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This article presents new estimates of the Greek underground economy and explores the link between the underground economy and aggregate debt. We show that the Greek underground economy has been underestimated heavily and has been on a rising trend again since Greece adopted the Euro. We also present evidence that the size of the underground economy is positively related to the debt-to-GDP ratio, implying that fighting the underground economy is also conducive to financial and macroeconomic stability. Our results suggest that for our sample of 11 EMU member countries, the loss of the inflation tax as an economic policy instrument had drastic consequences. While the underground economy did not have a statistically significant impact on aggregate debt before the introduction of the Euro, it has pushed up the debt-to-GDP ratio in our sample since.  相似文献   

This article develops a novel micro-approach for the empirical evaluation of Marx's law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. Contrary to the traditional method which uses national macroeconomic data, this approach utilises data taken directly from company reports and accounts. The principal advantage of this approach is that it provides an accurate measurement of the value composition of capital, devoid of the measurement limitations of the traditional method regarding variable capital which stem from the inability to distinguish productive from unproductive labour. A disadvantage, however, is that this approach does not cover the entire national economy. The application of the proposed micro-approach to the ongoing Greek crisis yields results which are congruent with the traditional method and reinforce other recent studies linking the current crisis with low profitability.  相似文献   

This paper uses input–Output elasticities to identify important economic sectors. Elasticities of output employment and income are used to identify key sectors of the Greek economy. A comparison of the rankings of economic sectors based on input–output elasticities with those based on net backward linkages indicates significant divergence in sectoral rankings obtained from the two approaches. The elasticity approach yields more consistent estimates of sectoral output employment and income potentials than the net backward linkage approach. Measured in terms of the potential to generate output employment and income agriculture services and textiles are found to be the key sectors for the Greek economy.  相似文献   

We explore the determinants of the Greek shadow economy, its interaction with the official economy, and its relationship with corruption. In doing so, we undertake — for the first time — an interdisciplinary review of economic and political studies on the size and determinants of the shadow economy, tax evasion, undeclared work and, moreover, of their relation with corruption in Greece in order to reveal the extent and complexity of these phenomena. We estimate the size and determinants of the shadow economy via a multiple-indicators-multiple-causes (MIMIC) approach. Our findings indicate that the important determinants are factors related to macroeconomic conditions, such as unemployment and GDP growth, and institutional factors, such as tax morale and the rule of law. We also indicate that the shadow economy and corruption are complementary and that the official and the shadow economy substitute each other over the business cycle. An adoption of policy based on these findings would lead to a successful transfer of part of the shadow economy to the official economy, would boost government revenue, and would eventually lead the Greek economy out of the depression that emerged as a result of the sovereign debt crisis.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the evolution of the major macroeconomic variables of classical political economy and the contrast with their orthodox counterparts in the quest to identify the causes of the current crisis in the Greek economy. Our analysis shows that declining profitability past a certain point leads to a stagnant mass of real net profits that discourage investment and increase unemployment. More specifically, for the period 1970–2007 for which we have detailed data, we identify the so-called silent depression of the 1970s and early 1980s, the new golden age of accumulation during which the capitalization of the production process led to a rapidly growing productivity and with stagnant or slowly rising real wages increased the rate of surplus value to new heights. As a consequence, the rate of profit from the mid-1980s onwards displayed a mildly rising trend and remained at a much lower level than that of the early 1970s. The rate of profit starts to fall after 2007, the year of the onset of the (world) economic crisis, and this continues up to 2014. Our econometric analysis based on an ARDL model further shows that the incremental rate of return, a variable derived from, and therefore strictly related to the average rate of profit, constitutes a by far more concrete measure of profitability and, in combination with the real interest rate, shapes the process of capital accumulation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games on the Greek economy. Using a small aggregate macroeconometric model we find evidence to support the view that the Olympics is an event that could successfully boost the economy of the host city by generating benefits that outweigh the preparation cost. Consistent with recent literature in this area, whilst the impact effects are quite strong during the preparation phase and the year the Games took place, the long-term economic legacy effects appear to be quite modest.  相似文献   

The debt crisis in the Eurozone has generated an intense academic debate about the appropriate policy response to the crisis. At the same time, the general public hears a variety of stories about the crisis, and especially stories about the debt crisis in Greece. This paper deals with the economic significance of stories, in particular with the importance of the Greek "morality tale." Stories are powerful in influencing public psychology, and they can affect the economy through fluctuations in confidence and "animal spirits." The paper considers the development of the Greek story through a web of related stories, fables, parables, and myths. It argues that the story dramatically distorts the reality of the debt crisis in the Eurozone and poses a threat to the global economy through its adverse effects on confidence and "animal spirits." It concludes that Europe needs not only a new policy direction, but also a new narrative about the debt crisis.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of government expenditure multipliers on economic growth utilising an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach. We provide evidence on the short‐term dynamics as well as the long‐run expenditure multiplier effects on economic growth for the Greek economy over the period 1960–2014. We find that the size of the multiplier does not differ substantially over the phases of the business cycle. Our results also indicate that irrespective of the scale of inflation, government expenditure positively affects economic growth, whilst inconclusive evidence is obtained in the case of exceptionally low interest rates.  相似文献   

