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服装营销目前主要有服装实体店和网店两种营销模式,服装网店是顺应网络时代的发展要求而发展起来的,是服装市场营销的必然选择。本文就传统的服装实体店与新生的网店两种营销模式在地理位置的选择、资金成本的投入、消费者购买服装时的感官体验、客源量的比较、购物所需时间及交通条件、购物的安全和可靠性以及销售时情感与传统文化等方面的优劣进行了深入的比较探讨。  相似文献   

王小丫与四季青零距离接触2月21日上午,中央电视台著名主持人王小丫来到杭州四季青服装市场,与四季青来了个零距离的小丫有约。在充满时尚气息的杭州四季青服装市场,琳琅满目的靓丽时装让祖籍杭州的王小丫也不禁驻足挑选。她在购物的同时也不忘与市场内的经营户沟通,特别注意到,在现今全球金融危机的冲击下,中国服装第一街的服装从业者大多选择了服装电子商务这一渠道开拓市场,活跃经济,  相似文献   

作为温州支柱产业之一的服装产业发展为什么没有带来辅料市场的繁荣?温州品牌服装企业不少,为什么知名的辅料企业却不多?温州这个辅料消费大市有多少消费是在温州本土?温州服装企业的辅料订单到底花落谁家?温州服装产业的兴起始于20世纪80年代初。从马路市场、家庭作坊、前店后厂发展到有形的服装批发市场,再到如今的有形、无形市场并举的格局,由此带出了温州地区一批各具特色的区域性服装生产基地。服装市场形成后,同时也带动了面料市场的兴起。由于辅料和面料的买家具有重叠性,面料市场的长足发展带动了辅料产业,使得各个服装市场周边的面…  相似文献   

流花服装商圈作为国内最早的服装专业市场集群,已成为目前国内规模最大、成交额最高的服装批发贸易集散地之一。经过20多年的发展,流花服装市场的经营模式已从过去较为单一的服装批发零售的交易形态逐步向集商品、信息集散与会展、物流、商务、设计、品牌孵化等综合功能于一体的市场形态发展,流花服装市场的品牌影响力不断提升,逐步形成产业集聚效应。今年4月,中国纺织工业联合会选定了流花服装市场群中的广州白马服装市场、红棉国际服装市场、壹马服装批发广场等主要市场  相似文献   

中国城服装市场是由株洲市华中资产经营有限公司经营管理的服装专业批发市场。市场位于芦淞市场群咽喉部位——株洲市府路8号,距株洲火车站仅一箭之遥。市场总建筑面积5万平方米,总投资2亿元人民币。市场以经营国内、国际品牌服装服饰为主体,集服装批零、信息交流、物流贸易、休闲购物、品牌展贸和展览等功能于一体,成为芦淞市场群服装专业市场对外宣传和招商的知名商标,成为株洲市创建全国服饰名城的一张精美名片。中国城服装市场在湖南省、市、区三级政府领导和各有关职能部门的亲切关注和鼎力扶持下,市场不断更新完善硬、软件设施设备,并…  相似文献   

随着服装业的成熟,服装市场不再是女装的一统天下,男装也获得了蓬勃发展。然而,男士和女士不同的个性心理特征决定了他们在服装消费上存在差异,了解这种差异从而分别实施相应的市场营销策略,对服装经营商而言无疑是有着重要意义的。本文基于对上海白领男士和女士所进行的一次市场调查,从商店类型和购物地点选择、原产地和对品牌的偏好及消  相似文献   

过去数月来,印度进口服装稳步增升,尤以香港和中国内地产品最为明显。在截至2004年3月为止的财政年度,印度服装进口总值约达150万美元。据印度服装生产商协会估计,印度服装市场总值153亿美元,虽然进口服装目前仅占很小份额,但正稳步上升。此外,印度零售业增长较为显着,未来5年将有多达300家中高档购物商场落成开业,其中60%集中在新德里及附近地区。不少零售业者已开始或打算从香港和中国内地进口产品,价格固然是重要因素,产品质量优良和款式繁多也是吸引人的地方。PantaloonRetail是印度首屈一指的连锁零售商,据采购主管BinaMirchandani说…  相似文献   

