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介绍了食物、食品、营养的概念,论述了食品(食物)与营养的意义及食品与营养的关系。  相似文献   

食品营养标签的解读与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《食品营养标签管理规范》的颁布和实施,标志着在我国食品营养标签开始正式走入市场,走进老百姓的生活。《规范》中的营养标签是指向消费者提供食品营养成分信息和特性的说明,包括营养成分表、营养声称和营养成分功能声称三个部分。消费者学会读懂营养标签,并应用营养标签了解更多的营养信息,选择适合自身的健康食品,有利于促进膳食平衡和维护健康。  相似文献   

通过检测食品中的添加剂,能够保证人们食用安全与营养的食品,提升人民生活质量水平。本文主要分析了食品添加剂概述,检测食品添加剂的色谱方法,色谱分析法在食品添加剂中的应用。  相似文献   

食品营养和质量安全是个人生存的基本要求,也是政府的基本责任。当前,世界食品安全形势依然严峻,保障居民食品消费量的充足、质的安全可靠是各国面临的共同课题。文章利用107个国家的数据从经验的角度对促进和制约各国食品安全的共性因素进行了实证检验。研究发现:食品保障系统的完善、公众社会参与度的提升将显著增进食品营养和质量安全;提高居民生活水平、治理腐败和政府加大农业研发投入有助于促进居民食品营养可得性;降低农业生产的波动幅度、保持农产品供应的相对稳定将会促进食品质量的安全可靠。  相似文献   

"饮食"自古以来是人类生存最基本的保障,随着当前社会的不断进步以及人们生活水平不断的提高,人们对于饮食的要求也发生了悄然的变化。除了追求口味与感官上的享受,对于营养的要求更是日趋提高,这就直接使得酒店餐饮的经营管理活动在食品营养方面提高了标准。因此,目前我国酒店食品营养的现状便成为了制约酒店餐饮进一步健康发展的主要桎梏。  相似文献   

超高压是一项具有广阔应用前景的食品加工新技术。该文综述超高压加工技术对食品中的微生物、酶以及营养和风味等成分的影响,介绍超高压加工技术在各类食品中的应用,指出目前存在的主要问题,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

据悉,前不久经上海市教委批准在上海商学院设置“食品营养与安全实训中心”。该中心在“以学生为中心,以行业需求为导向,以能力培养为本位”的教育理念指导下,按照现代食品由种植到餐桌的营养与卫生安全为主线,在食品生产、流通存储、商贸销售等环节,分别按其主要环节的岗位能力、服务功能,来进行整体规划设计与实施人才培养方案。  相似文献   

功能性面点是指除具有一般面点所具备的营养功能和感官功能(色、香、味、形)外,还具有一般面点所没有的或不强调调节人体生理活动的功能。人们开始关注食品的营养,因此,21世纪中国食品企业的生产目标应当是:既要满足人们对食品的心理需求,更要满足人体的生理需要。营养、益智、疗效、保健、延寿是发展方向。绿茶具有营养价值和防病治病的功能,采用茶粉为面点原料,加工制成的蛋糕应算是功能性面点。大力开发功能性面点,是社会发展的客观必然趋势。  相似文献   

市场前景:目前许多方便食品在带给人们方便的同时,却又因其缺乏营养让人们望而却步,因此营养型方便食品市场缺口大。香辰公司研发的"香香仔"牌系列方便米饭,是方便食品的新新贵族,它以健康为理念,以营养方便为追求目标,不含任何添加剂和防腐剂,具有食用方便、安全营养等特点,正弥补了这一市场空白。  相似文献   

在本届展览会上,协会第一次举办了"食品界院士论坛",特邀我国食品界的四位中国工程院院士:国家食品安全风险评估中心陈君石、北京工商大学校长孙宝国、中国检验检疫科学院首席科学家庞国芳,大连工业大学食品学院院长朱蓓薇,以及美国营养学院院士、加州大学洛杉矶分校李兆萍博士,就我国食品安全对食品工业界的挑战、我国食品添加剂的发展趋势、食品工业与食品添加剂行业的发展、农药残留监测技术的新挑战以及营养肠道菌群等课题进行了详尽阐述,与业内人  相似文献   

在营养训练科学理念的大背景下,以马鞍山市体育运动学校学生为研究和实践对象,具体实践"营养与训练"的理论,探索科学训练的手段与合理营养摄入相结合的途径,使"营养与训练"人才培养联动模式得到了创新和发展。  相似文献   