This article examines empirically the relationship between stock market development, political instability and economic growth in Greece. We measure socio-political instability by constructing an index which captures the occurrence of various phenomena of political violence using time-series data. The main advantages of analysing political instability in a case study framework using time-series, in contrast with the widely used cross-country empirical studies, are: (a) a more careful and in-depth examination of institutional and historical characteristics of a particular country; (b) the use of a data set comprised of the most appropriate and highest quality measures; and (c) a more detailed exposition of the dynamic evolution of the economy. The empirical results indicate the existence of a strong negative relationship between uncertain socio-political conditions and the general index of the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) and support the theoretical hypothesis that uncertain socio-political conditions affect economic growth negatively, is true for the Greek case.
(J.E.L.: G10, G14, O40, C32)  相似文献   

Empirical studies find that fluctuations in output and other macroeconomic aggregates are positively related across countries. Economic theory focuses on two main explanations: common shocks and common transmission mechanisms. In this paper, we conduct an empirical analysis of the international influences, specifically from the U.S. and E.U. on the Greek business-cycle. First, we provide an in-depth analysis of the Greek economy, summarizing crucial aspects and trends by means of relevant econometric techniques such as business cycles extraction and periodization based on filtering, spectral analysis and causality tests. Next, we assess the long-run equilibriums of the Greek economy with the rest of the E.U. countries and the U.S. economy by means of a Vector Error Correction model. Our results imply a significant shift in the long-run equilibriums of the Greek economy towards increasing convergence rates with the U.S. economy after the implementation of the common monetary policy and increasing convergence rates towards the peripheral countries of the E.M.U. Also, the Greek GDP fluctuations are found to be caused, to a certain extent, by the EMU and US fluctuations, implying a transmission mechanism of business cycles from the EMU and the US to the Greek economy.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the role of fundamentals in the speculative episodes experienced by the Greek drachma during the 1990s, and examines whether the openness of the Greek economy has altered the role of fundamentals in the likelihood of a currency crisis. An interesting aspect of the empirical analysis is that the crises are related significantly to macroeconomic fundamentals of the Greek economy. The analysis shows that the openness of the Greek economy has introduced new elements and concerns in the predictability of speculative attacks on the drachma.  相似文献   

This article argues that the Greek banking system contributed to the emergence of a weak, uncompetitive, and ultimately highly inefficient industrial sector. This inefficiency is quantified with the help of translog cost-curve estimates for 68 firms in eight industries. The estimation shows that Greek firms operate at too small a scale, relative to their capacity, and do not exploit scale economies. It was the structure of the financial sector, as it operated within the specific political context, that led to processes that dampened competition and ultimately distorted the country's development. The financial sector's behaviour is conditioned by three structural facets: it is an oligopoly; it possesses an internal hierarchy which is fully vertical; and it is state-owned. That the financial process led to inefficiency is confirmed by examining the counterexample of efficient industrial configurations. In this case, efficient industries were able to deny the potentially harmful policies of the financial sector. In conclusion, the structure of the financial sector, and by extension the structure of the state itself, played an important role in the Greek economy.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the performance of the Greek economy during the period 1979–2001. Following the work of Cole and Ohanian (1999) and Kehoe and Prescott (2002, 2007) this twenty year episode can be characterized as a great depression. We use this methodology and ask whether, given the observed exogenous path of total factor productivity (TFP), the neoclassical growth model can generate an equilibrium behavior that has growth accounting characteristics similar to those in the data. The answer is affirmative: Changes in TFP are crucial in accounting for the Greek great depression. Our model economy predicts a big decline of economic activity during the 80s and until the mid-90s and a strong recovery for the period 1995–2001. This is exactly what happened in Greece. Moreover, the model successfully mimics the actual data with respect to the timing of peaks and troughs and the time paths of most key macroeconomic variables. However, puzzles between theory's predictions and the observed data are not missing. For instance, things are (not surprisingly for the neoclassical growth model) less successful when it comes to the labor factor.  相似文献   