输韩服装面临新课题韩国服装市场,目前已成为世界服装的自由贸易区,产品来源渠道广泛,汇集了世界各地的服装,其服装档次、质量、价格的差距很大。由于该国的服装批发、销售渠道形成较大规模,所以批发购买服装的外国商人的流动性很大,具有较强的购买力。中国出口韩国的服装具有较大的发展空间和数量、效率优势,出口贸易潜力巨大。笔者认为,目前我国出口韩国服装的有利因素主要有以下四个方面:一是我国具有运途近和劳动力丰富、低廉的优势。由于韩国集中了欧洲、美国、日本等服装需求量大的国家的贸易公司及商人,而本地又具有服装批发规模,中国又因为与韩国相邻而具有得天独厚的地理优势,所以能够满足韩国服装市场需求量大、交货期急的特点。二是我国具有纺织原料与加工能力并存的优势。目前,中国服装在韩  相似文献   

本文分三部份:综合评述我国服装市场的现状;对2000年中国服装市场走势进行预测;针对我国服装工业的发展提出对策性建议。 现状部份:1.服装产量94年达70亿件。就地域分布看广州产量居首;2.服装出口额九四年已达237.21亿美元,为全球第一。出口商品结构正趋优化,价格明显提高。出口地域分布也趋于多元化。加工贸易出口已成为我国服装出口的重要形式,“三资”企业出口大幅增长;3.内销方面,我国具有世界上最大量级的服装市场,据测算九四年国内服装商品零售额超过1350亿元;4.服装进口增长势头强劲,九四年进口额已达5.72亿美元。 预测部份:1.2000年国内服装市场需求量将达到55.68亿件,商品成衣率将达80%,销售额将达到3600亿元;2.2000年我国服装出口额将达到350亿美元,仍保持全球之首位;3.由国内外两个市场决定的我国服装生产量2000年将达100亿件;4.2000年我国服装进口额将达10亿美元,以满足有较高消费能力的消费者的需要。 对策性建议:1.以服装工业为纺织产业发展的龙头,以带动整个产业的提升;2.强化服装工业的结构调整和行业管理,搞好“四个结合”;3.遵循“品质、价格、服务”原则,根据不同消费层次开发对路产品,尤其注意农村服装市场的培育、开发;4.实施“名牌战略”提高服装在国际市场的竞争力。  相似文献   

孙翼 《中华商标》2014,(11):53-53
日前,为打击服装市场中存在的商标"傍名牌"和质量不合格行为,山东省平邑县工商局组织开展了服装市场"严格品牌检查、严格质量抽检、严格诚信经营、严格市场准入"活动,把商标和质量列入检查重点,突出了打击和查处"傍名牌"和面料成份的验查,通过扎实有效的市场巡查,集中查处(查扣)服装的商标侵权和面料成份标识虚假行为。  相似文献   

大城市女性家居服市场及消费特征初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于上海服装市场,通过市场调查及消费者研究,对国内家居服消费者的消费行为特点进行了分析讨论,总结了消费者的生活状态和生活方式,以及他们在产品质量、款式、服务、价格等方面的消费特征和对购物环境和广告宣传形式的偏好,从而为国内家居服品牌产品开发和市场拓展提供了应对措施。  相似文献   

Stimulating investments whilst introducing competition is a major policy issue for European gas markets. The current Article 22 exemptions regime, which is an application to the gas market of the access holiday theory, is designed to address this issue. Though useful, the access holiday theory provides an incomplete picture. In order to adequately analyze the exemptions regime, this paper incorporates the real options theory of investments into the analysis. Combining both theories provides the properties of an exemptions regime that better stimulates investments in gas. The current exemptions regime has some shortcomings, in particular regarding its risk criterion. A better exemptions regime would grant less exemptions, but if it does, allows higher profits during the exemption. Revised version of a paper presented at the European Doctoral Seminar on Natural Gas, State University, Moscow, November 24, 2007. I would like to thank the participants, especially Martin Gilman and Franz Hubert, as well as Koen Caminada, Ben van Velthoven and a referee of this journal for their comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

