confirm the significance of a positive (linear) and a negative (non-linear) impact of FDI stocks on tertiary schooling, which are exclusively relevant in developing countries.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of geographic location on firms’ capital structure decisions. We find strong evidence that location of a firm influences its capital structure. In particular, we find that centrally located firms have lower leverage ratios than do remotely located ones. Moreover, consistent with the hypothesis that those remotely located firms face more severe adverse selection problems, the effect of geographic location on capital structure is more pronounced when information asymmetry is higher. We further examine alternative explanations of the negative relation between firm geographic proximity and capital structure and show that the financial constraint effect and industry clustering effect do not explain our results. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文以深圳成份股为样本,研究公平披露规则(RFD)对证券市场信息不对称的影响。通过计算逆向选择成本,并将其与收盘价、换手率等流动性指标进行回归,同时考虑到盈余公告日效应、周末效应等,发现RFD实施后逆向选择成本显著减少,说明规则有利于证券市场信息不对称的减少。本文结果还显示,实施RFD后,前盈余窗口的信息性交易比非盈余窗口的要大,后盈余窗口的逆向选择成本比非盈余窗口的要大;而在此之前,后盈余窗口的信息性交易与非盈余窗口相比要么不变,要么是减少的,从而进一步支持了前述结论。以此为基础,本文提出了完善RFD的若干建议。  相似文献   

Integrating the literature on language-MNEs (multinational enterprises) in international business and economic theory of human capital (HC), we establish an analytical framework to systematically examine how HC and language capital (LC) jointly determine foreign direct investment (FDI). We contend that the extent to which MNEs can leverage HC in a host country for FDI depends on LC. Based on an extensive bilateral dataset covering 3315 country pairs during 1995–2008, we reveal clear evidence on the moderating role played by LC in HC-FDI relationship and such evidence is robust to different measures used for different variables, the inclusion of more control variables and different samples.  相似文献   

信息共享可以缓解供应链信息扭曲,优化库存与运输联合的订货批量,取得系统总成本最小的订货批量,降低供应链中的库存和缺货成本,有助于得出最优的库存与运输决策,提高整个供应链的竞争力。研究库存与运输联合优化中的信息共享问题不仅具有重要的理论价值,也具有极大的实践意义。但当前,库存与运输联合优化信息共享中还存在信息泄露、联合优化利润分配问题、道德风险、信用信息共享困难等一系列问题和障碍。为促进库存与运输联合优化信息共享,应多方面着手,建立信息共享激励机制,签订多边保密协议,建立分级信息准入制度,竞业禁止,建立合理的收益分配制度,实施激励定价,建立长期战略伙伴关系,建立信用信息管理体系,完善相关法规。  相似文献   

There is evidence from a number of countries that small firms encounter a shortage of long-term investment finance, particularly at start-up and initial growth. Expansion of the institutional venture capital industry has done little to fill this equity gap on account of its preference for making large investments in established companies and management/leveraged buyouts. Moreover, the supply of venture capital exhibits a high level of spatial concentration. Initiatives by state/provincial and local governments, most notably in economically lagging regions, to increase the supply of risk capital for start-ups and early stage businesses have at best provided a very partial, and often costly, solution. A more appropriate approach to increasing the supply of start-up and early stage finance is to facilitate the more efficient operation of theinformal venture capital market. Informal investors, or business angels, are private investors who provide risk capital directly to new and growing businesses in which they have no family connection. Most business angels are unable to find sufficient investment opportunities and so have substantial uncommitted funds available. There is also considerable scope for expanding the population of business angels. The most cost-effective means of closing the equity gap is therefore for the public sector to underwrite the operating costs of business introduction services whose objective is to overcome the two main sources of inefficiency in the informal venture capital market, namely the invisibility of business angels and the high search costs of angels seeking investment opportunities and entrepreneurs seeking investors, by the provision of a channel of communication between informal investors and entrepreneurs seeking finance.  相似文献   

In a one‐commodity economy populated by capitalists equipped with equal endowment but with heterogeneous linear production technology, a division of the capitalist class emerges endogenously. The capitalists with relatively weak technology, yielding the profit rate lower than the interest rate, become a money capitalist (lender), whereas the capitalists with relatively strong technology, yielding the profit rate greater than the interest rate, become an industrial capitalist (borrower). The equilibrium interest rate is derived by the associated demand and supply relation. From this setup of the model follow two essential relationships Marx establishes between the average profit rate and the interest rate: (a) that the profit (rate) sets a maximum limit of interest (rate), and (b) that the two rates are correlated in the long‐run. Lastly, the profit rate of financial sector is less than that of industrial sector due to the basic setup of the model where the industrial sector uses leverage to amplify the underlying capital profit rate, whereas the financial sector lacks intermediation technology, which would have enabled it to borrow profitably.  相似文献   

I find a strong positive association between firms' implied cost of equity capital and firm-level political risk. This effect is above and beyond the firm-level cost of equity implications of economywide political risk. Firm-level political risk contributes to elevating stock illiquidity, increases dispersion of analyst forecasts and dampens analyst coverage and these attributes, in turn, have positive cost of equity capital implications. Overall, the findings of this study suggest firm-level political risk has a non-trivial effect on increasing equity market illiquidity, increasing dispersion of earnings forecasts and decreasing analyst coverage thus increasing financing costs.  相似文献   


The roles of human and social capital in fostering societal stability and progress are analyzed here in the basis of a series of empirical studies in the Asian region, each illuminating a separate aspect of the overall question: how does culture play a part in the socio-political economy? The studies cover the response of people in the Indonesian tourism industry to radical market changes; the impact of western-inspired management tools on workers in the Thai and Vietnamese industrial complexes; the ways in which credentials play a part in regional professional networking; the impact of worsening environment threats from flooding on workforce location and organizing; the not-always-benign workings of regional business networks of personal reciprocity; and the managerial ideology of many Indonesian companies. Human and social capital are illustrated here as largely invisible but still significant catalysts in the complex dynamics of countries striving to establish their own formulae for prosperity.  相似文献   

目前我国餐饮业的发展正处在激烈的竞争之中,越来越低的利润使企业不得不将成本控制作为战略的重点之一。由于中餐的生产带有较强的主观性和随意性,这就使得标准成本的控制问题显得更为突出。针对餐饮企业的特点进行标准成本管理,分析其实际成本和标准成本的差异化,找出成本差异的原因,从而可使餐饮企业达到降低成本、提高利润水平和竞争力的目的。  相似文献   

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