This paper presents business cycle stylized facts for the Greek economy and extends the relevant Greek literature in the following directions. First, the index of industrial production (IOP) is used to represent real economic activity and business cycle conditions. Second, the behavior of certain financial variables throughout the various phases of the business cycle is analyzed in order to assess their leading indicator properties. Third, possible non-linearities in these variables are investigated and tested for their relation to the business cycle states. The results imply that the most reliable leading indicators are real Treasury bill rates. Volatilities of real short-term interest rates may also contain useful predictive information for IOP volatility. Finally, mean non-linearities seem to be associated with business cycle asymmetries in the mean. The author wishes to express his gratitude to conference participants at the 55th International Atlantic Economic Conference held in Vienna, Austria, March 12–16, 2003, and an anonymous referee for their valuable comments and suggestions. The author is responsible for any shortcomings in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the macroeconomic and welfare implications of (i) changes in the tax-spending mix and (ii) debt consolidation policies. The setup is a neoclassical growth model augmented with a relatively rich public sector. The model is calibrated to the Greek economy. The results suggest that, if the goal of fiscal policy is to stimulate the economy and increase welfare by changing the tax mix, then it should decrease the tax rate on labour income and increase the consumption tax rate. While higher public investment spending is good for the economy, it is lower public consumption spending that is found to be expansionary. The results also suggest that both tax- and expenditure-based debt consolidation policies lead to worse economic activity in the short run, but they have strong beneficial effects in the medium and long run when the consolidation period finishes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to investigate the effect of exports and inward foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic development in Greece, in the long and short run, from 1980 to 2013. This study applies the Ng-Perron and DF-GLS unit root tests to determine the level of integration as well as the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) method to identify the long-run relationship. Our analysis confirms the long-run relationship between inward FDI, exports and national income. Our results imply that any policy by the Greek Government aimed at boosting economic development through exports will have to be considered for the long run since Greek authorities cannot rely on exports in the short run. However, inward FDI appears more efficient than exports as far as boosting economic progress in the short run.  相似文献   

This article examines one aspect of ‘alternative economic strategies’ which seek to introduce planning and other interventionist economic policies in order to promote structural change. Experience has shown, most recently in France and Greece in the 1980s, that such strategies are often abandoned because of macro-economic imbalances, such as current account crises. Thus it seems that a crucial aspect of such strategies should be the co-ordination of short-term, or macro-economic, policies with longer-term supply-side policies. The interest in the Greek experiment (1981–85) lies in the fact that the Greek socialists were aware of the need for such co-ordination and their strategy for ‘stabilization through development’ and ‘gradual adjustment’ was formulated for this purpose. This article looks at the economic theory underlying this approach and the implementation of the strategy. However it is argued that the degree of control necessary for the successful implementation of the strategy was lacking. The failure of macroeconomic policy once more contributed to the abandonment of an alternative economic strategy. I investigate the reasons behind this failure and draw some lessons of more general relevance for the successful co-ordination of macroeconomic and supply-side policies.

Accumulation involves a process of continual structural transformation, a qualitative change, in which the scale, content and location of economic activity are progressively transformed. There is no automatic mechanism ensuring that this takes place in a desirable manner or at a desirable pace (Eatwell and Green, 1984: 202).  相似文献   

一国所选择的汇率制度,应是既能适应经济发展的要求,又能促进经济的协调运行。印度与中国具有大致相同的有关汇率制度变革需求的现实背景,但是印度货币当局在实施有管理的浮动汇率制度中,保持了卢比汇率的基本稳定,值得我们借鉴。目前,中国具有支撑人民币强势的坚实基础。人民币汇率制度变迁应该根据中国在全球金融经济链条中的民族利益而不是屈从于某些大国政治利益而确定。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop Minskyan financial fragility indices for the government sector and to examine the financial structure of the Greek government before and after the onset of the sovereign debt crisis in 2009. We provide empirical evidence that clearly shows the growing financial fragility of the Greek public sector in the 2000s. We also assess the effectiveness of the implemented bailout adjustment programmes in Greece and claim that the conducted austerity measures and fiscal consolidation have not significantly improved the financial posture of the Greek government sector. We argue that the implementation of fiscal and wage austerity in an economy that lacks structural competitiveness produces prolonged recession and unemployment with adverse feedback effects on the financial fragility of the government.  相似文献   

This paper uses firm‐level data to assess the horizontal impact of foreign firm ownership on domestic productivity in Bulgaria. We identify a theoretical tradeoff between technological distance (of domestic versus foreign firms) and internalization capacity (of spillovers) and examine the extent to which this is reflected in the impact on the domestic economy of different types and origins of FDI. Emphasis is placed upon the effects of Greek FDI, which is known to be of a distinctively “regional” character. We find that Greek FDI produces significantly larger positive spillovers, which appear more suitable for the Bulgarian context of transition and economic restructuring. We also unveil some notable “hysteresis” and “technology bias” effects for FDI spillovers of all origins, as well as some country‐specific ownership‐structure and threshold effects.  相似文献   

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