随着服装市场竞争的日益激烈,终端卖场在服装品牌运营中发挥的作用越来越显著;五感体验作为体验营销的分支之一,已经越来越受到企业的重视。而目前我国服装卖场营销中的五感体验的现状是:实践领先于理论。本文则探讨了五种体验在服装卖场营销中的应用,从而为服装卖场营销中的五感体验的应用提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国服装广告诉求变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用历史比较的方法,研究改革开放以来我国服装广告诉求的变化。研究发现,在改革开放初期,我国服装广告诉求点主要有产品质地和工艺、舒适美观、初级品牌意识、名人效应、节日情感、特殊用途以及红色革命精神;如今,服装广告呈现出不少新的诉求点,主要有时尚、文化内涵、心理需求、代言人诉求、个性和性吸引。改革开放30年间,我国服装广告诉求发生显著变化,诉求重点由集中统一到百花齐放,广告诉求更为精细,诉求方式由疏离受众向亲近受众转变,品牌内涵和企业文化日益受到重视。  相似文献   

Retail Leasing: The Determinants of Shopping Center Rents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The determinants of lease rentals are of fundamental importance to real estate researchers and practitioners. Retail leases are unique in that they typically have two rental components: a base rent and an "overage" rent equal to a percentage of the tenant's gross sales above some threshold level. In this paper, we develop and test a simple cash flow model of retail lease valuation that predicts that base rents are lower with higher percentage rent rates and are higher with greater threshold levels of sales. Using a sample of shopping center leases, regression analysis indicates that these tradeoffs are observed in the market.  相似文献   

Investments in brand, and third‐party information, provide alternative methods for convincing potential customers that vendors will deliver as promised. This study uses a 13‐month panel dataset on 1998–99 Internet shopping behavior and use of information intermediaries by over 30,000 households to examine whether information use undermines brand. Individuals using price comparison sites substantially increase their level of shopping at unbranded retail sites, while they shop less at Amazon. The results have possible implications for both firm strategy and the evolution of market structure. If information weakens the pull of brand, then Internet retailing may grow less concentrated over time.  相似文献   

刘琪 《IT经理世界》2012,(15):25-26,28,24,8
这家占据OTA(在线旅游代理)市场半壁江山的巨头正尝试改变玩法,蜕变形象,以争夺更多的想象空间。  相似文献   

We analyze how asymmetric market shares impact advertising and pricing decisions by firms that have loyal, non‐shopping customers and can advertise to shoppers through a ‘gatekeeper.’ In equilibrium, the firm with the smaller loyal market advertises more aggressively but prices less competitively than the firm with the larger loyal market. Our results differ significantly from earlier literature which assumes that shoppers observe all prices and finds that the firm with the smaller loyal market adopts a more competitive pricing strategy. The predictions of the model are consistent with advertising and pricing behavior observed on price comparison websites such as http://Shopper.com .  相似文献   

This article introduces Nash bargaining into a search model to identify various channels through which vacancy affects selling price and liquidity in the resale market for houses. The model shows the various vacancy effects in the form of greater seller holding cost, lower seller bargaining power and unobserved negative attributes or stigma. We use a 20‐year data series on house transactions to test for these effects in a simultaneous model of price and liquidity, using the long data series to allow for variation across market phases. The robust vacancy effects on price and liquidity across all market phases primarily reflect greater seller holding cost and diminished bargaining power. Repeatedly, vacant houses also exhibit significant stigma effects in the rising market but not in stable or declining market phases. At the same time, vacant houses enjoy stronger shopping externality effects from surrounding houses for sale than do their occupied counterparts.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes retailers' adoption of e-commerce in a technology adoption race framework. An internet-based firm with no traditional market presence competes with an established traditional firm to adopt the e-commerce technology and sell to a growing number of consumers with on-line shopping capability. The focus of the analysis is on identifying how consumer loyalty, differences in firms' technology and consumers' preferences for the traditional versus the virtual market, and the expansion in market size made possible by the internet can affect the timing and sequence of adoption by firms, as well as the post-adoption evolution of prices. The model's implications are used to discuss empirical evidence on adoption patterns for different product categories and firm types.  相似文献   

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