How front-of-package (FOP) nutrition icon systems affect product evaluations for more and less healthful objective nutrition profiles is a critical question facing food marketers, consumers, and the public health community. We propose a conceptually-based hierarchical continuum to guide predictions regarding the effectiveness of several FOP systems currently used in the marketplace. In Studies 1a and 1b, we compare the effects of a broad set of FOP icons on nutrition evaluations linked to health, accuracy of evaluations, and purchase intentions for a single product. Based on these findings, Studies 2 and 3 test the effects of two conceptually-different FOP icon systems in a retail laboratory in which consumers make comparative evaluations of multiple products at the retail shelf. While there are favorable effects of each system beyond control conditions with no FOP icons, results show that icons with an evaluative component that aid consumers’ interpretations generally provide greater benefits (particularly in product comparison contexts). We offer implications for consumer packaged goods marketers, retailers, and the public policy and consumer health communities.  相似文献   

The nutrition facts panel on food packages was designed to provide comprehensible quantitative nutrition information that would allow consumers to make more informed food choices that could result in significant long-term health benefits. This study (1) examines how accurately consumers can use nutrient information in the facts panel to determine if a product has more or less than the recommended daily values of certain nutrients and (2) offers predictions and tests of the relationships between this usage ability and product nutrition evaluations and purchase intentions. Results show that more accurate use moderates the effect of product nutrition value on consumer evaluations, as predicted. Findings also reveal that several variables (e.g., measures of nutrition knowledge, attitude toward the “facts” label) are related to accuracy in the usage task. Implications based on these findings are offered. Scot Burton is a professor and Wal-Mart chairholder in the Department of Marketing and Transportation at the University of Arkansas. His research interests include public policy and consumer welfare concerns, consumer price and promotion perceptions, and survey research measurement issues. His work has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Public Opinion Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and other journals. Judith A. Garretson is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Marketing and Transportation at the University of Arkansas. Her research interests include promotion issues public policy and consumer welfare, and consumer behavior in general. Her work has appeared in journals including theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and theJournal of Professional Services Marketing, as well as in conference proceedings such as the American Marketing Association and the Association for Consumer Research. Anne M. Velliquette is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Marketing and Transportation at the University of Arkansas. Her research interests include consumer behavior and public policy. She has published in theJournal of Public Policy & Marketing, Journal of Professional Services Marketing, and proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research as well as other conference proceedings and journals.  相似文献   

世界体系理论及其运作机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界体系理论兴起于关国,是针对全球化发展历程中资本主义世界变动的现实,吸收众多理论营养形成的一种多学科一体化的理论体系。世界体系有其特定的内涵和特征,有其自身运行的机制,是在结构变动和周期发展中,通过商品链和其中的国家发挥作用而把世界联系成一个有机整体。世界体系理论为当前现实政治、历史、社会问题提供了较新颖的分析工具。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between personal values, demographics, life style, concern for nutrition, eating patterns, restaurant patronage patterns, and required benefits. To accomplish this, consumers were first clustered into four segments based on benefits sought in food preparation and food consumption. Second, univariate ANOVA and discriminant analysis are used to determine the nature of the hypothesized relationships. It was found that benefits are influenced by demographics, personal values, concernfor nutrition, and eating patterns. The data also suggest that required benefits influence restaurant patronage patterns.  相似文献   

针对社会市场营销的现状、特点、构成和意义,指出了社会市场营销在我国计划生育、疾病控制、营养和健康促进、环境保护、公共政策等方面有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

对住院患者提供及时、科学的营养配餐,是临床治疗工作的客观要求。目前营养配餐工作经济效益管理落后,如何加强配餐的经济管理,提高经济效益,是推动医院营养配餐工作发展的关键所在。  相似文献   

基于生态位理论的旅游资源开发策略——以江西省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游资源生态位是旅游资源本体特征与环境条件互动匹配的状态,对江西旅游资源生态位的三个维度,即营养维度、时间维度和空间维度的研究与分析,有助于我们选择对江西旅游资源开发及市场定位的合理策略。  相似文献   

文化传统与经济学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方经济学有着浓厚的西方文化特色,这已成为共识。日本的经济体制及其管理经济学有其深厚的民族文化特色。中国经济学也应当体现中国文化的特色。本文提出了构建有中国文化特色经济学的几点设想,以及西方经济学如何从中国传统文化中吸取营养。  相似文献   

对大学新生进行人生观、价值观和道德观教育,要注重将理论同学生自身成长的实际结合起来,从传统文化中汲取养料,以激昂饱满的热情去讲授,同时要充分调动起学生学习的主观能动性,并在实践中锻炼与检验。  相似文献   

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